예제 #1
        public PuzzlePage()

            SupportedOrientations = SupportedPageOrientation.Portrait | SupportedPageOrientation.Landscape;

            // Puzzle Game
            this.game = new PuzzleGame(3);

            this.game.GameStarted += delegate
                this.StatusPanel.Visibility         = Visibility.Visible;
                this.TapToContinueTextBlock.Opacity = 0;
                this.TotalMovesTextBlock.Text       = this.game.TotalMoves.ToString();

            this.game.GameOver += delegate
                this.TapToContinueTextBlock.Opacity = 1;
                this.StatusPanel.Visibility         = Visibility.Visible;
                this.TotalMovesTextBlock.Text       = this.game.TotalMoves.ToString();

            this.game.PieceUpdated += delegate(object sender, PieceUpdatedEventArgs args)
                int pieceSize = ImageSize / this.game.ColsAndRows;
                this.AnimatePiece(this.puzzlePieces[args.PieceId], Canvas.LeftProperty, (int)args.NewPosition.X * pieceSize);
                this.AnimatePiece(this.puzzlePieces[args.PieceId], Canvas.TopProperty, (int)args.NewPosition.Y * pieceSize);
                this.TotalMovesTextBlock.Text = this.game.TotalMoves.ToString();

예제 #2
    public void NewGameClicked()
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameField.text) ||

        var activeToggle = toggleGroup.ActiveToggles().First();

        BPGame game;
        var    model = GetGameModel(activeToggle.gameObject.name);

        if (model == GameModel.Puzzle)
            game = new PuzzleGame();
            game = new BPGame();

        game.name  = nameField.text.Trim();
        game.model = model;

예제 #3
    private void ParameterPuzzleCommand(string input)
        PuzzleGame pGame       = GameObject.Find("PuzzleManager").transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <PuzzleGame> ();
        bool       isParameter = CheckInput(input);

        if (isParameter)
            int    leftParam  = input.IndexOf("(");
            int    rightParam = input.IndexOf(")");
            int    beginning  = input.IndexOf("-");
            string parameter  = input.Substring(leftParam, rightParam - (leftParam - 1));
            string command    = input.Substring(beginning, leftParam);
            string valueParam = parameter.Substring(parameter.IndexOf("(") + 1, parameter.IndexOf(")") - ((parameter.IndexOf("(") + 1)));
            // Decrement the number of multi command that the user is able to use within the puzzle instance
            int intParam = int.Parse(valueParam);
            PerformPuzzleCommand(command, intParam);
        else if (!isParameter)
            // Convey to the user that the command was not valid in text
            DebugText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "[ERROR] : Non-recognizable Command";

            // And then through graphics
예제 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// 加载游戏
    /// </summary>
    void LoadGame()
        // 加载 拼图游戏 预制体,并挂载游戏脚本
        puzzleGame = NGUITools.AddChild(uiRootGame, Resources.Load <GameObject>("Puzzle")).AddComponent <PuzzleGame>();

        // 设置游戏摄像机
        puzzleGame.cam = uiRootGame.transform.Find("Camera").GetComponent <Camera>();
예제 #5
 protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
     MaximumSize = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Size;
     ChangeTheme(false, true);
     AnimateWindow(Handle, 200, AnimateWindowFlags.AW_BLEND);
     PuzzleGame = new PuzzleGame(this);
        public override CreatePicturePuzzleResponse Execute(CreatePicturePuzzleRequest request)
            var puzzleGame = new PuzzleGame(new PuzzleGameBoard()
                Height = request.BoardGameHeight,
                Width  = request.BoardGameWidth,
            Random rnd       = new Random();
            var    randomIds = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < request.NumberOfPuzzles; i++)
                // Number 21 for now is hardcoded it should be moved to a setting file
                var randomNumber = rnd.Next(1, 22);
                while (randomIds.Contains(randomNumber))
                    randomNumber = rnd.Next(1, 22);

