public override void Draw() { if (lchr < 256) { Void.Font.DrawText($"{(char)lchr}!", 0, 0); lchr++; } // Positions var StatY = TQMG.ScrHeight - 20; var OutX = TextX + TextW; var OutW = TQMG.ScrWidth - (TextX + TextW); // Document Content if (Doc != null) { TQMG.Color(127, 127, 127); } Void.VoidBack.Draw((TextX + (TextW / 2)) - (Void.VoidBack.Width / 2), (TextY + (TextH / 2)) - (Void.VoidBack.Height / 2)); if (Doc != null) { for (int lnnr = 0; lnnr < Doc.Lines.Count; lnnr++) { var py = lnnr - Doc.scrolly; var ty = TextY + (py * 16); if (ty >= TextY && ty < StatY) { TQMG.Color(127, 127, 127); Void.Font.DrawText($"{lnnr + 1} {(char)186}", TextX + (144), ty, TQMG_TextAlign.Right); } var tx = 172; if (Doc.Lines[lnnr].Letters == null) { Doc.Lexer.Chop(Doc.Lines[lnnr]); } if (Doc.Lines[lnnr].Letters != null) { for (int psnr = 0; psnr < Doc.Lines[lnnr].Letters.Count(); psnr++) { if (psnr >= Doc.scrollx && tx < TextW) { var let = Doc.Lines[lnnr].Letters[psnr]; TQMG.Color(let.Col); if (psnr == Doc.posx && lnnr == Doc.posy) { TQMG.DrawRectangle(tx, ty, * 8, 16); TQMG.Color((byte)(255 - let.Col.R), (byte)(255 - let.Col.G), (byte)(255 - let.Col.B)); } if (let.str != ' ' && let.str != '\t') { Void.Font.fimg.Draw(tx, ty, (byte)let.str); } tx += * 8; } } if (Doc.PosY == lnnr && Doc.PosX == Doc.Lines[lnnr].Letters.Count()) { TQMG.Color(Color.Aquamarine); TQMG.DrawRectangle(tx, ty, 8, 16); } } } } // Project, FileList and Outline TQMG.Color(255, 255, 255); Void.Back.Draw(OutX, TextY, TextX + TextW, TextY, OutW, TextW); // Project list TQMG.Color(255, 0, 0); TQMG.SetAlpha(50); TQMG.DrawRectangle(OutX, TextY, OutW, 64); TQMG.Color(255, 255, 0); TQMG.SetAlpha(255); { var y = 0 - ProjectScroll; foreach (string n in Project.ProjMap.Keys) { if (y >= 0 && y < 4) { var n2 = Project.ProjMap[n].CFG["Title"]; if (n2.Length > 40) { n2 = $"{qstr.Left(n2, 16)}...{qstr.Right(n2, 16)}"; } var iy = TextY + (y * 16); var Txt = Void.Font.Text(n2); TQMG.Color(255, 255, 0); if (n == Project.ChosenProjectID) { TQMG.DrawRectangle(OutX, iy, Txt.Width, 16); TQMG.Color(255, 0, 0); } Txt.Draw(OutX, iy); if ( > OutX && > iy && < iy + 16 && == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed) { Project.ChosenProjectID = n; } y++; } } } // File List TQMG.Color(0, 255, 0); TQMG.SetAlpha(50); TQMG.DrawRectangle(OutX, TextY + 64, OutW, 128); TQMG.Color(180, 255, 0); TQMG.SetAlpha(255); { var y = 0 - FileScroll; void PS(int tab = 0, Project.Item Item = null) { TMap <string, Project.Item> IL; if (Item == null) { IL = Project.ChosenProject.ItemMap; } else { IL = Item.SubDirectory; } foreach (string key in IL.Keys) { var V = IL[key]; var iy = TextY + 64 + (y * 16); switch (V.Type) { case Project.ItemType.NonExistent: throw new Exception($"File '{key}' appears to be marked as Non-Existent!"); case Project.ItemType.File: TQMG.Color(180, 255, 0); if (y >= 0 && y < 8) { if (V == Project.ChosenProject.CurrentItem) { TQMG.DrawRectangle(OutX, iy, TQMG.ScrWidth - OutX - 10, 16); TQMG.Color(0, 25, 0); } Void.Font.DrawText($"F> {qstr.Str(" ", tab)}{key}", OutX, iy); if ( > iy && < iy + 16 && > OutX && < TQMG.ScrWidth - 10 && == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed) { Project.ChosenProject.CurrentItem = V; } } y++; break; case Project.ItemType.Directory: TQMG.Color(255, 255, 0); if (y >= 0 && y < 8) { Void.Font.DrawText($"D> {qstr.Str(" ", tab)}{key}/", OutX, TextY + 64 + (y * 16)); } y++; PS(tab + 1, V); break; default: throw new Exception("Fatal Internal Error! Unknown filetype in file outline"); } } } if (Project.ChosenProject != null) { PS(); } if (FileScroll != 0) { TQMG.Color(180, 255, 0); Void.Font.DrawText($"{(char)30}", TQMG.ScrWidth, TextY + 64, TQMG_TextAlign.Right); if ( == ButtonState.Pressed && > TQMG.ScrWidth - 8 && > TextY + 64 && < TextY + 80) { FileScroll--; } } if (y > 8) { TQMG.Color(180, 255, 0); Void.Font.DrawText($"{(char)31}", TQMG.ScrWidth, TextY + 64 + 112, TQMG_TextAlign.Right); if ( == ButtonState.Pressed && > TQMG.ScrWidth - 8 && > TextY + 64 + 112 && < TextY + 64 + 128) { FileScroll++; } } } // Outline if (Project.ChosenProject != null && Project.ChosenProject.CurrentItem != null) { TQMG.Color(0, 180, 255); var y = 0; var ty = TextY + 64 + 128; if (Project.ChosenProject.CurrentDoc.Outline.Count == 0) { TQMG.Color(255, 0, 180); Void.Font.DrawText("Nothing to outline", OutX, ty); } foreach (string n in Project.ChosenProject.CurrentDoc.Outline.Keys) { if (y >= OutLineScroll && ty < StatY - 16) { Void.Font.DrawText(n, OutX, ty); ty += 16; } } } // Status bar TQMG.Color(Color.White); Void.Back.Draw(0, StatY, TQMG.ScrWidth, 20); if (Project.ChosenProject == null || Project.ChosenProject.CurrentItem == null) { TQMG.Color(Color.Red); Void.Font.DrawText("No document", 0, StatY); } else { Void.Font.DrawText(Project.ChosenProject.CurrentItem.filename, 0, StatY); if (Project.ChosenProject.CurrentDoc != null) { Void.Font.DrawText($"(Ln:{Project.ChosenProject.CurrentDoc.posy + 1}; Pos:{Project.ChosenProject.CurrentDoc.posx + 1})", TQMG.ScrWidth - 10, StatY, TQMG_TextAlign.Right); } else { TQMG.Color(Color.Red); Void.Font.DrawText("Doc Failure!", TQMG.ScrWidth - 10, StatY, TQMG_TextAlign.Right); } if (Insert) { TQMG.Color(Color.White); Void.Font.DrawText("Insert", TQMG.ScrWidth - 300, StatY, TQMG_TextAlign.Center); } else { TQMG.Color(Color.Violet); Void.Font.DrawText("Overwrite", TQMG.ScrWidth - 300, StatY, TQMG_TextAlign.Center); } if (Void.kb.CapsLock) { TQMG.Color(Color.Tomato); Void.Font.DrawText("Caps Lock", TQMG.ScrWidth - 400, StatY, TQMG_TextAlign.Center); } } // PullDown PullDownMenus.Draw(); }
