예제 #1
        public bool UpdateReportDataDuringPurchase(PurchaseObject purchaseData, int userId)
            bool retMthdExecResult = false;

            // call private method here that determines what reports should be updated
                GetDataToBeInsertedInPersistentTableFormat(RecordType.Purchase, userId, purchaseData: purchaseData);
                retMthdExecResult = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                retMthdExecResult = false;
                throw e;

예제 #2
 public JsonResult CreatePurchaseRecord(PurchaseObject purchaseObject)
     if (purchaseObject != null)
         if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
             int userId = User.Identity.GetUserId <int>();
             if (userId > 0)
                     _logger.Info("{0} {1}\n\tPurchase Date: {2}\n\tCreatePurchase: {3}", User.Identity.Name, Request.Url.ToString(), purchaseObject.PurchaseDate, new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(purchaseObject));
                 catch (Exception ex)
                     _logger.Error(ex, "Logging error");
                 var returnResult = _purchase.CreatePurchase(purchaseObject, userId);
                 if (returnResult > 0)
                     string message = "Purchase record created successfully.";
                     string message = "Failed to create purchase record!";
                 return(Json("Unable to find UserId!"));
             return(Json("Unauthenticated user!"));
         return(Json("Backend received empty, undefined, or null object from the client!"));
예제 #3
 public JsonResult UpdateAdditives(PurchaseObject purchaseObject)
     if (purchaseObject != null)
         if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
             var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId <int>();
             if (userId > 0)
                 bool returnResult = _purchase.UpdatePurchase(purchaseObject, userId);
                 if (returnResult)
                     string message = "Additive record updated successfully.";
                     string message = "Failed to update additive record!";
                 return(Json("Unable to find UserId!"));
             return(Json("Unauthenticated user!"));
         return(Json("Backend received empty, undefined, or null object from the client!"));
예제 #4
        private void UpdateStorageReportCellValue(PurchaseObject purchaseData, int userId, int reportRowId, int reportColId = 0 /*reportColId is optional*/)
            int IdentifierId = (int)PersistReportType.Storage;
            int PartId       = (int)PersistReportPart.Part1;
            int rowId        = reportRowId;
            int colId        = reportColId == 0 ? purchaseData.SpiritTypeReportingID : reportColId;

            if (rowId == 0 || colId == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Reporting row ID and column ID must be greater than 0");
            // converting to PST
            DateTimeOffset purchDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(purchaseData.PurchaseDate, "Pacific Standard Time");
            // adding 1 month to update OnHandFirstOfMonth for next month
            DateTimeOffset nextMonth = purchDate.AddMonths(1);
            float          proofGal  = purchaseData.ProofGallon;

            if (purchaseData != null)
                    // checking for existing row with these values
                    var reportRec =
                        (from rec in _context.PersistentReport
                         where (rec.IdentifierID == IdentifierId &&
                                rec.PartID == PartId &&
                                rec.RowID == rowId &&
                                rec.ColumnID == colId &&
                                rec.Date.Year == purchDate.Year &&
                                rec.Date.Month == purchDate.Month)
                         select rec).FirstOrDefault();

                    var firstOfMonthRec =
                        (from rec in _context.PersistentReport
                         where (rec.IdentifierID == IdentifierId &&
                                rec.PartID == PartId &&
                                rec.RowID == rowId &&
                                rec.ColumnID == colId &&
                                rec.Date.Year == nextMonth.Year &&
                                rec.Date.Month == nextMonth.Month)
                         select rec).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (rowId == (int)PersistReportRow.OnHandFirstOfMonth && firstOfMonthRec != null)
                        firstOfMonthRec.Value += proofGal;
                    else if (reportRec == null)
                        PersistentReport cellValue = new PersistentReport();
                        cellValue.IdentifierID = IdentifierId;
                        cellValue.PartID       = PartId;
                        cellValue.RowID        = rowId;
                        cellValue.ColumnID     = colId;
                        cellValue.Value        = purchaseData.ProofGallon;
                        if (rowId == (int)PersistReportRow.OnHandFirstOfMonth)
                            cellValue.DateOffset = nextMonth;
                            cellValue.Date       = nextMonth.Date;
                            cellValue.DateOffset = purchDate;
                            cellValue.Date       = purchDate.Date;
                        cellValue.DistillerID = _dl.GetDistillerId(userId);

