예제 #1
파일: Chase.cs 프로젝트: nedbert/vixen
        //private void GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(ElementNode target, IIntentNode intentNode, ColorGradient gradient=null)
        //	if (intentNode == null || intentNode.EndTime >= TimeSpan) return;
        //	var lightingIntent = intentNode.Intent as LightingIntent;
        //	if (lightingIntent != null && lightingIntent.EndValue.Intensity > 0)
        //	{
        //		var newCurve = new Curve(lightingIntent.EndValue.Intensity*100);
        //		GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(target, newCurve, gradient ?? new ColorGradient(lightingIntent.EndValue.FullColor),
        //			TimeSpan - intentNode.EndTime, intentNode.EndTime);
        //	}
        //	else
        //	{
        //		var discreteIntent = intentNode.Intent as DiscreteLightingIntent;
        //		if (discreteIntent != null && discreteIntent.EndValue.Intensity > 0)
        //		{
        //			var newCurve = new Curve(discreteIntent.EndValue.Intensity*100);
        //			GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(target, newCurve, gradient ?? new ColorGradient(discreteIntent.EndValue.FullColor),
        //				TimeSpan - intentNode.EndTime, intentNode.EndTime);
        //		}
        //	}

        //private void GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(ElementNode target, Curve newCurve, ColorGradient gradient, TimeSpan duration, TimeSpan offset)
        //	var result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(target, newCurve, gradient, duration, HasDiscreteColors);
        //	result.OffsetAllCommandsByTime(offset);
        //	_elementData.Add(result);

        //private void GenerateStartingStaticPulse(ElementNode target, IIntentNode intentNode, ColorGradient gradient=null)
        //	if (intentNode == null || intentNode.StartTime <= TimeSpan.Zero) return;
        //	var lightingIntent = intentNode.Intent as LightingIntent;
        //	if (lightingIntent != null && lightingIntent.StartValue.Intensity > 0)
        //	{
        //		var newCurve = new Curve(lightingIntent.StartValue.Intensity*100);
        //		GenerateStartingStaticPulse(target,newCurve, gradient ?? new ColorGradient(lightingIntent.StartValue.FullColor), intentNode.StartTime);
        //	}
        //	else
        //	{
        //		var discreteIntent = intentNode.Intent as DiscreteLightingIntent;
        //		if (discreteIntent != null && discreteIntent.StartValue.Intensity > 0)
        //		{
        //			var newCurve = new Curve(discreteIntent.StartValue.Intensity*100);
        //			GenerateStartingStaticPulse(target, newCurve, gradient ?? new ColorGradient(discreteIntent.StartValue.FullColor),
        //				intentNode.StartTime);
        //		}
        //	}

        //private void GenerateStartingStaticPulse(ElementNode target, Curve newCurve, ColorGradient gradient, TimeSpan time)
        //	var result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(target, newCurve, gradient, time, HasDiscreteColors);
        //	_elementData.Add(result);

        private void GeneratePulse(ElementNode target, TimeSpan startTime, TimeSpan duration, double currentMovementPosition)
            EffectIntents result = null;

            // figure out what color gradient to use for the pulse
            switch (ColorHandling)
            case ChaseColorHandling.GradientForEachPulse:
                result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(target, PulseCurve, ColorGradient, duration, HasDiscreteColors);
                if (ExtendPulseToStart && result.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                        _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateStartingStaticPulse(target, effectIntent, HasDiscreteColors));
                if (ExtendPulseToEnd && result.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                        _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(target, effectIntent, TimeSpan, HasDiscreteColors));

            case ChaseColorHandling.GradientThroughWholeEffect:
                double startPos = (startTime.Ticks / (double)TimeSpan.Ticks);
                double endPos   = ((startTime + duration).Ticks / (double)TimeSpan.Ticks);
                if (startPos < 0.0)
                    startPos = 0.0;
                if (endPos > 1.0)
                    endPos = 1.0;

                if (HasDiscreteColors)
                    double range = endPos - startPos;
                    if (range <= 0.0)
                        Logging.Error("Chase: bad range: " + range + " (SP=" + startPos + ", EP=" + endPos + ")");

