public WardrobeComposer(GameClient Session) : base(ServerPacketHeader.WardrobeMessageComposer) { base.WriteInteger(1); using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `slot_id`,`look`,`gender` FROM `user_wardrobe` WHERE `user_id` = '" + Session.GetHabbo().Id + "'"); DataTable WardrobeData = dbClient.getTable(); if (WardrobeData == null) { base.WriteInteger(0); } else { base.WriteInteger(WardrobeData.Rows.Count); foreach (DataRow Row in WardrobeData.Rows) { base.WriteInteger(Convert.ToInt32(Row["slot_id"])); base.WriteString(Convert.ToString(Row["look"])); base.WriteString(Row["gender"].ToString().ToUpper()); } } } }
public void Close(TicketStatus NewStatus) { Status = NewStatus; String dbType = ""; switch (NewStatus) { case TicketStatus.ABUSIVE: dbType = "abusive"; break; case TicketStatus.INVALID: dbType = "invalid"; break; case TicketStatus.RESOLVED: default: dbType = "resolved"; break; } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.RunQuery("UPDATE moderation_tickets SET status = '" + dbType + "' WHERE id = " + Id + " LIMIT 1"); } }
public TonerData(int Item) { ItemId = Item; DataRow Row; using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT enabled,data1,data2,data3 FROM room_items_toner WHERE id=" + ItemId + " LIMIT 1"); Row = dbClient.getRow(); } if (Row == null) { //throw new NullReferenceException("No toner data found in the database for " + ItemId); using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.RunQuery("INSERT INTO `room_items_toner` VALUES (" + ItemId + ",'0',0,0,0)"); dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT enabled,data1,data2,data3 FROM room_items_toner WHERE id=" + ItemId + " LIMIT 1"); Row = dbClient.getRow(); } } Enabled = int.Parse(Row[0].ToString()); Hue = Convert.ToInt32(Row[1]); Saturation = Convert.ToInt32(Row[2]); Lightness = Convert.ToInt32(Row[3]); }
public void InitBots() { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `id`,`room_id`,`name`,`motto`,`look`,`x`,`y`,`z`,`rotation`,`gender`,`user_id`,`ai_type`,`walk_mode`,`automatic_chat`,`speaking_interval`,`mix_sentences`,`chat_bubble` FROM `bots` WHERE `room_id` = '" + RoomId + "' AND `ai_type` != 'pet'"); DataTable Data = dbClient.getTable(); if (Data == null) { return; } foreach (DataRow Bot in Data.Rows) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `text` FROM `bots_speech` WHERE `bot_id` = '" + Convert.ToInt32(Bot["id"]) + "'"); DataTable BotSpeech = dbClient.getTable(); List <RandomSpeech> Speeches = new List <RandomSpeech>(); foreach (DataRow Speech in BotSpeech.Rows) { Speeches.Add(new RandomSpeech(Convert.ToString(Speech["text"]), Convert.ToInt32(Bot["id"]))); } _roomUserManager.DeployBot(new RoomBot(Convert.ToInt32(Bot["id"]), Convert.ToInt32(Bot["room_id"]), Convert.ToString(Bot["ai_type"]), Convert.ToString(Bot["walk_mode"]), Convert.ToString(Bot["name"]), Convert.ToString(Bot["motto"]), Convert.ToString(Bot["look"]), int.Parse(Bot["x"].ToString()), int.Parse(Bot["y"].ToString()), int.Parse(Bot["z"].ToString()), int.Parse(Bot["rotation"].ToString()), 0, 0, 0, 0, ref Speeches, "M", 0, Convert.ToInt32(Bot["user_id"].ToString()), Convert.ToBoolean(Bot["automatic_chat"]), Convert.ToInt32(Bot["speaking_interval"]), QuasarEnvironment.EnumToBool(Bot["mix_sentences"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(Bot["chat_bubble"])), null); } } }