            var pictureNationalityPuzzles = _pictureNationalityPuzzleRepository.GetPuzzlesByIds(randomIds);
            var response = new CreatePicturePuzzleResponse();

            foreach (var puzzle in pictureNationalityPuzzles)
                puzzleGame.GameHistories.Add(new PuzzleGameHistory()
                    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    PictureNationalityPuzzleId = puzzle.Id,
                    PuzzleGameId = puzzleGame.Id,
                response.PicturePuzzleResponses.Add(new PicturePuzzleResponse()
                    PictureId  = puzzle.Id,
                    PictureUrl = puzzle.PictureUrl,
예제 #7
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start ()
		doOnce = true;
		pGame =  GameObject.Find("PuzzleManager").transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent<PuzzleGame>();
예제 #8
	private void HandleFloorAffector(Collider x)
		PuzzleGame pGame = GameObject.Find ("PuzzleManager").transform.GetChild (0).gameObject.GetComponent<PuzzleGame> ();

			// Set flag to true, indicating that a user is being affected
			affectingPlayer = true;

			// Copy the movescale, in order to handle out of scope movement
			int movement = moveScale;

			if (movePlayerLeft || movePlayerRight)
				if (movePlayerRight) {Debug.Log ("Moving Left");movement *= -1;}else if (movePlayerLeft){Debug.Log("Moving Right");}

				Vector3 desiredPosition = (pGame.player.transform.localPosition + new Vector3 (movement, -0.75f, 0));

				// First attempt to move the player, and see if it is within scope of the map
				bool attemptMovement = pGame.MovePlayer (desiredPosition);
				Debug.Log ("Attempted Movement : " + attemptMovement);
				Debug.Log ("Movement : " + movement);
				// Continually try to move the player in the same direction, but with less movement , as long
				// the desired position is within scope of the map 
				while(attemptMovement == false && movement != 0)
					// Increment movement based upon which direction the affecter is trying to move the player 
					if(movePlayerRight){movement++;}else if (movePlayerLeft){movement--;}

					Debug.Log ("Dynamic Movement : " + movement);

					// Update the desired position based upon what is dynaimic value of movement
					desiredPosition = (pGame.player.transform.localPosition + new Vector3 (movement, -0.75f, 0));

					// Attempt to move the player again, and continue until the affecter can't (when the affecter won't move the player at all)
					if (movement  != 0) attemptMovement = pGame.MovePlayer (desiredPosition);

					Debug.Log("Dynamic Attempt Movement : " + attemptMovement);

				// If the affecter isn't able to move the player at all.. 
				if(movement == 0)
					// Reset the color to white
					x.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ().material.color = Color.magenta;

					Debug.Log ("Can't Move player at all -- End of Map affecter case");

					GameObject.Find ("PuzzleManager").transform.GetChild (0).gameObject.GetComponent<PuzzleGame> ().PerformMapMovement ();
					affectingPlayer = false;
					GameObject.Find ("PuzzleManager").GetComponent<PuzzleManager> ().affecterInUse = null;
			else if (movePlayerUp || movePlayerDown)

				if (movePlayerUp) {Debug.Log ("Moving Up");movement *= -1;}else if (movePlayerDown){Debug.Log ("Moving Down");}

				Vector3 desiredPosition = (pGame.player.transform.localPosition + new Vector3 (0, -0.75f, movement));

				// First attempt to move the player, and see if it is within scope of the map
				bool attemptMovement = pGame.MovePlayer (desiredPosition);