                        reportRec.Value += proofGal;
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;
예제 #5
        private void GetDataToBeInsertedInPersistentTableFormat(RecordType recordType, int userId, PurchaseObject purchaseData = null, ProductionObject productionData = null)
            //update storage report
            if (purchaseData != null)
                    // update line 2
                    UpdateStorageReportCellValue(purchaseData, userId, (int)PersistReportRow.DepositedInBulkStorage);
                    // update line 2 row total
                    UpdateStorageReportCellValue(purchaseData, userId, (int)PersistReportRow.DepositedInBulkStorage, (int)PersistReportColumn.Total);
                    // update line 6
                    UpdateStorageReportCellValue(purchaseData, userId, (int)PersistReportRow.TotalLines_1_Through_5);
                    // update line 6 row total
                    UpdateStorageReportCellValue(purchaseData, userId, (int)PersistReportRow.TotalLines_1_Through_5, (int)PersistReportColumn.Total);
                    // update line 23 (= line 6 - line 17 - line 18)

                    // update line 23 (= line 6 - line 17 - line 18) row total

                    // update line 24
                    UpdateStorageReportCellValue(purchaseData, userId, (int)PersistReportRow.TotalLines_7_Through_23);
                    // update line 24 row total
                    UpdateStorageReportCellValue(purchaseData, userId, (int)PersistReportRow.TotalLines_7_Through_23, (int)PersistReportColumn.Total);
                    // update line 1 for next month
                    UpdateStorageReportCellValue(purchaseData, userId, (int)PersistReportRow.OnHandFirstOfMonth);
                    // update line 1 row total for next month
                    UpdateStorageReportCellValue(purchaseData, userId, (int)PersistReportRow.OnHandFirstOfMonth, (int)PersistReportColumn.Total);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// GetPurchasesList accumulates purchase information to be sent ot front end for view
        /// *Algorithm*:
        /// get list of pruchaseIds, purchase date and record id from Purchase table table for a particular purchase type.Ex. "Fermentable"
        /// get Price for a given purchaseId
        /// get RawMaterial name for a given purchaseId (this is applicable only for Fermentable and Supply purchases, in all other cases, names should be generic distilled or fermented)
        /// get Quantity for a given purchaseId
        /// get Storage for a given  purchaseId
        /// get Vendor for a given purchaseId
        /// get Note for a give purchaseId
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="purchaseType"></param>
        /// <returns>List<PurchaseObject></returns>
        public List <PurchaseObject> GetPurchasesList(string purchaseType, int userId)
            List <PurchaseObject> purchaseList = new List <PurchaseObject>();

            var res =
                from purchT in _db.Purchase
                join purType in _db.PurchaseType on purchT.PurchaseTypeID equals purType.PurchaseTypeID into purType_join
                from purType in purType_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join distiller in _db.AspNetUserToDistiller on purchT.DistillerID equals distiller.DistillerID into distiller_join
                from distiller in distiller_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join material in _db.MaterialDict on purchT.MaterialDictID equals material.MaterialDictID into material_join
                from material in material_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join vendor in _db.Vendor on purchT.VendorID equals vendor.VendorID into vendor_join
                from vendor in vendor_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join galQuant in _db.Volume on purchT.VolumeID equals galQuant.VolumeID into galQuant_join
                from galQuant in galQuant_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join VBW in _db.Weight on purchT.WeightID equals VBW.WeightID into VBW_join
                from VBW in VBW_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join alc in _db.Alcohol on purchT.AlcoholID equals alc.AlcoholID into alc_join
                from alc in alc_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join proof in _db.Proof on purchT.ProofID equals proof.ProofID into proof_join
                from proof in proof_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join states in _db.State on purchT.StateID equals states.StateID into states_join
                from states in states_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join statuses in _db.Status on purchT.StatusID equals statuses.StatusID into statuses_join
                from statuses in statuses_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                distiller.UserId == userId &&
                purType.Name == purchaseType &&
                statuses.Name != "Deleted" &&
                statuses.Name != "Destroyed" &&
                statuses.Name != "Closed"
                select new
                PurchaseNote   = purchT.Note,
                PurchaseType   = purType.Name,
                MaterialName   = (material.Name ?? string.Empty),
                VendorName     = vendor.Name,
                Gallons        = ((System.Single?)galQuant.Value ?? (System.Single?) 0),
                VolumeByWeight = ((System.Single?)VBW.Value ?? (System.Single?) 0),
                Alcohol        = ((System.Single?)alc.Value ?? (System.Single?) 0),
                Proof          = ((System.Single?)proof.Value ?? (System.Single?) 0),
                State          = (states.Name ?? string.Empty),
                Status         = (statuses.Name ?? string.Empty)