public void AddView(int userid, int count = -1) { GroupForumThreadPostView v; if ((v = GetView(userid)) != null) { v.Count = count >= 0 ? count : Posts.Count; using (var adap = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { adap.SetQuery("UPDATE group_forums_thread_views SET count = @c WHERE thread_id = @p AND user_id = @u"); adap.AddParameter("c", v.Count); adap.AddParameter("p", this.Id); adap.AddParameter("u", userid); adap.RunQuery(); } } else { v = new GroupForumThreadPostView(0, userid, Posts.Count); using (var adap = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { adap.SetQuery("INSERT INTO group_forums_thread_views (thread_id, user_id, count) VALUES (@t, @u, @c)"); adap.AddParameter("t", this.Id); adap.AddParameter("u", userid); adap.AddParameter("c", v.Count); v.Id = (int)adap.InsertQuery(); Views.Add(v); } } }
public bool RemoveDisc(int id) { Item discItem = this.GetDiscItem(id); bool flag = discItem == null; bool result; if (flag) { result = false; } else { bool isPlaying = this.IsPlaying; if (isPlaying) { result = false; } else { using (IQueryAdapter queryReactor = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { queryReactor.RunQuery("DELETE FROM room_jukebox_songs WHERE item_id = '" + discItem.Id + "'"); } this.Playlist.Remove(discItem); this.Room.SendMessage(new SetJukeboxPlayListComposer(this.Room), false); this.Room.SendMessage(new LoadJukeboxUserMusicItemsComposer(this.Room), false); result = true; } } return(result); }
public void AddMember(int Id) { if (this.IsMember(Id) || this.GroupType == GroupType.LOCKED && this._requests.Contains(Id)) { return; } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { if (this.IsAdmin(Id)) { dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE `group_memberships` SET `rank` = '0' WHERE user_id = @uid AND group_id = @gid"); this._administrators.Remove(Id); this._members.Add(Id); } else if (this.GroupType == GroupType.LOCKED) { dbClient.SetQuery("INSERT INTO `group_requests` (user_id, group_id) VALUES (@uid, @gid)"); this._requests.Add(Id); } else { dbClient.SetQuery("INSERT INTO `group_memberships` (user_id, group_id) VALUES (@uid, @gid)"); this._members.Add(Id); } dbClient.AddParameter("gid", this.Id); dbClient.AddParameter("uid", Id); dbClient.RunQuery(); } }
public void LoadModels() { if (this._roomModels.Count > 0) { _roomModels.Clear(); } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT id,door_x,door_y,door_z,door_dir,heightmap,public_items,club_only,poolmap,`wall_height` FROM `room_models` WHERE `custom` = '0'"); DataTable Data = dbClient.getTable(); if (Data == null) { return; } foreach (DataRow Row in Data.Rows) { string Modelname = Convert.ToString(Row["id"]); string staticFurniture = Convert.ToString(Row["public_items"]); _roomModels.Add(Modelname, new RoomModel(Convert.ToInt32(Row["door_x"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["door_y"]), (Double)Row["door_z"], Convert.ToInt32(Row["door_dir"]), Convert.ToString(Row["heightmap"]), Convert.ToString(Row["public_items"]), QuasarEnvironment.EnumToBool(Row["club_only"].ToString()), Convert.ToString(Row["poolmap"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["wall_height"]))); } } }
public void LoadPromotions() { if (this._promotionItems.Count > 0) { this._promotionItems.Clear(); } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `server_landing` ORDER BY `id` DESC"); DataTable GetData = dbClient.getTable(); if (GetData != null) { foreach (DataRow Row in GetData.Rows) { this._promotionItems.Add(Convert.ToInt32(Row[0]), new Promotion((int)Row[0], Row[1].ToString(), Row[2].ToString(), Row[3].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(Row[4]), Row[5].ToString(), Row[6].ToString())); } } } //string CurrentTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss" + " | "); //Console.WriteLine(CurrentTime + "» Hotel Overzicht"); }
