private static void DoAssosciativeQuantityMultiply <TLeft, TRight, TExpectedResult>()
            IUnit             unit      = new Mock <IUnit>().Object;
            Quantity <TLeft>  left      = new Quantity <TLeft>(default(TLeft), unit);
            Quantity <TRight> right     = new Quantity <TRight>(default(TRight), unit);
            QuantityBase      lxrResult = left * right;
            QuantityBase      rxlResult = right * left;

            if (lxrResult == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Result of left*right was null.");
            if (rxlResult == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Result of right*left was null.");

            if (!(rxlResult is Quantity <TExpectedResult>))
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Expected result type {0}, but got {1}.",
                                                              typeof(Quantity <TExpectedResult>), lxrResult.GetType()));
            if (!(rxlResult is Quantity <TExpectedResult>))
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Expected result type {0}, but got {1}.",
                                                              typeof(Quantity <TExpectedResult>), rxlResult.GetType()));
        private static void DoAssosciativeQuantityDivide <TDividend, TDivisor, TExpectedResult>(TDividend nonZeroDividend, TDivisor nonZeroDivisor)
            IUnit unit = new Mock <IUnit>().Object;
            Quantity <TDividend> dividend  = new Quantity <TDividend>(nonZeroDividend, unit);
            Quantity <TDivisor>  divisor   = new Quantity <TDivisor>(nonZeroDivisor, unit);
            QuantityBase         ldrResult = dividend / divisor;
            QuantityBase         rdlResult = divisor / dividend;

            if (ldrResult == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Result of left / right was null.");
            if (rdlResult == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Result of right / left was null.");

            if (!(ldrResult is Quantity <TExpectedResult>))
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Expected result type {0}, but got {1}.",
                                                              typeof(Quantity <TExpectedResult>), ldrResult.GetType()));
            if (!(rdlResult is Quantity <TExpectedResult>))
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Expected result type {0}, but got {1}.",
                                                              typeof(Quantity <TExpectedResult>), rdlResult.GetType()));
        private static void DoQuantitySubtract <TDividend, TDivisor, TExpectedResult>()
            IUnit unit = new Mock <IUnit>().Object;
            Quantity <TDividend> dividend  = new Quantity <TDividend>(default(TDividend), unit);
            Quantity <TDivisor>  divisor   = new Quantity <TDivisor>(default(TDivisor), unit);
            QuantityBase         ldrResult = dividend - divisor;
            QuantityBase         rdlResult = divisor - dividend;

            if (ldrResult == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Result of left - right was null.");
            if (rdlResult == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Result of right - left was null.");

            if (!(ldrResult is Quantity <TExpectedResult>))
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Expected result type {0}, but got {1}.",
                                                              typeof(Quantity <TExpectedResult>), ldrResult.GetType()));
            if (!(rdlResult is Quantity <TExpectedResult>))
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Expected result type {0}, but got {1}.",
                                                              typeof(Quantity <TExpectedResult>), rdlResult.GetType()));
예제 #4
        private static QuantityBase MultiplyDoubleMatrix(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
            Quantity <double> leftQ = (Quantity <double>)left;
            Quantity <MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> > rightQ = (Quantity <MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> >)right;

            IUnit unit = MultiplyUnits(left, right);

            MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> matrix = leftQ.Value * rightQ.Value;
            return(new Quantity <MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> >(matrix, unit));
예제 #5
        private static QuantityBase MultiplyMatrixVector(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
            Quantity <MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> > leftQ  = (Quantity <MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> >)left;
            Quantity <MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> > rightQ = (Quantity <MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> >)right;

            IUnit unit = MultiplyUnits(left, right);

            MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> vector = leftQ.Value * rightQ.Value;
            return(new Quantity <MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> >(vector, unit));
예제 #6
        public void ValueCastDouble_ValueIsInt_DoesNotThrow()
            // Arrange
            var mock = new Mock <QuantityBase>();

            mock.Setup(x => x.QuantityValueType).Returns(typeof(int));
            mock.Setup(x => x.QuantityValue).Returns(1);
            QuantityBase quantity = mock.Object;

