예제 #1
    private void DoAvoidance(AI ai, RAINAspect aspect)
        between = ai.Kinematic.Position - aspect.Position;
        avoidVector = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, between);

        Vector3 avoidPoint;

        int direction = Random.Range(0, 100);


        if(direction < 50)
            avoidVector *= -1;

        avoidPoint = GetPositionOnNavMesh(avoidVector, ai);

        if(avoidPoint == Vector3.zero)
            avoidVector *= -1;
            avoidPoint = GetPositionOnNavMesh(avoidVector, ai);

        if(avoidPoint == Vector3.zero)
            Debug.Log("Avoid not possible!");

            // Change destination
            ai.WorkingMemory.SetItem("hasArrived", true);


        ai.Motor.MoveTo(ai.Kinematic.Position + avoidPoint);
        Debug.Log (ai.Body.name + " is avoiding " + aspect.Entity.Form.name);
예제 #2
    protected override bool TestVisibility(RAINAspect aAspect, float aSqrRange)
        // Normal aspect test worked, we're done
        if (base.TestVisibility(aAspect, aSqrRange))

        // Being a little pedantic about this, but just in case
        Transform tAspectTransform = aAspect.MountPoint;

        if (tAspectTransform == null)
            tAspectTransform = aAspect.Entity.Form.transform;

        float sizeX = AI.Body.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x;
        float sizeY = AI.Body.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y + 0.1f;

        float direction = AI.WorkingMemory.GetItem <float>("direction");
        // Do a physics check against the aspect, may need to add a mask for this
        RaycastHit2D myRaycastHit = Physics2D.Linecast(AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX, 0.0f, 0.0f), AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * (sizeX + rayRange), 0.0f, 0.0f));

        // If the collider is a child (or equal to) our aspect, we're good
        if (myRaycastHit.collider != null && myRaycastHit.collider.transform.IsChildOf(tAspectTransform))

예제 #3
    protected override bool TestVisibility(RAINAspect aAspect, float aSqrRange)
        // Normal aspect test worked, we're done
        if (base.TestVisibility(aAspect, aSqrRange))
            return true;

        // Being a little pedantic about this, but just in case
        Transform tAspectTransform = aAspect.MountPoint;
        if (tAspectTransform == null)
            tAspectTransform = aAspect.Entity.Form.transform;

        float sizeX = AI.Body.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.x;
        float sizeY = AI.Body.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y + 0.1f;

        float direction = AI.WorkingMemory.GetItem<float>("direction");
        // Do a physics check against the aspect, may need to add a mask for this
        RaycastHit2D myRaycastHit = Physics2D.Linecast(AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX,0.0f,0.0f), AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * (sizeX + rayRange), 0.0f, 0.0f));
        // If the collider is a child (or equal to) our aspect, we're good
        if (myRaycastHit.collider != null && myRaycastHit.collider.transform.IsChildOf(tAspectTransform))
            return true;

        return false;
예제 #4
    protected override bool TestVisibility(RAINAspect aAspect, float aSqrRange)
        // Normal aspect test worked, we're done
        if (base.TestVisibility(aAspect, aSqrRange))

        // Being a little pedantic about this, but just in case
        Transform tAspectTransform = aAspect.MountPoint;

        if (tAspectTransform == null)
            tAspectTransform = aAspect.Entity.Form.transform;

        // Do a physics check against the aspect, may need to add a mask for this
        RaycastHit myRaycastHit = new RaycastHit();

        Physics.Linecast(Position, Position + new Vector3(AI.Body.GetComponent <Transform>().forward.x * 0.49f, -0.6f, 0.0f), out myRaycastHit);
        // If the collider is a child (or equal to) our aspect, we're good
        if (myRaycastHit.collider != null && myRaycastHit.collider.transform.IsChildOf(tAspectTransform))

예제 #5
    private void doAvoidance(AI ai, RAINAspect aspect)
        var direction = ai.Kinematic.Position - aspect.Position;

        ai.Motor.MoveTo(ai.Kinematic.Position + direction);
    private void DoAvoidance(AI ai, RAINAspect aspect)
        between = ai.Kinematic.Position - aspect.Position;
        avoidVector = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, between);

        int direction = Random.Range(0, 100);


        if (direction < 50)
            avoidVector *= -1;

        if (!CheckPositionOnNavMesh(avoidVector, ai))
            avoidVector *= -1;

        if (!CheckPositionOnNavMesh(avoidVector, ai))
            //Debug.Log("Avoid not possible!");

