public void Start() { Bass.BASS_Init(-1, 44100, BASSInit.BASS_DEVICE_DEFAULT, IntPtr.Zero); Bass.BASS_RecordInit(-1); _myRecProc = new RECORDPROC(MyRecording); int inputsource = 0; int settings = 0; float vol = 0; while (settings != -1) { settings = Bass.BASS_RecordGetInput(inputsource, ref vol); if (Bass.BASS_RecordGetInputName(inputsource) == "Speakers") { break; } inputsource++; } Bass.BASS_RecordSetInput(inputsource, BASSInput.BASS_INPUT_ON, 0.5F); int recChannel = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, BASSFlag.BASS_RECORD_PAUSE, 50, _myRecProc, IntPtr.Zero); Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(recChannel, false); }
BASSTimer timerBPM = new BASSTimer(20); //New instance of a timer from the Bass Lib (interval for a Tick event 20ms) // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { if (Bass.BASS_RecordInit(-1)) //If the default device(-1) is initializaed successfully { Debug.Log("Device initialized"); //Tell that the device can be used _myRecProc = new RECORDPROC(MyRecording); //Set _myRecProc as the code from MyRecording //Get channel handle (Record at samplerate,with num of channels,Start the recording paused,User instance data to pass to the callback function) recHandle = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, BASSFlag.BASS_RECORD_PAUSE, _myRecProc, IntPtr.Zero); //start recording but paused AND set recHandle = to recording's handle Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(recHandle, false); //resume playback of (recHandle,don't restart from beggining) Debug.Log("recHandle:" + recHandle.ToString()); //Show the handle ID //get samplerate BASS_CHANNELINFO info = new BASS_CHANNELINFO(); //create a new info instance Bass.BASS_ChannelGetInfo(recHandle, info); //Retrieve info of the channel (channel to get info from, where to store info) Debug.Log("Channels: " + info.chans.ToString() + " Freq: " + info.freq.ToString()); if (Bass.BASS_ChannelIsActive(recHandle) == BASSActive.BASS_ACTIVE_PLAYING) //Check if the channel is active { Debug.Log("The Channel is playing/recording"); } timerBPM.Tick += timerBPM_Tick; //Define the callback function for the timer //if I have a got a recHandle && the playback status of the recHandle is successful if (recHandle != 0 && Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(recHandle, false)) { _bpm.Reset(info.freq); //set bpm frequency to the one retrieved from the channel this.timerBPM.Start(); //Start the timer } } else { Debug.Log("Device could not be initialized"); //Tell that the operation failed } }
private void buttonStartRec_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { this.buttonStartRec.Enabled = false; this.labelRec.Text = "Recording..."; // start recording paused _myRecProc = new RECORDPROC(MyRecoring); _recHandle = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, BASSFlag.BASS_RECORD_PAUSE, _myRecProc, new IntPtr(_encHandle)); // needs 'lame.exe' ! // the recorded data will be written to a file called rectest.mp3 // create the encoder...192kbps, stereo // MP3 encoder setup lame = new EncoderLAME(_recHandle); lame.InputFile = null; //STDIN lame.OutputFile = "rectest.mp3"; lame.LAME_Bitrate = (int)EncoderLAME.BITRATE.kbps_192; lame.LAME_Mode = EncoderLAME.LAMEMode.Default; lame.LAME_TargetSampleRate = (int)EncoderLAME.SAMPLERATE.Hz_44100; lame.LAME_Quality = EncoderLAME.LAMEQuality.Quality; monBuffer.Clear(); checkBoxMonitor.Checked = false; // create a live recording WaveForm WF = new WaveForm(); WF.FrameResolution = 0.01f; // 10ms are nice // start a live recording waveform with 5sec. init size and 2sec. next size WF.RenderStartRecording(_recHandle, 5f, 2f); // really start recording lame.Start(null, IntPtr.Zero, false); Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(_recHandle, false); }
