예제 #1
        static PixImage RenderSimple(Scene scene, int width, int height, Trafo3d view, Trafo3d proj, Dictionary <uint, EmbreeIndexedGeometry> geos)
            var img = new PixImage <byte>(width, height, 4);
            var mtx = img.GetMatrix <C4b>();

            var viewProj    = view * proj;
            var invViewProj = viewProj.Backward;

            RTCFilterFunction filter = null;

            //    filter = new RTCFilterFunction(ptr =>
            //    {
            //        //((uint*)ptr->valid)[0] = 0;
            //    });

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                Parallel.For(0, height, new ParallelOptions(), y =>
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        var uv = (new V2d(x, y) + 0.5) / new V2d(width, height);

                        var ray = GetCameraRay(uv, invViewProj);

                        var color = GetColor(scene, ray, geos, filter);

                        mtx[x, y] = color;
                var rayCount      = width * height;
                var raysPerSecond = rayCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / 1e6;
                Report.Line("{0:0.00}MRay/s", raysPerSecond);

예제 #2
        public bool Occluded(V3f rayOrigin, V3f rayDirection, float minT = 0.0f, float maxT = float.MaxValue, RTCFilterFunction filter = null)
            // NOTE: rtcInitIntersectContext is an inline method -> do manually
            var ctx = new RTCIntersectContext()
                instID = unchecked ((uint)-1),
                filter = filter != null?Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(filter) : IntPtr.Zero,

            var rtRay = new RTCRay()
                org   = rayOrigin,
                dir   = rayDirection,
                tnear = minT,
                tfar  = maxT,
                flags = 0, // must be initialized with 0
                time  = 0,
                mask  = 0,
                id    = 0,

                var ctxPtr = &ctx;
                var rayPtr = &rtRay;
                EmbreeAPI.rtcOccluded1(Handle, ctxPtr, rayPtr);

            // tfar set to -inf if intersection is found
            return(rtRay.tfar == float.NegativeInfinity);
예제 #3
        public bool Intersect(V3f rayOrigin, V3f rayDirection, ref RayHit hit, float minT = 0.0f, float maxT = float.MaxValue, RTCFilterFunction filter = null)
            // NOTE: rtcInitIntersectContext is an inline method -> do manually
            var ctx = new RTCIntersectContext()
                instID = unchecked ((uint)-1), // need to be initialized with RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID
                filter = filter != null?Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(filter) : IntPtr.Zero,

            var rayHit = new RTCRayHit()
                ray = new RTCRay()
                    org   = rayOrigin,
                    dir   = rayDirection,
                    tnear = minT,
                    tfar  = maxT,
                    flags = 0, // must be initialized with 0
                    time  = 0,
                    mask  = 0,
                    id    = 0,
                hit = new RTCHit()
                    geomID = unchecked ((uint)-1), // must be initialized to RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID

                var ctxPt    = &ctx;
                var rayHitPt = &rayHit;
                EmbreeAPI.rtcIntersect1(Handle, ctxPt, rayHitPt);

            if (rayHit.hit.geomID != unchecked ((uint)-1))
                hit.T           = rayHit.ray.tfar;
                hit.Coord       = rayHit.hit.uv;
                hit.Normal      = rayHit.hit.Ng;
                hit.PrimitiveId = rayHit.hit.primID;
                hit.GeometryId  = rayHit.hit.geomID;
                hit.InstanceId  = rayHit.hit.instID;


예제 #4
        static C4b GetColor(Scene scene, Ray3d ray, Dictionary <uint, EmbreeIndexedGeometry> geos, RTCFilterFunction filter = null)
            var hit = new RayHit();

            if (scene.Intersect((V3f)ray.Origin, (V3f)ray.Direction, ref hit, 0, float.MaxValue, filter))
                if (geos.TryGetValue(hit.GeometryId, out var geo))
                    var ca = (C4b[])geo.IndexedGeometry.IndexedAttributes[DefaultSemantic.Colors];