                    ColorGradient cg = ColorGradient.GetSubGradientWithDiscreteColors(startPos, endPos);

                    foreach (Color color in cg.GetColorsInGradient())
                        Curve newCurve = new Curve(PulseCurve.Points);
                        foreach (PointPair point in newCurve.Points)
                            double effectRelativePosition = startPos + ((point.X / 100.0) * range);
                            double proportion             = ColorGradient.GetProportionOfColorAt(effectRelativePosition, color);
                            point.Y *= proportion;
                        result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(target, newCurve, new ColorGradient(color), duration, HasDiscreteColors);
                        if (ExtendPulseToStart && result.Count > 0)
                            foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateStartingStaticPulse(target, effectIntent, HasDiscreteColors, new ColorGradient(color)));
                        if (result.Count > 0)
                        if (ExtendPulseToEnd && result.Count > 0)
                            foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(target, effectIntent, TimeSpan, HasDiscreteColors, new ColorGradient(color)));
                    result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(target, PulseCurve, ColorGradient.GetSubGradient(startPos, endPos), duration, HasDiscreteColors);
                    if (ExtendPulseToStart && result.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                            _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateStartingStaticPulse(target, effectIntent, HasDiscreteColors, ColorGradient.GetSubGradient(0, startPos)));
                    if (ExtendPulseToEnd && result.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                            _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(target, effectIntent, TimeSpan, HasDiscreteColors, ColorGradient.GetSubGradient(endPos, 1)));


            case ChaseColorHandling.StaticColor:
                result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(target, PulseCurve, StaticColorGradient, duration, HasDiscreteColors);
                if (ExtendPulseToStart && result.Count > 0)
                    var intent = result.FirstOrDefault().Value.FirstOrDefault();
                    _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateStartingStaticPulse(target, intent, HasDiscreteColors));
                if (ExtendPulseToEnd && result.Count > 0)
                    var intent = result.FirstOrDefault().Value.LastOrDefault();
                    _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(target, intent, TimeSpan, HasDiscreteColors));

            case ChaseColorHandling.ColorAcrossItems:
                if (HasDiscreteColors)
                    List <Tuple <Color, float> > colorsAtPosition = ColorGradient.GetDiscreteColorsAndProportionsAt(currentMovementPosition / 100.0);
                    foreach (Tuple <Color, float> colorProportion in colorsAtPosition)
                        float proportion = colorProportion.Item2;
                        // scale all levels of the pulse curve by the proportion that is applicable to this color
                        Curve newCurve = new Curve(PulseCurve.Points);
                        foreach (PointPair pointPair in newCurve.Points)
                            pointPair.Y *= proportion;
                        result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(target, newCurve, new ColorGradient(colorProportion.Item1), duration, HasDiscreteColors);
                        if (ExtendPulseToStart && result.Count > 0)
                            foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateStartingStaticPulse(target, effectIntent, HasDiscreteColors, new ColorGradient(colorProportion.Item1)));
                        if (result.Count > 0)
                        if (ExtendPulseToEnd && result.Count > 0)
                            foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(target, effectIntent, TimeSpan, HasDiscreteColors, new ColorGradient(colorProportion.Item1)));
                    result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(target, PulseCurve, new ColorGradient(ColorGradient.GetColorAt(currentMovementPosition / 100.0)), duration, HasDiscreteColors);
                    if (ExtendPulseToStart && result.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                            _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateStartingStaticPulse(target, effectIntent, HasDiscreteColors));
                    if (ExtendPulseToEnd && result.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                            _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(target, effectIntent, TimeSpan, HasDiscreteColors));
예제 #2
        private void RenderCount(List <IElementNode[]> renderNodes, CancellationTokenSource tokenSource)
            TimeSpan effectTime   = TimeSpan.Zero;
            int      count        = 0;
            double   pulseSegment = (TimeSpan.Ticks * ((PulsePercent * ((double)_steps / renderNodes.Count())) / 100)) / PassCount;
            TimeSpan intervalTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)((TimeSpan.Ticks - pulseSegment) / (renderNodes.Count() * PassCount)));
            TimeSpan segmentPulse = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)pulseSegment);

