private void GetAllPurchaseCeneters() { Pobl = new PurchaseCenter(ComObj); string qrySelect = "select pcm.PcId,pcm.PurchaseCenterName as PurchaseCenterName,pcm.CommodityId,cm.CommodityName,pcm.DistrictId,dm.DistrictName as DistrictName,pcm.MarkSeasId,msm.MarkSeaon as MarketingSeason,pcm.cropyear as CropYear,pcm.Address as Address,pcm.Phone as Phone,pcm.PC_CategoryID,pcc.PC_Category as Category,pcm.Block as BlockTehsil,pcm.NodalOff as NodalOfficer from PurchaseCenterMaster pcm,DistrictMaster dm,CommodityMaster cm,MarketingSeasonMaster msm ,PurchaseCentreCategory pcc where cm.CommodityId=pcm.CommodityId and dm.DistrictCode=pcm.DistrictId and pcm.MarkSeasId=msm.MarkSeasId and pcc.PC_CategoryID=pcm.PC_CategoryID order by pcm.cropyear desc"; DataSet ds = Pobl.selectAny(qrySelect); if (ds == null) { } else { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { fillGrid(ds); ViewState["dsPurchase"] = ds; } } }
private void GetPurchaseCenetersByDistrictCropYearMarketSeason() { Pobl = new PurchaseCenter(ComObj); string qrySelect = "select pcm.PcId,pcm.PurchaseCenterName as PurchaseCenterName,pcm.CommodityId,cm.CommodityName,pcm.DistrictId,dm.DistrictName as DistrictName,pcm.MarkSeasId,msm.MarkSeaon as MarketingSeason,pcm.cropyear as CropYear,pcm.Address as Address,pcm.Phone as Phone,pcm.PC_CategoryID,pcc.PC_Category as Category,pcm.Block as BlockTehsil,pcm.NodalOff as NodalOfficer from PurchaseCenterMaster pcm,DistrictMaster dm,CommodityMaster cm,MarketingSeasonMaster msm ,PurchaseCentreCategory pcc where cm.CommodityId=pcm.CommodityId and dm.DistrictCode=pcm.DistrictId and pcm.MarkSeasId=msm.MarkSeasId and pcc.PC_CategoryID=pcm.PC_CategoryID and pcm.DistrictId='" + ddl_District_Fetch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and pcm.MarkSeasId='" + ddl_MarketSeaon_Fetch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and pcm.cropyear='" + ddl_CropYear_Fetch.SelectedItem.Text.ToString() + "'"; DataSet ds = Pobl.selectAny(qrySelect); if (ds == null) { } else { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { fillGridFetch(ds); ViewState["dsPurchaseFetch"] = ds; } } }
private void getPurchaseCenter(string distid, string mid, string cropyear) { PcObj = new PurchaseCenter(ComObj); string str = "SELECT * FROM PurchaseCenterMaster,MarketingSeasonMaster where PurchaseCenterMaster.DistrictId = '" + distid + "' and PurchaseCenterMaster.MarkSeasId = '" + mid + "' and cropyear ='" + cropyear + "' and MarketingSeasonMaster.MarkSeasId = PurchaseCenterMaster.MarkSeasId order by PurchaseCenterName "; DataSet ds = PcObj.selectAny(str); if (ds == null) { } else { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DDL_PC.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; DDL_PC.DataTextField = "PurchaseCenterName"; DDL_PC.DataValueField = "PcId"; DDL_PC.DataBind(); } } }