예제 #1
        // Called by the InteractionSystem when an interaction starts
        private void OnStart(FullBodyBipedEffector effectorType, InteractionObject interactionObject)
            if (effectorType != FullBodyBipedEffector.LeftHand)

            // Rotate the pivot of the hand targets by 90 degrees so we could grab the box from any direction

            // Get the flat direction towards the character
            Vector3 characterDirection = (interactionSystem.transform.position - pivot.position).normalized;

            characterDirection.y = 0f;

            // Convert the direction to local space of the box
            Vector3 characterDirectionLocal = box.transform.InverseTransformDirection(characterDirection);

            // QuaTools.GetAxis returns a 90 degree ortographic axis for any direction
            Vector3 axis   = QuaTools.GetAxis(characterDirectionLocal);
            Vector3 upAxis = QuaTools.GetAxis(box.transform.InverseTransformDirection(interactionSystem.transform.up));

            // Rotate towards axis and upAxis
            pivot.localRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(axis, upAxis);

            // Rotate the hold point so it matches the current rotation of the box
            boxHoldPoint.rotation = box.transform.rotation;
예제 #2
        protected override void RotatePivot()
            Vector3 normalized = (this.pivot.position - this.interactionSystem.transform.position).normalized;

            normalized.y = 0f;
            Vector3 v     = this.obj.transform.InverseTransformDirection(normalized);
            Vector3 axis  = QuaTools.GetAxis(v);
            Vector3 axis2 = QuaTools.GetAxis(this.obj.transform.InverseTransformDirection(this.interactionSystem.transform.up));

            this.pivot.localRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(axis, axis2);
예제 #3
        // Rotate the pivot of the hand targets by 90 degrees so we could grab the object from any direction
        protected override void RotatePivot()
            // Get the flat direction towards the character
            Vector3 characterDirection = (pivot.position - interactionSystem.transform.position).normalized;

            characterDirection.y = 0f;

            // Convert the direction to local space of the object
            Vector3 characterDirectionLocal = obj.transform.InverseTransformDirection(characterDirection);

            // QuaTools.GetAxis returns a 90 degree ortographic axis for any direction
            Vector3 axis   = QuaTools.GetAxis(characterDirectionLocal);
            Vector3 upAxis = QuaTools.GetAxis(obj.transform.InverseTransformDirection(interactionSystem.transform.up));

            // Rotate towards axis and upAxis
            pivot.localRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(axis, upAxis);