예제 #1
        static void CalculatePythonData(PythonBridge pb, string assetName, int timeframe, int barCount)
            //do nothing if this timeframe is not listed as required
            if (!pythonCalcTimeframes.Contains(timeframe))

            //get the relevant bars (whole lookback period) but not the zero index bar as this is incomplete
            Bar[] bars = priceData[assetName][timeframe].Skip(1).ToArray();

            //save a temporary binary file to disk for python to read (faster than sending all the data via the stdout
            string tempData = @"C:\ForexData\ShareData\" + assetName + "_m" + timeframe + "_Share_live.bin";

            DataBuilder.DatasetToBinary(tempData, bars, DataFeedType.Ask);

            //Create the python bridge and run the calculation commands
            string[] commands = new string[] { "whole", tempData, barCount.ToString(), pythonCalcCommands };
            string[] results  = pb.RunScript("build_features.py", commands);

            PreCalculatedFeatures pcFeatures = new PreCalculatedFeatures();

                pcFeatures.FillFromCsv(results, pythonCalcLabels);
            catch (Exception e)

            //add this data to the asset if it doesnt exist
            if (!assetDetails[assetName].Data.ContainsKey(timeframe))
                assetDetails[assetName].Data.Add(timeframe, pcFeatures);
                //remove the oldest one to save on memory creep

                //we just add the data to the current set of data
 public PythonBridgeTests()
     pb = new PythonBridge(@"C:\Users\matth\Anaconda3\python");
예제 #3
        public static void Start()
            ProgramRunning = true;

            controller = new MainController();
            controller.MessageHandler            = new MessageHandler(DisplayMessage);
            controller.ErrorHandler              = new ErrorHandler(DisplayError);
            controller.ConnectionLostHandler     = new ConnectionLostHandler(LostConnection);
            controller.SymbolWriteMessageHandler = new SymbolWriteMessageHandler(DisplaySymbolWrite);
            controller.SymbolTickRequestHandler  = new SymbolTickRequestHandler(DisplayTickRequest);
            controller.HeartBeatHandler          = new HeartBeatHandler(HeartBeat);
            controller.SymbolTickHandler         = new SymbolTickHandler(TickReceived);
            controller.OnAccountAuthorised       = new AccountAuthorisationComplete(AccountAuthorised);

            WriteConsole("Starting cTrader Trading Application");

            //local directory will store all user relevant data
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists("local"))
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists("local//users"))

                controller.Config = new Config(@"local/");

                if (controller.Config.PythonPath != null)
                    PythonBridge = new PythonBridge(controller.Config.PythonPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //if the config file can't be loaded terminate the program
                DisplayError("Unable to load required config file - " + ex.Message);

            //Load all the user config files (need at least 1 user)
            string[] userFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@"local/users/");
            foreach (string filename in userFiles)
                UserConfig config = new UserConfig(filename);

                //store as a dictionary with access token as the key for easier referencing
                if (config != null)
                    controller.Users.Add(config.Token, config);

            //Hold all the price data here on the trading program - push this price data to each strategy
            priceData  = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <int, Bar[]> >();
            barIndices = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <int, int> >();

            //Load in the strategies
            Strategy strategyMain = Strategy.Load("YenSquared", @"TestStrategy.dll");

            //Load in the asset details and set this strategy asset, a new strategy object is created for each asset
            assetDetails = Asset.LoadAssetFile("Assets.csv"); // NOTE normally this is got from the strategy but quick fix here for Linux compatible

            //setup each strategy
            foreach (string assetName in new string[] { "EURUSD", "EURJPY", "GBPJPY" })
                Strategy strategy = Strategy.Load("YenSquared", @"TestStrategy.dll");
                strategy.IsTesting = false;

                strategy.Assets.Add(assetName, assetDetails[assetName]);
                strategy.Asset = assetDetails[assetName];

                //check the required data for each strategy and update the price data to the maximum lookback required for all strategies
                if (!priceData.ContainsKey(assetName))
                    priceData.Add(assetName, new Dictionary <int, Bar[]>());
                    priceData[assetName].Add(1, new Bar[5]); //add at a minimum a 1 minute bar with 5 bar lookback

                    barIndices.Add(assetName, new Dictionary <int, int>());
                    barIndices[assetName].Add(1, 0);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> lookbacks in strategy.RequiredData)
                    //if price data isn't setup for this timeframe, add it.
                    if (!priceData[assetName].ContainsKey(lookbacks.Key))
                        priceData[assetName].Add(lookbacks.Key, new Bar[lookbacks.Value + 1]);
                        barIndices[assetName].Add(lookbacks.Key, 0);
                    //overwrite any existing setup with the higher lookback
                    else if (lookbacks.Value > priceData[assetName][lookbacks.Key].Length)
                        priceData[assetName][lookbacks.Key] = new Bar[lookbacks.Value + 1];

                //Pass a reference of the datasets to the strategy
                strategy.Datasets   = priceData[assetName];
                strategy.BarIndices = barIndices[assetName];


            if (controller.Users.Count == 0)
                DisplayError("Must have atleast 1 user config.txt file in the local/users/ directory");
                //remove any symbols that are not required by the strategies
                SymbolCollection symbolDetails = controller.Users.FirstOrDefault().Value.Symbols;
                Symbol[]         notRequired   = symbolDetails.Where(p => !priceData.Keys.Any(p2 => p2 == p.Name)).ToArray();
                foreach (Symbol symbol in notRequired)

                //build an required python calculation commands and labels based on the requirements of the loaded strategies
                pythonCalcTimeframes = new int[] { 60 };
                pythonCalcCommands   = "ATR(3,close,high,low);ATR(4,close,high,low);ATR(5,close,high,low);ATR(100,close,high,low);VOLATILITY_LOG_MA(12,high,low);VOLUME_LOG_MA(12,volume);BBANDS(20,1.8,1,close);BBANDS(20,1.8,2,close)";
                pythonCalcLabels     = new string[] { "ATR_3", "ATR_4", "ATR_5", "ATR_100",
                                                      "VOLATILITY_LOG_MA_12", "VOLUME_LOG_MA_12",
                                                      "BBANDS_UP", "BBANDS_LOW" };

                //Start the Connection

                //Use a seperate thread to write from a message queue
                //This should be the only thread to Dequeue from the message queus
                Thread t = new Thread(() => {
                    //make sure this thread exits when the program exits
                    Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        WriteConsole("No more messages or errors will be recorded. Message thread has failed: " + ex.Message);