예제 #1
        public ProvenTransaction SendTransaction(Blockchain chain, ProvenTransaction tx)
            TransactionType txType    = (TransactionType)tx.Type;
            string          signature = GetSignature(tx);
            JObject         json      = tx.ToAPIRequestJson(this.PublicKey, signature);

            return(chain.SendTransaction(txType, json.ToString()));
예제 #2
        public void CancelLease(string txId)
            LeaseCancelTransaction tx     = TransactionFactory.BuildCancelLeasingTx(txId);
            ProvenTransaction      result = account.SendTransaction(chain, tx);

예제 #3
        public void TestPayment()
            long amount               = 1 * Blockchain.V_UNITY;
            PaymentTransaction tx     = TransactionFactory.BuildPaymentTx(recipient, amount);
            ProvenTransaction  result = account.SendTransaction(chain, tx);

예제 #4
        public void GetTransactionHistoryTest()
            string address = TestConfig.RECIPIENT;
            IList <ITransaction> txList = chain.GetTransactionHistory(address, 10);

            Assert.AreEqual(txList.Count, 10);
            foreach (ITransaction tx in txList)
                Assert.IsNotNull(tx.Id, "Failed to get Tx Id");
                Assert.IsNotNull(tx.Height, "Failed to get Tx Height (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                Assert.IsNotNull(tx.Status, "Failed to get Tx Status (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                if (tx is ProvenTransaction)
                    ProvenTransaction pvtx = tx as ProvenTransaction;
                    Assert.IsNotNull(pvtx.Proofs, "Failed to get Tx Proofs (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                    Assert.IsTrue(pvtx.Proofs.Count > 0, "Tx Proofs should more than one (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(pvtx.Proofs[0].PublicKey, "Failed to get Tx PublicKey (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(pvtx.Proofs[0].Signature, "Failed to get Tx Signature (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                if (tx is PaymentTransaction)
                    PaymentTransaction ptx = tx as PaymentTransaction;
                    Assert.IsNotNull(ptx.Recipient, "Failed to get Recipient for Payment Tx (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(ptx.Amount, "Failed to get Amount for Payment Tx (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(ptx.Attachment, "Failed to get Attachment for Payment Tx (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                if (tx is LeaseTransaction)
                    LeaseTransaction ltx = tx as LeaseTransaction;
                    Assert.IsNotNull(ltx.Recipient, "Failed to get Recipient for Lease Tx (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(ltx.Amount, "Failed to get Amount for Lease Tx (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                if (tx is LeaseCancelTransaction)
                    LeaseCancelTransaction lctx = tx as LeaseCancelTransaction;
                    Assert.IsNotNull(lctx.LeaseId, "Failed to get LeaseId for LeaseCancel Tx (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(lctx.Lease, "Failed to get Lease Info for LeaseCancel Tx (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(lctx.Lease.Id, "Failed to get Id of Lease Info for LeaseCancel Tx (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(lctx.Lease.Recipient, "Failed to get Recipient of Lease Info for LeaseCancel Tx (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(lctx.Lease.Amount, "Failed to get Amount of Lease Info for LeaseCancel Tx (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                if (tx is MintingTransaction)
                    MintingTransaction mtx = tx as MintingTransaction;
                    Assert.IsNotNull(mtx.Recipient, "Failed to get Recipient for Minting Tx (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(mtx.Amount, "Failed to get Amount for Minting Tx (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");
                if (!TestConfig.ACCEPT_UNKNOWN_TX)
                    Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(tx, typeof(UnknownTransaction), "Failed to parse Tx Type (Id: " + tx.Id + ")");