예제 #1
        /// <summary>Shrinks the RGBBox to be the tighest fitted box given the points inside.
        /// Also updates the volume of box
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box"></param>
        private void Shrink(ref RGBBox box)
            int rmin = 255, rmax = 0;
            int gmin = 255, gmax = 0;
            int bmin = 255, bmax = 0;

            int color, red, green, blue;

            for (int i = box.lower; i <= box.upper; i++)
                color = histPtr[i];
                red   = Red(color);
                green = Green(color);
                blue  = Blue(color);

                //Update the min and max values for each color
                rmax = (red > rmax) ? red : rmax;
                rmin = (red < rmin) ? red : rmin;

                gmax = (green > gmax) ? green : gmax;
                gmin = (green < gmin) ? green : gmin;

                bmax = (blue > bmax) ? blue : bmax;
                bmin = (blue < bmin) ? blue : bmin;

            box.rmax = rmax;
            box.rmin = rmin;
            box.gmax = gmax;
            box.gmin = gmin;
            box.bmax = bmax;
            box.bmin = bmin;

            box.volume = ((rmax - rmin) + 1) * ((gmax - gmin) + 1) * ((bmax - bmin) + 1);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>Returns the average color for all points in the box
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void GetBoxAverageColor(RGBBox box, out int r, out int g, out int b)
            int rtot = 0, gtot = 0, btot = 0;

            if (box == null)
                MessageBoxResult result1 = MessageBox.Show("Ten obraz został już skwantowany. Nie możesz już powtórzyć procesu na tym pliku!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                if (result1 == MessageBoxResult.OK)
                    string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
                    path = path.Replace(@"\", "/");
                    Process.Start(path + "WhitePhoto.exe");
                    // goto Stop;

            //Sum the red, green, and blue components of all points in the box
            for (int i = box.lower; i <= box.upper; i++)
                rtot += Red(histPtr[i]) * histogram[histPtr[i]];
                gtot += Green(histPtr[i]) * histogram[histPtr[i]];
                btot += Blue(histPtr[i]) * histogram[histPtr[i]];

            r = rtot / box.count;
            g = gtot / box.count;
            b = btot / box.count;

            if (grayscale)   //Use grayscale if we're quantizing in grayscale
                int color = (int)(0.212 * r) + (int)(0.7512 * g) + (int)(0.0722 * b);
                r = g = b = color;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>Returns the median location of pixels in box, also sets count to be the # of pixels
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box"></param>
        /// <param name="count"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int FindMedianLocation(RGBBox box, ref int count)
            int lenr, leng, lenb;

            LongAxis longdim;

            lenr = box.rmax - box.rmin;
            leng = box.gmax - box.gmin;
            lenb = box.bmax - box.bmin;

            if (lenr >= leng && lenr >= lenb)
                longdim = LongAxis.Red;
            else if (leng >= lenr && leng >= lenb)
                longdim = LongAxis.Green;
                longdim = LongAxis.Blue;

            //Uses a delegate to correctly sort histPointer along the longest dimension
            histPtr.Sort(box.lower, box.upper - box.lower + 1, Comparer <int> .Create((int x, int y) =>
                int n1, n2;
                switch (longdim)
                case LongAxis.Red:
                    n1 = Red(x);
                    n2 = Red(y);

                case LongAxis.Green:
                    n1 = Green(x);
                    n2 = Green(y);

                default:     // Blue case
                    n1 = Blue(x);
                    n2 = Blue(y);
                return(n1 - n2);

            count = 0;
            int i;

            for (i = box.lower; i < box.upper; i++)
                if (count >= box.count / 2)
                count += histogram[histPtr[i]];

예제 #4
        /// <summary>Begins the median cut portion of the quantization
        /// </summary>
        private void BeginMedianCutQuantization()
            RGBBox box, boxA = null, boxB = null;
            int    color = 0;

            box = new RGBBox(0, 31, 0, 31, 0, 31);

            //Contruct the intial cube, which encloses all colors in the image
            for (int i = 0; i < HSIZE; i++)
                if (histogram[i] != 0)
                    box.count += histogram[i];
            box.lower = 0;
            box.upper = color - 1;
            Shrink(ref box);

            list[boxcount] = box;

            int splitloc, median, level, count = 0;

            if (colorPalette == null)
                while (boxcount < maxboxes)
                    level    = 255;
                    splitloc = -1;

                    for (int k = 0; k < boxcount; k++)
                        if (list[k].lower == list[k].upper)
                        else if (list[k].level < level)
                            level    = list[k].level;
                            splitloc = k;
                    if (splitloc == -1)

                    box = list[splitloc];

                    median = FindMedianLocation(box, ref count);

                    //Create box A which is the first half of the split of box
                    boxA       = new RGBBox();
                    boxA.count = count;
                    boxA.lower = box.lower;
                    boxA.upper = median - 1;
                    boxA.level = box.level + 1;
                    Shrink(ref boxA);
                    list[splitloc] = boxA; //Replace old box with box A

