예제 #1
        public CardQueryVm(AbilityTypeVm abilityTypeVm, CardQueryExVm cardQueryExVm, CardPreviewVm cardPreviewVm,
                           CardPictureVm cardPictureVm)
            _abilityTypeVm = abilityTypeVm;
            _cardQueryExVm = cardQueryExVm;
            _cardPreviewVm = cardPreviewVm;
            _cardPictureVm = cardPictureVm;

            CmdQuery = new DelegateCommand {
                ExecuteCommand = Query_Click
            CmdReset = new DelegateCommand {
                ExecuteCommand = Reset_Click
            CmdAdd = new DelegateCommand {
                ExecuteCommand = Add_Click
            CmdUpdate = new DelegateCommand {
                ExecuteCommand = Update_Click
            CmdDelete = new DelegateCommand {
                ExecuteCommand = Delete_Click
            CmdExport = new DelegateCommand {
                ExecuteCommand = Export_Click

            CardQueryModel   = new CeQueryModel();
            QuerySourceModel = new QuerySourceModel();
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// From the table, view, sp, function added, we will build a new QuerySourceModel with all QuerySourceFields to attach it to the Role
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">table, view, sp, function QuerySourceModel</param>
        /// <param name="availableQuerySources">Connection Available Query Sources</param>
        /// <returns>A new QuerySourceModel to attach to Role</returns>
        private QuerySourceModel BuildQuerySourceForRole(QuerySourceModel model, List <QuerySourceModel> availableQuerySources)
            var result = new QuerySourceModel();

            result.Id = model.Id;
            result.QuerySourceFields = new List <QuerySourceFieldModel>();

            //add all QuerySourceFields
            var querySource = availableQuerySources.Where(q => q.Id == model.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (querySource != null)
                foreach (var field in querySource.QuerySourceFields)
                    result.QuerySourceFields.Add(new QuerySourceFieldModel {
                        Id = field.Id

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add new table/view/sp/function to visible data sources of a connection
        /// and then attach it to an existing role.
        /// We will hardcode the ConnectionName, TableName, ViewName, SPName, FunctionName, RoleName
        /// Step 1: Check if the hardcoded connection name is already existed by
        ///         - Call API to get all connections of the tenant and then search by name to check existed.
        ///         - If not existed, log error and return.
        /// Step 2: Get connection detail by calling API to reload the remote schema.
        ///         This will support the case when user add a table, view, ... to database,
        ///         but in Izenda it still not refresh in the Available Data Sources yet.
        /// Step 3: Validate the connection detail's data. If not valid, log error and return
        /// Step 4: For hardcoded TableName, ViewName, SPName, FunctionName, check if it existed in the
        ///         connection Available Data Sources.
        ///         If not, log error and return.
        ///         If existed, set the Selected flag to true to move it to Visible Data Sources.
        /// Step 5: Call API to update the connection (add table,view,sp,function to Visible Data Sources).
        /// Step 6: Check if the hardcoded role name is existed.
        ///         If not, log error and return.
        ///         If existed, call API to get role detail.
        /// Step 7: Check if the table,view,sp,function is already in the Visible Data Sources of the role.
        ///         If not, add it to the role's Visible Data Sources.
        /// Step 8: Call API to save role (attach table,view,sp,function to role).
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <bool> AddTableViewSPFunction()
            //HARDCODED tenantUniqueName, we will add table, view, sp, function to this tenant
            //If tenantUniqueName is empty, data will be added to the default 'System' tenant with tenantId = null
            var tenantUniqueName = "DELDG";

            //HARDCODED values
            var connectionName = "retail";
            var tableName      = "Employee";
            var viewName       = "OrdersByRegion";
            var spName         = "";
            var functionName   = "";
            var roleName       = "role8";

            //private variables
            bool needToUpdate = false;

            logger.Info("----------- Start adding Table/View/SP/Function -----------");

            //Get the encrypted token from the configuration: izusername, iztenantname
            //Use this token when calling Izenda Rest API
            var token = GetToken();

            //Get tenantId by calling API to get list of tenants then search by tenantUniqueName
            //If tenantUniqueName is not existed then throw exception.
            //Use this tenantId when calling Izenda Rest API
            Guid?tenantId = null;

            //GET /tenant/allTenants
            var tenants = await IzendaUtility.GetTenants(token);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tenantUniqueName))
                var tenant = tenants.Where(t => t.Name == tenantUniqueName).FirstOrDefault();
                if (tenant == null)
                    logger.ErrorFormat("Tenant = {0} is not existed.", tenantUniqueName);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid tenantUniqueName.");
                    tenantId = tenant.Id;

