예제 #1
        public void ParseUdt()
            string[] comments =
                "# Summary",
                "Represents a single primitive term in the set of all dynamical generators, e.g.",
                "Hermitian operators, for which there exists a map from that generator",
                "to time-evolution by that that generator, through \"EvolutionSet\".",
                "# Description",
                "The first element",
                "(Int[], Double[]) is indexes that single term -- For instance, the Pauli string",
                "XXY with coefficient 0.5 would be indexed by ([1,1,2], [0.5]). Alternatively,",
                "Hamiltonians parameterized by a continuous variable, such as X cos φ + Y sin φ,",
                "might for instance be represented by ([], [φ]). The second",
                "element indexes the subsystem on which the generator acts on.",
                "# Remarks",
                "> [!WARNING]",
                "> The interpretation of an `GeneratorIndex` is not defined except",
                "> with reference to a particular set of generators.",
                "# Example",
                "Using  <xref:microsoft.quantum.canon.paulievolutionset>, the operator",
                "$\\pi X_2 X_5 Y_9$ is represented as:",
                "let index = GeneratorIndex(([1; 1; 2], [PI()]), [2; 5; 9]);",
                "# See Also",
                "- @\"microsoft.quantum.canon.paulievolutionset\"",
                "- @\"microsoft.quantum.canon.evolutionset\""
            string expected = @"### YamlMime:QSharpType
uid: microsoft.quantum.canon.generatorindex
name: GeneratorIndex
type: newtype
namespace: Microsoft.Quantum.Canon
summary: |-
  Represents a single primitive term in the set of all dynamical generators, e.g.
  Hermitian operators, for which there exists a map from that generator
  to time-evolution by that that generator, through ""EvolutionSet"".

  The first element
  (Int[], Double[]) is indexes that single term -- For instance, the Pauli string
  XXY with coefficient 0.5 would be indexed by ([1,1,2], [0.5]). Alternatively,
  Hamiltonians parameterized by a continuous variable, such as X cos φ + Y sin φ,
  might for instance be represented by ([], [φ]). The second
  element indexes the subsystem on which the generator acts on.
remarks: |-
  > [!WARNING]
  > The interpretation of an `GeneratorIndex` is not defined except
  > with reference to a particular set of generators.

  ### Examples
  Using  <xref:microsoft.quantum.canon.paulievolutionset>, the operator
  $\pi X_2 X_5 Y_9$ is represented as:

  let index = GeneratorIndex(([1; 1; 2], [PI()]), [2; 5; 9]);
syntax: newtype GeneratorIndex = ((Int[], Double[]), Int[]);
- microsoft.quantum.canon.paulievolutionset
- microsoft.quantum.canon.evolutionset
            var    intArrayType = ResolvedType.New(QsType.NewArrayType(ResolvedType.New(QsType.Int)));
            var    doubleArrayType = ResolvedType.New(QsType.NewArrayType(ResolvedType.New(QsType.Double)));
            var    innerTuple = new ResolvedType[] { intArrayType, doubleArrayType }.ToImmutableArray();
            var    innerTupleType = ResolvedType.New(QsType.NewTupleType(innerTuple));
            var    baseTuple = new ResolvedType[] { innerTupleType, intArrayType }.ToImmutableArray();
            var    baseType      = ResolvedType.New(QsType.NewTupleType(baseTuple));
            var    anonymousItem = QsTuple <QsTypeItem> .NewQsTupleItem(QsTypeItem.NewAnonymous(baseType));

            var typeItems = QsTuple <QsTypeItem> .NewQsTuple(ImmutableArray.Create(anonymousItem));

            var generatorIndexType = new QsCustomType(MakeFullName("GeneratorIndex"),
                                                      ImmutableArray <QsDeclarationAttribute> .Empty,
                                                      NonNullable <string> .New("GeneratorRepresentation.qs"),
            var udt = new DocUdt("Microsoft.Quantum.Canon", generatorIndexType);

            var stream = new StringWriter();

            var s = stream.ToString();

