예제 #1
        public void When_setting_the_same_value_on_the_key_twice_will_not_create_new_version()
            using (var table = new PersistentHashTable(testDatabase))

                table.Batch(actions =>
                    PutResult version1 = actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "abc1",
                        ParentVersions = new ValueVersion[0],
                        Bytes          = new byte[] { 6 }

                    var version2 = actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "abc1",
                        ParentVersions = new[] { version1.Version },
                        Bytes          = new byte[] { 6 }

                    Assert.Equal(version1.Version.InstanceId, version2.Version.InstanceId);
                    Assert.Equal(version1.Version.Number, version2.Version.Number);
예제 #2
        public void Writing_identical_data_to_existing_vlaue_will_not_create_conflict()
            using (var table = new PersistentHashTable(testDatabase))

                table.Batch(actions =>
                    PutResult put1 = actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "test",
                        ParentVersions = new ValueVersion[0],
                        Bytes          = new byte[] { 1 }
                    PutResult put2 = actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "test",
                        ParentVersions = new ValueVersion[0],
                        Bytes          = new byte[] { 1 }
                    Value[] values = actions.Get(new GetRequest {
                        Key = "test"
                    Assert.Equal(1, values.Length);
                    Assert.Equal(put1.Version.Number, put2.Version.Number);
                    Assert.Equal(put1.Version.InstanceId, put2.Version.InstanceId);
예제 #3
        public override void OnPut(string key, JObject document, JObject metadata, TransactionInformation transactionInformation)
            if (metadata.Value <string>(RavenDocumentRevisionStatus) == "Historical")

            if (excludeByEntityName.Contains(metadata.Value <string>("Raven-Entity-Name")))

            int revision = 0;

            if (metadata[RavenDocumentRevision] != null)
                revision = metadata.Value <int>(RavenDocumentRevision);

            var copyMetadata = new JObject(metadata);

            copyMetadata[RavenDocumentRevisionStatus] = JToken.FromObject("Historical");
            copyMetadata[RavenDocumentRevision]       = JToken.FromObject(revision + 1);
            PutResult newDoc = Database.Put(key + "/revisions/", null, document, copyMetadata,

            revision = int.Parse(newDoc.Key.Split('/').Last());

            RemoveOldRevisions(key, revision, transactionInformation);

            metadata[RavenDocumentRevisionStatus] = JToken.FromObject("Current");
            metadata[RavenDocumentRevision]       = JToken.FromObject(revision);
예제 #4
        public void Can_use_optimistic_concurrency()
            using (var table = new PersistentHashTable(testDatabase))

                table.Batch(actions =>
                    actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "test",
                        ParentVersions = new ValueVersion[0],
                        Bytes          = new byte[] { 1 }
                    PutResult put = actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key                   = "test",
                        ParentVersions        = new ValueVersion[0],
                        Bytes                 = new byte[] { 2 },
                        OptimisticConcurrency = true


                    Assert.Equal(1, actions.Get(new GetRequest
                        Key = "test"
예제 #5
        public void Can_get_item_in_specific_version()
            using (var table = new PersistentHashTable(testDatabase))

                table.Batch(actions =>
                    PutResult version1 = actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "test",
                        ParentVersions = new ValueVersion[0],
                        Bytes          = new byte[] { 1 }
                    actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "test",
                        ParentVersions = new ValueVersion[0],
                        Bytes          = new byte[] { 2 }
                    Value[] value = actions.Get(new GetRequest
                        Key = "test",
                        SpecifiedVersion = version1.Version
                    Assert.Equal(new byte[] { 1 }, value[0].Data);
예제 #6
        public void Can_set_the_replication_version_and_get_it_back()
            using (var table = new PersistentHashTable(testDatabase))
                Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                table.Batch(actions =>
                    PutResult result = actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key                = "test",
                        ParentVersions     = new ValueVersion[0],
                        Bytes              = new byte[] { 3 },
                        ReplicationVersion = new ValueVersion
                            InstanceId = guid,
                            Number     = 53

                    Assert.Equal(53, result.Version.Number);
                    Assert.Equal(guid, result.Version.InstanceId);

