public void AllCharsTest() { RDMain inst = this.testInst; PrivateObject param0 = new PrivateObject(inst); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value RDMain_Accessor target = new RDMain_Accessor(param0); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.tokenBuffer = "."; target.CharClass(); Graph verificationGraph = new Graph(); BaseVertex start = verificationGraph.StartVertex; start.Accepting = false; StringBuilder allChar = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 32; i <= 126; i++) { allChar.Append((char)i); } string trans = allChar.ToString(); BaseVertex end = verificationGraph.CreateNewVertex(true); start.AddConnection(end, trans); Graph generated = target.lineGraph; Assert.AreEqual<Graph>(verificationGraph, generated, "Graphs are not equal. \nExpected:\n\n{0}\n\nReceived:\n\n{1}", verificationGraph.ToDOT("Expected"), generated.ToDOT("Generated")); Assert.AreEqual<int>(target.tokenBuffer.Length, target.tokenPosition, "Token position is not in correct location. Expected {0}, Actual {1}", 1, target.tokenPosition); }
public void BadBracketEndTest() { RDMain inst = this.testInst; PrivateObject param0 = new PrivateObject(inst); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value RDMain_Accessor target = new RDMain_Accessor(param0); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.tokenBuffer = "[]]"; target.CharClass(); }
public void UnescapedSlashTest() { RDMain inst = this.testInst; PrivateObject param0 = new PrivateObject(inst); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value RDMain_Accessor target = new RDMain_Accessor(param0); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.tokenBuffer = @"[\]"; target.CharClass(); }
public void SimpleBracketZeroTest() { RDMain inst = this.testInst; PrivateObject param0 = new PrivateObject(inst); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value RDMain_Accessor target = new RDMain_Accessor(param0); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.tokenBuffer = "[0]"; target.CharClass(); Graph verificationGraph = new Graph(); BaseVertex start = verificationGraph.StartVertex; start.Accepting = false; BaseVertex newV = verificationGraph.CreateNewVertex(true); start.AddConnection(newV, "0"); Graph generated = target.lineGraph; Assert.AreEqual<Graph>(verificationGraph, generated, "Graphs are not equal. \nExpected:\n\n{0}\n\nReceived:\n\n{1}", verificationGraph.ToDOT("Expected"), generated.ToDOT("Generated")); Assert.AreEqual<int>(target.tokenBuffer.Length, target.tokenPosition, "Token position is not in correct location. Expected {0}, Actual {1}", 1, target.tokenPosition); }
public void NoDefinedCharClassExceptTest() { RDMain inst = this.testInst; PrivateObject param0 = new PrivateObject(inst); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value RDMain_Accessor target = new RDMain_Accessor(param0); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.tokenBuffer = @"[^b] IN $LOLNO"; target.CharClass(); }
public void FullAlphaNumRangeTest() { RDMain inst = this.testInst; PrivateObject param0 = new PrivateObject(inst); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value RDMain_Accessor target = new RDMain_Accessor(param0); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.tokenBuffer = "[a-zA-Z0-9]"; target.CharClass(); Graph verificationGraph = new Graph(); BaseVertex start = verificationGraph.StartVertex; start.Accepting = false; BaseVertex newV = verificationGraph.CreateNewVertex(true); start.AddConnection(newV, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"); Graph generated = target.lineGraph; Assert.AreEqual<Graph>(verificationGraph, generated, "Graphs are not equal. \nExpected:\n\n{0}\n\nReceived:\n\n{1}", verificationGraph.ToDOT("Expected"), generated.ToDOT("Generated")); Assert.AreEqual<int>(target.tokenBuffer.Length, target.tokenPosition, "Token position is not in correct location. Expected {0}, Actual {1}", 1, target.tokenPosition); }
public void FinalEmptySetTest() { RDMain inst = this.testInst; PrivateObject param0 = new PrivateObject(inst); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value RDMain_Accessor target = new RDMain_Accessor(param0); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.tokenBuffer = @"[^b] IN [b]"; target.CharClass(); }
public void DefinedCharClassExclusionTest() { RDMain inst = this.testInst; PrivateObject param0 = new PrivateObject(inst); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value RDMain_Accessor target = new RDMain_Accessor(param0); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.tokenBuffer = "[^0] IN $DIGIT"; target.characterClasses["DIGIT"] = new Graph(); BaseVertex v = target.characterClasses["DIGIT"].CreateNewVertex(true); target.characterClasses["DIGIT"].StartVertex.Accepting = false; target.characterClasses["DIGIT"].StartVertex.AddConnection(v, "0123456789"); target.Regexp(); Graph verificationGraph = new Graph(); BaseVertex start = verificationGraph.StartVertex; start.Accepting = false; BaseVertex end = verificationGraph.CreateNewVertex(true); start.AddConnection(end, "123456789"); Graph generated = target.lineGraph; Assert.AreEqual<Graph>(verificationGraph, generated, "Graphs are not equal. \nExpected:\n\n{0}\n\nReceived:\n\n{1}", verificationGraph.ToDOT("Expected"), generated.ToDOT("Generated")); Assert.AreEqual<int>(target.tokenBuffer.Length, target.tokenPosition, "Token position is not in correct location. Expected {0}, Actual {1}", 1, target.tokenPosition); }