				// Continually try to move the player in the same direction, but with less movement , as long
				// the desired position is within scope of the map 
				while(attemptMovement == false && movement != 0)
					// Increment movement based upon which direction the affecter is trying to move the player 
					if(movePlayerUp){movement++;}else if (movePlayerDown){movement--;}
					Debug.Log ("Dynamic Movement : " + movement);
					desiredPosition = (pGame.player.transform.localPosition + new Vector3 (0, -0.75f, movement));
					attemptMovement = pGame.MovePlayer (desiredPosition);
					Debug.Log("Dynamic Attempt Movement : " + attemptMovement);

				if(movement == 0)
					Debug.Log ("Can't Move player at all -- End of Map affecter case");
					GameObject.Find ("PuzzleManager").transform.GetChild (0).gameObject.GetComponent<PuzzleGame> ().PerformMapMovement ();
					GameObject.Find ("PuzzleManager").GetComponent<PuzzleManager> ().affecterInUse = null;
			else if (traversePlayer)
				pGame.MovePlayer (traverseLocation);
예제 #9
    void StartLevel(int p_id)
        puzzleID = p_id;

        if (puzzleID == 1)
            // The number of max multi commands that can be used for puzzle one
            int puzzleOneMCommands = 1;

            // The number of commands that can be executed for puzzle one
            int puzzleOneCommands = 10;

            int maxStep = 3;

            // Instantiate prefab of level one
            GameObject puzzleInstance = Instantiate(puzzleTypes[0]) as GameObject;

            // Initialize the puzzle one's number of Multi and Single commands allowed for the level
            pGame = puzzleInstance.GetComponent <PuzzleGame> ();

            puzzleInstance.GetComponent <PuzzleGame> ().InitPuzzleGame(puzzleOneCommands, puzzleOneMCommands, maxStep);

            // Set the parent of the instantiated puzzle to this object

            // Set the puzzle location to start at the origin
            puzzleInstance.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        else if (puzzleID == 2)
            // The number of max multi commands that can be used for puzzle one
            int puzzleOneMCommands = 1;

            // The number of commands that can be executed for puzzle one
            int puzzleOneCommands = 7;

            int maxStep = 3;

            // Instantiate prefab of level one
            GameObject puzzleInstance = Instantiate(puzzleTypes[1]) as GameObject;

            // Initialize the puzzle one's number of Multi and Single commands allowed for the level
            pGame = puzzleInstance.GetComponent <PuzzleGame> ();

            puzzleInstance.GetComponent <PuzzleGame> ().InitPuzzleGame(puzzleOneCommands, puzzleOneMCommands, maxStep);

            // Set the parent of the instantiated puzzle to this object

            // Set the puzzle location to start at the origin
            puzzleInstance.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        else if (puzzleID == 3)
            // The number of max multi commands that can be used for puzzle one
            int puzzleOneMCommands = 1;

            // The number of commands that can be executed for puzzle one
            int puzzleOneCommands = 10;

            int maxStep = 3;

            // Instantiate prefab of level one
            GameObject puzzleInstance = Instantiate(puzzleTypes[2]) as GameObject;

            // Initialize the puzzle one's number of Multi and Single commands allowed for the level
            pGame = puzzleInstance.GetComponent <PuzzleGame> ();

            puzzleInstance.GetComponent <PuzzleGame> ().InitPuzzleGame(puzzleOneCommands, puzzleOneMCommands, maxStep);

