예제 #1
 public OrderStatusController(DataContext context,
                              UserManager <User> userManager)
     _userManager           = userManager;
     _dataContext           = context;
     _pushNotificationLogic = new PushNotificationLogic(context);
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string title = "";
            string body  = "";
            var    data  = new { action = "Play", userId = 5 };

            Console.WriteLine("Hello Everyone!");
            Console.WriteLine("Let's send push notifications!!!");

            Console.Write("Title of Notification: ");
            title = Console.ReadLine();


            Console.WriteLine("Ok, so now I have the title, I'll need a description");
            body = Console.ReadLine();


            Console.Write("How many devices are going to receive this notification? ");
            int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int devicesCount);
            var tokens = new string[devicesCount];


            for (int i = 0; i < devicesCount; i++)
                Console.Write($"Token for device number {i + 1}: ");
                tokens[i] = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Do you want to send notifications?");
            Console.WriteLine("1 - Yes!!!!");
            Console.WriteLine("0 - No, I'm wasting my time!!!");
            int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int sendNotification);
            if (sendNotification == 1)
                var pushSent = PushNotificationLogic.SendPushNotification(tokens, title, body, data);
                Console.WriteLine($"Notification sent");

예제 #3
        //3. התראה כאשר עבר הדדליין והתלמיד לא הצליח את האתגר עם מלל מנחם ומעודד
        public void passDeadlineStudentsAlert()
            DBservices dbs       = new DBservices();
            DateTime   date      = DateTime.Now;
            string     alertDate = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            DataTable passDeadlineStudentsAlert = dbs.passDeadlineStudentsAlert();

            foreach (DataRow row in passDeadlineStudentsAlert.Rows)
                string title   = "אוי לא הצלחת את האתגר בזמן";
                string body    = row["firstName"] + " " + row["lastName"] + " היית צריך לסיים את האתגר: " + row["challengeName"] + " עד אתמול ";
                string toToken = dbs.getStudentToken(Convert.ToInt32(row["studentID"]));

                if (toToken != "" && toToken != null)
                    string imgPath = getAvatarImg(Convert.ToInt32(row["studentID"]));
                    PushNotificationLogic.PushNotification(title, body, toToken, imgPath);
예제 #4
        //2. התראה עם ספירה לאחור לביצוע האתגר הקרוב אם לא בוצע
        public void preDeadlineStudentsAlert()
            int        preDeadlineDays = 5; // החל מ5 ימים לפני דדליין תשלח התראה לתלמיד בכל יום
            DBservices dbs             = new DBservices();
            DateTime   date            = DateTime.Now;
            string     alertDate       = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            DataTable preDeadlineStudentsAlert = dbs.preDeadlineStudentsAlert(preDeadlineDays);

            foreach (DataRow row in preDeadlineStudentsAlert.Rows)
                string title = "צריך לסיים את האתגר";
                string body  = "";
                if (preDeadlineDays == 0)
                    body = row["firstName"] + " " + row["lastName"] + " יש לך רק את היום להשלים את האתגר: " + row["challengeName"];
                if (preDeadlineDays == 1)
                    body = row["firstName"] + " " + row["lastName"] + " נשאר לך יום אחד להשלים את האתגר: " + row["challengeName"];
                if (preDeadlineDays == 2)
                    body = row["firstName"] + " " + row["lastName"] + " נשארו לך יומיים להשלים את האתגר: " + row["challengeName"];
                    body = row["firstName"] + " " + row["lastName"] + " נשארו לך " + row["daysPreDeadline"] + " ימים להשלים את האתגר: " + row["challengeName"];

                string toToken = dbs.getStudentToken(Convert.ToInt32(row["studentID"]));

                if (toToken != "" && toToken != null)
                    string imgPath = getAvatarImg(Convert.ToInt32(row["studentID"]));
                    PushNotificationLogic.PushNotification(title, body, toToken, imgPath);
예제 #5
        //----END--התראות אוטומטיות מורה--------

        //----START---התראות אוטומטיות לתלמיד-------
        //1. התראה כל מספר ימים שהתלמיד לא נכנס לאפליקציה
        public void idleStudentsAlert()
            int        idleDays  = 3; // כל 3 ימים תשלח התראה לתלמיד
            DBservices dbs       = new DBservices();
            DateTime   date      = DateTime.Now;
            string     alertDate = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            DataTable idleStudentsAlert = dbs.idleStudentsAlert(idleDays);

            foreach (DataRow row in idleStudentsAlert.Rows)
                string title   = "שכחת ממני";
                string body    = "תמשיך לעשות אתגרים כדי שאוכל לגדול";
                string toToken = dbs.getStudentToken(Convert.ToInt32(row["studentID"]));

                if (toToken != "" && toToken != null)
                    string imgPath = getAvatarImg(Convert.ToInt32(row["studentID"]));
                    PushNotificationLogic.PushNotification(title, body, toToken, imgPath);
예제 #6
        //3. לתלמיד נשאר ___ זמן לבצע אתגר
        public void preDeadlineAlert()
            DBservices dbs       = new DBservices();
            DateTime   date      = DateTime.Now;
            string     alertDate = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            DataTable preDeadlineChallenges = dbs.preDeadlineChallenges();

            foreach (DataRow row in preDeadlineChallenges.Rows)
                string title   = "לתלמיד נשארו ימים ספורים להשלים את האתגר";
                string body    = "לתלמיד " + row["firstName"] + " " + row["lastName"] + " נשארו " + row["daysPreDeadline"] + " ימים להשלים את האתגר: " + row["challengeName"];
                string toToken = dbs.getTeacherToken(Convert.ToInt32(row["teacherID"]));