        Vector3 destination = ai.Kinematic.Position + avoidVector;
        //ai.Kinematic.Position += avoidVector;
        ai.Kinematic.Position = Vector3.Lerp(ai.Kinematic.Position, destination, 0.3f);
    public override ActionResult Execute(RAIN.Core.AI ai)
        if (!AspectVariable.IsVariable)
            throw new Exception("The Get Stand On Point node requires a valid AspectVariable.");
        if (!StandOnPointVariable.IsVariable)
            throw new Exception("The Get Stand On Point node requires a valid StandOnPointVariable.");

        RAINAspect tAspect = ai.WorkingMemory.GetItem <RAINAspect>(AspectVariable.VariableName);

        if (tAspect == null)

        Entity     tEntity        = tAspect.Entity;
        RAINAspect tStandOnAspect = tEntity.GetAspect("standhere");

        if (tStandOnAspect == null)

        ai.WorkingMemory.SetItem <RAINAspect>(StandOnPointVariable.VariableName, tStandOnAspect);

예제 #8
    private void DoAvoidance(AI ai, RAINAspect aspect)
        between     = ai.Kinematic.Position - aspect.Position;
        avoidVector = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, between);

        int direction = Random.Range(0, 100);


        if (direction < 50)
            avoidVector *= -1;

        if (!CheckPositionOnNavMesh(avoidVector, ai))
            avoidVector *= -1;

        if (!CheckPositionOnNavMesh(avoidVector, ai))
            //Debug.Log("Avoid not possible!");

        Vector3 destination = ai.Kinematic.Position + avoidVector;

        //ai.Kinematic.Position += avoidVector;
        ai.Kinematic.Position = Vector3.Lerp(ai.Kinematic.Position, destination, 0.3f);
예제 #9
    private bool isToClose(AI ai, RAINAspect aspect)
        var dist = Vector3.Distance(ai.Kinematic.Position, aspect.Position);

        if (dist <= MINIMUM_DISTANCE)
예제 #10
    private bool IsTooClose(AI ai, RAINAspect aspect)
        float dist = Vector3.Distance(ai.Kinematic.Position, aspect.Position);

        if (dist <= range)

예제 #11
    protected override bool TestVisibility(RAINAspect aAspect, float aSqrRange)
        // Normal aspect test worked, we're done
        if (base.TestVisibility(aAspect, aSqrRange))

        // Being a little pedantic about this, but just in case
        Transform tAspectTransform = aAspect.MountPoint;

        if (tAspectTransform == null)
            tAspectTransform = aAspect.Entity.Form.transform;

        float sizeX = AI.Body.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.x / 2;
        float sizeY = AI.Body.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size.y / 2 + 0.1f;

        //sizeX *= 1.2f;
        //sizeY *= 1.2f;
        if (AI.Body.name.Length >= 15 && AI.Body.name.Substring(0, 15) == "Enemy - Charger")
            sizeX *= 0.7f;

        float direction = AI.WorkingMemory.GetItem <float>("direction");
        // Do a physics check against the aspect, may need to add a mask for this
        RaycastHit2D myRaycastHit;

        if (AI.Body.name.Length >= 14 && AI.Body.name.Substring(0, 14) == "Enemy - Flying")
            Vector3 from = AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 to   = AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX * 1.6f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            myRaycastHit = Physics2D.Linecast(from, to);
            myRaycastHit = Physics2D.Linecast(AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX, -0.01f, 0.0f), AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX, -sizeY, 0.0f));
            Debug.DrawLine(AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX, 0.0f, 0.0f), AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX, -sizeY, 0.0f));
        // If the collider is a child (or equal to) our aspect, we're good
        if (myRaycastHit.collider != null && myRaycastHit.collider.transform.IsChildOf(tAspectTransform))

예제 #12
 public ActionResult Execute(RAIN.Core.AI ai)
     civil = ai.WorkingMemory.GetItem <RAINAspect>("moveTarget");
     //get the list of nav target of the IA
     state = civil.MountPoint.gameObject.GetComponent <Civilian>().GetState();
     if (state == EnumState.EStates.Panic.ToString())
         ai.WorkingMemory.SetItem <bool>("targetPanic", true);
         ai.Motor.CloseEnoughDistance = 1;
         ai.WorkingMemory.SetItem <bool>("targetPanic", false);
    protected override bool TestVisibility(RAINAspect aAspect, float aSqrRange)
        // Normal aspect test worked, we're done
        if (base.TestVisibility(aAspect, aSqrRange))
            return true;

        // Being a little pedantic about this, but just in case
        Transform tAspectTransform = aAspect.MountPoint;
        if (tAspectTransform == null)
            tAspectTransform = aAspect.Entity.Form.transform;

