예제 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PostBackStr_MakeGroup = Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "MakeGroup");

            string s = Request.Params.Get("GroupID");

            if (s != null)
                GroupIDS = s;
                //we are coming in from CreateGroup....  so Update the ID box
                GroupId.Value = s;

            s = Request.Params.Get("Ajaxcall");
            if (s == "2")
                GroupIDS = Request.Params.Get("GroupID");
                //need to find group members for this...
                PupilGroupList pgl1 = new PupilGroupList();
                pgl1.AddToList(new Guid(GroupId.Value), DateTime.Now);
                foreach (SimplePupil p in pgl1.m_pupilllist)
                    Response.Write("<option value=\"" + p.m_StudentId + "\">" + p.m_GivenName + " " + p.m_Surname + "</option>");
                Response.End(); return;
            if (IsPostBack)
                s = Request.Params.Get("__EVENTARGUMENT");
                if (s == "MakeGroup")
예제 #2
        public void SetUpGroupNames(string gp)
            PupilGroupList pgl1 = new PupilGroupList();

            pgl1.AddToList(new Guid(gp), DateTime.Now);
            foreach (SimplePupil p in pgl1.m_pupilllist)
                System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem l = new ListItem(p.m_GivenName + " " + p.m_Surname, p.m_StudentId.ToString());
예제 #3
        private void ListSet(string set)
            string         s   = "";
            PupilGroupList pgl = new PupilGroupList();
            ResultsList    rl1 = new ResultsList();

            pgl.AddToList(set, DateTime.Now);
            Response.Write("<TABLE BORDER>");
            string grade = "";
            //need to find course type....
            CourseList cl1 = new CourseList(5);

            foreach (Course c in cl1._courses)
                if (c.CourseCode == set.Substring(2, 2).ToUpper())
                    TextBox3.Text = c._CourseID.ToString();
            foreach (SimplePupil sp in pgl.m_pupilllist)
                grade            = "";
                rl1.m_parameters = 2; rl1.m_db_field2 = "ResultType"; rl1.m_value2 = "6";
                rl1.LoadList("dbo.tbl_Core_Students.StudentId", sp.m_StudentId.ToString());
                foreach (Result r in rl1._results)
                    if (r.Code == set.Substring(2, 2).ToUpper())
                        grade = r.Value;
                s  = "PredictedGrades.aspx";
                s += "?ID=" + sp.m_StudentId.ToString() + "&Name=" + sp.m_GivenName + " " + sp.m_Surname;
                s += "& set=" + TextBox1.Text;
                s += "& course=" + TextBox3.Text;
                Response.Write("<TR><TD><A HREF=\"" + s + "\">" + sp.m_GivenName + " " + sp.m_Surname + "</A></TD><TD>");

                Response.Write(grade + "</td></TR>");
            Button_A.Visible      = false; Button_B.Visible = false;
            Button_C.Visible      = false; Button_D.Visible = false;
            Button_E.Visible      = false; Button_U.Visible = false;
            Label1.Visible        = false; GroupListBox.Visible = false;
            Label_Student.Visible = false; Button1.Visible = false;
예제 #4
        protected void Button_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string s = Label_MessageType.Text;

            switch (s)
            case "Group":
                foreach (ListItem i in ListBox_staff.Items)
                    if (i.Selected)
                        //need to check to see if staff groups...
                        Group gp1 = new Group(); gp1.Load(new Guid(i.Value));
                        if (gp1._CourseID == Cerval_Globals.newdawnCse)
                            //oh pain we are going to have to add names...
                            PupilGroupList pgl1 = new PupilGroupList();
                            pgl1.AddToList(gp1._GroupID, DateTime.Now);
                            foreach (SimplePupil p in pgl1.m_pupilllist)
                                TextBox_textTo.Text      += p.m_GivenName + " " + p.m_Surname + "\n";
                                TextBox_StudentList.Text += p.m_StudentId.ToString() + ":";
                            TextBox_textTo.Text    += i.Text.ToString() + "\n";
                            TextBox_GroupList.Text += i.Value.ToString() + ":";