            Assert.Equal(expected, s);
예제 #2
        public void ParseOp()
            ArgDeclType BuildArgument(string name, ResolvedType t)
                var validName = QsLocalSymbol.NewValidName(NonNullable <string> .New(name));
                var info      = new InferredExpressionInformation(false, false);

                return(new ArgDeclType(validName, t, info, QsNullable <Tuple <int, int> > .Null, EmptyRange));

            string[] comments =
                "# Summary",
                "Convenience function that performs state preparation by applying a ",
                "`statePrepUnitary` on the input state, followed by adiabatic state ",
                "preparation using a `adiabaticUnitary`, and finally phase estimation ",
                "with respect to `qpeUnitary`on the resulting state using a ",
                "# Input",
                "## statePrepUnitary",
                "An oracle representing state preparation for the initial dynamical",
                "## adiabaticUnitary",
                "An oracle representing the adiabatic evolution algorithm to be used",
                "to implement the sweeps to the final state of the algorithm.",
                "## qpeUnitary",
                "An oracle representing a unitary operator $U$ representing evolution",
                "for time $\\delta t$ under a dynamical generator with ground state",
                "$\\ket{\\phi}$ and ground state energy $E = \\phi\\\\,\\delta t$.",
                "## phaseEstAlgorithm",
                "An operation that performs phase estimation on a given unitary operation.",
                "See [iterative phase estimation](/quantum/libraries/characterization#iterative-phase-estimation)",
                "for more details.",
                "## qubits",
                "A register of qubits to be used to perform the simulation.",
                "# Output",
                "An estimate $\\hat{\\phi}$ of the ground state energy $\\phi$",
                "of the generator represented by $U$."
            string expected = @"### YamlMime:QSharpType
uid: microsoft.quantum.canon.adiabaticstateenergyunitary
name: AdiabaticStateEnergyUnitary
type: operation
namespace: Microsoft.Quantum.Canon
summary: |-
  Convenience function that performs state preparation by applying a
  `statePrepUnitary` on the input state, followed by adiabatic state
  preparation using a `adiabaticUnitary`, and finally phase estimation
  with respect to `qpeUnitary`on the resulting state using a
syntax: 'operation AdiabaticStateEnergyUnitary (statePrepUnitary : (Qubit[] => Unit), adiabaticUnitary : (Qubit[] => Unit), qpeUnitary : (Qubit[] => Unit is Adj + Ctl), phaseEstAlgorithm : ((Microsoft.Quantum.Canon.DiscreteOracle, Qubit[]) => Double), qubits : Qubit[]) : Double'
  content: '(statePrepUnitary : (Qubit[] => Unit), adiabaticUnitary : (Qubit[] => Unit), qpeUnitary : (Qubit[] => Unit is Adj + Ctl), phaseEstAlgorithm : ((Microsoft.Quantum.Canon.DiscreteOracle, Qubit[]) => Double), qubits : Qubit[])'
  - name: statePrepUnitary
    summary: |-
      An oracle representing state preparation for the initial dynamical
    isOperation: true
      - isArray: true
        isPrimitive: true
        uid: Qubit
      - isPrimitive: true
        uid: Unit
  - name: adiabaticUnitary
    summary: |-
      An oracle representing the adiabatic evolution algorithm to be used
      to implement the sweeps to the final state of the algorithm.
    isOperation: true
      - isArray: true
        isPrimitive: true
        uid: Qubit
      - isPrimitive: true
        uid: Unit
  - name: qpeUnitary
    summary: |-
      An oracle representing a unitary operator $U$ representing evolution
      for time $\delta t$ under a dynamical generator with ground state
      $\ket{\phi}$ and ground state energy $E = \phi\\,\delta t$.
    isOperation: true
      - isArray: true
        isPrimitive: true
        uid: Qubit
      - isPrimitive: true
        uid: Unit
    - Adjoint
    - Controlled
  - name: phaseEstAlgorithm
    summary: |-
      An operation that performs phase estimation on a given unitary operation.
      See [iterative phase estimation](/quantum/libraries/characterization#iterative-phase-estimation)
      for more details.
    isOperation: true
      - uid: microsoft.quantum.canon.discreteoracle
      - isArray: true
        isPrimitive: true
        uid: Qubit
      - isPrimitive: true
        uid: Double
  - name: qubits
    summary: A register of qubits to be used to perform the simulation.
    isArray: true
    isPrimitive: true
    uid: Qubit
  content: Double
  - summary: |-
      An estimate $\hat{\phi}$ of the ground state energy $\phi$
      of the generator represented by $U$.
    isPrimitive: true
    uid: Double