            foreach (var iterator in res)
                PurchaseObject purchase = new PurchaseObject();
                purchase.PurchaseId     = iterator.PurchaseID;
                purchase.RecordName     = iterator.MaterialName;
                purchase.PurchaseType   = iterator.PurchaseType;
                purchase.Note           = iterator.PurchaseNote;
                purchase.PurchaseDate   = iterator.PurchaseDate;
                purchase.Price          = iterator.Price;
                purchase.Quantity       = (float)iterator.Gallons;
                purchase.VendorName     = iterator.VendorName;
                purchase.VolumeByWeight = (float)iterator.VolumeByWeight;
                purchase.AlcoholContent = (float)iterator.Alcohol;
                purchase.ProofGallon    = (float)iterator.Proof;
                purchase.PurBatchName   = iterator.PurchaseName;
                purchase.State          = iterator.State;
                purchase.Status         = iterator.Status;


            // now, let's get multiple storages
            foreach (var i in purchaseList)
                List <StorageObject> storageL = new List <StorageObject>();
                var storages =
                    from rec in _db.StorageToRecord
                    join stoName in _db.Storage on rec.StorageID equals stoName.StorageID
                    where rec.RecordId == i.PurchaseId && rec.TableIdentifier == "pur"
                    select new
                if (storages != null)
                    foreach (var it in storages)
                        StorageObject stor = new StorageObject();
                        stor.StorageId   = it.StorageID;
                        stor.StorageName = it.Name;
                i.Storage = storageL;

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// CreatePurchase Method creates a new Purchase Record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="purchaseObject"></param>
        /// <returns>int</returns>
        public int CreatePurchase(PurchaseObject purchaseObject, int userId)
            int retMthdExecResult = 0;

            if (purchaseObject.Quantity > 0 && purchaseObject.VolumeByWeight > 0)
                retMthdExecResult = 0;
                throw new Exception("A record cannot be created with both volume and weigt values");

            Purchase purchT = new Purchase();

            purchT.PurchaseName       = purchaseObject.PurBatchName;
            purchT.PurchaseDateOffset = purchaseObject.PurchaseDate;
            purchT.PurchaseDate       = purchaseObject.PurchaseDate.DateTime;
            purchT.MaterialDictID     = purchaseObject.RecordId;
            purchT.Note        = purchaseObject.Note;
            purchT.Price       = purchaseObject.Price;
            purchT.VendorID    = purchaseObject.VendorId;
            purchT.DistillerID = _dl.GetDistillerId(userId);

            var pTypes =
                (from rec in _db.PurchaseType
                 where rec.Name == purchaseObject.PurchaseType
                 select rec).FirstOrDefault();

            if (pTypes != null)
                purchT.Gauged         = pTypes.PurchaseTypeID == (int)Persistence.BusinessLogicEnums.PurchaseType.Fermented || pTypes.PurchaseTypeID == (int)Persistence.BusinessLogicEnums.PurchaseType.Distilled ? true : false;
                purchT.PurchaseTypeID = pTypes.PurchaseTypeID;

            if (purchaseObject.Quantity > 0 && purchaseObject?.Quantity != null)
                Volume quantG = new Volume();
                quantG.Value = purchaseObject.Quantity;

                purchT.VolumeID = quantG.VolumeID;
                purchT.VolumeID = 0;

            if (purchaseObject.VolumeByWeight > 0 && purchaseObject?.VolumeByWeight != null)
                Weight vBW = new Weight();
                vBW.Value = purchaseObject.VolumeByWeight;

                purchT.WeightID = vBW.WeightID;
                purchT.WeightID = 0;

            if (purchaseObject.AlcoholContent > 0 && purchaseObject?.AlcoholContent != null)
                Alcohol alc = new Alcohol();
                alc.Value = purchaseObject.AlcoholContent;

                purchT.AlcoholID = alc.AlcoholID;
                purchT.AlcoholID = 0;

            if (purchaseObject.ProofGallon > 0 && purchaseObject?.ProofGallon != null)
                Proof proof = new Proof();
                proof.Value = purchaseObject.ProofGallon;

                purchT.ProofID = proof.ProofID;
                purchT.ProofID = 0;

            purchT.StatusID =
                (from rec in _db.Status
                 where rec.Name == "Active"
                 select rec.StatusID).FirstOrDefault();

            purchT.StateID =
                (from rec in _db.State
                 where rec.Name == purchaseObject.PurchaseType
                 select rec.StateID).FirstOrDefault();


