예제 #1
        public static Rectangle SetPos(IntPtr hWnd, QueryPosResult pos)
            APP_BAR_DATA abd = new APP_BAR_DATA();

            abd.cbSize    = Marshal.SizeOf(abd);
            abd.hWnd      = hWnd;
            abd.uEdge     = pos.edge;
            abd.rc.top    = pos.rc.Top;
            abd.rc.bottom = pos.rc.Bottom;
            abd.rc.left   = pos.rc.Left;
            abd.rc.right  = pos.rc.Right;
            // Pass the final bounding rectangle to the system.
            SHAppBarMessage(ABM_SETPOS, ref abd);
            MoveWindow(abd.hWnd, abd.rc.left, abd.rc.top, abd.rc.right - abd.rc.left, abd.rc.bottom - abd.rc.top, true);
            return(new Rectangle(abd.rc.left, abd.rc.top, abd.rc.right - abd.rc.left, abd.rc.bottom - abd.rc.top));
예제 #2
        public void RefreshPosition()
            QueryPosResult ret = QueryPos(this.Handle, this.idealLocation, this.idealSize);

            SetPos(this.Handle, ret);
예제 #3
        public static QueryPosResult QueryPos(IntPtr hWnd, Point idealLocation, Size idealSize)
            APP_BAR_DATA abd = new APP_BAR_DATA();

            abd.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(abd);
            abd.hWnd   = hWnd;
            // saved the proposed rectangle
            Rectangle R = new Rectangle(idealLocation, idealSize);

            abd.rc.left  = R.Left;
            abd.rc.right = R.Right;
            // then figure out which screen that rectangle would be on
            Screen S = Screen.FromRectangle(R);

            // make it full height
            abd.rc.top    = S.WorkingArea.Top;
            abd.rc.bottom = S.WorkingArea.Bottom;
            if (S.Bounds.Left != 0)                 // multiple monitors
                R.Offset(-S.Bounds.Left, 0);
            // see whether we are on the left or right side of the screen
            int centerX      = (R.Left + R.Right) >> 1;
            int centerScreen = S.Bounds.Width >> 1;

            if (centerX < 0)                 // multiple monitors
                if (Math.Abs(centerX) < centerScreen)
                    abd.uEdge = ABE_RIGHT;
                    abd.uEdge = ABE_LEFT;
            else if (centerX > centerScreen)
                abd.uEdge = ABE_RIGHT;
                abd.uEdge = ABE_LEFT;
            // once we've decided on an edge, align the rect cleanly to that edge
            switch (abd.uEdge)
            case ABE_LEFT:
                abd.rc.left  = S.WorkingArea.Left;
                abd.rc.right = abd.rc.left + idealSize.Width;

            case ABE_RIGHT:
                abd.rc.right = S.WorkingArea.Right;
                abd.rc.left  = abd.rc.right - idealSize.Width;

            // Query the system for an approved size and position.
            SHAppBarMessage(ABM_QUERYPOS, ref abd);
            QueryPosResult ret = new QueryPosResult();

            ret.edge = abd.uEdge;
            ret.rc   = new Rectangle(abd.rc.left, abd.rc.top, abd.rc.right - abd.rc.left, abd.rc.bottom - abd.rc.top);
            // return the approved position