            var qubitArrayType = ResolvedType.New(QsType.NewArrayType(ResolvedType.New(QsType.Qubit)));
            var unitType       = ResolvedType.New(QsType.UnitType);
            var doubleType     = ResolvedType.New(QsType.Double);
            var oracleType     = ResolvedType.New(QsType.NewUserDefinedType(new UserDefinedType(CanonName,
                                                                                                NonNullable <string> .New("DiscreteOracle"),
                                                                                                QsNullable <Tuple <QsPositionInfo, QsPositionInfo> > .Null)));
            var noInfo = CallableInformation.NoInformation;
            var acFunctors = ResolvedCharacteristics.FromProperties(new[] { OpProperty.Adjointable, OpProperty.Controllable });
            var acInfo = new CallableInformation(acFunctors, InferredCallableInformation.NoInformation);
            var qubitToUnitOp = ResolvedType.New(QsType.NewOperation(new SigTypeTuple(qubitArrayType, unitType), noInfo));
            var qubitToUnitOpAC = ResolvedType.New(QsType.NewOperation(new SigTypeTuple(qubitArrayType, unitType), acInfo));
            var phaseEstArgs = new ResolvedType[] { oracleType, qubitArrayType }.ToImmutableArray();
            var phaseEstArgTuple = ResolvedType.New(QsType.NewTupleType(phaseEstArgs));
            var phaseEstOp       = ResolvedType.New(QsType.NewOperation(new SigTypeTuple(phaseEstArgTuple, doubleType), noInfo));

            var typeParams = new QsLocalSymbol[] { }.ToImmutableArray();
            var argTypes = new ResolvedType[] { qubitToUnitOp, qubitToUnitOp, qubitToUnitOpAC, phaseEstOp, qubitArrayType }.ToImmutableArray();
            var argTupleType = ResolvedType.New(QsType.NewTupleType(argTypes));
            var signature    = new ResolvedSignature(typeParams, argTupleType, doubleType, noInfo);

            var args = new List <ArgDeclType> {
                BuildArgument("statePrepUnitary", qubitToUnitOp),
                BuildArgument("adiabaticUnitary", qubitToUnitOp),
                BuildArgument("qpeUnitary", qubitToUnitOpAC),
                BuildArgument("phaseEstAlgorithm", phaseEstOp),
                BuildArgument("qubits", qubitArrayType)
            .ConvertAll(arg => QsTuple <ArgDeclType> .NewQsTupleItem(arg))
            var argTuple = QsTuple <ArgDeclType> .NewQsTuple(args);

            var specs = new QsSpecialization[] { }.ToImmutableArray();

            var qsCallable = new QsCallable(QsCallableKind.Operation,
                                            ImmutableArray <QsDeclarationAttribute> .Empty,
                                            NonNullable <string> .New("Techniques.qs"),
            var callable = new DocCallable("Microsoft.Quantum.Canon", qsCallable);

            var stream = new StringWriter();

            var s = stream.ToString();

            Assert.Equal(expected, s);