        // Do a physics check against the aspect, may need to add a mask for this
        RaycastHit myRaycastHit = new RaycastHit();
        Physics.Linecast(Position, Position + new Vector3(AI.Body.GetComponent<Transform>().forward.x * 0.49f, -0.6f, 0.0f), out myRaycastHit);
        // If the collider is a child (or equal to) our aspect, we're good
        if (myRaycastHit.collider != null && myRaycastHit.collider.transform.IsChildOf(tAspectTransform))
            return true;

        return false;
예제 #14
 public override ActionResult Execute(RAIN.Core.AI ai)
     civil = ai.WorkingMemory.GetItem <RAINAspect>("moveTarget");
     //get the list of nav target of the IA
     if (civil != null)
         state = civil.MountPoint.gameObject.GetComponent <Civilian>().GetState();
         if (state == EnumState.EStates.Panic.ToString() || state == EnumState.EStates.Run.ToString())
             ai.WorkingMemory.SetItem <bool>("targetPanic", true);
             ai.WorkingMemory.SetItem <bool>("targetPanic", false);
         ai.WorkingMemory.SetItem <bool>("targetPanic", false);
예제 #15
    protected override bool TestVisibility(RAINAspect aAspect, float aSqrRange)
        // Normal aspect test worked, we're done
        if (base.TestVisibility(aAspect, aSqrRange))
            return true;

        // Being a little pedantic about this, but just in case
        Transform tAspectTransform = aAspect.MountPoint;
        if (tAspectTransform == null)
            tAspectTransform = aAspect.Entity.Form.transform;

        float sizeX = AI.Body.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.x/2;
        float sizeY = AI.Body.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.y/2 + 0.1f;

        //sizeX *= 1.2f;
        //sizeY *= 1.2f;
        if (AI.Body.name.Length >= 15 && AI.Body.name.Substring(0, 15) == "Enemy - Charger")
            sizeX *= 0.7f;

            float direction = AI.WorkingMemory.GetItem<float>("direction");
        // Do a physics check against the aspect, may need to add a mask for this
        RaycastHit2D myRaycastHit;
        if (AI.Body.name.Length >= 14 && AI.Body.name.Substring(0, 14) == "Enemy - Flying")
            Vector3 from = AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 to = AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX * 1.6f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            myRaycastHit = Physics2D.Linecast(from, to);
            myRaycastHit = Physics2D.Linecast(AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX, -0.01f, 0.0f), AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX, -sizeY, 0.0f));
            Debug.DrawLine(AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX, 0.0f, 0.0f), AI.Body.transform.position + new Vector3(direction * sizeX, -sizeY, 0.0f));
        // If the collider is a child (or equal to) our aspect, we're good
        if (myRaycastHit.collider != null && myRaycastHit.collider.transform.IsChildOf(tAspectTransform))
            return true;

        return false;
예제 #16
    private void DoAvoidance(AI ai, RAINAspect aspect)
        between     = ai.Kinematic.Position - aspect.Position;
        avoidVector = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, between);

        Vector3 avoidPoint;

        int direction = Random.Range(0, 100);


        if (direction < 50)
            avoidVector *= -1;

        avoidPoint = GetPositionOnNavMesh(avoidVector, ai);

        if (avoidPoint == Vector3.zero)
            avoidVector *= -1;
            avoidPoint   = GetPositionOnNavMesh(avoidVector, ai);

        if (avoidPoint == Vector3.zero)
            Debug.Log("Avoid not possible!");

            // Change destination
            ai.WorkingMemory.SetItem("hasArrived", true);


        ai.Motor.MoveTo(ai.Kinematic.Position + avoidPoint);
        Debug.Log(ai.Body.name + " is avoiding " + aspect.Entity.Form.name);
예제 #17
    private void FindBestCoverPoint(AI ai)
        if (!StoreCoverVarInName.IsValid || !StoreCoverVarInName.IsVariable)

        //We don't actually have to have an enemy.  We can choose cover points that are simply near ourselves.
        Vector3 tEnemyPosition = ai.Kinematic.Position;

        //Assign a current enemy target
        if (EnemyVariable.IsValid && EnemyVariable.IsVariable)
            //using a MoveLookTarget lets us automatically convert between gameObject, Vector3, etc., when getting
            //a position from AI memory
            tTarget = MoveLookTarget.GetTargetFromVariable(ai.WorkingMemory, EnemyVariable.VariableName, ai.Motor.CloseEnoughDistance);
            if (tTarget.IsValid)
                tEnemyPosition = tTarget.Position;

