예제 #1
#pragma warning restore 0067

        public RainbowToolTipPresenter(IQuickInfoSession qiSession)
            this.session                       = qiSession;
            this.presenter                     = new QuickInfoPresenter();
            this.presenter.Opacity             = 1.0;
            this.presenter.SnapsToDevicePixels = true;
            this.PopupStyles = PopupStyles.DismissOnMouseLeaveText
                               | PopupStyles.PositionClosest;
            // This part is the key to making this work
            // so that the default quick info implementation
            // actually picks this up and displays our control
            this.SpaceReservationManagerName = "quickinfo";
#pragma warning restore 0067

    public RainbowToolTipPresenter(IQuickInfoSession qiSession, RainbowToolTipPresenterProvider provider) {
      this.session = qiSession;
      this.session.Dismissed += OnSessionDimissed;

      this.presenter = new QuickInfoPresenter();
      this.presenter.EditorFactory = provider.EditorFactory;
      this.presenter.OptionsFactory = provider.OptionsFactory;

      this.presenter.Opacity = 1.0;
      this.presenter.SnapsToDevicePixels = true;
      this.PopupStyles = PopupStyles.DismissOnMouseLeaveText
        | PopupStyles.PositionClosest;
      // This part is the key to making this work
      // so that the default quick info implementation
      // actually picks this up and displays our control
      this.SpaceReservationManagerName = "quickinfo";