예제 #7
        public Task PutContentSucceedsAfterFullnessReleased()
            var contentSize = ContentSizeToStartHardPurging(3);

            return(TestStore(Context, Clock, async store =>
                var triggeredEviction = false;
                store.OnLruEnumerationWithTime = hashes =>
                    triggeredEviction = true;
                    return Task.FromResult(hashes);

                using (var pinContext = store.CreatePinContext())
                    await PutRandomAndPinAsync(store, contentSize, pinContext);
                    await PutRandomAndPinAsync(store, contentSize, pinContext);

                    PutResult putResult = await store.PutRandomAsync(Context, contentSize);
                    triggeredEviction = false;

                    await pinContext.DisposeAsync();

                await store.PutRandomAsync(Context, contentSize).ShouldBeSuccess();
예제 #8
        public async Task <PlaceFileResult> CreateTempAndPutAsync(
            OperationContext context,
            ContentHash contentHash,
            IContentSession contentSession)
            using (var disposableFile = new DisposableFile(context, _fileSystem, AbsolutePath.CreateRandomFileName(_rootPath / "temp")))
                PlaceFileResult placeTempFileResult = await PlaceFileAsync(context, contentHash, disposableFile.Path, FileAccessMode.ReadOnly, FileReplacementMode.FailIfExists, FileRealizationMode.HardLink, context.Token);

                if (!placeTempFileResult.Succeeded)
                PutResult putFileResult = await contentSession.PutFileAsync(context, contentHash, disposableFile.Path, FileRealizationMode.Any, context.Token);

                if (!putFileResult)
                    return(new PlaceFileResult(putFileResult));
                    return(new PlaceFileResult(PlaceFileResult.ResultCode.PlacedWithCopy, putFileResult.ContentSize));
예제 #9
        public async Task CopyExistingFile()
            await RunTestCase(nameof(CopyExistingFile), async (rootPath, session, client) =>
                // Write a random file
                var sourcePath = rootPath / ThreadSafeRandom.Generator.Next().ToString();
                var content    = ThreadSafeRandom.GetBytes(FileSize);
                FileSystem.WriteAllBytes(sourcePath, content);

                // Put the random file
                PutResult putResult = await session.PutFileAsync(_context, HashType.Vso0, sourcePath, FileRealizationMode.Any, CancellationToken.None);

                // Copy the file out via GRPC
                var destinationPath = rootPath / ThreadSafeRandom.Generator.Next().ToString();
                (await client.CopyFileAsync(_context, putResult.ContentHash, destinationPath, CancellationToken.None)).ShouldBeSuccess();

                var copied = FileSystem.ReadAllBytes(destinationPath);

                // Compare original and copied files
                var originalHash = content.CalculateHash(DefaultHashType);
                var copiedHash   = copied.CalculateHash(DefaultHashType);
                Assert.Equal(originalHash, copiedHash);
예제 #10
        public Task CopyFileRejectedIfTooMany(bool failFastIfServerBusy)
            var failFastBandwidthConfiguration = new BandwidthConfiguration()
                Interval               = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
                RequiredBytes          = 10_000_000,
                FailFastIfServerIsBusy = failFastIfServerBusy,

            int numberOfFiles = 100;

            _copyToLimit = 1;

            return(RunTestCase(async(rootPath, session, client) =>
                // Add random files to the cache.
                var tasks = Enumerable.Range(1, numberOfFiles).Select(_ => putRandomFile()).ToList();
                var hashes = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

                var copyTasks = hashes.Select(
                    hash =>
                    var destinationPath = rootPath / ThreadSafeRandom.Generator.Next().ToString();
                    return client.CopyFileAsync(
                        new OperationContext(_context),
                        new CopyOptions(failFastBandwidthConfiguration));

                var results = await Task.WhenAll(copyTasks);

                if (failFastIfServerBusy)
                    // We're doing 100 simultaneous copies, at least some of them should fail, because we're not willing to wait for the response.
                    var error = results.FirstOrDefault(r => !r.Succeeded);
                    error.Should().NotBeNull("At least one copy operation should fail.");

                    error !.ErrorMessage.Should().Contain("Copy limit of");
                    // All operation should succeed!
                    results.All(r => r.ShouldBeSuccess()).Should().BeTrue();

                async Task <ContentHash> putRandomFile()
                    var sourcePath = rootPath / ThreadSafeRandom.Generator.Next().ToString();
                    var content = ThreadSafeRandom.GetBytes(FileSize);
                    FileSystem.WriteAllBytes(sourcePath, content);