            while (count < PassCount)
                foreach (IElementNode[] item in renderNodes)
                    if (tokenSource != null && tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)

                    foreach (IElementNode element in item)
                        if (tokenSource != null && tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                        if (element == null)

                        EffectIntents result;
                        if (ColorHandling == ColorHandling.GradientThroughWholeEffect)
                            result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(element, _data.Curve, _data.ColorGradient, segmentPulse,
                            if (WipeOff && count == 0 && result.Any())
                                foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                    _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateStartingStaticPulse(element, effectIntent,

                            if (WipeOn && result.Any() && count == PassCount - 1)
                                foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                    _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(element, effectIntent,
                                                                                               TimeSpan, HasDiscreteColors));

                            double positionWithinGroup = (double)(1.0 / (TimeSpan.Ticks - segmentPulse.Ticks)) * (effectTime.Ticks);
                            if (ColorAcrossItemPerCount)
                                positionWithinGroup = positionWithinGroup * PassCount % 1;
                            if (HasDiscreteColors)
                                List <Tuple <Color, float> > colorsAtPosition =
                                foreach (Tuple <Color, float> colorProportion in colorsAtPosition)
                                    float proportion = colorProportion.Item2;
                                    // scale all levels of the pulse curve by the proportion that is applicable to this color
                                    Curve newCurve = new Curve(Curve.Points);
                                    foreach (PointPair pointPair in newCurve.Points)
                                        pointPair.Y *= proportion;

                                    result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(element, newCurve,
                                                                      new ColorGradient(colorProportion.Item1), segmentPulse, HasDiscreteColors);

                                    if (WipeOff && count == 0)
                                        foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                                                                                       effectIntent, HasDiscreteColors,
                                                                                                       new ColorGradient(colorProportion.Item1)));

                                    if (result.Count > 0)

                                    if (WipeOn && count == PassCount - 1)
                                        foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                                                                                       effectIntent, TimeSpan, HasDiscreteColors,
                                                                                                       new ColorGradient(colorProportion.Item1)));
                                result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(element, _data.Curve,
                                                                  new ColorGradient(_data.ColorGradient.GetColorAt(positionWithinGroup)),
                                                                  segmentPulse, HasDiscreteColors);

                                if (WipeOff && count == 0)
                                    foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                                                                                   effectIntent, HasDiscreteColors));

                                if (WipeOn && count == PassCount - 1)
                                    foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                                                                                   effectIntent, TimeSpan, HasDiscreteColors));
                    effectTime += intervalTime;
예제 #3
파일: WipeModule.cs 프로젝트: Aurbo99/vixen
        private void RenderNonBurst(CancellationTokenSource tokenSource, IEnumerable <IGrouping <int, ElementNode> > renderNodes)
            //var pulse = new Pulse.Pulse();
            if (renderNodes != null && renderNodes.Any())
                TimeSpan effectTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
                if (WipeByCount)
                    int    count        = 0;
                    double pulseSegment = TimeSpan.Ticks / (double)PassCount * (PulsePercent / 100);

                    var    maxKey      = renderNodes.Select(x => x.Key).Max();
                    var    minKey      = renderNodes.Select(x => x.Key).Min();
                    double adjustedMax = maxKey - minKey;

                    TimeSpan totalWipeTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)((TimeSpan.Ticks - pulseSegment) / PassCount));
                    TimeSpan segmentPulse  = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)pulseSegment);

                    while (count < PassCount)
                        foreach (var item in renderNodes)
                            if (tokenSource != null && tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)

