예제 #1
        //  This method of finding eye color is based of of the figure table at this link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3694299/figure/F2/

        /// <summary>
        /// Main method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string instring;

            string[] values = new string[5];

            int skipCnt = 0;        //Counter to skip first 16 lines(header)

            string rsid;

            RSID[] rsids = new RSID[5];

            //Initialize the properties
            rsids[0].id = "rs12913832";
            rsids[1].id = "rs16891982";
            rsids[2].id = "rs6119471";
            rsids[3].id = "rs12203592";
            rsids[4].id = "rs12896399";

            //Fill in 0's for the alleles
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                rsids[i].allele1 = '0';
                rsids[i].allele2 = '0';

            string eyeColor = "";

            //Holds the allele that we are working with
            char allele1;
            char allele2;

            instring = Console.ReadLine();          //Read the first line in from DNA file

            //Reads in line and sees if its relative to eye color
            while (instring != null)
                //Skips the header of the file
                if (skipCnt <= 16)
                    instring = Console.ReadLine();          //Read the first line in from DNA file

                values = instring.Split('\t');          //split values tab delimited

                rsid    = values[0];
                allele1 = char.Parse(values[3]);        //Store allele1
                allele2 = char.Parse(values[4]);        //Store allele2

                //See if rsid matches any of the numbers
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    //If the rsid is one that matters then store its allele's
                    if (rsid == rsids[i].id)
                        rsids[i].allele1 = allele1;     //Store
                        rsids[i].allele2 = allele2;     //Store

                instring = Console.ReadLine();          //Read the first line in from DNA file

            //See if rsid matches any of the numbers
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                if (rsids[i].allele1 != '0')
                    Console.WriteLine("RSID found: " + rsids[i].id + " Alleles: " + rsids[i].allele1 + " " + rsids[i].allele2); //Print RSIDs

            //If it is AG then the eye color is 100% brown
            if ((rsids[0].allele1 == 'A' && rsids[0].allele2 == 'G') || (rsids[0].allele1 == 'G' && rsids[0].allele2 == 'A'))
                eyeColor = "Most likely brown. Not blue.";

            //If AA then it is not blue
            else if (rsids[0].allele1 == 'A' && rsids[0].allele2 == 'A')
                //If CC then it can be green or brown
                if (rsids[2].allele1 == 'C' && rsids[2].allele2 == 'C')
                    //Check for possible rsids
                    if (rsids[4].allele1 == 'T' && rsids[4].allele2 == 'T')
                        eyeColor = "Most likely green. Not blue.";
                    if (rsids[3].allele1 == 'G' && rsids[3].allele2 == 'G')
                        eyeColor = "Most likely brown. Not blue.";
                //If others fail then check this rsid
                else if (rsids[1].allele1 == 'G' && rsids[1].allele2 == 'G')
                    eyeColor = "Most likely brown. Not blue.";
                //If its not that one then it is 80% brown
                    eyeColor = "80% possibility of brown and 20% possibility of green.";

            //This means not Brown
            else if (rsids[0].allele1 == 'G' && rsids[0].allele2 == 'G')
                //Check for possible rsids (blue or green)
                if (rsids[4].allele1 == 'T' && rsids[4].allele2 == 'T')
                    if (rsids[2].allele1 == 'C' && rsids[2].allele1 == 'C')
                        eyeColor = "Most likely green. Not brown.";
                        eyeColor = "Most likely blue. Not brown.";
                else if (rsids[1].allele1 == 'T' && rsids[1].allele2 == 'T')
                    eyeColor = "Most likely blue. Not brown.";
                    eyeColor = "Most likely Green. Not brown";

            //Display the final result
            Console.WriteLine("The eye color is: " + eyeColor);
예제 #2
        public void FileSignatures_TestRSIDFile()
            RSID testFile = new RSID(Path.Combine(resourceDir, "FileSignature_Emulation_RSIDFile.sid"));

            Assert.AreEqual(true, testFile.EntireFileIsValid);