                    // Put the random file
                    PutResult putResult = await session.PutFileAsync(_context, HashType.Vso0, sourcePath, FileRealizationMode.Any, CancellationToken.None);
                    return putResult.ContentHash;
예제 #11
        public async Task <ApiResponse <PutResult <Guid> > > Put([FromBody] StateMachineInstancePutDto dto)
            var putResult = await _stateMachineInstanceService.Put(dto);

            var result = new PutResult <Guid>(putResult.Instance?.Id ?? Guid.Empty);

            return(ApiResponse.Custom(Response, putResult.Code, putResult.Message, result));
예제 #12
 public static PutResponseMessage GetPutResponse(this PutResult x)
     return(new PutResponseMessage.Builder
         Version = GetVersion(x.Version),
         ConflictExists = x.ConflictExists
예제 #13
        public async Task <ApiResponse <PutResult <Guid> > > Put([FromBody] BlobInputDto dto)
            var key = await _blobService.Put(dto);

            var result = new PutResult <Guid>(key);

예제 #14
        public virtual void PutFileStop(Context context, PutResult result, bool trusted, AbsolutePath path, FileRealizationMode mode)
            if (context.IsEnabled)
                TracerOperationFinished(context, result, $"{Name}.{PutFileCallName}({path},{mode},{result.ContentHash.HashType}) stop {result.DurationMs}ms result=[{result}] trusted={trusted}");

예제 #15
        public virtual void PutStreamStop(Context context, PutResult result)
            if (context.IsEnabled)
                TracerOperationFinished(context, result, $"{Name}.{PutStreamCallName} stop {result.DurationMs}ms result=[{result}]");

예제 #16
        public async Task PlaceFileRequiringNewReplicaCloseToHardLimitDoesNotHang()
            var context = new Context(Logger);

            using (DisposableDirectory testDirectory = new DisposableDirectory(FileSystem))
#pragma warning disable AsyncFixer04 // A disposable object used in a fire & forget async call
                Task testTask = TestStore(context, Clock, testDirectory, async store =>
#pragma warning restore AsyncFixer04 // A disposable object used in a fire & forget async call
                    // Make a file which will overflow the cache size with just 2 copies.
                    PutResult putResult = await store.PutRandomAsync(context, ContentSizeToStartHardPurging(2));
                    ContentHash hash = putResult.ContentHash;

                    // Hardlink the file out 1024 times. Since the limit is 1024 total, and we already have 1 in the CAS,
                    // this will overflow the links and cause the CAS to create a new replica for it. This will cause
                    // the purger to consider that hash for eviction *while making room for that hash*, which is the
                    // trigger for the previous deadlock that this test will now guard against.
                    for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
                        PlaceFileResult placeResult = await store.PlaceFileAsync(
                            testDirectory.Path / $"hardlink{i}.txt",

                        // The checks below are just to make sure that the calls completed as expected.
                        // The most important part is that they complete *at all*, which is enforced by
                        // racing against the Task.Delay in the outer scope.
                        if (i < 1023 || SucceedsEvenIfFull)
                            // The first 1023 links should succeed (bringing it up to the limit of 1024)
                            // And *all* of the calls should succeed if the cache takes new content even when overflowed.
                            // If the implementation rejects overflowing content, then the last call should fail.
                            Assert.Contains("Failed to reserve space", placeResult.ErrorMessage);

                // Race between the test and a 2-minute timer. This can be increased if the test ends up flaky.
                Task firstCompletedTask = await Task.WhenAny(testTask, Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)));

                // The test should finish first, long before a minute passes, but it won't if it deadlocks.
                Assert.True(firstCompletedTask == testTask);
                await firstCompletedTask;
예제 #17
        protected async Task PutRandomAndPinAsync(FileSystemContentStoreInternal store, int contentSize, PinContext pinContext)
            PutResult putResult = await store.PutRandomAsync(Context, contentSize);