public void Init() { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `badge_definitions`;"); DataTable GetBadges = dbClient.getTable(); foreach (DataRow Row in GetBadges.Rows) { string BadgeCode = Convert.ToString(Row["code"]).ToUpper(); if (!this._badges.ContainsKey(BadgeCode)) { this._badges.Add(BadgeCode, new BadgeDefinition(BadgeCode, Convert.ToString(Row["required_right"]))); } } } string CurrentTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss" + " | "); Console.WriteLine(CurrentTime + "» Badges " + this._badges.Count + " gevonden"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; Console.WriteLine(CurrentTime + "» Badges » Geladen!"); Console.ResetColor(); }
public void Init() { if (this._races.Count > 0) { this._races.Clear(); } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `catalog_pet_races`"); DataTable Table = dbClient.getTable(); if (Table != null) { foreach (DataRow Row in Table.Rows) { PetRace Race = new PetRace(Convert.ToInt32(Row["raceid"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["color1"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["color2"]), (Convert.ToString(Row["has1color"]) == "1"), (Convert.ToString(Row["has2color"]) == "1")); if (!this._races.Contains(Race)) { this._races.Add(Race); } } } } }
public GroupForumSettings(GroupForum Forum) { this.ParentForum = Forum; DataRow Row; using (var adap = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { adap.SetQuery("SELECT * FROM group_forums_settings WHERE group_id = @id"); adap.AddParameter("id", Forum.Id); Row = adap.getRow(); } if (Row == null) { using (var adap = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { adap.SetQuery("REPLACE INTO group_forums_settings (group_id) VALUES (@id);SELECT * FROM group_forums_settings WHERE group_id = @id"); adap.AddParameter("id", Forum.Id); Row = adap.getRow(); } } this.WhoCanRead = Convert.ToInt32(Row["who_can_read"]); this.WhoCanPost = Convert.ToInt32(Row["who_can_post"]); this.WhoCanInitDiscussions = Convert.ToInt32(Row["who_can_init_discussions"]); this.WhoCanModerate = Convert.ToInt32(Row["who_can_mod"]); }
public void GiveBadge(string Badge, Boolean InDatabase, GameClient Session) { if (HasBadge(Badge)) { return; } BadgeDefinition BadgeDefinition = null; if (!QuasarEnvironment.GetGame().GetBadgeManager().TryGetBadge(Badge.ToUpper(), out BadgeDefinition) || BadgeDefinition.RequiredRight.Length > 0 && !Session.GetHabbo().GetPermissions().HasRight(BadgeDefinition.RequiredRight)) { return; } if (InDatabase) { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("INSERT INTO user_badges (user_id,badge_id,badge_slot) VALUES (" + _player.Id + ",@badge," + 0 + ")"); dbClient.AddParameter("badge", Badge); dbClient.RunQuery(); } } _badges.Add(Badge, new Badge(Badge, 0)); if (Session != null) { Session.SendMessage(new BadgesComposer(Session)); Session.SendMessage(new FurniListNotificationComposer(1, 4)); } }
private void UpdateOnlineUsers() { TimeSpan Uptime = DateTime.Now - QuasarEnvironment.ServerStarted; int UsersOnline = Convert.ToInt32(QuasarEnvironment.GetGame().GetClientManager().Count); int RoomCount = QuasarEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().Count; Console.Title = "Emulator | " + UsersOnline + " Habbis | " + RoomCount + " Kamers | " + Uptime.Days + " Dagen"; using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE `server_status` SET `users_online` = @users, `loaded_rooms` = @loadedRooms LIMIT 1;"); dbClient.AddParameter("users", UsersOnline); dbClient.AddParameter("loadedRooms", RoomCount); dbClient.RunQuery(); } int userPeak; using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `userpeak` FROM `server_status` LIMIT 1"); userPeak = dbClient.getInteger(); } if (UsersOnline > userPeak) { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE `server_status` SET `userpeak` = @userpeak LIMIT 1;"); dbClient.AddParameter("userpeak", UsersOnline); dbClient.RunQuery(); } } }