            QuerySourceModel table    = null;
            QuerySourceModel view     = null;
            QuerySourceModel sp       = null;
            QuerySourceModel function = null;

            //Get connection by name by calling API to get all connections then search by name.
            //GET /connection/(tenant_id)
            var connections = await IzendaUtility.GetConnections(tenantId, token);

            var conn = connections.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(connectionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            if (conn == null)
                logger.ErrorFormat("The connection = {0} is not existed.", connectionName);

            //Get connection detail by reloading the remote schema
            //This will support the case when user add a table to database
            //But in Izenda it still not refresh in Available Data Sources yet
            var connectionModel = await IzendaUtility.ReloadRemoteSchema(
                ConnectionId     = conn.Id,
                ConnectionString = conn.ConnectionString,
                ServerTypeId     = conn.ServerTypeId
            }, token);

            var querySourceCategories = connectionModel.DBSource.QuerySources;

            var querySourceCategory = connectionModel.DBSource.QuerySources[0];

            //keep available data sources
            var querySources = querySourceCategory.QuerySources;

            #region update Connection Detail Model

            //To add table,view,sp,function to Visible Data Sources, we only need to set the Selected flag to true

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))
                table          = querySources.Where(q => q.Name == tableName).FirstOrDefault();
                table.Selected = true;
                needToUpdate   = true;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewName))
                view          = querySources.Where(q => q.Name == viewName).FirstOrDefault();
                view.Selected = true;
                needToUpdate  = true;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spName))
                sp           = querySources.Where(q => q.Name == spName).FirstOrDefault();
                sp.Selected  = true;
                needToUpdate = true;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionName))
                function          = querySources.Where(q => q.Name == functionName).FirstOrDefault();
                function.Selected = true;
                needToUpdate      = true;


            if (needToUpdate == true)
                conn.DBSource = connectionModel.DBSource;

                //update connnection visible data sources
                //POST /connection
                await IzendaUtility.UpdateConnectionDetail(conn, token);

                logger.Info("Update connnection visible data sources succesfully.");

                //If we input RoleName, we will attach the added table,view,sp,function to this existing role
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(roleName))
                    //Get roles of tenant
                    //GET role/all/(tenant_id)
                    var roles = await IzendaUtility.GetRoles(tenantId, token);

                    //Check if role is existed
                    var existedRole = roles.Where(r => r.Name == roleName).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (existedRole != null)
                        logger.InfoFormat("Role = {0} is already existed => continue to update Data Model Permissions", roleName);

                        //Get role detail
                        //GET /role/{role_id}
                        var role = await IzendaUtility.GetRole(existedRole.Id, token);

                        #region update Data Model Permissions of role

                        //if role doesn't have any VisibleQuerySources, instantiate it
                        if (role.VisibleQuerySources == null)
                            role.VisibleQuerySources = new List <QuerySourceModel>();

                        //Check if the added table, view, sp, function already in VisibleQuerySources. If not existed, attach it to Role
                        if (table != null)
                            if (role.VisibleQuerySources.Where(q => q.Id == table.Id).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                role.VisibleQuerySources.Add(BuildQuerySourceForRole(table, querySources));
                                logger.InfoFormat("Table = {0} is already in the VisibleQuerySources of Role = {1}", table.Name, roleName);
                        if (view != null)
                            if (role.VisibleQuerySources.Where(q => q.Id == view.Id).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                role.VisibleQuerySources.Add(BuildQuerySourceForRole(view, querySources));
                                logger.InfoFormat("View = {0} is already in the VisibleQuerySources of Role = {1}", view.Name, roleName);
                        if (sp != null)
                            if (role.VisibleQuerySources.Where(q => q.Id == sp.Id).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                role.VisibleQuerySources.Add(BuildQuerySourceForRole(sp, querySources));
                                logger.InfoFormat("SP = {0} is already in the VisibleQuerySources of Role = {1}", sp.Name, roleName);
                        if (function != null)
                            if (role.VisibleQuerySources.Where(q => q.Id == function.Id).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                role.VisibleQuerySources.Add(BuildQuerySourceForRole(function, querySources));
                                logger.InfoFormat("Function = {0} is already in the VisibleQuerySources of Role = {1}", function.Name, roleName);


                        //need to set TenantUniqueName to use POST /role/intergration/saveRole
                        role.TenantUniqueName = tenantUniqueName;

                        //Call API to update role
                        //POST /role/intergration/saveRole
                        await IzendaUtility.SaveRole(role, token);
                        logger.ErrorFormat("Role = {0} is not existed. Please specify another existed role to update Data Model Permissions", roleName);

            logger.Info("----------- End adding Table/View/SP/Function -----------");
