public QCandidate ReadSubCandidate(QueryingReadContext context, ITypeHandler4 handler ) { ObjectID objectID = ObjectID.NotPossible; try { int offset = context.Offset(); if (handler is IReadsObjectIds) { objectID = ((IReadsObjectIds)handler).ReadObjectID(context); } if (objectID.IsValid()) { return(new QCandidate(this, null, objectID._id)); } if (objectID == ObjectID.NotPossible) { context.Seek(offset); object obj = context.Read(handler); if (obj != null) { QCandidate candidate = new QCandidate(this, obj, context.Container().GetID(context .Transaction(), obj)); candidate.ClassMetadata(context.Container().ClassMetadataForObject(obj)); return(candidate); } } } catch (Exception) { } // FIXME: Catchall return(null); }
private bool CreateChildForDescendable(QCandidates parentCandidates, ITypeHandler4 handler, QueryingReadContext queryingReadContext, ITypeHandler4 arrayElementHandler ) { int offset = queryingReadContext.Offset(); bool outerRes = true; // The following construct is worse than not ideal. For each constraint it completely reads the // underlying structure again. The structure could be kept fairly easy. TODO: Optimize! IEnumerator i = parentCandidates.IterateConstraints(); while (i.MoveNext()) { QCon qcon = (QCon)i.Current; QField qf = qcon.GetField(); if (qf != null && !qf.Name().Equals(_fieldMetadata.GetName())) { continue; } QCon tempParent = qcon.Parent(); qcon.SetParent(null); QCandidates candidates = new QCandidates(parentCandidates.i_trans, null, qf, false ); candidates.AddConstraint(qcon); qcon.SetCandidates(candidates); ReadArrayCandidates(handler, queryingReadContext.Buffer(), arrayElementHandler, candidates ); queryingReadContext.Seek(offset); bool isNot = qcon.IsNot(); if (isNot) { qcon.RemoveNot(); } candidates.Evaluate(); ByRef pending = ByRef.NewInstance(); BooleanByRef innerRes = new BooleanByRef(isNot); candidates.Traverse(new QCandidate.CreateDescendChildTraversingVisitor(pending, innerRes , isNot)); if (isNot) { qcon.Not(); } // In case we had pending subresults, we need to communicate them up to our root. if (((Tree)pending.value) != null) { ((Tree)pending.value).Traverse(new _IVisitor4_168(this)); } if (!innerRes.value) { // Again this could be double triggering. // // We want to clean up the "No route" at some stage. qcon.Visit(GetRoot(), qcon.Evaluator().Not(false)); outerRes = false; } qcon.SetParent(tempParent); } return(outerRes); }
public override ITypeHandler4 ReadCandidateHandler(QueryingReadContext context) { int id = 0; int offset = context.Offset(); try { id = context.ReadInt(); } catch (Exception) { } context.Seek(offset); if (id != 0) { StatefulBuffer reader = context.Container().ReadStatefulBufferById(context.Transaction (), id); if (reader != null) { ObjectHeader oh = new ObjectHeader(context.Container(), reader); try { if (oh.ClassMetadata() != null) { context.Buffer(reader); return(oh.ClassMetadata().SeekCandidateHandler(context)); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } // TODO: Check Exception Types // Errors typically occur, if classes don't match return(null); }
internal virtual bool CreateChild(QCandidates a_candidates) { if (!_include) { return(false); } if (_fieldMetadata != null) { ITypeHandler4 handler = _fieldMetadata.GetHandler(); if (handler != null) { QueryingReadContext queryingReadContext = new QueryingReadContext(Transaction(), MarshallerFamily().HandlerVersion(), _bytes, _key); ITypeHandler4 arrayElementHandler = Handlers4.ArrayElementHandler(handler, queryingReadContext ); if (arrayElementHandler != null) { int offset = queryingReadContext.Offset(); bool outerRes = true; // The following construct is worse than not ideal. // For each constraint it completely reads the // underlying structure again. The structure could b // kept fairly easy. TODO: Optimize! IEnumerator i = a_candidates.IterateConstraints(); while (i.MoveNext()) { QCon qcon = (QCon)i.Current; QField qf = qcon.GetField(); if (qf == null || qf.Name().Equals(_fieldMetadata.GetName())) { QCon tempParent = qcon.Parent(); qcon.SetParent(null); QCandidates candidates = new QCandidates(a_candidates.i_trans, null, qf); candidates.AddConstraint(qcon); qcon.SetCandidates(candidates); ReadArrayCandidates(handler, queryingReadContext.Buffer(), arrayElementHandler, candidates ); queryingReadContext.Seek(offset); bool isNot = qcon.IsNot(); if (isNot) { qcon.RemoveNot(); } candidates.Evaluate(); ByRef pending = ByRef.NewInstance(); bool[] innerRes = new bool[] { isNot }; candidates.Traverse(new _IVisitor4_160(innerRes, isNot, pending)); // Collect all pending subresults. // We need to change // the // constraint here, so // our // pending collector // uses // the right // comparator. // We only keep one // pending result // for // all array // elements. // and memorize, // whether we had a // true or a false // result. // or both. if (isNot) { qcon.Not(); } // In case we had pending subresults, we // need to communicate // them up to our root. if (((Tree)pending.value) != null) { ((Tree)pending.value).Traverse(new _IVisitor4_229(this)); } if (!innerRes[0]) { // Again this could be double triggering. // // We want to clean up the "No route" // at some stage. qcon.Visit(GetRoot(), qcon.Evaluator().Not(false)); outerRes = false; } qcon.SetParent(tempParent); } } return(outerRes); } // We may get simple types here too, if the YapField was null // in the higher level simple evaluation. Evaluate these // immediately. if (Handlers4.IsQueryLeaf(handler)) { a_candidates.i_currentConstraint.Visit(this); return(true); } } } if (_fieldMetadata == null) { return(false); } if (_fieldMetadata is NullFieldMetadata) { return(false); } _classMetadata.SeekToField(Transaction(), _bytes, _fieldMetadata); Db4objects.Db4o.Internal.Query.Processor.QCandidate candidate = ReadSubCandidate( a_candidates); if (candidate == null) { return(false); } // fast early check for ClassMetadata if (a_candidates.i_classMetadata != null && a_candidates.i_classMetadata.IsStronglyTyped ()) { ITypeHandler4 handler = _fieldMetadata.GetHandler(); if (Handlers4.IsUntyped(handler)) { handler = TypeHandlerFor(candidate); } if (handler == null) { return(false); } } AddDependant(a_candidates.Add(candidate)); return(true); }