        //Cover points should be marked with the "cover" entity
        for (int i = 0; i <= ai.Senses.Sensors.Count; i++)
            if (ai.Senses.Sensors [i].SensorName == CoverDetector.VariableName)
                CoverSensor = ai.Senses.Sensors [i] as VisualSensor;
        CoverSensor.Sense(CoverEntityName.VariableName, RAINSensor.MatchType.ALL);

        Vector3 previousCoverAspect = ai.Kinematic.Position;;

        //Default cover point is our own position
        float   bestCost       = float.MaxValue;
        Vector3 tCoverPosition = ai.Kinematic.Position;

        //return the closest position out of all found positions
        //that the player cannot see.
        for (int i = 0; i < CoverSensor.Matches.Count; i++)
            //if your current enemy can see the cover position skip it.
            //This makes the AI choose a more defensable position.
            Vector3    ray       = (tTarget.Position + adjustment);
            Vector3    direction = (CoverSensor.Matches[i].Position - (tTarget.Position + adjustment));
            RaycastHit hit;
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, direction, out hit, 100.0f))
                if (hit.collider.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <CoverSpot> ())
                    if (hit.collider.transform.gameObject == CoverSensor.Matches [i].MountPoint.gameObject)

            //find all cover matches
            RAINAspect tCandidateAspect = CoverSensor.Matches[i];
            if (tCandidateAspect == null)

            //Cover points are AIObjectives, which are objects that allow AI to "occupy" them
            CoverSpot tObjective = tCandidateAspect.Entity.Form.GetComponent <CoverSpot>();

            //Skip occupied cover points
            if ((tObjective != null) && (tObjective.isTaken) && (tObjective.occupant == ai.Body))
                previousCoverSpot   = tObjective;
                previousCoverAspect = tCandidateAspect.Position;

            if ((tObjective == null) || (tObjective.isTaken && tObjective.occupant != ai.Body))

            //Our cost function gives 50% more weight to points near the enemy
            //But then also adds in the AI distance to the point
            float tCost = 1.5f * Vector3.Distance(tEnemyPosition, tCandidateAspect.Position) + Vector3.Distance(ai.Kinematic.Position, tCandidateAspect.Position);
            if (tCost < bestCost)
                currentCoverPoint = tObjective;
                tCoverPosition    = tCandidateAspect.Position;
                bestCost          = tCost;

        //If we found a cover point, then occupy it
        if (currentCoverPoint != null)
            if (previousCoverSpot != null)
        else if (previousCoverSpot != null)
            tCoverPosition = previousCoverAspect;

        //Set the cover position in AI memory
        ai.WorkingMemory.SetItem <Vector3>(StoreCoverVarInName.VariableName, tCoverPosition);
예제 #18
 private void Chase(AI ai, RAINAspect aspect)
 private void Chase(AI ai, RAINAspect aspect)
예제 #20
    private bool IsTooClose(AI ai, RAINAspect aspect)
        float dist = Vector3.Distance(ai.Kinematic.Position, aspect.Position);

        if(dist <= range)
            return true;

        return false;
예제 #21
    // METHODS -----
    new void Start()
        _weaponTrail = GetComponentInChildren<TrailRenderer>();
        _attackPlanePoint = GetComponentInChildren<PlaneSpawner>();

        SoundController = GetComponent<RandomSoundPlayer>();

        CollectRadius += 1;

        // TESTING
        AddEffectToWeapons(new Damage(25));

        ui = GameObject.Find("UI").GetComponent<SpiritMeterUI>();
        if (DashEnabled) {
            _dashTrail = GetComponent<TrailRenderer> ();
        _mainCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").camera;
        _reviveHeartPrefab = (GameObject) Resources.Load("ReviveHeart");

        //currentSpiritPower = gameObject.AddComponent<SpiritBungie>();
        //currentSpiritPower = gameObject.AddComponent<SpiritLightning>();
        //currentSpiritPower = gameObject.AddComponent<SpiritPingPong>();
        //currentSpiritPower = gameObject.AddComponent<SpiritImmortal>();

        currentSpiritPower = gameObject.AddComponent<SpiritBungie>();

        aspect = GetComponentInChildren<EntityRig>().Entity.GetAspect("twinhero");

        //Search for menu settings
        GameObject levelInfo = GameObject.Find("LevelCreationInfo");
        if (levelInfo != null) {
            spiritRegen = levelInfo.GetComponent<LevelCreationInfo>().spiritRegen;
            _damageRecievedModifier = levelInfo.GetComponent<LevelCreationInfo>().DamageRecievedModifier;