            // Act/assert
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => quantity.ValueCast <double>());
예제 #7
        public void ValueCastNotRelated_ValueIsInt_ThrowsInvalidCast()
            // Arrange
            var mock = new Mock <QuantityBase>();

            mock.Setup(x => x.QuantityValueType).Returns(typeof(int));
            mock.Setup(x => x.QuantityValue).Returns(1);
            QuantityBase quantity = mock.Object;

            // Act/assert
            Assert.Throws <InvalidCastException>(() => quantity.ValueCast <Array>());
예제 #8
 private static QuantityBase MultiplyVectorFloat(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(MultiplyFloatVector(right, left));
예제 #9
 private static QuantityBase MultiplyMatrixDouble(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(MultiplyDoubleMatrix(right, left));
예제 #10
        public static Quantity <long> SubtractLong(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
            long value = ((Quantity <long>)left).Value - ((Quantity <long>)right).Value;

            return(new Quantity <long>(value, left.Unit));
예제 #11
 private static IUnit DivideUnits(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(new UnitCreator(left.Unit).Divide(right.Unit).Create());
예제 #12
        private static Quantity <float> MultiplyIntFloat(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
            IUnit unit = MultiplyUnits(left, right);

            return(new Quantity <float>(((Quantity <int>)left).Value * ((Quantity <float>)right).Value, unit));
예제 #13
 private static Quantity <float> MultiplyFloatLong(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(MultiplyLongFloat(right, left));
예제 #14
        private static Quantity <long> MultiplyLongInt(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
            IUnit unit = MultiplyUnits(left, right);

            return(new Quantity <long>(((Quantity <long>)left).Value * ((Quantity <int>)right).Value, unit));
예제 #15
        private static Quantity <long> DivideLongInt(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
            IUnit unit = DivideUnits(left, right);

            return(new Quantity <long>(((Quantity <long>)left).Value / ((Quantity <int>)right).Value, unit));
예제 #16
 private static Quantity <float> DivideFloatLong(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(DivideLongFloat(right, left));
예제 #17
 private static Quantity <float> DivideFloatInt(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(DivideIntFloat(right, left));
예제 #18
        private static Quantity <float> DivideIntFloat(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
            IUnit unit = DivideUnits(left, right);

            return(new Quantity <float>(((Quantity <int>)left).Value / ((Quantity <float>)right).Value, unit));
예제 #19
 private static Quantity <double> DivideDoubleLong(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(DivideLongDouble(right, left));
예제 #20
        private static Quantity <double> DivideIntDouble(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
            IUnit unit = DivideUnits(left, right);

            return(new Quantity <double>(((Quantity <int>)left).Value / ((Quantity <double>)right).Value, unit));
예제 #21
 private static Quantity <double> DivideDoubleFloat(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(DivideFloatDouble(right, left));
예제 #22
 private static QuantityBase MultiplyVectorDouble(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(MultiplyDoubleVector(right, left));
예제 #23
 private static IUnit MultiplyUnits(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(new UnitCreator().Multiply(left.Unit, right.Unit).Create());
예제 #24
        public static Quantity <float> AddFloat(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
            float value = ((Quantity <float>)left).Value + ((Quantity <float>)right).Value;

            return(new Quantity <float>(value, left.Unit));
예제 #25
 private static QuantityBase MultiplyMatrixFloat(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(MultiplyFloatMatrix(right, left));
예제 #26
        public static Quantity <double> SubtractDouble(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
            double value = ((Quantity <double>)left).Value - ((Quantity <double>)right).Value;

            return(new Quantity <double>(value, left.Unit));
예제 #27
 private static Quantity <float> MultiplyFloatInt(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(MultiplyIntFloat(right, left));
예제 #28
        public static Quantity <int> SubtractInt(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
            int value = ((Quantity <int>)left).Value - ((Quantity <int>)right).Value;

            return(new Quantity <int>(value, left.Unit));
예제 #29
 private static Quantity <long> DivideIntLong(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(DivideLongInt(right, left));
예제 #30
 private static Quantity <long> MultiplyIntLong(QuantityBase left, QuantityBase right)
     return(MultiplyLongInt(right, left));