예제 #1
    public static void EditVertex(Rectangle ClientRectangle, int Width, int Height, GLControl RenderPanel, Point pt, byte R, byte G, byte B, byte A, bool AlphaOnly)
        byte[] color = new byte[4];
        Renderer.RenderColourBuffer(ClientRectangle, Width, Height, RenderPanel);
        GL.ReadPixels(pt.X, RenderPanel.Height - pt.Y - 1, 1, 1, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat.Rgba, PixelType.UnsignedByte, color);
        UInt32 Addr = (UInt32)((color[0] << 24) | (color[1] << 16) | (color[2] << 8) | color[3]);

        //StatusLabel.Text = Addr.ToString("x");
        if (Addr != 0)
            for (uint i = 0; i < Vertex.CurrentVertexList.Length; i++)
                if (Addr == Vertex.CurrentVertexList[i])
                    UInt32 colour = (uint)((R << 24) | (G << 16) | (B << 8) | A);
                    if (colour == ROMManager.SM64ROM.ReadFourBytes(Addr + 12))
                        return;                               //If it's the same, don't do anything
                    for (uint j = 29; j >= 1 && j <= 29; j--) //Shift all mem back one
                        Vertex.OriginalVertexMem[j] = Vertex.OriginalVertexMem[j - 1];
                    Vertex.OriginalVertexMem[0]       = new UInt32[1][]; //Set up new undo level with one combo
                    Vertex.OriginalVertexMem[0][0]    = new UInt32[2];
                    Vertex.OriginalVertexMem[0][0][0] = Addr + 12;
                    Vertex.OriginalVertexMem[0][0][1] = ROMManager.SM64ROM.ReadFourBytes(Addr + 12); //Initial RGBA
                    ROMManager.SetVertRGBA(Vertex.CurrentVertexList[i], colour, AlphaOnly);
예제 #2
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: m-racine/SM64Paint
 private void Level_SelectedIndexChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
     LevelScripts.SelectedLevel = (uint)LevelComboBox.SelectedIndex;
     LevelScripts.ExitDecode    = false;
     ROMManager.InitialiseModelLoad(ClientRectangle, RenderPanel); //init without rendering
     LevelScripts.ParseLevelScripts(ROMManager.SM64ROM, LevelScripts.LVLSCRIPTSTART);
     for (int i = 0; i < LevelScripts.GeoLayoutOffsets.Length; i++)
         AreaComboBox.Items.Add(i + 1);
     AreaComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
     Renderer.Render(ClientRectangle, Width, Height, RenderPanel);
     if (AreaComboBox.Items.Count > 1)
         AreaComboBox.Enabled = true;
         AreaComboBox.Enabled = false;
     if (ROMManager.SM64ROM.getSegmentStart(0x0E) < 0x1200000)
         TexturesGroupBox.Visible = false; return;
     groupBoxForce.Visible    = ROMManager.LevelHasLighting();
     TexturesGroupBox.Visible = true;
     for (uint i = 0; i < Textures.TextureArray.Length; i++)
         TextureNumBox.Items.Add("Tex" + (i + 1));
     TextureNumBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
예제 #3
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: m-racine/SM64Paint
 private void LevelArea_SelectedIndexChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Renderer.LevelArea = (uint)AreaComboBox.SelectedIndex;
     ROMManager.InitialiseModelLoad(ClientRectangle, RenderPanel, Width, Height);
     if (ROMManager.SM64ROM.getSegmentStart(0x0E) >= 0x1200000)
예제 #4
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: m-racine/SM64Paint
        private void ImportTexture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int index = TextureNumBox.SelectedIndex;
            // Displays an OpenFileDialog so the user can select a Cursor.
            OpenFileDialog OpenTexture = OFD();

