public async Task Description([Remainder] string description = null) { var user = await _rp.GetRPUser(Context.User); if (user != null) { if (description == null) { await ReplyAsync($"Your description is ```{user.Description}```"); } else { user.Description = description; await _rp.UpdateUser(user); await ReplyAsync($"You description is now ```{user.Description}```"); } } }
public async Task Like(IUser user) { if (user.Id == Context.User.Id) { await ReplyAsync("You can't like your own profile."); return; } var userg = await _rp.GetRPUser(Context.User); if (userg != null) { var target = await _rp.GetRPUser(user); if (target != null) { target.Likes++; await _rp.UpdateUser(target); await ReplyAsync($"You liked the {user.Mention}'s profile \\👍"); } else { await ReplyAsync($"{user.Mention} doesn't have an account."); this.Context.CooldownCancelled = true; } } else { await ReplyAsync("... I can't find your account `hb!start`"); this.Context.CooldownCancelled = true; } }