public void DeleteMember(int Id) { if (IsMember(Id)) { if (this._members.Contains(Id)) { this._members.Remove(Id); } } else if (IsAdmin(Id)) { if (this._administrators.Contains(Id)) { this._administrators.Remove(Id); } } else { return; } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("DELETE FROM group_memberships WHERE user_id=@uid AND group_id=@gid LIMIT 1"); dbClient.AddParameter("gid", this.Id); dbClient.AddParameter("uid", Id); dbClient.RunQuery(); } }
public RoomData CreateRoom(GameClient Session, string Name, string Description, string Model, int Category, int MaxVisitors, int TradeSettings) { if (!_roomModels.ContainsKey(Model)) { Session.SendNotification(LanguageLocale.Get(Session, "invalid_room_model")); return(null); } if (Name.Length < 3) { Session.SendNotification(LanguageLocale.Get(Session, "invalid_room_name_length")); return(null); } int RoomId = 0; using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("INSERT INTO `rooms` (`roomtype`,`caption`,`description`,`owner`,`model_name`,`category`,`users_max`,`trade_settings`) VALUES ('private',@caption,@description,@UserId,@model,@category,@usersmax,@tradesettings)"); dbClient.AddParameter("caption", Name); dbClient.AddParameter("description", Description); dbClient.AddParameter("UserId", Session.GetHabbo().Id); dbClient.AddParameter("model", Model); dbClient.AddParameter("category", Category); dbClient.AddParameter("usersmax", MaxVisitors); dbClient.AddParameter("tradesettings", TradeSettings); RoomId = Convert.ToInt32(dbClient.InsertQuery()); } RoomData newRoomData = GenerateRoomData(RoomId); Session.GetHabbo().UsersRooms.Add(newRoomData); return(newRoomData); }
public void HandleRequest(int Id, bool Accepted) { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { if (Accepted) { dbClient.SetQuery("INSERT INTO group_memberships (user_id, group_id) VALUES (@uid, @gid)"); dbClient.AddParameter("gid", this.Id); dbClient.AddParameter("uid", Id); dbClient.RunQuery(); this._members.Add(Id); } dbClient.SetQuery("DELETE FROM group_requests WHERE user_id=@uid AND group_id=@gid LIMIT 1"); dbClient.AddParameter("gid", this.Id); dbClient.AddParameter("uid", Id); dbClient.RunQuery(); } if (this._requests.Contains(Id)) { this._requests.Remove(Id); } }
public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params) { if (!Room.CheckRights(Session, true)) { return; } Room.GetRoomItemHandler().RemoveItems(Session); using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE `items` SET `room_id` = '0' WHERE `room_id` = @RoomId AND `user_id` = @UserId"); dbClient.AddParameter("RoomId", Room.Id); dbClient.AddParameter("UserId", Session.GetHabbo().Id); dbClient.RunQuery(); } List <Item> Items = Room.GetRoomItemHandler().GetWallAndFloor.ToList(); if (Items.Count > 0) { Session.SendWhisper("Er zijn nog steeds items in deze kamer. Gebruik :pickalles om ook die op te pakken!"); } Session.SendMessage(new FurniListUpdateComposer()); }
/// <summary> /// Runs a quick check to see if a ban record is cached in the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="Key"></param> /// <param name="Ban"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsBanned(string Key, out ModerationBan Ban) { if (this._bans.TryGetValue(Key, out Ban)) { if (!Ban.Expired) { return(true); } //This ban has expired, let us quickly remove it here. using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `bantype` = '" + BanTypeUtility.FromModerationBanType(Ban.Type) + "' AND `value` = @Key LIMIT 1"); dbClient.AddParameter("Key", Key); dbClient.RunQuery(); } //And finally, let us remove the ban record from the cache. if (this._bans.ContainsKey(Key)) { this._bans.Remove(Key); } return(false); } return(false); }