            OpenTexture.Filter = "Image Files|*.png;*.bmp;*.jpg";
            OpenTexture.Title  = "Select a texture image file";
            if (OpenTexture.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                Bitmap TextureBMP  = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(OpenTexture.FileName);
                double widthpower  = Math.Log(TextureBMP.Width, 2);
                double heightpower = Math.Log(TextureBMP.Height, 2);
                if ((widthpower % 1) != 0 || (heightpower % 1) != 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Only texture sizes in powers of 2 \n(ie 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x64) are supported!", "Invalid texture resolution");
                Vector2 originalpowers = Textures.getWidthHeightPowers(index);
                if ((Math.Pow(2, originalpowers.X) * Math.Pow(2, originalpowers.Y)) < (Math.Pow(2, widthpower) * Math.Pow(2, heightpower)))
                    MessageBox.Show("Texture is beyond the max data for this tile! \nTry lowering resolution or bitsize.", "Texture data too large!");
                else if (TexFormatBox.SelectedIndex == 2 && ((Math.Pow(2, originalpowers.X) * Math.Pow(2, originalpowers.Y)) < (Math.Pow(2, widthpower + 1) * Math.Pow(2, heightpower)))) //CI4 needs twice data atm for palette
                    MessageBox.Show("Texture is beyond the max data for this tile! \nTry lowering resolution or bitsize.\n(CI needs extra data for palette and commands)", "Texture data too large!");
                else if (TexFormatBox.SelectedIndex == 2 && BitsizeBox.SelectedIndex == 0 && Textures.getImageColors(TextureBMP).Length > 16)
                    MessageBox.Show("Texture has too many colours for CI4.\nPlease reduce colour count to 16."); return;
                Textures.ResizeTexture(index, Convert.ToInt32(widthpower), Convert.ToInt32(heightpower));
                Textures.ImportBMPtoTexture(TextureBMP, index);
                UInt32[] F5CMDs = Textures.F5CMDArray[TextureNumBox.SelectedIndex]; ROM SM64ROM = ROMManager.SM64ROM;
                ROMManager.InitialiseModelLoad(ClientRectangle, RenderPanel, Width, Height);
                int    width           = TextureBMP.Width;
                int    selectedbitsize = (int)(4 * Math.Pow(2, BitsizeBox.SelectedIndex));
                ushort linesperword    = Convert.ToUInt16((64d * 2048d) / ((double)TextureBMP.Width * selectedbitsize));
                ushort texelcount      = (ushort)((double)(TextureBMP.Width * TextureBMP.Height) * ((double)selectedbitsize / 16d) - 1);
                for (uint i = 0; i < F5CMDs.Length; i++) //Update F5 scanline width
                    uint F5 = F5CMDs[i];
                    if (SM64ROM.getByte(F5 - 0x10) == 0xF3)
                        SM64ROM.WriteEightBytes(F5 - 0x10, 0xF300000007000000 | (uint)(texelcount << 12) | linesperword);
                    SM64ROM.WriteTwoBytes(F5 + 1, (ushort)((SM64ROM.ReadTwoBytes(F5CMDs[i] + 1) & 0xFC00) | ((width * selectedbitsize / 64) << 1)));
예제 #5
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: m-racine/SM64Paint
        private void TPropertiesBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Textures.FirstTexLoad || ROMManager.SM64ROM == null)
            uint index      = (uint)TextureNumBox.SelectedIndex;
            byte TParamByte = ROMManager.SM64ROM.getByte(Textures.F5CMDArray[index][0] + 5);
            int  Tparam     = ((TParamByte >> 2) & 0x03);
            int  dif        = TPropertiesBox.SelectedIndex - Tparam;

            for (uint i = 0; i < Textures.F5CMDArray[index].Length; i++)
                ROMManager.SM64ROM.changeByte(Textures.F5CMDArray[index][i] + 5, (byte)(TParamByte + (dif * 4)));
            }                                                                                                     //*4 for << 2 with negative carried
            ROMManager.InitialiseModelLoad(ClientRectangle, RenderPanel, Width, Height);
예제 #6
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: m-racine/SM64Paint
        private void SPropertiesBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Textures.FirstTexLoad || ROMManager.SM64ROM == null)
            uint index      = (uint)TextureNumBox.SelectedIndex;
            byte SParamByte = ROMManager.SM64ROM.getByte(Textures.F5CMDArray[index][0] + 6);
            int  Sparam     = (SParamByte & 0x03);
            int  dif        = SPropertiesBox.SelectedIndex - Sparam;

            for (uint i = 0; i < Textures.F5CMDArray[index].Length; i++)
                ROMManager.SM64ROM.changeByte(Textures.F5CMDArray[index][i] + 6, (byte)(SParamByte + dif));
            ROMManager.InitialiseModelLoad(ClientRectangle, RenderPanel, Width, Height);
예제 #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ROMManager.SetMapper(new Mapper000());

            ROMManager.AddPrgBank(0, (id, bank) => {
                EngineStuff(id, bank);
                Scenes(id, bank);

            ROMManager.AddChrBank(0, (id, bank) => {

            var engine = Module <Engine>();

            ROMManager.SetInterrupts(engine.NMI, engine.Reset, engine.IRQ);
예제 #8
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: m-racine/SM64Paint
        private void BitsizeBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Textures.FirstTexLoad || ROMManager.SM64ROM == null)
            ROM SM64ROM = ROMManager.SM64ROM;