            // Only fermented and distilled purchase records can be reported on storage report
            if ((pTypes.PurchaseTypeID == (int)Persistence.BusinessLogicEnums.PurchaseType.Fermented || pTypes.PurchaseTypeID == (int)Persistence.BusinessLogicEnums.PurchaseType.Distilled) && purchaseObject?.SpiritTypeReportingID != null && purchaseObject?.SpiritTypeReportingID != 0)
                PurchaseToSpiritTypeReporting pstr = new PurchaseToSpiritTypeReporting();
                pstr.PurchaseID            = purchT.PurchaseID;
                pstr.SpiritTypeReportingID = purchaseObject.SpiritTypeReportingID;

                // Persistent Reporting: call Update Storage Report method here
                ReportRepository reportRepository = new ReportRepository(_db, _dl);
                reportRepository.UpdateReportDataDuringPurchase(purchaseObject, userId);

            //update StorageToRecord
            if (purchaseObject.Storage != null)
                foreach (var iter in purchaseObject.Storage)
                    StorageToRecord storToRec = new StorageToRecord();
                    storToRec.StorageID       = iter.StorageId;
                    storToRec.RecordId        = purchT.PurchaseID;
                    storToRec.TableIdentifier = "pur";

            if (purchT.PurchaseTypeID == (int)Persistence.BusinessLogicEnums.PurchaseType.Fermentable || purchT.PurchaseTypeID == (int)Persistence.BusinessLogicEnums.PurchaseType.Fermented || purchT.PurchaseTypeID == (int)Persistence.BusinessLogicEnums.PurchaseType.Distilled || purchT.PurchaseTypeID == (int)Persistence.BusinessLogicEnums.PurchaseType.Additive)
                    // save purchase fermentable, fermented and distil data and quantities into Purchase4Reporting table which is used for reporting
                    Purchase4Reporting purch4RepT = new Purchase4Reporting();
                    purch4RepT.PurchaseID  = purchT.PurchaseID;
                    purch4RepT.Weight      = purchaseObject.VolumeByWeight;
                    purch4RepT.Volume      = purchaseObject.Quantity;
                    purch4RepT.Proof       = purchaseObject.ProofGallon;
                    purch4RepT.Alcohol     = purchaseObject.AlcoholContent;
                    purch4RepT.Redistilled = false;

                catch (Exception e)

            retMthdExecResult = purchT.PurchaseID;

            // now, lets' try to save to history table
            purchaseObject.PurchaseId = purchT.PurchaseID;
            purchaseObject.Status     = "Active";
            _dl.SavePurchaseHistory(purchaseObject, userId);

예제 #8
        public bool UpdatePurchase(PurchaseObject purchaseObject, int userId)
            bool retMthdExecResult = false;

                var purchT =
                    (from rec in _db.Purchase
                     join dslrs in _db.AspNetUserToDistiller on rec.DistillerID equals dslrs.DistillerID into dslrs_join
                     from dslrs in dslrs_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                     where rec.PurchaseID == purchaseObject.PurchaseId &&
                     dslrs.UserId == userId
                     select rec).FirstOrDefault();

                if (purchT != null)
                    if (purchT.PurchaseName != purchaseObject.PurBatchName && purchaseObject.PurBatchName != null)
                        purchT.PurchaseName = purchaseObject.PurBatchName;

                    if (purchT.PurchaseDate != purchaseObject.PurchaseDate && purchaseObject.PurchaseDate != null)
                        purchT.PurchaseDateOffset = purchaseObject.PurchaseDate;
                        purchT.PurchaseDate       = purchaseObject.PurchaseDate.DateTime;

                    if (purchT.VendorID != purchaseObject.VendorId && purchaseObject?.VendorId != null)
                        purchT.VendorID = purchaseObject.VendorId;

                    if (purchT.Price != purchaseObject.Price && purchaseObject?.Price != null)
                        purchT.Price = purchaseObject.Price;

                    if (purchT.Note != purchaseObject.Note && purchaseObject.Note != null)
                        purchT.Note = purchaseObject.Note;