            // Set the parent of the instantiated puzzle to this object

            // Set the puzzle location to start at the origin
            puzzleInstance.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
예제 #10
        public static void AutosplitHelp(PuzzleGame __instance, ref int ____goalAffection, ref bool ____victory, ref bool ____isBonusRound)
            //allow splits to happen with cheats/has returned, as long as we don't auto-start with those on it's fine
            //if (BaseHunieModPlugin.cheatsEnabled || BaseHunieModPlugin.hasReturned) return;
            if (__instance.currentDisplayAffection == 0)
                startingCompletedGirls = GameManager.System.Player.GetTotalMaxRelationships();
                startingRelationship   = GameManager.System.Player.GetGirlData(GameManager.Stage.girl.definition).relationshipLevel;
            if (__instance.currentDisplayAffection == ____goalAffection && (____victory || ____isBonusRound))
                //make the autosplitter more viable for 100%?
                if (startingCompletedGirls < 12)
                    searchForMe = 100;
                //if a timer is running, split
                if (!splitThisDate && BaseHunieModPlugin.run != null)
                    bool     didSplit = false;
                    RunTimer run      = BaseHunieModPlugin.run;
                    //don't split for dates in postgame
                    if (startingCompletedGirls < 12)
                        //check our rules
                        if (run.goal <= 2 || BaseHunieModPlugin.SplitRules.Value <= 0)
                            didSplit = run.split(____isBonusRound);
                        else if (BaseHunieModPlugin.SplitRules.Value == 1 && !____isBonusRound)
                            didSplit = run.split(____isBonusRound);
                        else if (BaseHunieModPlugin.SplitRules.Value == 2 && ____isBonusRound)
                            didSplit = run.split(____isBonusRound);
                        //check for final split regardless of option
                        //technically someone could just repeat sex with a girl to trigger this split. if they do that, too bad
                        else if (____isBonusRound && (run.goal == startingCompletedGirls + 1))
                            didSplit = run.split(____isBonusRound);
                    if (didSplit)
                        if (!____isBonusRound)
                        RunTimerPatches.isBonusRound = ____isBonusRound;
                        int dateNum = startingRelationship;
                        //if (____isBonusRound) dateNum++; I thought I need to increase this but it makes it #6

                        string newSplit = GameManager.Stage.girl.definition.firstName + " #" + dateNum;
                        if (GameManager.Stage.girl.definition.firstName == "Kyu" && startingCompletedGirls == 0)
                            newSplit = "Tutorial";
                        newSplit += "\n      " + run.splitText + "\n";

                        if (____isBonusRound && (run.goal == startingCompletedGirls + 1))

                splitThisDate = true;
                searchForMe   = 0;
                replacingText = false;
                splitThisDate = false;
예제 #11
 void Awake()
     instance = this;
예제 #12
    private void PerformPuzzleCommand(string input, int param)
        PuzzleGame pGame = GameObject.Find("PuzzleManager").transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <PuzzleGame> ();

        if (input == "-stepleft")
            Vector3 desiredPosition = pGame.player.transform.localPosition + new Vector3(1 * param, -0.75f, 0);
            bool    validOperation  = pGame.MovePlayer(desiredPosition);

            if (validOperation)
                DebugText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "SUCCESS";
            else if (validOperation != true)
                DebugText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "[ERROR] : MOVEMENT OUTSIDE SCOPE OF MAP";
        else if (input == "help")
        else if (input == "-stepright")
            Vector3 desiredPosition = pGame.player.transform.localPosition + new Vector3(-1 * param, -0.75f, 0);
            bool    validOperation  = pGame.MovePlayer(desiredPosition);

            if (validOperation)
                DebugText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "SUCCESS";
            else if (validOperation != true)
                DebugText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "[ERROR] : MOVEMENT OUTSIDE SCOPE OF MAP";
        else if (input == "-stepup")
            Vector3 desiredPosition = pGame.player.transform.localPosition + new Vector3(0, -0.75f, -1 * param);
            bool    validOperation  = pGame.MovePlayer(desiredPosition);

            if (validOperation)
                DebugText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "SUCCESS";
            else if (validOperation != true)
                DebugText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "[ERROR] : MOVEMENT OUTSIDE SCOPE OF MAP";
        else if (input == "-stepdown")
            Vector3 desiredPosition = pGame.player.transform.localPosition + new Vector3(0, -0.75f, 1 * param);
            bool    validOperation  = pGame.MovePlayer(desiredPosition);

            if (validOperation)
                DebugText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "SUCCESS";
            else if (validOperation != true)
                DebugText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "[ERROR] : MOVEMENT OUTSIDE SCOPE OF MAP";

        // Clear the console
        inField.text = "";
예제 #13
 public PuzzleGameModel()
     _instanceGame = new PuzzleGame();