            UInt32[] F5CMDs      = Textures.F5CMDArray[TextureNumBox.SelectedIndex];
            byte     BitsizeByte = SM64ROM.getByte(F5CMDs[0] + 1);
            int      BitsizePWR  = ((BitsizeByte >> 3) & 0x03);
            int      dif         = BitsizeBox.SelectedIndex - BitsizePWR;
            byte     bitsize     = (byte)(BitsizeByte + (dif * 8)); //*8 for << 3 with negative carried

            for (uint i = 0; i < F5CMDs.Length; i++)
                SM64ROM.changeByte(F5CMDs[i] + 1, bitsize);
            uint[] F5CMD           = Textures.F5CMDArray[(uint)TextureNumBox.SelectedIndex];
            byte   WidthsizeByte   = SM64ROM.getByte(F5CMD[0] + 7);
            ushort HeightsizeShort = SM64ROM.ReadTwoBytes(F5CMD[0] + 5);
            int    ogHeightPower   = (HeightsizeShort >> 6 & 0x0F);
            int    ogWidthPower    = (WidthsizeByte >> 4);

            if (ogWidthPower < ogHeightPower)
                Textures.ResizeTexture(TextureNumBox.SelectedIndex, ogWidthPower - dif, ogHeightPower);
                Textures.ResizeTexture(TextureNumBox.SelectedIndex, ogWidthPower, ogHeightPower - dif);
            if (!WaitToRender)
                ROMManager.InitialiseModelLoad(ClientRectangle, RenderPanel, Width, Height);
            if (!WaitToRender)
예제 #9
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: m-racine/SM64Paint
        private void ForceVertRGBAButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DialogResult warningchoice = MessageBox.Show("Forcing VertRGBA should only be done on levels imported with SM64e and not modified. This is NOT safe and you" +
                                                         " should back up your ROM in case. Force VertRGBA?", "Warning!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

            if (warningchoice == DialogResult.No)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            if (!ForceOpaqueRGBA.Checked)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
예제 #10
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: m-racine/SM64Paint
        private void OpenROM()
            // Displays an OpenFileDialog so the user can select a Cursor.
            OpenFileDialog OpenROM = OFD();

            OpenROM.Filter = "ROM Files|*.z64;*.rom;*.v64;*.n64";
            OpenROM.Title  = "Select a SM64 ROM File";
            if (OpenROM.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                bool isSM64ROM = false;
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(OpenROM.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    byte[] Header = new byte[0x40]; fs.Read(Header, 0, 0x40); //Load header into bytearray
                    if (Header[0x3c] == 0x53 && Header[0x3d] == 0x4D && Header[0x3e] == 0x45 && Header[0x3f] == 0)
                        isSM64ROM = true;                                                                                            //Check if header is correct
                if (isSM64ROM)
                    ROMManager.LoadROM(OpenROM.FileName, ClientRectangle, RenderPanel, Width, Height);
                    SaveROMAs.Enabled     = true; SaveROMAs.Enabled = true;
                    currentROMPath        = OpenROM.FileName;
                    LevelComboBox.Enabled = true;
                    String[] LevelList = LevelScripts.getLevelList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < LevelList.Length; i++)
                    LevelComboBox.SelectedIndex = 12;
                    ControlPanel.Visible        = true;
                    ViewMenu.Visible            = true;
                    MessageBox.Show("File is not a SM64 US ROM! Please try again.", "Invalid File!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
예제 #11
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: m-racine/SM64Paint
        private void TexFormatBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WaitToRender = true;
            if (Textures.FirstTexLoad || ROMManager.SM64ROM == null)
                WaitToRender = false; return;
            uint index      = (uint)TextureNumBox.SelectedIndex;
            byte FormatByte = ROMManager.SM64ROM.getByte(Textures.F5CMDArray[index][0] + 1);
            int  Format     = FormatByte >> 5;
            int  dif        = TexFormatBox.SelectedIndex - Format;

            for (uint i = 0; i < Textures.F5CMDArray[index].Length; i++)
                ROMManager.SM64ROM.changeByte(Textures.F5CMDArray[index][i] + 1, (byte)(FormatByte + (dif * 32)));
            }                                                                                                    //*32 for << 5 with negative carried
            ROMManager.InitialiseModelLoad(ClientRectangle, RenderPanel, Width, Height);
            WaitToRender = false;
예제 #12
    public static void RevertCI(int index)
        if (!isTextureCI(index))
        UInt32[] F5CMDs = F5CMDArray[index]; ROM SM64ROM = ROMManager.SM64ROM;
        uint     texaddr = 0;