                    //Box b which will contain the upper points in box
                    boxB       = new RGBBox();
                    boxB.count = box.count - count;
                    boxB.lower = median;
                    boxB.upper = box.upper;
                    boxB.level = box.level + 1;
                    Shrink(ref boxB);
                    list[boxcount++] = boxB; //Add b to the end of the list

            origHis = (int[])histogram.Clone();
        /// <summary>Shrinks the RGBBox to be the tighest fitted box given the points inside.
        /// Also updates the volume of box
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box"></param>
        private void Shrink( ref RGBBox box )
            int rmin = 255, rmax = 0;
            int gmin = 255, gmax = 0;
            int bmin = 255, bmax = 0;

            int color, red, green, blue;

            for ( int i = box.lower; i <= box.upper; i++ )
                color = histPtr[i];
                red = Red(color);
                green = Green(color);
                blue = Blue(color);

                //Update the min and max values for each color
                rmax = (red > rmax) ? red : rmax;
                rmin = (red < rmin) ? red : rmin;

                gmax = (green > gmax) ? green : gmax;
                gmin = (green < gmin) ? green : gmin;

                bmax = (blue > bmax) ? blue : bmax;
                bmin = (blue < bmin) ? blue : bmin;

            box.rmax = rmax;
            box.rmin = rmin;
            box.gmax = gmax;
            box.gmin = gmin;
            box.bmax = bmax;
            box.bmin = bmin;

            box.volume = ((rmax - rmin) + 1) * ((gmax - gmin) + 1) * ((bmax - bmin) + 1);
        /// <summary>Returns the average color for all points in the box
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void GetBoxAverageColor( RGBBox box, out int r, out int g, out int b )
            int rtot = 0, gtot = 0, btot = 0;

            //Sum the red, green, and blue components of all points in the box
            for ( int i = box.lower; i <= box.upper; i++ )
                rtot += Red(histPtr[i]) * histogram[histPtr[i]];
                gtot += Green(histPtr[i]) * histogram[histPtr[i]];
                btot += Blue(histPtr[i]) * histogram[histPtr[i]];

            r = rtot / box.count;
            g = gtot / box.count;
            b = btot / box.count;

            if ( grayscale ) //Use grayscale if we're quantizing in grayscale
                int color = (int) (0.212 * r) + (int) (0.7512 * g) + (int) (0.0722 * b);
                r = g = b = color;
        /// <summary>Returns the median location of pixels in box, also sets count to be the # of pixels
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box"></param>
        /// <param name="count"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int FindMedianLocation( RGBBox box, ref int count )
            int lenr, leng, lenb;

            LongAxis longdim;

            lenr = box.rmax - box.rmin;
            leng = box.gmax - box.gmin;
            lenb = box.bmax - box.bmin;

            if ( lenr >= leng && lenr >= lenb )
                longdim = LongAxis.Red;
            else if ( leng >= lenr && leng >= lenb )
                longdim = LongAxis.Green;
                longdim = LongAxis.Blue;

            //Uses a delegate to correctly sort histPointer along the longest dimension
            histPtr.Sort(box.lower, box.upper - box.lower + 1, Comparer<int>.Create(( int x, int y ) =>
                int n1, n2;
                switch ( longdim )
                    case LongAxis.Red:
                        n1 = Red(x);
                        n2 = Red(y);
                    case LongAxis.Green:
                        n1 = Green(x);
                        n2 = Green(y);
                    default: // Blue case
                        n1 = Blue(x);
                        n2 = Blue(y);
                return n1 - n2;

            count = 0;
            int i;
            for ( i = box.lower; i < box.upper; i++ )
                if ( count >= box.count / 2 )
                count += histogram[histPtr[i]];

            return i;
        /// <summary>Begins the median cut portion of the quantization
        /// </summary>
        private void BeginMedianCutQuantization()
            RGBBox box, boxA = null, boxB = null;
            int color = 0;
            box = new RGBBox(0, 31, 0, 31, 0, 31);

            //Contruct the intial cube, which encloses all colors in the image
            for ( int i = 0; i < HSIZE; i++ )
                if ( histogram[i] != 0 )
                    box.count += histogram[i];
            box.lower = 0;
            box.upper = color - 1;
            Shrink(ref box);

            list[boxcount] = box;

            int splitloc, median, level, count = 0;

            if ( colorPalette == null )
                while ( boxcount < maxboxes )
                    level = 255;
                    splitloc = -1;

                    for ( int k = 0; k < boxcount; k++ )
                        if ( list[k].lower == list[k].upper )
                        else if ( list[k].level < level )
                            level = list[k].level;
                            splitloc = k;
                    if ( splitloc == -1 )

                    box = list[splitloc];

                    median = FindMedianLocation(box, ref count);

                    //Create box A which is the first half of the split of box
                    boxA = new RGBBox();
                    boxA.count = count;
                    boxA.lower = box.lower;
                    boxA.upper = median - 1;
                    boxA.level = box.level + 1;
                    Shrink(ref boxA);
                    list[splitloc] = boxA; //Replace old box with box A

                    //Box b which will contain the upper points in box
                    boxB = new RGBBox();
                    boxB.count = box.count - count;
                    boxB.lower = median;
                    boxB.upper = box.upper;
                    boxB.level = box.level + 1;
                    Shrink(ref boxB);
                    list[boxcount++] = boxB; //Add b to the end of the list

            origHis = (int[]) histogram.Clone();