/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="ip"></param> /// <param name="port"></param> /// <param name="volume">The supplied value is a percentage of the maximum volume level of the device and must be in the range 0-100.</param> /// <returns></returns> static public Status Play(Execute execute, bool multicast, IPAddress source_ip, int port, uint?volume100 = null) { if (session != null) { if (!Message.YesNo("Would you like to drop the previous stream?")) { return(Status.BUSY); } session.Stop(); session.Dispose(); } Rtp.execute = execute; Rtp.source_ip = source_ip; Rtp.volume100 = volume100; Rtp.multicast = multicast; session = new RTP_MultimediaSession(RTP_Utils.GenerateCNAME()); if (multicast) { session.CreateMulticastSession(null, new RTP_Clock(0, 8000), new RTP_Address(source_ip, port, port + 1)); } else { session.CreateSession(new RTP_Address(IPAddress.Any, port, port + 1), new RTP_Clock(0, 8000)); } session.Sessions[0].NewReceiveStream += NewReceiveStream; session.Sessions[0].Payload = payload; session.Sessions[0].Start(); return(Status.ACCEPTED); }
public void Start() { if (IsDisposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name); } if (!Started) { _hTrigger.Init(); _multiSession = new RTP_MultimediaSession(RTP_Utils.GenerateCNAME()); RTP_Session session = _multiSession.CreateSession(new RTP_Address(IPAddress.Parse(_localIP), _localPort, _localPort + 1), new RTP_Clock(0, VideoRate)); session.Payload = RTP_PayloadTypes.H264; session.Start(); _sendStream = session.CreateSendStream(); _vSoure = VideoSourceCreator.Instance.GetVideoSource(_videoId); if (_targets.Count > 0) { foreach (string key in _targets.Keys) { TargetItem ti = _targets[key]; session.AddTarget(new RTP_Address(ti.IP, ti.Port, ti.Port + 1)); } startPlay(); } Started = true; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string ip = ""; //string ip = ""; int port = 20700; RTP_MultimediaSession session = new RTP_MultimediaSession(RTP_Utils.GenerateCNAME()); session.CreateMulticastSession(null, new RTP_Clock(0, 8000), new RTP_Address(IPAddress.Parse(ip), port, port + 1)); //session.CreateSession(new RTP_Address(IPAddress.Any, port, port + 1), new RTP_Clock(0, 8000)); session.Sessions[0].NewReceiveStream += new EventHandler <RTP_ReceiveStreamEventArgs>(m_pRtpSession_NewReceiveStream); session.Sessions[0].Payload = payload; session.Sessions[0].Start(); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void StartRtpSession(IPAddress remoteIp, IPAddress localIp, int rtpPort, int rtcpPort) { Dictionary <int, AudioCodec> m_pAudioCodecs = new Dictionary <int, AudioCodec> { { 0, new PCMU() } }; RTP_MultimediaSession rtpMultimediaSession = new RTP_MultimediaSession(RTP_Utils.GenerateCNAME()); sessionRtp = rtpMultimediaSession.CreateSession(new RTP_Address(localIp, rtpPort, rtcpPort), new RTP_Clock(1, 8000)); sessionRtp.AddTarget(new RTP_Address(remoteIp, rtpPort, rtcpPort)); sessionRtp.Payload = 0; sessionRtp.StreamMode = RTP_StreamMode.SendReceive; sessionRtp.NewReceiveStream += delegate(object s, RTP_ReceiveStreamEventArgs e2) { if (audioOut != null) { audioOutRtp = new AudioOut_RTP(audioOut, e2.Stream, m_pAudioCodecs); if (speakerMute == false) { audioOutRtp.Start(); } } }; if (audioIn != null) { audioInRtp = new AudioIn_RTP(audioIn, 10, m_pAudioCodecs, sessionRtp.CreateSendStream()); if (micMute == false) { audioInRtp.Start(); } } sessionRtp.Start(); }
private void btnRestartConnection_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (cbLocalIp.SelectedIndex < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Choose local IP"); return; } IsConnected = true; InitializeClient(); InitializeServer(); /*InitializeSoundSender(); * InitializeSoundReceiver();*/ if (m_IsRunning) { m_IsRunning = false; m_IsSendingTest = false; m_pRtpSession.Dispose(); m_pRtpSession = null; m_pWaveOut.Dispose(); m_pWaveOut = null; } else { m_IsRunning = true; switch (_selectedCodec) { case "PCMU": m_pActiveCodec = new PCMU(); break; case "PCMA": default: m_pActiveCodec = new PCMA(); break; } var