public override void Update() { //if (ReadKey!=Keys.None) Debug.WriteLine($"ReadKey = {ReadKey} / {ReadChar}"); if (ReadKey == Keys.Insert) { Insert = !Insert; } if (Doc != null) { switch (ReadKey) { case Keys.Up: Doc.PosY--; break; case Keys.Down: Doc.PosY++; break; case Keys.Left: Doc.PosX--; break; case Keys.Right: Doc.PosX++; break; case Keys.PageDown: Doc.PosY += ((Editor.TextH - Editor.TextY) / 16); break; case Keys.PageUp: Doc.PosY -= ((Editor.TextH - Editor.TextY) / 16); break; case Keys.End: Doc.PosX = Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY].Rawline.Length; break; case Keys.Home: Doc.PosX = 0; break; case Keys.Back: { if (Doc.PosX == Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY].Rawline.Length && Doc[Doc.PosY] != "") { Doc[Doc.PosY] = qstr.Left(Doc[Doc.PosY], Doc[Doc.PosY].Length - 1); Doc.PosX--; ChangedTimer = 3; ChangedLines.Add(Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY]); } else if (Doc.PosX == 0 && Doc.PosY > 0) { Doc.PosY--; Doc.PosX = Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY].Rawline.Length; Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY].Rawline += Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY + 1].Rawline; Doc.Lines.RemoveAt(Doc.PosY + 1); ChangedTimer = 6; ChangedLines.Add(Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY]); } else if (Doc.PosX > 0) { Doc[Doc.PosY] = $"{Doc[Doc.PosY].Substring(0, Doc.PosX - 1)}{Doc[Doc.PosY].Substring(Doc.PosX)}"; Doc.PosX--; ChangedTimer = 2; ChangedLines.Add(Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY]); } } break; case Keys.Enter: var whitespace = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Doc[Doc.PosY].Length && (Doc[Doc.PosY][i] == ' ' || Doc[Doc.PosY][i] == '\t'); i++) { whitespace += Doc[Doc.PosY][i]; // Never believed that awkward C syntax for 'for' definitions would be handy one day :P } if (Doc.PosX == Doc[Doc.PosY].Length) { Doc.Lines.Insert(Doc.PosY + 1, new Document.Line(whitespace)); Doc.PosY++; Doc.PosX = whitespace.Length; ChangedTimer = 2; ChangedLines.Add(Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY]); } else { var rest = Doc[Doc.PosY].Substring(Doc.PosX); Doc[Doc.PosY] = Doc[Doc.PosY].Substring(0, Doc.PosX); Doc.Lines.Insert(Doc.PosY + 1, new Document.Line($"{whitespace}{rest}")); ChangedTimer = 2; ChangedLines.Add(Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY]); ChangedLines.Add(Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY + 1]); Doc.PosY++; Doc.PosX = whitespace.Length; } break; } if (ReadChar != '\0') { if (Doc.PosX == Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY].Rawline.Length) { ChangedTimer = 5; ChangedLines.Add(Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY]); Doc[Doc.PosY] += ReadChar; Doc.PosX++; } else { var plus = 0; if (!Insert) { plus = 1; } Doc[Doc.PosY] = $"{Doc[Doc.PosY].Substring(0, Doc.PosX)}{ReadChar}{Doc[Doc.PosY].Substring(Doc.PosX + plus)}"; ChangedTimer = 6; ChangedLines.Add(Doc.Lines[Doc.PosY]); Doc.PosX++; } } if (ChangedTimer > 0) { OutLineCD += ChangedTimer; --ChangedTimer; if (ChangedTimer == 0) { foreach (Document.Line L in ChangedLines) { Doc.Lexer.Chop(L); } ChangedLines.Clear(); } } if (OutLineCD > 0) { --OutLineCD; if (OutLineCD == 0) { Doc.Lexer.Outline(Doc); } } } PullDownMenus.Update(); }