                Alert alert = new Alert(0, Convert.ToInt32(row["teacherID"]), Convert.ToInt32(row["studentID"]), title, body, alertDate, DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm"), false, 5);
                if (toToken != "" && toToken != null)
                    string imgPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/logo") + "//logoSmall.svg";
                    PushNotificationLogic.PushNotification(title, body, toToken, imgPath);
예제 #7
        //2. תלמיד לא נכנס לאפליקציה ___ זמן
        public void idleStudentAlert()
            DBservices dbs       = new DBservices();
            DateTime   date      = DateTime.Now;
            string     alertDate = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            DataTable idleStudents = dbs.idleStudents();

            foreach (DataRow row in idleStudents.Rows)
                string title   = "תלמיד לא פעיל";
                string body    = "התלמיד " + row["firstName"] + " " + row["lastName"] + " לא נכנס לאפליקציה כבר " + row["idleTime"] + " ימים";
                string toToken = dbs.getTeacherToken(Convert.ToInt32(row["teacherID"]));

                Alert alert = new Alert(0, Convert.ToInt32(row["teacherID"]), Convert.ToInt32(row["studentID"]), title, body, alertDate, DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm"), false, 6);
                if (toToken != "" && toToken != null)
                    string imgPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/logo") + "//logoSmall.svg";
                    PushNotificationLogic.PushNotification(title, body, toToken, imgPath);
예제 #8
        //----START---התראות אוטומטיות למורה-------
        //1. התראה כאשר עבר דדליין של אתגר והסטטוס שונה מהצליח
        public void passDeadlineAlert()
            DBservices dbs       = new DBservices();
            DateTime   date      = DateTime.Now;
            string     alertDate = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            DataTable passDeadline = dbs.passedDeadlineChallenges();

            foreach (DataRow row in passDeadline.Rows)
                string title   = "אתגר לא בוצע בזמן";
                string body    = "לתלמיד מכיתה " + row["firstName"] + " " + row["lastName"] + " נגמר הזמן לביצוע האתגר " + row["challengeName"];
                string toToken = dbs.getTeacherToken(Convert.ToInt32(row["teacherID"]));

                Alert alert = new Alert(0, Convert.ToInt32(row["teacherID"]), Convert.ToInt32(row["studentID"]), title, body, alertDate, DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm"), false, 4);
                if (toToken != "" && toToken != null)
                    string imgPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/logo") + "//logoSmall.svg";
                    PushNotificationLogic.PushNotification(title, body, toToken, imgPath);
예제 #9
        public async Task <ActionResult> addnewIncident(IncidentRequest incidentRequest)
            string   incidentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            Incident incident   = new Incident
                Id               = incidentId,
                UserAccountId    = incidentRequest.UserAccountId,
                IncidentTypeId   = incidentRequest.IncidentTypeId,
                IncidentPic      = incidentRequest.IncidentPic,
                Address          = incidentRequest.Address,
                AddressLine      = incidentRequest.AddressLine,
                CoordinateX      = incidentRequest.CoordinateX,
                CoordinateY      = incidentRequest.CoordinateY,
                CustomerComments = incidentRequest.CustomerComments,
                Status           = incidentRequest.Status,
                Deleted          = false,
                CreatedAt        = DateTime.Now

            await appDbContex.SaveChangesAsync();

            List <ApplicationUser> usersToNotify = new List <ApplicationUser>();
            FindUsers findUsers = new FindUsers(appDbContex, userManager);

            usersToNotify = findUsers.FindUsersToNotifybyCoordinateXY(incidentRequest.CoordinateX, incidentRequest.CoordinateY, incidentRequest.IncidentTypeId);

            PushNotificationLogic pushNotificationLogic = new PushNotificationLogic();
            //  string[] androidDeviceTocken;
            List <string> androidDeviceTocken = new List <string>();

