예제 #1
        public void GroupByStructureFieldTest()
            using (var session = Domain.OpenSession())
                using (var logger = new QueryLogger(session))
                    using (var transaction = session.OpenTransaction()) {
                        var expectedCounts = Query.All <Product>()
                                             .GroupBy(g => g.Price)
                                             .Select(g => new { g.Key, Cnt = g.Count() })

                        using (logger.Attach()) {
                            var x = Query.All <Product>()
                                    .GroupBy(g => g.Price)
                                    .Select(g => new { g.Key, Cnt = g.Count() });

                            foreach (var e in x)
                                var entry = expectedCounts.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Key == e.Key);
                                Assert.That(entry, Is.Not.Null);
                                Assert.That(e.Cnt, Is.EqualTo(entry.Cnt));
예제 #2
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            // Init low-level DB singleton
            InitDB(config, loggerFactory, true);
            // Application-specific singletons.
            services.AddSingleton(new CountryResolver(config["ipv4FileName"]));
            PageProvider pageProvider = new PageProvider(loggerFactory, config["privatePagesFolder"],
                                                         env.IsDevelopment(), mut, config["baseUrl"]);

            services.AddSingleton(new LangRepo(config["uniHanziFileName"]));
            services.AddSingleton(new SqlDict(loggerFactory, mut));
            Emailer emailer = new Emailer(config);

            if (mut == Mutation.CHD)
                services.AddSingleton(new Sphinx(loggerFactory, config["perlBin"],
                                                 config["sphinxScript"], config["corpusBinFileName"]));
            // These below have a shutdown action, so we store them in a member too.
            auth = new Auth(mut, loggerFactory, config, emailer, pageProvider);
            qlog = new QueryLogger(config["queryLogFileName"], config["hwriteLogFileName"]);
            // MVC for serving pages and REST
            // Configuration singleton
            services.AddSingleton <IConfiguration>(sp => { return(config); });
예제 #3
        public void GroupByAnonymousTypeWithPersistentAndNonNullableFielsTest()
            using (var session = Domain.OpenSession())
                using (var logger = new QueryLogger(session))
                    using (var transaction = session.OpenTransaction()) {
                        var expectedCounts = Query.All <Product>()
                                             .GroupBy(g => new { Battery = g.Battery, Description = g.Name })
                            g => new {
                            Cnt = g.Count()

                        using (logger.Attach()) {
                            var x = Query.All <Product>()
                                    .GroupBy(g => new { Battery = g.Battery, Description = g.Name })
                                    .Select(g => new { g.Key, Cnt = g.Count() });

                            foreach (var e in x)
                                var entry = expectedCounts.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Key.Battery == e.Key.Battery && i.Key.Description == e.Key.Description);
                                Assert.That(entry, Is.Not.Null);
                                Assert.That(e.Cnt, Is.EqualTo(entry.Cnt));
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Ctor: init controller within app environment.
 /// </summary>
 public SmartsController(CountryResolver cres, LangRepo langRepo, SqlDict dict,
                         QueryLogger qlog, IConfiguration config)
     this.cres     = cres;
     this.langRepo = langRepo;
     this.dict     = dict;
     this.qlog     = qlog;
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Ctor: Infuse app services.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Default null values make controller accessible to <see cref="IndexController"/>.
 /// That way, functionality is limited to serving static pages.
 /// </remarks>
 public DynpageController(PageProvider pageProvider, IConfiguration config, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
                          Auth auth, SqlDict dict, CountryResolver cres, QueryLogger qlog, Sphinx sphinx, LangRepo langRepo)
     this.cres         = cres;
     this.pageProvider = pageProvider;
     this.dict         = dict;
     this.sphinx       = sphinx;
     this.qlog         = qlog;
     this.config       = config;
     this.logger       = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("DynpageController");
     this.auth         = auth;
     this.langRepo     = langRepo;
예제 #6
 private void UpdateQueryLoggerSettings()
     // This method depends on any log settings having been updated before hand, via updateLogSettings.
     // The only dynamic settings here are log_queries, and log_queries_threshold which is read by the
     // ConfiguredQueryLogger constructor. We can add more in the future, though. The various content settings
     // are prime candidates.
     if (_config.get(GraphDatabaseSettings.log_queries))
         _currentLog = new ConfiguredQueryLogger(_log, _config);
         _currentLog = NO_LOG;
    FieldType BuildQueryField <TSource, TReturn>(
        string name,
        Func <ResolveEfFieldContext <TDbContext, TSource>, IQueryable <TReturn> >?resolve,
        IEnumerable <QueryArgument>?arguments,
        where TReturn : class
        Guard.AgainstWhiteSpace(nameof(name), name);

        var hasId     = keyNames.ContainsKey(typeof(TReturn));
        var fieldType = new FieldType
            Name        = name,
            Description = description,
            Type        = MakeListGraphType <TReturn>(itemGraphType),
            Arguments   = ArgumentAppender.GetQueryArguments(arguments, hasId, true),

        if (resolve is not null)
            fieldType.Resolver = new AsyncFieldResolver <TSource, IEnumerable <TReturn> >(
                async context =>
                var fieldContext = BuildContext(context);
                var names        = GetKeyNames <TReturn>();
                var query        = resolve(fieldContext);
                if (disableTracking)
                    query = query.AsNoTracking();

                query = includeAppender.AddIncludes(query, context);
                query = query.ApplyGraphQlArguments(context, names, true);


                var list = await query
                return(await fieldContext.Filters.ApplyFilter(list, context.UserContext));

