public void Generate() { tree = new QuadTree(, size, depth); Vector2[] normTarget = new Vector2[target.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < target.Length; i++) { normTarget[i] = target[i] / (float)size; } tree.Build(normTarget); GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = tree.GenerateMesh(); //Debug.Log(positions.Count); }
public void GenerateFromPoint() { tree = new QuadTree(, size, depth); List <Vector2> normTarget = new List <Vector2>(); for (int i = 0; i < around.Length; i++) { if ((point + around[i]).y > y) { continue; } normTarget.Add((point + around[i]) / (float)size); } tree.Build(normTarget.ToArray()); GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = tree.GenerateMesh(); }
private void Update() => quadTree.Build(positions);
private void Start() { quadTree = new QuadTree(new Bounds2D(center, size), maxLOD); quadTree.Build(positions); }
public static void CompareCollision(int n, double radius) { Console.WriteLine("Running with {0} objects in a radius of {1} units", n, radius); IGameObj[] gob = new IGameObj[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { gob[i] = new DummyObj(Misc.PointWithin(radius), 0); } long collisions = 0; Stopwatch time = new Stopwatch(); time.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < gob.Length; i++) { IGameObj o = gob[i]; // The j=i is why we don't use foreach here... for (int j = i; j < gob.Length; j++) { IGameObj go = gob[j]; if (o.Id < go.Id && o.Colliding(go)) { collisions += 1; } } } time.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Brute force found {0} collisions in {1} ms", collisions, time.ElapsedMilliseconds); Func <IGameObj, Vector2d> f = delegate(IGameObj o) { return(o.Loc); }; collisions = 0; Stopwatch time2 = new Stopwatch(); time.Reset(); time.Start(); time2.Start(); KdTree <IGameObj> k = KdTree <IGameObj> .BuildByInsertion(f, gob); time2.Stop(); foreach (IGameObj o in gob) { ICollection <IGameObj> c = k.GetWithin(o.Loc, 50); foreach (IGameObj go in c) { // This conveniently prevents things from colliding twice or // colliding with themselves. if (o.Id > go.Id && o.Colliding(go)) { collisions += 1; } } } time.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("kd-tree found {0} collisions in {1} ms, of which {2} ms was building the tree", collisions, time.ElapsedMilliseconds, time2.ElapsedMilliseconds); collisions = 0; time.Reset(); time2.Reset(); time.Start(); time2.Start(); QuadTree <IGameObj> q = QuadTree <IGameObj> .Build(f, gob); time2.Stop(); foreach (IGameObj o in gob) { ICollection <IGameObj> c = q.GetWithin(o.Loc, 50); foreach (IGameObj go in c) { // This conveniently prevents things from colliding twice or // colliding with themselves. if (o.Id > go.Id && o.Colliding(go)) { collisions += 1; } } } time.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("quadtree found {0} collisions in {1} ms, of which {2} ms was building the tree", collisions, time.ElapsedMilliseconds, time2.ElapsedMilliseconds); //Console.WriteLine(k); }