            SendSms sendsms             = new SendSms();
            var     incidenttypeName    = appDbContex.IncidentTypes.Where(a => a.Id == incidentRequest.IncidentTypeId).FirstOrDefault();
            string  contactNumber       = string.Empty;
            string  location            = "http://maps.google.com/?q=" + incidentRequest.CoordinateX + "," + incidentRequest.CoordinateY + "";
            string  notificationMessage = string.Empty;

            foreach (var user in usersToNotify)
                //if (user.Source == "Android")
                //    androidDeviceTocken.Add(user.PushTokenId);

                if (user.EmergencyContactNo != null)
                    //Notification to Emergency Contact
                    contactNumber       = user.InternationalPrefix.ToString() + user.PhoneNumber.ToString();
                    notificationMessage = "Here is the " + incidenttypeName.Name + " incident happen... please click here " + location;
                    //   sendsms.SendTextSms(notificationMessage, contactNumber);
                    //Notification to Application Users
                    contactNumber       = user.InternationalPrefix.ToString() + user.PhoneNumber.ToString();
                    notificationMessage = "Here is the " + incidenttypeName.Name + " incident happen... please click here " + location;
                    //  sendsms.SendTextSms(notificationMessage, contactNumber);

                NotifiedUser notifiedUser = new NotifiedUser
                    Id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    IncidentId = incidentId,
                    UserId     = user.Id,
                    CreatedAt  = DateTime.Now
                await appDbContex.SaveChangesAsync();

                IncidentUserMessage incidentUserMessage = new IncidentUserMessage
                    Id            = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    IncidentId    = incidentId,
                    UserId        = user.Id,
                    Status        = incidentRequest.Status,
                    StatusMessage = notificationMessage,
                    CreatedAt     = DateTime.Now

                await appDbContex.SaveChangesAsync();

                //  androidDeviceTocken = null;
                //  androidDeviceTocken.Add("f4e9GJxSvYA:APA91bGkImijMYelYhFCqFTE6qDzEfzeEdM6H3Q1XwxxCDvYWZGdyviRGtPSdTcyeXy4787JPwfb04pFNWo5dXIc420EVZEQ15UtHqTCAn8kk8zdAJ8pgRLLMNbKkJ1dfR5ABMoMJd71");
                //  androidDeviceTocken.Add("ccSVgC04gaM:APA91bGt8rDg-1CyG5N9pxW5aXWs9x4jpf6rXYXRu0usnaiMzgfosr5Guv89iJbiHBvUcOYkGf2RIJBx_-jtK_76bZwk__d3Xn94TSXLmaC8rs9GEnIvX5AOldPXqp1EiUvIrt1zfQcr");

                if (androidDeviceTocken != null)
                    //     Myobject myobj = new Myobject
                    //    {
                    //        Name = "Bhavin",
                    //        City = "vapi"
                    //    };

                    var myobj = new { Name = "Bhavin", City = "Vapi" };

                    await pushNotificationLogic.SendPushNotification(androidDeviceTocken, "SecureAfrica", notificationMessage, myobj);
            catch (Exception ex)
            await _hubContext.Clients.All.BroadcastMessage("success", "this is our msg");

            return(Ok(new { Message = "Incident added successfully !" }));
예제 #10
        public PushNotifResp SendPushNotification(SendPushNotifReq req)
            PushNotifResp res = new PushNotifResp();

            //Send Notif here
            var tokens = req.Tokens;

            var pushSent = PushNotificationLogic.SendPushNotification(tokens, req.MesssageTitle, req.MesssageBody, req.Image).Result;

            if (pushSent)
                SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[]
                    new SqlParameter("@Title", req.MesssageTitle),
                    new SqlParameter("@Body", req.MesssageBody),
                    new SqlParameter("@Image", req.Image),
                    new SqlParameter("@SentStatus", 1),

                SqlResModel insertToken = SqlDbHelper.InsertWithParam(ConstantManager.EOneConnString(), "proc_InsertPushMessage", CommandType.StoredProcedure, sqlParams);

                if (insertToken.ResponseCode == "00" && insertToken.ResultInt > 0)
                    ErrHandler.Log("Push Notification Sent and logged successfully on PUshMessages DB for target token Ids");
                    ErrHandler.Log("Push Notification successfully Sent to target token Ids but an error occured while trying to log the Message on PushMessages DB");

                res.ResponseCode        = "00";
                res.ResponseDescription = "successful";
                res.TokenCount          = tokens.Length;
                res.CustomerId          = req.CustomerId;
                res.SentStatus          = 1;
                SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[]
                    new SqlParameter("@Title", req.MesssageTitle),
                    new SqlParameter("@Body", req.MesssageBody),
                    new SqlParameter("@Image", req.Image),
                    new SqlParameter("@SentStatus", 0),

                SqlResModel insertToken = SqlDbHelper.InsertWithParam(ConstantManager.EOneConnString(), "proc_InsertPushMessage", CommandType.StoredProcedure, sqlParams);

                if (insertToken.ResponseCode == "00" && insertToken.ResultInt > 0)
                    ErrHandler.Log("Failed to send Push Notification for target token Ids. Messages details has been logged to the PushMessages DB");
                    ErrHandler.Log("Failed in logging Message details for the failed Push Notification");

                res.ResponseCode        = "01";
                res.ResponseDescription = "failed";
                res.TokenCount          = 0;
                res.CustomerId          = req.CustomerId;
                res.SentStatus          = 0;