public Microphone(int device) { this.device = device; rpro = new RECORDPROC(MyRecording); Bass.BASS_RecordInit(device); ID = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(Global.DefaultSampleRate * 2, 1, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT, rpro, IntPtr.Zero); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new recording with custom settings /// </summary> /// <param name="strFileName">File Name</param> /// <param name="samplerate">Sample rate</param> /// <param name="channels">Channels</param> /// <param name="bitrate">Bitrate</param> /// <param name="stereomode">Stereo mode</param> public PodcasterRecording(string strFileName, int samplerate, int channels, int bitrate, StereoMode stereomode) { if (!strFileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".mp3")) { // TODO: implement other codecs throw new Exception("Currently, Podcaster only works with MP3 files"); } _myRecProc = new RECORDPROC(RecordAudio); _recHandle = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(samplerate, channels, BASSFlag.BASS_RECORD_PAUSE, _myRecProc, IntPtr.Zero); lame = new EncoderLAME(_recHandle); lame.InputFile = null; lame.OutputFile = strFileName; lame.LAME_Bitrate = bitrate; switch (stereomode) { case StereoMode.JointStereo: lame.LAME_Mode = EncoderLAME.LAMEMode.JointStereo; break; case StereoMode.Mono: lame.LAME_Mode = EncoderLAME.LAMEMode.Mono; break; default: lame.LAME_Mode = EncoderLAME.LAMEMode.Stereo; break; } lame.LAME_TargetSampleRate = samplerate; lame.LAME_Quality = EncoderLAME.LAMEQuality.Quality; }
public bool StartListening() { bool res = false; Stream = Bass.FALSE; if (Bass.BASS_RecordInit(Device)) { _myRecProc = new RECORDPROC(MyRecording); Stream = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, BASSFlag.BASS_RECORD_PAUSE, _myRecProc, IntPtr.Zero); if (Stream != Bass.FALSE) { // start recording res = Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(Stream, false); samplerate = GetSampleRate(); processingTimer.Start(); } } return(res); }
private void StartRecording() { // var device = Bass.BASS_RecordGetDeviceInfos().FirstOrDefault(); if (Bass.BASS_RecordInit(-1)) { Debug.Log("[BassMicrophoneHandler] BASS_RecordInit = true"); _recordProc = OnRecord; _recordingHandle = Bass.BASS_RecordStart( AudioSettings.outputSampleRate, 1, BASSFlag.BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT | BASSFlag.BASS_RECORD_PAUSE, _recordProc, IntPtr.Zero ); if (_recordingHandle == Bass.FALSE) { Debug.LogError($"[BassMicrophoneHandler] BASS_RecordStart returned 0!"); return; } else { Debug.Log($"[BassMicrophoneHandler] Recording Handle: {_recordingHandle}"); var play = Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(_recordingHandle, false); Debug.Log("[BassMicrophoneHandler] BASS_ChannelPlay == " + play); } } else { Debug.LogError("[BassMicrophoneHandler] BASS_RecordInit == False!"); } }
private void startRecordMp3() { InitSound(); try { if (Bass.BASS_ChannelIsActive(_blogStreamHandle) == BASSActive.BASS_ACTIVE_PLAYING) { Msg("Still Playing MP3"); return; } if (Bass.BASS_ChannelIsActive(pcmImportStreamHandle) == BASSActive.BASS_ACTIVE_PLAYING) { Msg("Still Playing PCM"); return; } if (pcmMemStrm != null) { pcmMemStrm.Close(); } pcmMemStrm = new MemoryStream(); // start recording paused _PcmRecProc = new RECORDPROC(PcmRecordingCallBack); _PcmRecHandle = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, BASSFlag.BASS_RECORD_PAUSE, _PcmRecProc, IntPtr.Zero); BASSError error = Bass.BASS_ErrorGetCode(); Msg(Enum.GetName(typeof(BASSError), error)); bool lameStarted = StartLameEncoding(_PcmRecHandle); if (!lameStarted) { MessageBox.Show("Lame.exe may not be present"); } Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(_PcmRecHandle, false); Msg("Recording"); recording = true; } catch (Exception ex) { // Also try to modify options to "prefer 32bits" // System.BadImageFormatException' s'est produite dans Bass.Net.dll Console.Write(ex.Message + "\r"); Msg(ex.Message); Msg("bassenc.dll may not be present"); Msg("Failed to Record"); } }