            PinResult pinResult = await store.PinAsync(Context, putResult.ContentHash, pinContext);

        public override void PutStreamStop(Context context, PutResult result, Severity successSeverity)
            if (_eventSource.IsEnabled())
                    context.TraceId, result.Succeeded, result.ErrorMessage, result.ContentHash.ToString());

            base.PutStreamStop(context, result, DiagnosticLevelSeverity(result.Duration));
        public override void PutFileStop(Context context, PutResult result, bool trusted, AbsolutePath path, FileRealizationMode mode, Severity successSeverity)
            if (_eventSource.IsEnabled())
                    context.TraceId, result.Succeeded, result.ErrorMessage, result.ContentHash.ToString());

            base.PutFileStop(context, result, trusted, path, mode, successSeverity: DiagnosticLevelSeverity(result.Duration));
        public override void PutFileStop(Context context, PutResult result, bool trusted, AbsolutePath path, FileRealizationMode mode)
            if (_eventSource.IsEnabled())
                    context.Id.ToString(), result.Succeeded, result.ErrorMessage, result.ContentHash.ToString());

            base.PutFileStop(context, result, trusted, path, mode);
        public override void PutStreamStop(Context context, PutResult result)
            if (_eventSource.IsEnabled())
                    context.Id.ToString(), result.Succeeded, result.ErrorMessage, result.ContentHash.ToString());

            base.PutStreamStop(context, result);
예제 #22
        private async Task <PutResult> PutStreamInternalAsync(Context context, Stream stream, ContentHash contentHash, Func <int, AbsolutePath, Task <PutResult> > putFileFunc)
            ObjectResult <SessionData> result = await _sessionState.GetDataAsync();

            if (!result.Succeeded)
                return(new PutResult(result, contentHash));

            int sessionId = result.Data.SessionId;
            var tempFile  = result.Data.TemporaryDirectory.CreateRandomFileName();

                if (stream.CanSeek)
                    stream.Position = 0;

                using (var fileStream = await _fileSystem.OpenAsync(tempFile, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.Create, FileShare.Delete))
                    if (fileStream == null)
                        throw new ClientCanRetryException(context, $"Could not create temp file {tempFile}. The service may have restarted.");

                    await stream.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

                PutResult putResult = await putFileFunc(sessionId, tempFile);

                if (putResult.Succeeded)
                    return(new PutResult(putResult.ContentHash, putResult.ContentSize));
                else if (!_fileSystem.FileExists(tempFile))
                    throw new ClientCanRetryException(context, $"Temp file {tempFile} not found. The service may have restarted.");
                    return(new PutResult(putResult, putResult.ContentHash));
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is DirectoryNotFoundException || ex is UnauthorizedAccessException)
                throw new ClientCanRetryException(context, "Exception thrown during PutStreamInternal. The service may have shut down", ex);
            catch (Exception ex) when(!(ex is ClientCanRetryException))
                // The caller's retry policy needs to see ClientCanRetryExceptions in order to properly retry
                return(new PutResult(ex, contentHash));
예제 #23
        public async Task <PutResult> CalculateAsync(double K, double S, double r, double t, double sigma, int n, double T, BtResult Btksi)
            PutResult put = new PutResult();

            put.EuropeanPut         = _europeanPut.Calculate(K, S, r, t, sigma);
            put.PutIntegralFunction = await _putIntegralFunction.CalculateAsync(n, T, r, sigma, t, S, K, Btksi);

            put.Result.Value = put.EuropeanPut.Result.Value + put.PutIntegralFunction.Result.Value;

예제 #24
        public void Put_returns_http_status_corresponding_to_PutResult(PutResult repoReturnResult, int expectedStatusCode)
            var sut = CreateSut();

            .Setup(r => r.Put(It.IsAny <Emp>()))

            sut.Put(Guid.NewGuid(), new EmpModel());