public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params) { if (!Room.CheckRights(Session, true)) { Session.SendWhisper("Oeps! Je hebt niet de bevoegdheid om deze actie uit te voeren.", 34); return; } foreach (RoomUser User in Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetUserList().ToList()) { if (User == null || User.IsPet || !User.IsBot) { continue; } RoomUser BotUser = null; if (!Room.GetRoomUserManager().TryGetBot(User.BotData.Id, out BotUser)) { return; } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE `bots` SET `room_id` = '0' WHERE `id` = @id LIMIT 1"); dbClient.AddParameter("id", User.BotData.Id); dbClient.RunQuery(); } Session.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().TryAddBot(new Bot(Convert.ToInt32(BotUser.BotData.Id), Convert.ToInt32(BotUser.BotData.ownerID), BotUser.BotData.Name, BotUser.BotData.Motto, BotUser.BotData.Look, BotUser.BotData.Gender)); Session.SendMessage(new BotInventoryComposer(Session.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().GetBots())); Room.GetRoomUserManager().RemoveBot(BotUser.VirtualId, false); } Session.SendWhisper("Jeej! De bots zijn de kamer uitgestuurd!", 34); }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { string Volume = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int Vol = Packet.PopInt(); if (Vol < 0 || Vol > 100) { Vol = 100; } if (i < 2) { Volume += Vol + ","; } else { Volume += Vol; } } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE users SET volume = @volume WHERE `id` = '" + Session.GetHabbo().Id + "' LIMIT 1"); dbClient.AddParameter("volume", Volume); dbClient.RunQuery(); } }
internal void Load() { using (IQueryAdapter dbQuery = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { ranks = new Dictionary <uint, UserRank>(); usersWithRank = new List <UserCompetition>(); dbQuery.SetQuery("SELECT * FROM ranks"); var gRanksTable = (DataTable)dbQuery.getTable(); foreach (DataRow Row in gRanksTable.Rows) { if (!ranks.ContainsKey((uint)Row["id"])) { ranks.Add((uint)Row["id"], new UserRank((string)Row["name"], (string)Row["badgeid"])); } } dbQuery.SetQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE rank BETWEEN 2 AND 7 ORDER BY rank DESC LIMIT 16"); DataTable gUsersTable = dbQuery.getTable(); foreach (DataRow Row in gUsersTable.Rows) { var staff = new UserCompetition(Row); if (!usersWithRank.Contains(staff)) { usersWithRank.Add(staff); } } } }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { int SlotId = Packet.PopInt(); string Look = QuasarEnvironment.GetGame().GetAntiMutant().RunLook(Packet.PopString()); string Gender = Packet.PopString(); using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT null FROM `user_wardrobe` WHERE `user_id` = " + Session.GetHabbo().Id + " AND `slot_id` = @slot"); dbClient.AddParameter("slot", SlotId); if (dbClient.getRow() != null) { dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE `user_wardrobe` SET `look` = @look, `gender` = @gender WHERE `user_id` = '" + Session.GetHabbo().Id + "' AND `slot_id` = @slot LIMIT 1"); dbClient.AddParameter("slot", SlotId); dbClient.AddParameter("look", Look); dbClient.AddParameter("gender", Gender.ToUpper()); dbClient.RunQuery(); } else { dbClient.SetQuery("INSERT INTO `user_wardrobe` (`user_id`,`slot_id`,`look`,`gender`) VALUES ('" + Session.GetHabbo().Id + "',@slot,@look,@gender)"); dbClient.AddParameter("slot", SlotId); dbClient.AddParameter("look", Look); dbClient.AddParameter("gender", Gender.ToUpper()); dbClient.RunQuery(); } } }