예제 #8
    static async Task <Connection <TItem> > Range <TSource, TItem>(
        IQueryable <TItem> list,
        int skip,
        int take,
        int count,
        IResolveFieldContext <TSource> context,
        Filters filters,
        CancellationToken cancellation)
        where TItem : class
        var page = list.Skip(skip).Take(take);

        IEnumerable <TItem> result = await page.ToListAsync(cancellation);

        result = await filters.ApplyFilter(result, context.UserContext);

        return(Build(skip, take, count, result));
예제 #9
    public async Task LogQuery()
        string?queryText = null;

        QueryLogger.Enable(s => queryText = s);
        var query = @"
      {path: 'Property', comparison: startsWith, value: 'Valu'}
      {path: 'Property', comparison: endsWith, value: 'ue3'}

        var entity1 = new ParentEntity
            Property = "Value1"
        var entity2 = new ParentEntity
            Property = "Value2"
        var entity3 = new ParentEntity
            Property = "Value3"

        await using var database = await sqlInstance.Build();
        await RunQuery(database, query, null, null, false, new object[] { entity1, entity2, entity3 });

예제 #10
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldLogRuntime()
        public virtual void ShouldLogRuntime()
            // given
            AssertableLogProvider        logProvider = new AssertableLogProvider();
            IDictionary <string, object> @params     = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            @params["ages"] = Arrays.asList(41, 42, 43);
            ExecutingQuery query  = query(_session_1, "TestUser", QUERY_4, @params, emptyMap());
            Config         config = Config.defaults();

            config.Augment(GraphDatabaseSettings.log_queries_parameter_logging_enabled, "true");
            config.Augment(GraphDatabaseSettings.log_queries_runtime_logging_enabled, "true");
            QueryLogger queryLogger = queryLogger(logProvider, config);

            // when
            _clock.forward(11, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            query.CompilationCompleted(new CompilerInfo("magic", "quantum", Collections.emptyList()), null);

            // then
            string expectedSessionString = SessionConnectionDetails(_session_1, "TestUser");

            logProvider.AssertExactly(inLog(this.GetType()).info(format("%d ms: %s - %s - %s - {}", 11L, expectedSessionString, QUERY_4, "{ages: [41, 42, 43]} - runtime=quantum")));
예제 #11
        public void SetUp()
            _mockLog = new Mock <ILog>();

            _logger = new QueryLogger(_mockLog.Object);
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Ctor: init controller within app environment.
 /// </summary>
 public CorpusController(Sphinx sphinx, QueryLogger qlog, CountryResolver cres)
     this.sphinx = sphinx;
     this.qlog   = qlog;
     this.cres   = cres;
예제 #13
    FieldType BuildSingleField <TSource, TReturn>(
        string name,
        Func <ResolveEfFieldContext <TDbContext, TSource>, IQueryable <TReturn> > resolve,
        Func <ResolveEfFieldContext <TDbContext, TSource>, TReturn, Task>?mutate,
        IEnumerable <QueryArgument>?arguments,
        bool nullable,
        where TReturn : class
        Guard.AgainstWhiteSpace(nameof(name), name);

        graphType ??= GraphTypeFinder.FindGraphType <TReturn>(nullable);

        var hasId = keyNames.ContainsKey(typeof(TReturn));

            Name = name,
            Type = graphType,
            Description = description,

            Arguments = ArgumentAppender.GetQueryArguments(arguments, hasId, false),

            Resolver = new AsyncFieldResolver <TSource, TReturn?>(
                async context =>
                var efFieldContext = BuildContext(context);

                var names = GetKeyNames <TReturn>();

                var query = resolve(efFieldContext);
                if (disableTracking)
                    query = query.AsNoTracking();

                query = includeAppender.AddIncludes(query, context);
                query = query.ApplyGraphQlArguments(context, names, false);


                var single = await query.SingleOrDefaultAsync(context.CancellationToken);

                if (single is not null)
                    if (await efFieldContext.Filters.ShouldInclude(context.UserContext, single))
                        if (mutate is not null)
                            await mutate.Invoke(efFieldContext, single);

                        return single;

                if (nullable)
                    return null;

                throw new ExecutionError("Not found");