                    //todo: need to be able to add update for storages and Material Type(even though, updating material type might be difficult)


                    // Quantity
                    if (purchT.VolumeID > 0 && purchaseObject.Quantity != null)
                        //update quantity record
                        var qtyRec =
                            (from rec in _db.Volume
                             where rec.VolumeID == purchT.VolumeID
                             select rec).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (qtyRec != null && qtyRec.Value != purchaseObject.Quantity)
                            qtyRec.Value = purchaseObject.Quantity;
                    else if (purchT.VolumeID == 0 && purchaseObject.Quantity != null)
                        //create quantity record
                        Volume newQtyRec = new Volume();
                        newQtyRec.Value = purchaseObject.Quantity;
                        purchT.VolumeID = newQtyRec.VolumeID;

                    if (purchaseObject.PurchaseType != "Supply" || purchaseObject.PurchaseType != "Additive")
                        // Volume By Weight
                        if (purchT.WeightID != 0 && purchaseObject.VolumeByWeight != null)
                            //update volume by weight record
                            var vbwRec =
                                (from rec in _db.Weight
                                 where rec.WeightID == purchT.WeightID
                                 select rec).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (vbwRec != null && vbwRec.Value != purchaseObject.VolumeByWeight)
                                vbwRec.Value = purchaseObject.VolumeByWeight;
                        else if (purchT.WeightID == 0 && purchaseObject.VolumeByWeight != null)
                            //create volume by weight record
                            Weight newVbwRec = new Weight();
                            newVbwRec.Value = purchaseObject.VolumeByWeight;
                            purchT.WeightID = newVbwRec.WeightID;

                    if (purchaseObject.PurchaseType == "Distilled" || purchaseObject.PurchaseType == "Fermented")
                        // Alcohol Content
                        if (purchT.AlcoholID != 0 && purchaseObject.AlcoholContent != null)
                            //update alcohol content record
                            var alcRec =
                                (from rec in _db.Alcohol
                                 where rec.AlcoholID == purchT.AlcoholID
                                 select rec).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (alcRec != null && alcRec.Value != purchaseObject.AlcoholContent)
                                alcRec.Value = purchaseObject.AlcoholContent;
                        else if (purchT.AlcoholID == 0 && purchaseObject.AlcoholContent != null)
                            //create alcohol content record
                            Alcohol newAlcRec = new Alcohol();
                            newAlcRec.Value = purchaseObject.AlcoholContent;
                            purchT.AlcoholID = newAlcRec.AlcoholID;

                        // Proof
                        if (purchT.ProofID != 0 && purchaseObject.ProofGallon != null)
                            //update proof record
                            var prfRec =
                                (from rec in _db.Proof
                                 where rec.ProofID == purchT.ProofID
                                 select rec).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (prfRec != null && prfRec.Value != purchaseObject.ProofGallon)
                                prfRec.Value = purchaseObject.ProofGallon;
                        else if (purchT.ProofID == 0 && purchaseObject.ProofGallon != null)
                            //create proof record
                            Proof newPrfRec = new Proof();
                            newPrfRec.Value = purchaseObject.ProofGallon;
                            purchT.ProofID = newPrfRec.ProofID;

                        // call Update Storage report table here

                    // update storages
                    var storages =
                        from rec in _db.StorageToRecord
                        where rec.RecordId == purchT.PurchaseID && rec.TableIdentifier == "pur"
                        select rec;

                    // empty StorageToRecord table records first
                    if (storages != null)
                        foreach (var i in storages)

                    if (purchaseObject.Storage != null)
                        string storagesString = string.Empty;
                        // write new records to StorageToRecord table
                        foreach (var k in purchaseObject.Storage)
                            StorageToRecord stoR = new StorageToRecord();
                            stoR.StorageID       = k.StorageId;
                            stoR.RecordId        = purchT.PurchaseID;
                            stoR.TableIdentifier = "pur";
                            storagesString += k.StorageName + "; ";
                        purchaseObject.StorageName = storagesString;

                retMthdExecResult = true;

                _dl.SavePurchaseHistory(purchaseObject, userId);
            catch (Exception e)