        for (uint i = 0; i < F5CMDs.Length; i++) //Update F5 scanline width
            uint F5 = F5CMDs[i];
            if (SM64ROM.ReadFourBytes(F5 - 0x28) == 0x06000000)
                UInt32 Jumpaddr = SM64ROM.getSegmentStart(0x0E) + (SM64ROM.ReadFourBytes(F5 - 0x24) & 0xFFFFFF);
                texaddr = SM64ROM.ReadFourBytes(Jumpaddr + 0x2C);
                UInt64 FDCMD = 0xFD10000000000000 | texaddr;
                SM64ROM.WriteEightBytes(F5 - 0x28, FDCMD); //write FD cmd over 06 cmd
                UInt32 NextF3CMD = ROMManager.findu32(F5, 0xF3000000, true);
                if (NextF3CMD != 0 && SM64ROM.ReadFourBytes(NextF3CMD - 8) == 0x06000000)
                    SM64ROM.WriteEightBytes(NextF3CMD - 8, 0xE600000000000000);
        byte   WidthsizeByte   = SM64ROM.getByte(F5CMDs[0] + 7);
        ushort HeightsizeShort = SM64ROM.ReadTwoBytes(F5CMDs[0] + 5);
        int    ogHeightPower   = (HeightsizeShort >> 6 & 0x0F);
        int    ogWidthPower    = (WidthsizeByte >> 4);

        if (ogWidthPower <= ogHeightPower)
            ResizeTexture(index, ogWidthPower + 1, ogHeightPower, out bool isFailedtoResize);                                //double res x
            ResizeTexture(index, ogWidthPower, ogHeightPower + 1, out bool isFailedToResize);  //double res y
예제 #13
        public static void CompileRom(bool useDefaultROM)
            foreach (Form editor in editorTable.Values)
                if (editor is LevelEditor)
                else if (editor is WorldEditor)

            ROMManager     romMan = new ROMManager();
            SaveFileDialog SFD    = new SaveFileDialog();

            SFD.Filter = "NES ROM Images|*.nes";
            if (useDefaultROM && ProjectController.ProjectManager.CurrentProject.ROMFile.Length > 0 && File.Exists(ProjectController.ProjectManager.CurrentProject.ROMFile))
                int remaining = romMan.CompileRom(ProjectController.ProjectManager.CurrentProject.ROMFile, true);
                MessageBox.Show("ROM successfully compiled.\nLevel space remaining: " + remaining + " bytes");
            else if (SFD.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                if (SFD.FileName != ProjectController.ProjectManager.CurrentProject.ROMFile)
                    DialogResult dr = DialogResult.None;
                    dr = MessageBox.Show("Would you like to set this ROM as your project ROM? All compiles will save to this ROM.", "Default ROM", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

                    if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
                        ProjectController.ProjectManager.CurrentProject.ROMFile = SFD.FileName;
                romMan.CompileRom(SFD.FileName, true);
예제 #14
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: m-racine/SM64Paint
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            for (uint j = 29; j >= 1 && j <= 29; j--) //Shift all mem back one
                Vertex.OriginalVertexMem[j] = Vertex.OriginalVertexMem[j - 1];
            Vertex.OriginalVertexMem[0] = new UInt32[Vertex.CurrentVertexList.Length][]; //Set up new undo level with all combos
            for (uint i = 0; i < Vertex.CurrentVertexList.Length; i++)
                Vertex.OriginalVertexMem[0][i]    = new UInt32[2];
                Vertex.OriginalVertexMem[0][i][0] = Vertex.CurrentVertexList[i] + 12;
                Vertex.OriginalVertexMem[0][i][1] = ROMManager.SM64ROM.ReadFourBytes(Vertex.CurrentVertexList[i] + 12); //Initial RGBA
            byte   R      = (byte)Math.Round(RedNum.Value * ((decimal)Brightness.Value / 100));
            byte   G      = (byte)Math.Round(GreenNum.Value * ((decimal)Brightness.Value / 100));
            byte   B      = (byte)Math.Round(BlueNum.Value * ((decimal)Brightness.Value / 100));
            byte   A      = (byte)AlphaNum.Value;
            UInt32 colour = (uint)((R << 24) | (G << 16) | (B << 8) | A);

            for (int i = 0; i < Vertex.CurrentVertexList.Length; i++)
                ROMManager.SetVertRGBA(Vertex.CurrentVertexList[i], colour);