private void SaveAI() { foreach (RoomUser User in GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUsers().ToList()) { if (User == null || !User.IsBot) { continue; } if (User.IsBot) { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE bots SET x=@x, y=@y, z=@z, name=@name, look=@look, rotation=@rotation WHERE id=@id LIMIT 1;"); dbClient.AddParameter("name", User.BotData.Name); dbClient.AddParameter("look", User.BotData.Look); dbClient.AddParameter("rotation", User.BotData.Rot); dbClient.AddParameter("x", User.X); dbClient.AddParameter("y", User.Y); dbClient.AddParameter("z", User.Z); dbClient.AddParameter("id", User.BotData.BotId); dbClient.RunQuery(); } } } }
public int AvgPriceForSprite(int SpriteID) { int num = 0; int num2 = 0; if (this.MarketAverages.ContainsKey(SpriteID) && this.MarketCounts.ContainsKey(SpriteID)) { if (this.MarketCounts[SpriteID] > 0) { return(this.MarketAverages[SpriteID] / this.MarketCounts[SpriteID]); } return(0); } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `avgprice` FROM `catalog_marketplace_data` WHERE `sprite` = '" + SpriteID + "' LIMIT 1"); num = dbClient.getInteger(); dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `sold` FROM `catalog_marketplace_data` WHERE `sprite` = '" + SpriteID + "' LIMIT 1"); num2 = dbClient.getInteger(); } this.MarketAverages.Add(SpriteID, num); this.MarketCounts.Add(SpriteID, num2); if (num2 > 0) { return(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)(num / num2)))); } return(0); }
public void InitPets() { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `id`,`user_id`,`room_id`,`name`,`x`,`y`,`z` FROM `bots` WHERE `room_id` = '" + RoomId + "' AND `ai_type` = 'pet'"); DataTable Data = dbClient.getTable(); if (Data == null) { return; } foreach (DataRow Row in Data.Rows) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `type`,`race`,`color`,`experience`,`energy`,`nutrition`,`respect`,`createstamp`,`have_saddle`,`anyone_ride`,`hairdye`,`pethair`,`gnome_clothing` FROM `bots_petdata` WHERE `id` = '" + Row[0] + "' LIMIT 1"); DataRow mRow = dbClient.getRow(); if (mRow == null) { continue; } Pet Pet = new Pet(Convert.ToInt32(Row["id"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["user_id"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["room_id"]), Convert.ToString(Row["name"]), Convert.ToInt32(mRow["type"]), Convert.ToString(mRow["race"]), Convert.ToString(mRow["color"]), Convert.ToInt32(mRow["experience"]), Convert.ToInt32(mRow["energy"]), Convert.ToInt32(mRow["nutrition"]), Convert.ToInt32(mRow["respect"]), Convert.ToDouble(mRow["createstamp"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["x"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["y"]), Convert.ToDouble(Row["z"]), Convert.ToInt32(mRow["have_saddle"]), Convert.ToInt32(mRow["anyone_ride"]), Convert.ToInt32(mRow["hairdye"]), Convert.ToInt32(mRow["pethair"]), Convert.ToString(mRow["gnome_clothing"])); var RndSpeechList = new List <RandomSpeech>(); _roomUserManager.DeployBot(new RoomBot(Pet.PetId, RoomId, "pet", "freeroam", Pet.Name, "", Pet.Look, Pet.X, Pet.Y, Convert.ToInt32(Pet.Z), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ref RndSpeechList, "", 0, Pet.OwnerId, false, 0, false, 0), Pet); } } }
public void Disconnect() { try { if (GetHabbo() != null) { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = QuasarEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.RunQuery(GetHabbo().GetQueryString); } GetHabbo().OnDisconnect(); } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.LogException(e.ToString()); } if (!_disconnected) { if (_connection != null) { _connection.Dispose(); } _disconnected = true; Console.WriteLine("Client has disconnected."); } }