예제 #1
        public MembershipHelper
            IUmbracoContextAccessor accessor,
            MembershipProvider membershipProvider,
            RoleProvider roleProvider,
            IMemberService memberService,
            IMemberTypeService memberTypeService,
            IUserService userService,
            IPublicAccessService publicAccessService,
            PublishedRouter publishedRouter,
            CacheHelper appCaches,
            ILogger logger
            _umbracoContextAccessor = accessor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(accessor));

            _memberService       = memberService;
            _memberTypeService   = memberTypeService;
            _userService         = userService;
            _publicAccessService = publicAccessService;
            _publishedRouter     = publishedRouter;
            _appCaches           = appCaches;
            _logger = logger;

            _membershipProvider = membershipProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(membershipProvider));
            _roleProvider       = roleProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(roleProvider));
 public ContentUrlResolver(
     IUmbracoContextAccessor umbracoContextAccessor,
     PublishedRouter publishedRouter,
     ILocalizationService localizationService,
     ILocalizedTextService textService,
     IContentService contentService,
     ILogger logger)
     _umbracoContextAccessor = umbracoContextAccessor ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(umbracoContextAccessor));
     _publishedRouter        = publishedRouter ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(publishedRouter));
     _localizationService    = localizationService ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(localizationService));
     _textService            = textService ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(textService));
     _contentService         = contentService ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(contentService));
     _logger = logger ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
        public UmbracoInjectedModule(
            IGlobalSettings globalSettings,
            IUmbracoContextAccessor umbracoContextAccessor,
            IPublishedSnapshotService publishedSnapshotService,
            IUserService userService,
            UrlProviderCollection urlProviders,
            IRuntimeState runtime,
            ILogger logger,
            PublishedRouter publishedRouter,
            IVariationContextAccessor variationContextAccessor)
            _combinedRouteCollection = new Lazy <RouteCollection>(CreateRouteCollection);

            _globalSettings           = globalSettings;
            _umbracoContextAccessor   = umbracoContextAccessor;
            _publishedSnapshotService = publishedSnapshotService;
            _userService              = userService;
            _urlProviders             = urlProviders;
            _runtime                  = runtime;
            _logger                   = logger;
            _publishedRouter          = publishedRouter;
            _variationContextAccessor = variationContextAccessor;
예제 #4
        public void Render(StringWriter writer)
            if (writer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));

            // instantiate a request and process
            // important to use CleanedUmbracoUrl - lowercase path-only version of the current url, though this isn't going to matter
            // terribly much for this implementation since we are just creating a doc content request to modify it's properties manually.
            var contentRequest = PublishedRouter.CreateRequest(_umbracoContext);

            var doc = contentRequest.UmbracoContext.ContentCache.GetById(PageId);

            if (doc == null)
                writer.Write("<!-- Could not render template for Id {0}, the document was not found -->", PageId);

            //in some cases the UmbracoContext will not have a PublishedContentRequest assigned to it if we are not in the
            //execution of a front-end rendered page. In this case set the culture to the default.
            //set the culture to the same as is currently rendering
            if (_umbracoContext.PublishedRequest == null)
                var defaultLanguage = Current.Services.LocalizationService.GetAllLanguages().FirstOrDefault();
                contentRequest.Culture = defaultLanguage == null
                    ? CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture
                    : defaultLanguage.CultureInfo;
                contentRequest.Culture = _umbracoContext.PublishedRequest.Culture;

            //set the doc that was found by id
            contentRequest.PublishedContent = doc;
            //set the template, either based on the AltTemplate found or the standard template of the doc
            var templateId = Current.Configs.Settings().WebRouting.DisableAlternativeTemplates || !AltTemplateId.HasValue
                ? doc.TemplateId
                : AltTemplateId.Value;

            if (templateId.HasValue)
                contentRequest.TemplateModel = FileService.GetTemplate(templateId.Value);

            //if there is not template then exit
            if (contentRequest.HasTemplate == false)
                if (AltTemplateId.HasValue == false)
                    writer.Write("<!-- Could not render template for Id {0}, the document's template was not found with id {0}-->", doc.TemplateId);
                    writer.Write("<!-- Could not render template for Id {0}, the altTemplate was not found with id {0}-->", AltTemplateId);

            //First, save all of the items locally that we know are used in the chain of execution, we'll need to restore these
            //after this page has rendered.

                //set the new items on context objects for this templates execution

                //Render the template
                ExecuteTemplateRendering(writer, contentRequest);
                //restore items on context objects to continuing rendering the parent template