/// <summary> /// 构造函数 /// </summary> /// <param name="dataOutput">录音数据输出委托[第一个参数:设备索引;第二个参数:数据;第三个参数:数据长度]</param> /// <param name="device">录音设备索引,-1 = default device, 0 = first. BASS_RecordGetDeviceInfo can be used to enumerate the available devices</param> public SoundRecorder(Action <int, byte[], int> dataOutput, int device = 0) { if (dataOutput == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dataOutput)); } RecordHelper.RecordInit(device); this._device = device; this._dataOutput = dataOutput; this._recordPro = new RECORDPROC(RecordProCallback); }
/// <summary> /// Starts recording. /// </summary> /// <param name="freq">The sample rate to record at... 0 = device's current sample rate. </param> /// <param name="chans">The number of channels... 1 = mono, 2 = stereo, etc. 0 = device's current channel count</param> /// <param name="flags">A combination of these flags. /// BASS_SAMPLE_8BITS Use 8-bit resolution. If neither this or the BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT flag are specified, then the recorded data is 16-bit. /// BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT Use 32-bit floating-point sample data.See Floating-point channels for info. /// BASS_RECORD_PAUSE Start the recording paused. /// The HIWORD - use MAKELONG(flags, period) - can be used to set the period(in milliseconds) between calls to the callback function. /// The minimum period is 5ms, the maximum is half the BASS_CONFIG_REC_BUFFER setting. If the period specified is outside this range, it is automatically capped. The default is 100ms. /// </param> /// <param name="proc">The user defined function to receive the recorded sample data... can be NULL if you do not wish to use a callback. </param> /// <param name="user">User instance data to pass to the callback function. </param> /// <returns>If successful, the new recording's handle is returned, else throw WavException. </returns> public static int RecordStart(int freq, int chans, BASSFlag flags, RECORDPROC proc, IntPtr user) { int flagRet = (int)flags + 20 << 8; int handle = NativeMethods.BASS_RecordStart(freq, chans, flags, proc, user); if (handle == 0) { throw new WavException(BassErrorCode.GetErrorInfo()); } return(handle); }
public ReplayMic(int device) { rpro = new RECORDPROC(MyRecording); Bass.BASS_RecordInit(device); MicID = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(Global.DefaultSampleRate, 1, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT, rpro, IntPtr.Zero); nowDecoding = Bass.BASS_StreamCreatePush(Global.DefaultSampleRate, 1, BASSFlag.BASS_STREAM_DECODE, IntPtr.Zero); PlayID = Un4seen.Bass.AddOn.Fx.BassFx.BASS_FX_TempoCreate(nowDecoding, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT); Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(nowDecoding, false); Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(PlayID, true); }
private void InitBassapi(int deviceId) { if (deviceId != -1) { if (Bass.BASS_GetDeviceInfo(deviceId) == null) { deviceId = -1; } } Bass.BASS_RecordInit(-1); _recordProc = new RECORDPROC(RecordProc); _recordChan = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT, 10, _recordProc, IntPtr.Zero); }
public CBassRecord() { Init(); _Buffer = new CBuffer[CSettings.MaxNumPlayer]; for (int i = 0; i < _Buffer.Length; i++) { _Buffer[i] = new CBuffer(); } _recHandle = new int[_Devices.Count]; _myRecProc = new RECORDPROC(MyRecording); _DeviceConfig = _Devices.ToArray(); }
