예제 #1
        public void QueuedProjects_PriorityProject_ReturnsPriorityBeforeNext(string prioProj,
                                                                             string[] expectedProjects)
            // Setup
            Options.ParseCommandLineArgs(new[] { "--project", prioProj });

            // we use the test double here so that we don't have to wait between creating files
            var sut = new QueueDouble(_env.Settings, QueueNames.Edit);

            sut.ProjectsForTesting = new[] { "projc", "projb", "proja", "projd" };

            // Exercise
            var queuedProjects = sut.QueuedProjects;

            // Verify
            Assert.That(queuedProjects, Is.EquivalentTo(expectedProjects));
예제 #2
        public void QueuedProjects_PriorityProject_ReturnsPriorityBeforeNext(string prioProj,
			string[] expectedProjects)
            // Setup
            Options.ParseCommandLineArgs(new[] { "--project", prioProj });

            // we use the test double here so that we don't have to wait between creating files
            var sut = new QueueDouble(_env.Settings, QueueNames.Edit);
            sut.ProjectsForTesting = new[] { "projc", "projb", "proja", "projd" };

            // Exercise
            var queuedProjects = sut.QueuedProjects;

            // Verify
            Assert.That(queuedProjects, Is.EquivalentTo(expectedProjects));