예제 #25
        public void Can_query_for_item_history()
            using (var table = new PersistentHashTable(testDatabase))

                table.Batch(actions =>
                    PutResult version1 = actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "abc1",
                        ParentVersions = new ValueVersion[0],
                        Bytes          = new byte[] { 6 }

                    actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "abc1",
                        ParentVersions = new[] { version1.Version },
                        Bytes          = new byte[] { 1 }
                    actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "abc1",
                        ParentVersions = new[] { version1.Version },
                        Bytes          = new byte[] { 2 }
                    actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "abc1",
                        ParentVersions = new[]
                            new ValueVersion
                                InstanceId = version1.Version.InstanceId,
                                Number     = 3
                        Bytes = new byte[] { 3 }

                    Value[] values = actions.Get(new GetRequest {
                        Key = "abc1"
                    Assert.Equal(3, values.Length);

                    Assert.Equal(new[] { 1 }, values[0].ParentVersions.Select(x => x.Number).ToArray());
                    Assert.Equal(new[] { 1 }, values[1].ParentVersions.Select(x => x.Number).ToArray());
                    Assert.Equal(new[] { 3 }, values[2].ParentVersions.Select(x => x.Number).ToArray());
예제 #26
            public override void OnIndexEntryCreated(string entryKey, Document document)
                if (indexName != "Aggregates/ShoppingCart")

                RavenJObject shoppingCart   = RavenJObject.Parse(document.GetField("Aggregate").StringValue);
                string       shoppingCartId = document.GetField("Id").StringValue;

                PutResult result = database.Documents.Put("shoppingcarts/" + shoppingCartId + "/snapshots/", null, shoppingCart, new RavenJObject(), null);

                document.Add(new Field("Snapshot", result.Key, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
        public Task AddImmediatelyDelete()
            return(TestStore(Context, Clock, async(store) =>
                int contentSize = 10;
                PutResult putResult = await store.PutRandomAsync(Context, contentSize);

                DeleteResult deleteResult = await store.DeleteAsync(Context, putResult.ContentHash);
예제 #28
        public void PushContentToRemoteLocations(
            Context context,
            PutResult putResult,
            CancellationToken cts)
            var contentHashWithSize = new ContentHashWithSize(putResult.ContentHash, putResult.ContentSize);
            var operationContext    = new OperationContext(context, cts);

            var machineLocations = GetMachineLocations(putResult.ContentHash);

            foreach (MachineLocation machine in machineLocations)
                PushFileToRemoteLocationAsync(operationContext, contentHashWithSize, machine).FireAndForget(operationContext);
예제 #29
 protected void SetupPutResult(PutResult result)
         s => s.PutAsync(
             It.IsAny <string>(),
             It.IsAny <Stream>(),
             It.IsAny <string>(),
             It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
     .Callback((string path, Stream content, string contentType, CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
         _puts[path] = (content, contentType);
예제 #30
        public void After_resolving_conflict_will_remove_old_version_of_data()
            using (var table = new PersistentHashTable(testDatabase))

                table.Batch(actions =>
                    PutResult version1 = actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "test",
                        ParentVersions = new ValueVersion[0],
                        Bytes          = new byte[] { 1 }
                    PutResult version2 = actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "test",
                        ParentVersions = new ValueVersion[0],
                        Bytes          = new byte[] { 2 }
                    Value[] value = actions.Get(new GetRequest
                        Key = "test",
                        SpecifiedVersion = version1.Version
                    Assert.Equal(new byte[] { 1 }, value[0].Data);

                    actions.Put(new PutRequest
                        Key            = "test",
                        ParentVersions = new[]
                        Bytes = new byte[] { 3 }


                    Assert.Empty(actions.Get(new GetRequest
                        Key = "test",
                        SpecifiedVersion = version1.Version
 public PutResult[] Put(params PutRequest[] valuesToAdd)
     var groupedByUri = from x in valuesToAdd
                        group x by GetUrl(x.Key);
     var versions = new PutResult[valuesToAdd.Length];
     foreach (var values in groupedByUri)
         var array = values.ToArray();
         var versionForCurrentBatch = new PutResult[0];
         values.Key.ExecuteSync(uri =>
             ServiceUtil.Execute<IDistributedHashTable>(uri, table =>
                 versionForCurrentBatch = table.Put(values.Key, array);
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             versions[Array.IndexOf(valuesToAdd, array[i])] = versionForCurrentBatch[i];
     return versions;