public static void Start() { if (IsReady = Bass.BASS_RecordInit(/*Properties.Settings.Default.BassRecordDevice*/ -1)) { string fileTitle = "Tile"; string fileToSave = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, string.Format("{0}.{1}.wav", fileTitle, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd.HH-mm-ss"))); //if (!Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.RecordsFolder)) // Directory.CreateDirectory(Properties.Settings.Default.RecordsFolder); recordFileStream_ = new FileStream(fileToSave, FileMode.Create); _recordProc = new RECORDPROC(RecordProc); IsRecording = (Handle = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, BASSFlag.BASS_RECORD_PAUSE, 50, _recordProc, IntPtr.Zero)) != 0; if (IsRecording) { Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(Handle, false); } } }
public void init(int Device) { if(inicialized) { Bass.BASS_RecordFree(); } Bass.BASS_RecordInit(-1); Un4seen.Bass.BASSError error; if((error=Bass.BASS_ErrorGetCode())!=0) MessageBox.Show("Bass Error Code: "+error, "Music Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); Bass.BASS_RecordSetDevice(Device); if ((error = Bass.BASS_ErrorGetCode()) != 0) MessageBox.Show("Bass Error Code: " + error, "Music Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); myRecProc = new RECORDPROC(MyRecording); recChannel = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(22050, 2, BASSFlag.BASS_RECORD_PAUSE, myRecProc, IntPtr.Zero); Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(recChannel, false); updateTimer = new Un4seen.Bass.BASSTimer(50); updateTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(timerUpdate_Tick); mySpectrumInit(); inicialized = true; }
public static extern int BASS_RecordStart(int freq, int chans, BASSFlag flags, RECORDPROC proc, IntPtr user);
public static extern uint BASS_RecordStart(uint freq, uint chans, uint flags, RECORDPROC proc, IntPtr user);
public VoiceChat(Options.MainConfig config) { this.deviceName = config.DeviceRead; this.recordProc = new RECORDPROC(recordDevice_audioReceived); this.recordHandle = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(SAMPLE_RATE, CHANNEL_COUNT, BASSFlag.BASS_RECORD_PAUSE, this.recordProc, IntPtr.Zero); }
public static int BASS_RecordStart(int freq, int chans, BASSFlag flags, int period, RECORDPROC proc, IntPtr user) { return(BASS_RecordStart(freq, chans, (BASSFlag)Utils.MakeLong((int)flags, period), proc, user)); }
/// <summary> /// Starts recording. /// </summary> /// <param name="freq">The sample rate to record at... 0 = device's current sample rate. </param> /// <param name="chans">The number of channels... 1 = mono, 2 = stereo, etc. 0 = device's current channel count</param> /// <param name="flags">A combination of these flags. /// BASS_SAMPLE_8BITS Use 8-bit resolution. If neither this or the BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT flag are specified, then the recorded data is 16-bit. /// BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT Use 32-bit floating-point sample data.See Floating-point channels for info. /// BASS_RECORD_PAUSE Start the recording paused. /// The HIWORD - use MAKELONG(flags, period) - can be used to set the period(in milliseconds) between calls to the callback function. /// The minimum period is 5ms, the maximum is half the BASS_CONFIG_REC_BUFFER setting. If the period specified is outside this range, it is automatically capped. The default is 100ms. /// </param> /// <param name="period">Set the period(in milliseconds) between calls to the callback function(Un4seen.Bass.RECORDPROC). /// The minimum period is 5ms, the maximum the maximum is half the BASS_CONFIG_REC_BUFFER setting. /// If the period specified is outside this range, it is automatically capped. The default is 100ms</param> /// <param name="proc">The user defined function to receive the recorded sample data... can be NULL if you do not wish to use a callback. </param> /// <param name="user">User instance data to pass to the callback