/*** Page Events *******************************************************************************************************/

        /// <summary>
        /// On page load set focus to SP_PwBoxPw1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            _ = sender;     // Discard unused parameter.
            _ = e;          // Discard unused parameter.
            // Hide XAML layout rectangles by setting to same color as RelativePanel Background;
            RectLayoutCenter.Fill = Rpanel.Background;
            RectLayoutLeft.Fill   = Rpanel.Background;
            RectLayoutRight.Fill  = Rpanel.Background;
            LibMPC.ButtonVisibility(mainPage.mainPageButAbout, false);
            LibMPC.ButtonVisibility(mainPage.mainPageButBack, false);
            LibMPC.ButtonVisibility(mainPage.mainPageButSettings, false);
            LibMPC.ButtonVisibility(ButContinue, false);    // Hide button until needed.
            LibMPC.OutputMsgSuccess(TblkPageTitle, mainPage.resourceLoader.GetString("SP_TblkPageTitle"));
            PwBoxPw1.PlaceholderText = mainPage.resourceLoader.GetString("SP_PwBoxPw1_PlaceholderText");
            PwBoxPw2.PlaceholderText = mainPage.resourceLoader.GetString("SP_PwBoxPw2_PlaceholderText");
            if (mainPage.boolVerbose)                                                                                                                    // Show long message.
                LibMPC.OutputMsgBright(TblkPageMsg, LibMPC.JoinListString(Translate.TRS_SP_List_TblkPageMsg_Text_Long, EnumStringSeparator.TwoSpaces));  // Do not assemble string until needed to save memory.
            else                                                                                                                                         // Show short message.
                LibMPC.OutputMsgBright(TblkPageMsg, LibMPC.JoinListString(Translate.TRS_SP_List_TblkPageMsg_Text_Short, EnumStringSeparator.TwoSpaces)); // Do not assemble string until needed to save memory.
            LibMPC.OutputMsgNormal(TblkResult, mainPage.resourceLoader.GetString("SP_PwBoxPw1_PlaceholderText"));                                        // Enter password
            //Setup scrolling for this page.
            LibMPC.ScrollViewerOn(mainPage.mainPageScrollViewer, horz: ScrollMode.Disabled, vert: ScrollMode.Auto, horzVis: ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled, vertVis: ScrollBarVisibility.Auto, zoom: ZoomMode.Disabled);
 /// <summary>
 /// Display error messages to user and set other UI items as required..
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stringErrorMessage">Error message to display in TblkSPResult.</param>
 private void ErrorOccurred(string stringErrorMessage)
     boolPasswordError1 = true;              // Skip one pass on password entry error.
     PwBoxPw1.Password  = string.Empty;      // Change causes event to fire.
     boolPasswordError2 = true;              // Skip one pass on password entry error.
     PwBoxPw2.Password  = string.Empty;      // Change causes event to fire.
     LibMPC.OutputMsgError(TblkResult, stringErrorMessage);
     // HideContinue button until password and subfolder successfully created.
     LibMPC.ButtonVisibility(ButContinue, false);
 /// <summary>
 /// Invoked when user presses any key while in PasswordBox but skips all key presses until Enter key is pressed.
 /// If Enter key is pressed, then check if ButContinue is enabled. If so, then run ButContinue_Click().
 /// Otherwise, set focus back to PasswordBox SP_PwBoxPw1.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void PwBoxPw2_KeyDown(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.KeyRoutedEventArgs e)
     _ = sender;                                   // Discard unused parameter.
     if (e.Key == Windows.System.VirtualKey.Enter) // Check if 'Enter' key was pressed.  Skip everything else.
         e.Handled = true;                         // Acknowledge that event has been handled.
         if (boolPasswordsMatch)
             LibMPC.ButtonVisibility(ButContinue, true);
             LibMPC.ButtonVisibility(ButContinue, false);