            case "Student":
                foreach (ListItem i in ListBox_staff.Items)
                    if (i.Selected)
                        TextBox_textTo.Text      += i.Text.ToString() + "\n";
                        TextBox_StudentList.Text += i.Value.ToString() + ":";
예제 #5
        protected void AddControls(bool init)
            if (DropDownList_Sets.SelectedIndex < 0)
            TextBox1.Text = DropDownList_Sets.SelectedItem.Text;
            string         set = TextBox1.Text;
            Table          tb1 = (Table)content0.FindControl("table1");
            PupilGroupList pgl = new PupilGroupList();
            ResultsList    rl1 = new ResultsList();

            string grade = ""; string cse = "";
            int    Key_stage = 0; string year = "";

            //need to find course type....
            if (set.StartsWith("1"))
                if (set.StartsWith("10") || set.StartsWith("11"))
                    Key_stage = 4;
                    Key_stage = 5;
                cse = set.Substring(2, 2).ToUpper(); year = set.Substring(0, 2);
                Key_stage = 3;
                cse       = set.Substring(3, 2).ToUpper(); year = set.Substring(0, 1);
            if (init)
                CourseList cl1 = new CourseList(Key_stage);
                foreach (Course c in cl1._courses)
                    if (c.CourseCode == cse)
                        TextBox3.Text = c._CourseID.ToString();
            //now this is for collecting internal results.....
            string   s2          = "";
            DateTime SetListDate = new DateTime();
            DateTime ResultDate  = new DateTime();
            Utility  u           = new Utility();

            ResultDate = u.GetResultDate(year, ref s2, ref SetListDate);

            TextBox2.Text = ResultDate.ToShortDateString();

            TextBox4.Text = s2;
            pgl.AddToList(set, SetListDate);
            Label1.Text = "Results for " + set + " for " + s2 + ". Use tab to go to next record."; Label1.Visible = true;

            foreach (SimplePupil sp in pgl.m_pupilllist)
                TableRow r1 = new TableRow(); tb1.Controls.Add(r1);
                r1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid;
                r1.BorderColor = tb1.BorderColor;
                r1.BorderWidth = tb1.BorderWidth;
                TableCell c1   = new TableCell(); r1.Controls.Add(c1);
                TableCell c2   = new TableCell(); r1.Controls.Add(c2);
                TextBox   txb1 = new TextBox(); c2.Controls.Add(txb1);
                c1.BorderStyle    = tb1.BorderStyle;
                c1.BorderWidth    = tb1.BorderWidth;
                c1.BorderColor    = tb1.BorderColor;
                c2.BorderStyle    = tb1.BorderStyle;
                c2.BorderWidth    = tb1.BorderWidth;
                c2.BorderColor    = tb1.BorderColor;
                c2.Width          = 40;
                txb1.TextChanged += new EventHandler(txt);
                txb1.Width        = 30;
                txb1.ID           = sp.m_StudentId.ToString();
                c1.Text           = sp.m_GivenName + " " + sp.m_Surname;
                if (set.StartsWith("1"))
                    cse = set.Substring(2, 2).ToUpper();
                    cse = set.Substring(3, 2).ToUpper();
                if (init)
                    grade               = "";
                    rl1.m_parameters    = 3; rl1.m_db_field2 = "ResultType"; rl1.m_value2 = "5";
                    rl1.m_db_extraquery = " AND (dbo.tbl_Core_Results.ResultDate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + ResultDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', 102) )";
                    rl1.LoadList("dbo.tbl_Core_Students.StudentId", sp.m_StudentId.ToString());
                    foreach (Result r in rl1._results)
                        if (r.Code == cse)
                            grade = r.Value;
                    txb1.Text = grade;
        protected string GenerateVA(string GroupID, string GroupName)
            string         s = ""; string s1 = ""; List <VAresult> list1 = new List <VAresult>();
            PupilGroupList pgl = new PupilGroupList(); pgl.AddToList(new Guid(GroupID), DateTime.Now);
            //going to get the data
            double xgrade = 0;
            double x1     = 0;
            double x2     = 0;