selectedOutDevice = cbAudioOutDevices.SelectedItem as AudioOutDevice; m_pWaveOut = new AudioOut(selectedOutDevice, _samplesPerSecond, _bitsPerSample, 1); // 1 - one channel (mono) m_pRtpSession = new RTP_MultimediaSession(RTP_Utils.GenerateCNAME()); string localIp = cbLocalIp.SelectedItem.ToString(); string partnerIp = tbxPartnerIp.Text; int k = string.Compare(localIp, partnerIp); m_pRtpSession.CreateSession(new RTP_Address(IPAddress.Parse(cbLocalIp.SelectedItem.ToString()), (int)10000 + k * 500 /*m_pLocalPort.Value*/, (int)/*m_pLocalPort.Value*/ 10000 + k * 500 + 1), new RTP_Clock(0, _samplesPerSecond)); m_pRtpSession.Sessions[0].AddTarget(new RTP_Address(IPAddress.Parse(tbxPartnerIp.Text), (int)/*m_pRemotePort.Value*/ 10000 - k * 500, (int)/*m_pRemotePort.Value*/ 10000 - k * 500 + 1)); m_pRtpSession.Sessions[0].NewSendStream += new EventHandler <RTP_SendStreamEventArgs>(m_pRtpSession_NewSendStream); m_pRtpSession.Sessions[0].NewReceiveStream += new EventHandler <RTP_ReceiveStreamEventArgs>(m_pRtpSession_NewReceiveStream); m_pRtpSession.Sessions[0].Payload = 0; m_pRtpSession.Sessions[0].Start(); m_pAudioCodecs = new Dictionary <int, AudioCodec>(); m_pAudioCodecs.Add(0, new PCMU()); m_pAudioCodecs.Add(8, new PCMA()); } }
private void m_pToggleRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_IsRunning) { m_IsRunning = false; m_IsSendingTest = false; m_pRtpSession.Dispose(); m_pRtpSession = null; m_pWaveOut.Dispose(); m_pWaveOut = null; if (m_pRecordStream != null) { m_pRecordStream.Dispose(); m_pRecordStream = null; } m_pOutDevices.Enabled = true; m_pToggleRun.Text = "Start"; m_pRecord.Enabled = true; m_pRecordFile.Enabled = true; m_pRecordFileBrowse.Enabled = true; m_pRemoteIP.Enabled = false; m_pRemotePort.Enabled = false; m_pCodec.Enabled = false; m_pToggleMic.Text = "Send"; m_pToggleMic.Enabled = false; m_pSendTestSound.Enabled = false; m_pSendTestSound.Text = "Send"; m_pPlayTestSound.Enabled = false; m_pPlayTestSound.Text = "Play"; } else { if (m_pOutDevices.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Please select output device !", "Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (m_pRecord.Checked && m_pRecordFile.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show(this, "Please specify record file !", "Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (m_pRecord.Checked) { m_pRecordStream = File.Create(m_pRecordFile.Text); } m_IsRunning = true; m_pWaveOut = new AudioOut(AudioOut.Devices[m_pOutDevices.SelectedIndex], 8000, 16, 1); m_pRtpSession = new RTP_MultimediaSession(RTP_Utils.GenerateCNAME()); // --- Debug ----- wfrm_RTP_Debug frmRtpDebug = new wfrm_RTP_Debug(m_pRtpSession); frmRtpDebug.Show(); //----------------- // m_pRtpSession.CreateSession(new RTP_Address(IPAddress.Parse(m_pLocalIP.Text),(int)m_pLocalPort.Value,(int)m_pLocalPort.Value + 1),new RTP_Clock(0,8000)); string ip = ""; int port = 1100; int remote_port = 20700; //RTP_Session session = m_pRtpSession.CreateSession(new RTP_Address(IPAddress.Parse(ip), port, port + 1), new RTP_Clock(0, 8000)); //session.AddTarget(new RTP_Address(IPAddress.Parse(""), remote_port, remote_port + 1)); RTP_Session session = m_pRtpSession.CreateMulticastSession(new RTP_Address(IPAddress.Parse(ip), port, port + 1), new RTP_Clock(0, 8000), null); session.AddTarget(new RTP_Address(IPAddress.Parse(""), remote_port, remote_port + 1)); session.Payload = 0; session.Start(); m_pOutDevices.Enabled = false; m_pToggleRun.Text = "Stop"; m_pRecord.Enabled = false; m_pRecordFile.Enabled = false; m_pRecordFileBrowse.Enabled = false; m_pRemoteIP.Enabled = true; m_pRemotePort.Enabled = true; m_pCodec.Enabled = true; m_pToggleMic.Enabled = true; m_pSendTestSound.Enabled = true; m_pSendTestSound.Text = "Send"; m_pPlayTestSound.Enabled = true; m_pPlayTestSound.Text = "Play"; } wfrm_SendAudio frm = new wfrm_SendAudio(this, m_pRtpSession.Sessions[0], @"D:\_d\_PROJECTS\CisteraDesktopNotificationService\Lumisoft.Net.Rtp\Rtp Audio Demo\Rtp Audio Demo\bin\Debug\audio\futurama.raw"); frm.Show(); }