function. </param> /// <returns>If successful, the new recording's handle is returned, else throw WavException. </returns> public static int RecordStart(int freq, int chans, BASSFlag flags, int period, RECORDPROC proc, IntPtr user) { int handle = NativeMethods.BASS_RecordStart(freq, chans, (BASSFlag)Utils.MakeLong((int)flags, period), proc, user); if (handle == 0) { throw new WavException(BassErrorCode.GetErrorInfo()); } return(handle); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Bass.BASS_StreamFree(_Stream); this.textBox1.Text = ""; _url = this.comboBoxURL.Text; // test BASS_StreamCreateURL bool isWMA = false; if (_url != String.Empty) { this.textBox1.Text += "URL: " + _url + Environment.NewLine; // create the stream _Stream = Bass.BASS_StreamCreateURL(_url, 0, BASSFlag.BASS_STREAM_STATUS, myStreamCreateURL, IntPtr.Zero); if (_Stream == 0) { // try WMA streams... _Stream = BassWma.BASS_WMA_StreamCreateFile(_url, 0, 0, BASSFlag.BASS_DEFAULT); if (_Stream != 0) { isWMA = true; } else { // error this.statusBar1.Text = "ERROR..."; return; } } _tagInfo = new TAG_INFO(_url); BASS_CHANNELINFO info = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetInfo(_Stream); if (info.ctype == BASSChannelType.BASS_CTYPE_STREAM_WMA) { isWMA = true; } // ok, do some pre-buffering... this.statusBar1.Text = "Buffering..."; if (!isWMA) { // display buffering for MP3, OGG... while (true) { long len = Bass.BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(_Stream, BASSStreamFilePosition.BASS_FILEPOS_END); if (len == -1) { break; // typical for WMA streams } // percentage of buffer filled float progress = ( Bass.BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(_Stream, BASSStreamFilePosition.BASS_FILEPOS_DOWNLOAD) - Bass.BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(_Stream, BASSStreamFilePosition.BASS_FILEPOS_CURRENT) ) * 100f / len; if (progress > 75f) { break; // over 75% full, enough } this.statusBar1.Text = String.Format("Buffering... {0}%", progress); } } else { // display buffering for WMA... while (true) { long len = Bass.BASS_StreamGetFilePosition(_Stream, BASSStreamFilePosition.BASS_FILEPOS_WMA_BUFFER); if (len == -1L) { break; } // percentage of buffer filled if (len > 75L) { break; // over 75% full, enough } this.statusBar1.Text = String.Format("Buffering... {0}%", len); } } // get the meta tags (manually - will not work for WMA streams here) string[] icy = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetTagsICY(_Stream); if (icy == null) { // try http... icy = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetTagsHTTP(_Stream); } if (icy != null) { foreach (string tag in icy) { this.textBox1.Text += "ICY: " + tag + Environment.NewLine; } } // get the initial meta data (streamed title...) icy = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetTagsMETA(_Stream); if (icy != null) { foreach (string tag in icy) { this.textBox1.Text += "Meta: " + tag + Environment.NewLine; } } else { // an ogg stream meta can be obtained here icy = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetTagsOGG(_Stream); if (icy != null) { foreach (string tag in icy) { this.textBox1.Text += "Meta: " + tag + Environment.NewLine; } } } // alternatively to the above, you might use the TAG_INFO (see BassTags add-on) // This will also work for WMA streams here ;-) if (BassTags.BASS_TAG_GetFromURL(_Stream, _tagInfo)) { // and display what we get this.textBoxAlbum.Text = _tagInfo.album; this.textBoxArtist.Text = _tagInfo.artist; this.textBoxTitle.Text = _tagInfo.title; this.textBoxComment.Text = _tagInfo.comment; this.textBoxGenre.Text = _tagInfo.genre; this.textBoxYear.Text = _tagInfo.year; } // set a sync to get the title updates out of the meta data... mySync = new SYNCPROC(MetaSync); Bass.BASS_ChannelSetSync(_Stream, BASSSync.BASS_SYNC_META, 0, mySync, IntPtr.Zero); Bass.BASS_ChannelSetSync(_Stream, BASSSync.BASS_SYNC_WMA_CHANGE, 0, mySync, IntPtr.Zero); // start recording... int rechandle = 0; if (Bass.BASS_RecordInit(-1)) { _byteswritten = 0; myRecProc = new RECORDPROC(MyRecoring); rechandle = Bass.BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, BASSFlag.BASS_RECORD_PAUSE, myRecProc, IntPtr.Zero); } this.statusBar1.Text = "Playling..."; // play the stream Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(_Stream, false); // record the stream Bass.BASS_ChannelPlay(rechandle, false); } }