            foreach (SimplePupil p in pgl.m_pupilllist)
                StudentAccademicProfile StudentProfile = new StudentAccademicProfile(p.m_StudentId);
                int      KeyStage = 0;
                DateTime date1    = new DateTime(); date1 = DateTime.Now;
                //this is when we load tt etc... so if in summer gap... alter
                if (date1.Month == 8)
                    date1 = date1.AddMonths(2);
                SimplePupil p1 = new SimplePupil(); p1 = p;
                StudentProfile.Load_Profile(date1, ref p1, ref KeyStage, false);
                string Profile_approx = ""; string Target_approx = "";
                foreach (StudentSubjectProfile sp in StudentProfile.profile)
                        if (sp.latestProfileGrade != null)
                            x2 = sp.Convert_to_scale(ref xgrade, ref x1, ref Target_approx, ref Profile_approx);
                            VAresult v1 = new VAresult();
                            v1.adno   = p1.m_adno.ToString();
                            v1.course = sp.course.CourseCode;
                            //v1.profile = x1.ToString();
                            v1.profile = Profile_approx;
                            //v1.predict = x2.ToString();
                            v1.predict = Target_approx;
                            v1.surname = p.m_Surname; v1.givename = p.m_GivenName;
                            v1.x1      = x1; v1.x2 = x2;
                            v1.xgrade  = xgrade;
                    catch {  }

            //find all the courses in the list...
            List <string> courselist = new List <string>();
            bool          found      = false;

            foreach (VAresult v in list1)
                found = false;
                foreach (string s4 in courselist)
                    if (s4 == v.course)
                        found = true; break;
                //not found
                if (!found)
            //find all the students
            List <string> adnolist = new List <string>();

            foreach (VAresult v in list1)
                found = false;
                foreach (string s4 in adnolist)
                    if (s4 == v.adno)
                        found = true; break;
                //not found
                if (!found)
            string [,] list2 = new string[adnolist.Count + 3, 2 * courselist.Count + 6];
            double [,] list3 = new double[adnolist.Count + 3, 2 * courselist.Count + 6];
            double [,] listx = new double[adnolist.Count + 3, 2 * courselist.Count + 6];
            int i = 3;

            foreach (string s5 in courselist)
                list2[0, i] = s5; i++;
                list2[0, i] = s5; i++;
            int j = 1;

            foreach (VAresult v in list1)
                if (list2[j, 0] != v.adno)
                    j++; list2[j, 0] = v.adno; list2[j, 1] = v.givename; list2[j, 2] = v.surname;
                //now find the course
                i = 3;
                foreach (string s5 in courselist)
                    if (s5 == v.course)
                        list2[j, i]     = v.predict;
                        list2[j, i + 1] = v.profile;
                        list3[j, i]     = v.xgrade;
                        list3[j, i + 1] = v.xgrade;
                        listx[j, i]     = v.x2;
                        listx[j, i + 1] = v.x1;
                    i++; i++;
            s  = "<h2><p align=\"center\"> Latest Profile Score v Predicted Grade </p></h2>";
            s += "<div><p  align=\"center\"><table class=\"EventsTable\"> ";
            s += "<TR><TD >Cells have:   </TD><td>course</br>Profile Grade</br>Predicted Grade</td>";
            s += "<td>Predictions are from Alis (KS5) / ";
            s += " Yellis (KS4)</br>Points are UCAS at KS5 (A=120) and GCSE at KS4 (A=52 or new 1-9 scale)</td>";
            s += "</tr></table></p>";
            s += "Colour indicates how far they exceed / failed to reach target";
            s += "<table class=\"EventsTable\"> ";
            s += "<TR><TD class= \"tableHighlight1\">Exceed by 1 grade</TD>";
            s += "<TD class= \"tableHighlight2\">Exceed by 0.5 grade</TD>";
            s += "<TD class= \"tableHighlight4\">Below by 0.5 grade</TD>";
            s += "<TD class= \"tableHighlight5\">Below by 1 grade</TD>";
            s += "</tr></table></div>";
            s += "<p  align=\"center\"><table class=\"EventsTable\"> ";
            s += "<TR><td>Adno</td><TD>Given Name</TD><TD>Surname</TD>";
            s += "<TD>Subjects</TD><TD>...............</TD></TR>";