                            switch (Direction)
                            case WipeDirection.Left:
                            case WipeDirection.Up:
                                effectTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(totalWipeTime.Ticks * (1 - (item.Key - minKey) / adjustedMax) + count * totalWipeTime.Ticks));

                                effectTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(totalWipeTime.Ticks * (item.Key - minKey) / adjustedMax + count * totalWipeTime.Ticks));

                            foreach (ElementNode element in item)
                                if (tokenSource != null && tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                                if (element != null)
                                    EffectIntents result;
                                    if (ColorHandling == ColorHandling.GradientThroughWholeEffect)
                                        result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(element, _data.Curve, _data.ColorGradient, segmentPulse, HasDiscreteColors);

                                        if (WipeOff && count == 0)
                                            foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                                _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateStartingStaticPulse(element, effectIntent, HasDiscreteColors));


                                        if (WipeOn && count == PassCount - 1)
                                            foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                                _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(element, effectIntent, TimeSpan, HasDiscreteColors));
                                        double positionWithinGroup = effectTime.Ticks / (double)totalWipeTime.Ticks;
                                        if (HasDiscreteColors)
                                            List <Tuple <Color, float> > colorsAtPosition =
                                            foreach (Tuple <Color, float> colorProportion in colorsAtPosition)
                                                float proportion = colorProportion.Item2;
                                                // scale all levels of the pulse curve by the proportion that is applicable to this color
                                                Curve newCurve = new Curve(Curve.Points);
                                                foreach (PointPair pointPair in newCurve.Points)
                                                    pointPair.Y *= proportion;
                                                result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(element, newCurve, new ColorGradient(colorProportion.Item1), segmentPulse, HasDiscreteColors);

                                                if (WipeOff && count == 0)
                                                    foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                                        _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateStartingStaticPulse(element, effectIntent, HasDiscreteColors, new ColorGradient(colorProportion.Item1)));

                                                if (result.Count > 0)

                                                if (WipeOn && count == PassCount - 1)
                                                    foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                                        _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(element, effectIntent, TimeSpan, HasDiscreteColors, new ColorGradient(colorProportion.Item1)));
                                            result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(element, _data.Curve,
                                                                              new ColorGradient(_data.ColorGradient.GetColorAt(positionWithinGroup)), segmentPulse, HasDiscreteColors);

                                            if (WipeOff && count == 0)
                                                foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                                    _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateStartingStaticPulse(element, effectIntent, HasDiscreteColors));


                                            if (WipeOn && count == PassCount - 1)
                                                foreach (var effectIntent in result.FirstOrDefault().Value)
                                                    _elementData.Add(PulseRenderer.GenerateExtendedStaticPulse(element, effectIntent, TimeSpan, HasDiscreteColors));
                    double intervals    = (double)PulseTime / (double)renderNodes.Count();
                    var    intervalTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(intervals);
                    // the calculation above blows up render time/memory as count goes up, try this..
                    // also fails if intervals is less than half a ms and intervalTime then gets 0
                    intervalTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Math.Max(intervalTime.TotalMilliseconds, 5));
                    TimeSpan segmentPulse = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(PulseTime);
                    while (effectTime < TimeSpan)
                        foreach (var item in renderNodes)
                            EffectIntents result;

                            if (tokenSource != null && tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)

                            foreach (ElementNode element in item)
                                if (element != null)
                                    if (tokenSource != null && tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
                                    result = PulseRenderer.RenderNode(element, _data.Curve, _data.ColorGradient, segmentPulse, HasDiscreteColors);
                                    //bool discreteElement = HasDiscreteColors && ColorModule.isElementNodeDiscreteColored(element);
                                    //_elementData.Add(IntentBuilder.ConvertToStaticArrayIntents(result, TimeSpan, discreteElement));
                            effectTime += intervalTime;
                            if (effectTime >= TimeSpan)