예제 #1
        //if access denied execute: "netsh http delete urlacl url=http://+:8001/" (delete for 'localhost', add for public address)
        //open Index.html to run the client
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //generate js code
            File.WriteAllText($"./Site/{nameof(NumericService)}.js", RPCJs.GenerateCallerWithDoc <NumericService>());
            File.WriteAllText($"./Site/{nameof(TextService)}.js", RPCJs.GenerateCallerWithDoc <TextService>());

            //start server and bind its local and remote APIs
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var t   = Server.ListenAsync("http://localhost:8001/", cts.Token, (c, wc) =>
                var path = wc.RequestUri.AbsolutePath;
                if (path == "/numericService")
                    c.Bind(new NumericService());
                else if (path == "/textService")
                    c.Bind(new TextService());

            Console.Write("{0} ", nameof(MultiService));
            Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(Path.GetFullPath("./Site/Index.html"))
                UseShellExecute = true
            AppExit.WaitFor(cts, t);
예제 #2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //generate js code
            File.WriteAllText($"./Site/{nameof(ReportingService)}.js", RPCJs.GenerateCallerWithDoc <ReportingService>());

            .UseStartup <Startup>()
예제 #3
        //if access denied execute: "netsh http delete urlacl url=http://+:8001/" (delete for 'localhost', add for public address)
        //open Index.html to run the client
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //generate js code
            File.WriteAllText($"./Site/{nameof(TaskAPI)}.js", RPCJs.GenerateCallerWithDoc <TaskAPI>());

            //start server and bind its local and remote API
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var t   = Server.ListenAsync("http://localhost:8001/", cts.Token, (c, ws) =>
                c.Bind <TaskAPI, IProgressAPI>(new TaskAPI());
                c.BindTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); //close connection if there is no incommming message after X seconds

            Console.Write("{0} ", nameof(ClientJs));
            Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(Path.GetFullPath("./Site/Index.html"))
                UseShellExecute = true
            AppExit.WaitFor(cts, t);
예제 #4
        //if access denied execute: "netsh http delete urlacl url=http://+:8001/" (delete for 'localhost', add for public address)
        //open Index.html to run the client
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //generate js code (the API is empty)
            File.WriteAllText($"./Site/{nameof(PlatformInfo)}.js", RPCJs.GenerateCaller <PlatformInfo>());

            //start server and bind its local and remote API
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var t   = Server.ListenAsync("http://localhost:8001/", cts.Token, (c, ws) =>
                var pInfo = new PlatformInfo();
                c.Bind <PlatformInfo, IBrowserInfo>(pInfo);
                c.OnOpen += pInfo.InitializeAsync;

            Console.Write("{0} ", nameof(ClientInfoJs));
            Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(Path.GetFullPath("./Site/Index.html"))
                UseShellExecute = true
            AppExit.WaitFor(cts, t);
예제 #5
        //if access denied execute: "netsh http delete urlacl url=http://+:8001/" (delete for 'localhost', add for public address)
        //open Index.html to run the client
        static void Main(string[] args)

            Connection.MaxMessageSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024; //1MiB
            RPC.AddConverter(new JpgBase64Converter());

            //generate js code
            File.WriteAllText($"../../Site/{nameof(ImageProcessingAPI)}.js", RPCJs.GenerateCallerWithDoc <ImageProcessingAPI>());

            //start server and bind its local and remote API
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var t   = Server.ListenAsync("http://localhost:8001/", cts.Token, (c, ws) => c.Bind(new ImageProcessingAPI()));

            Console.Write("{0} ", nameof(Serialization));
            Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(Path.GetFullPath("../../Site/Index.html"))
                UseShellExecute = true
            AppExit.WaitFor(cts, t);
예제 #6
        //if access denied execute: "netsh http delete urlacl url=http://+:8001/" (delete for 'localhost', add for public address)
        //open Index.html to run the client
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //set message limit
            Connection.MaxMessageSize = Connection.Encoding.GetMaxByteCount(40);

            //generate js code
            File.WriteAllText($"./Site/{nameof(MessagingAPI)}.js", RPCJs.GenerateCaller <MessagingAPI>());

            //start server
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var t   = Server.ListenAsync("http://localhost:8001/", cts.Token, (c, ws) =>
                //set idle timeout

                c.OnOpen  += async() => await c.SendAsync("Hello from server using WebSocketRPC");
                c.OnClose += (s, d) => Task.Run(() => Console.WriteLine("Connection closed: " + d));
                c.OnError += e => Task.Run(() => Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message));

                c.OnReceive += async msg =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Received: " + msg);

                    await c.SendAsync("Server received: " + msg);

                    if (msg.ToLower() == "close")
                        await c.CloseAsync(statusDescription: "Close requested by user.");

            Console.Write("{0} ", nameof(RawMsgJs));
            Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(Path.GetFullPath("./Site/Index.html"))
                UseShellExecute = true
            AppExit.WaitFor(cts, t);