            for (int i1 = 1; i1 < adnolist.Count + 2; i1++)
                s += "<tr>";
                for (int j1 = 0; j1 < 3; j1++)
                    s += "<td>" + list2[i1, j1] + "</td>";

                for (int j1 = 4; j1 < 2 * courselist.Count + 4; j1 = j1 + 2)
                    s1 = "<td>" + list2[0, j1] + "</br>";
                        x1     = listx[i1, j1];
                        x2     = listx[i1, j1 - 1];
                        xgrade = list3[i1, j1];
                        double xd = x2 - x1;
                        if (x1 > 0)
                            if (x2 > 0)
                                if (xd > xgrade / 2)
                                    s1 = "<td class= \"tableHighlight4\" >" + list2[0, j1] + "</br>";
                                    if (xd > xgrade)
                                        s1 = "<td class= \"tableHighlight5\" >" + list2[0, j1] + "</br>";
                                else if (xd < -xgrade / 2)
                                    s1 = "<td class= \"tableHighlight2\" >" + list2[0, j1] + "</br>";
                                    if (xd < -xgrade)
                                        s1 = "<td class= \"tableHighlight1\" >" + list2[0, j1] + "</br>";
                                //s1 += x1.ToString() + "</br>";
                                //s1 += x2.ToString();
                                s1 += list2[i1, j1] + "</br>";
                                s1 += list2[i1, j1 + 1];
                                s1  = "<td>" + list2[0, j1] + "</br>";
                                s1 += x1.ToString() + "</br>";
                            s1 = "<td></br>";
                    catch { };

                    s += s1 + "</TD>";
                s += "</tr>";
            s += "</table></div></p>";

            //going to add to pure data table....

            s += "</br><h2><p align=\"center\"> Data as flat table for copying to sheets etc. </p></h2></br>";
            s += "</p><div><p  align=\"center\"><table class=\"EventsTable\"> ";
            s += "<TR><td>Adno</td><TD>Given Name</TD><TD>Surname</TD>";
            s += "<TD>Subjects</TD><TD>Always prediction then Profile...</TD></TR>";
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < adnolist.Count + 2; i1++)
                s += "<tr>";
                for (int j1 = 0; j1 < 2 * courselist.Count + 4; j1 = j1 + 2)
                    s += "<td>" + list2[i1, j1] + "</td>";
                    s += "<td>" + list2[i1, j1 + 1] + "</td>";
                s += "</tr>";
            s += "</table></div></p>";
예제 #7
        protected void Button_CheckTime_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string       s        = TextBox1.Text;
            string       ErrorMsg = "";
            TextFileType ftype1   = TextFileType.Unknown;

                ftype1 = (TextFileType)ViewState["TextFileType"];
                Label_Text.Text = "File Type not recognised"; return;
            char[]          ct1    = new char[1]; ct1[0] = (char)0x09;
            string[]        fields = new string[20];
            ExamsUtility    u      = new ExamsUtility();
            PupilGroupList  pgl    = new PupilGroupList();
            ExamConversions Ec     = new ExamConversions();
            SimplePupil     pupil1 = new SimplePupil();
            Guid            g1     = new Guid(); g1 = Guid.Empty;
            DateTime        t1     = new DateTime(); t1 = DateTime.Now;

            using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(s))
                string firstline = sr.ReadLine();
                string line      = sr.ReadLine();
                fields = line.Split(ct1);
                Exam_Board exbde1 = Ec.GetExamBoard(fields[1]);
                switch (ftype1)
                case TextFileType.Unknown:
                    Label_Text.Text = "File Type not recognised";