public static int BASS_RecordStart(int freq, int chans, BASSFlag flags, int period, RECORDPROC proc, IntPtr user) { return BASS_RecordStart(freq, chans, (BASSFlag) Utils.MakeLong((int) flags, period), proc, user); }
private async Task <bool> Init(string configPath, string agentsPath, string commandsPath) { this.configPath = configPath; this.agentsPath = agentsPath; this.commandsPath = commandsPath; // create discord client Discord = new DiscordSocketClient(); Discord.JoinedGuild += Discord_JoinedGuild; Discord.LeftGuild += Discord_LeftGuild; Discord.MessageReceived += Discord_MessageReceived; Discord.Log += Log; Discord.Ready += Discord_Ready; commandService = new CommandService(); commandService.Log += Log; try { CommandsAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile(Path.GetFullPath(commandsPath)); await commandService.AddModulesAsync(CommandsAssembly); } catch (Exception ex) { Log(LogSeverity.Error, "Failed to load commands assembly at \"" + commandsPath + "\"", ex); return(false); } // install commands ModifyServices(x => x .AddSingleton(Discord) .AddSingleton(commandService) ); // load config if (!ReloadConfig()) { return(false); } // export embedded bot agent as reference if (!Directory.Exists(agentsPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(agentsPath); } File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(agentsPath, "tomoko.json"), Resources.tomoko); // load agent if (!ReloadAgent()) { return(false); } // capture console exit consoleCtrlHandler = new WinApi.HandlerRoutine(consoleCtrl); WinApi.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(consoleCtrlHandler, true); // init record device if (Config.speakEnabled) { recordDevice = -1; if (Config.speakRecordingDevice != null) { var devices = Bass.BASS_RecordGetDeviceInfos(); for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { if (devices[i].name == Config.speakRecordingDevice) { recordDevice = i; break; } } if (recordDevice < 0) { IEnumerable <string> devicesList = devices.Select(d =>; Log(LogSeverity.Error, "Recording device \"" + Config.speakRecordingDevice + "\" not found.\nAvailable recording devices:\n * " + string.Join("\n * ", devicesList) + "\n"); return(false); } } if (!Bass.BASS_RecordInit(recordDevice)) { Log(LogSeverity.Error, "Failed to init recording device: " + Bass.BASS_ErrorGetCode()); return(false); } recordProc = new RECORDPROC(recordDevice_audioReceived); } // init playback device if (Config.listenEnabled) { playbackDevice = -1; if (Config.listenPlaybackDevice != null) { var devices = Bass.BASS_GetDeviceInfos(); for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { if (devices[i].name == Config.listenPlaybackDevice) { playbackDevice = i; break; } } if (playbackDevice < 0) { IEnumerable <string> devicesList = devices.Select(d =>; Log(LogSeverity.Error, "Playback device \"" + Config.listenPlaybackDevice + "\" not found.\nAvailable playback devices:\n * " + string.Join("\n * ", devicesList) + "\n"); return(false); } } if (!Bass.BASS_Init(playbackDevice, SAMPLE_RATE, BASSInit.BASS_DEVICE_DEFAULT, IntPtr.Zero, null)) { Log(LogSeverity.Error, "Failed to init playback device: " + Bass.BASS_ErrorGetCode()); return(false); } playProc = new STREAMPROC(playbackDevice_audioRequested); } return(true); }