public void DrawSprite(int x, int y) { var quad = new QuadRecord(); quad.X = x; quad.Y = y; PushQuad(quad); }
private void PushQuad(QuadRecord record) { if (m_quadRecordCount == QUAD_BUFFER_SIZE) { Flush(); } quadRecords[m_quadRecordCount] = record; m_quadRecordCount++; }
public void DrawText(string text, Vector2 position, TextureFont font, Vector4 color, TextureUnits textureUnit = TextureUnits.GL_TEXTURE0, int layer = 0) { // TODO? Make a seperate FontBatcher? // See // To improve the rendering... var fontSheetWidth = (float)font.Font.Common.ScaleW; var fontSheetHeight = (float)font.Font.Common.ScaleH; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { var quad = new QuadRecord(); quad.X = 32 + i * 32 + 16 * i + position.X; quad.Y = 32 + (2 * i) + position.Y; quad.W = 32; quad.H = 32; // Compute the U, V and UW, UH values var charId = (byte)text[i]; var fontChar = font.CharLookup[charId]; quad.U = fontChar.X / fontSheetWidth; quad.V = fontChar.Y / fontSheetHeight; quad.UW = fontChar.Width / fontSheetWidth; quad.VH = fontChar.Height / fontSheetHeight; PushQuad(quad); } var device = GameWindow.GraphicsDevice; var sX = 2 / (float)GameWindow.ScreenWidth; var sY = 2 / (float)GameWindow.ScreenHeight; var oX = -1; var oY = 1; var quadCount = m_quadRecordCount; // Edit Vertex Data for (int i = 0; i < quadCount; i++) { var record = quadRecords[i]; m_Verticies[i * 4 + 0].Position = new Vector3(oX + (record.X + record.W) * sX, oY - (record.Y + record.H) * sY, 0.0f); // Top Right m_Verticies[i * 4 + 1].Position = new Vector3(oX + (record.X + record.W) * sX, oY - (record.Y * sY), 0.0f); // Bottom Right m_Verticies[i * 4 + 2].Position = new Vector3(oX + record.X * sX, oY - (record.Y * sY), 0.0f); // Bottom Left m_Verticies[i * 4 + 3].Position = new Vector3(oX + record.X * sX, oY - (record.Y + record.H) * sY, 0.0f); // Top Left m_Verticies[i * 4 + 0].Texture = new Vector2(record.U + record.UW, record.V + record.VH); // Note: Inverted Y m_Verticies[i * 4 + 1].Texture = new Vector2(record.U + record.UW, record.V); m_Verticies[i * 4 + 2].Texture = new Vector2(record.U, record.V); m_Verticies[i * 4 + 3].Texture = new Vector2(record.U, record.V + record.VH); } m_VertexArrayObject.UpdateVertexData <DefaultQuadBatchVertex>(m_Verticies, 0, quadCount * 6); // TODO Make a font.glsl shader // GlBindings.PolygonMode(Face.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, Mode.GL_LINE); GameWindow.GraphicsDevice.BindTexture2D(font.FontTexture.TextureId, OpenGL.TextureUnits.GL_TEXTURE0); GameWindow.GraphicsDevice.BindTexture2D(0, OpenGL.TextureUnits.GL_TEXTURE1); GameWindow.GraphicsDevice.BindShaderProgram(GameWindow.QuadBatchShader.ShaderProgramId); GameWindow.QuadBatchShader.SetUniform("texture1", 0); GlBindings.BindVertexArray(m_VertexArrayObject.VaoId); GlBindings.DrawElements(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, quadCount * 6, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, 0); GlBindings.BindVertexArray(0); m_quadRecordCount = 0; }