                case TextFileType.Students:       //Admission Number,Surname, GivenName,Board,Syllabus,Option...";
                        pupil1.Load_StudentIdOnly(System.Convert.ToInt32(fields[0]));    ///loads lft students aswell
                        if (!u.AddEntry(pupil1.m_StudentId, exbde1, Year, YearCode, SeasonCode, fields[3], 3, true, ref ErrorMsg, ref g1))
                            Label_Text.Text = ErrorMsg; return;
                            Exam_Entry en1 = new Exam_Entry(); en1.m_ExamEntryID = g1; en1.Delete();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Label_Text.Text = ex.ToString(); return;

                case TextFileType.Sets:
                    pgl.AddToList(fields[0], DateTime.Now);
                    foreach (SimplePupil p in pgl.m_pupilllist)
                            if (!u.AddEntry(p.m_StudentId, exbde1, Year, YearCode, SeasonCode, fields[3], 3, true, ref ErrorMsg, ref g1))
                                Label_Text.Text = ErrorMsg; return;
                                Exam_Entry en1 = new Exam_Entry(); en1.m_ExamEntryID = g1; en1.Delete();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Label_Text.Text = ex.ToString(); return;


                //done one set or one student...scale up....
                TimeSpan ts1 = DateTime.Now - t1; TimeSpan ts2 = new TimeSpan(); ts2 = ts1;
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    ts2 += ts1;
                TextBox_Warning.Text     = "WARNING:  This operation is likely to take about " + ts2.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Press Process Button to continue...";
                TextBox_Warning.Visible  = true;
                Button_CheckTime.Visible = false;
                Button_Process.Visible   = true;
예제 #8
        protected void Button_Process_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string       s        = TextBox1.Text;
            string       ErrorMsg = "";
            TextFileType ftype1   = TextFileType.Unknown;

                ftype1 = (TextFileType)ViewState["TextFileType"];
                Label_Text.Text = "File Type not recognised"; return;
            char[]   ct1    = new char[1]; ct1[0] = (char)0x09;
            string[] fields = new string[20];

            ExamsUtility    u              = new ExamsUtility();
            PupilGroupList  pgl            = new PupilGroupList();
            ExamConversions Ec             = new ExamConversions();
            SimplePupil     pupil1         = new SimplePupil();
            Guid            g1             = new Guid(); g1 = Guid.Empty;
            int             number_entered = 0;

            using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(s))
                string firstline = sr.ReadLine();
                string line;
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    fields = line.Split(ct1);

                    switch (ftype1)
                    case TextFileType.Unknown:
                        Label_Text.Text = "File Type not recognised";

                    case TextFileType.Students:       //Admission Number,Surname, GivenName,Board,Syllabus,Option...";
                            Exam_Board exbde1 = Ec.GetExamBoard(fields[3]);
                            pupil1.Load_StudentIdOnly(System.Convert.ToInt32(fields[0]));    ///loads lft students aswell
                            if (!u.AddEntry(pupil1.m_StudentId, exbde1, Year, YearCode, SeasonCode, fields[5], 3, true, ref ErrorMsg, ref g1))
                                Label_Text.Text = ErrorMsg; return;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Label_Text.Text = ex.ToString(); return;

                    case TextFileType.Sets:          //Set, Board, Syllabus, Option.
                        pgl.AddToList(fields[0], DateTime.Now);

                        foreach (SimplePupil p in pgl.m_pupilllist)
                                Exam_Board exbde1 = Ec.GetExamBoard(fields[1]);
                                if (!u.AddEntry(p.m_StudentId, exbde1, Year, YearCode, SeasonCode, fields[3], 3, true, ref ErrorMsg, ref g1))
                                    Label_Text.Text = ErrorMsg; return;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Label_Text.Text = ex.ToString(); return;

            Label_Text.Text = "Correctly processed... " + number_entered.ToString() + " entries";