public void Execute()
            byte[] buffer = { 9, 8, 5, 26, 5, 24, 238, 98, 32, 1 };
            var    model  = RuntimeTypeModel.Create();

            model.AutoCompile = false;
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer))
                int len  = ProtoReader.DirectReadVarintInt32(ms);
                var resp = (Response)model.Deserialize(ms, null, typeof(Response), len);

                Assert.Equal(5, resp.Type);
                Assert.Equal(12654, resp.v3dDelta[0].ask);
                Assert.Equal(1, resp.v3dDelta[0].askSize);
예제 #2
        public void Execute()
            byte[] buffer = { 9, 8, 5, 26, 5, 24, 238, 98, 32, 1 };
            var    model  = TypeModel.Create(false, ProtoCompatibilitySettingsValue.FullCompatibility);

            model.AutoCompile = false;
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer))
                int len  = ProtoReader.DirectReadVarintInt32(ms);
                var resp = (Response)model.Deserialize(ms, null, typeof(Response), len);

                Assert.AreEqual(5, resp.Type);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, resp.v3dDelta.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(12654, resp.v3dDelta[0].ask);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, resp.v3dDelta[0].askSize);
예제 #3
        private void ReadStream(Stream stream, Dictionary <int, int> remoteToLocalRowIds)
            var len = 0;

            if (WithLengthPrefix)
                // Read the length of the message from the stream.
                // DirectReadVarintInt32 calls Stream.ReadByte() which allocates a one byte array on every call - yuck!
                var header = ProtoReader.DirectReadVarintInt32(stream);
                len = ProtoReader.DirectReadVarintInt32(stream);
            // Allocation of protoreader for each message - blurghh!
            using (var reader = new ProtoReader(stream, null, null, len))
                int fieldId;
                while ((fieldId = reader.ReadFieldHeader()) != 0)
                    if (fieldId == ProtobufOperationTypes.Add)
                        var rowId = ReadRowId(reader);
                        if (rowId >= 0)
                            remoteToLocalRowIds.Add(rowId, _table.AddRow());
                            var dummyFieldId = reader.ReadFieldHeader();
                            ReadUpdate(remoteToLocalRowIds, reader);
                    else if (fieldId == ProtobufOperationTypes.Update)
                        ReadUpdate(remoteToLocalRowIds, reader);
                    else if (fieldId == ProtobufOperationTypes.Delete)
                        var rowId = ReadRowId(reader);
                        if (rowId >= 0)
예제 #4
        internal void LoadFromStream(Stream st)
             * if(Application.platform==RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || Application.platform==RuntimePlatform.Android)
             * {
             *      UnityEngine.Object obj = Resources.Load("game");
             *      TextAsset ta = (TextAsset)obj;
             *      st = new MemoryStream(ta.bytes);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *      st = new FileStream(Application.streamingAssetsPath+"/"+"game.navigPak",FileMode.Open);
             * }

            using (st)
                ProtoReader pReader = new ProtoReader(st, null, null);

                navDict = new Dictionary <UInt32, NavigParam>();

                long fsSize = st.Length;

                while (fsSize > 0)
                    int readHeadSize = ProtoReader.DirectReadVarintInt32(st);

                    fsSize -= 4;

                    byte[] tempHeadByte = ProtoReader.DirectReadBytes(st, (int)readHeadSize);

                    fsSize -= readHeadSize;

                    NavigHead nHead = ProtobufHelper.Deserialize <NavigHead>(tempHeadByte);

                    int bodaySizeHead = ProtoReader.DirectReadVarintInt32(st);

                    byte[] tempBodayByte = ProtoReader.DirectReadBytes(st, bodaySizeHead);

                    fsSize -= bodaySizeHead;

                    NavigationA nA = ProtobufHelper.Deserialize <NavigationA>(tempBodayByte);

                    List <Vector3> v3List = new List <Vector3>();

                    foreach (Pak.Vector3 tempV3 in nA.frame)
                        Vector3 tempV = new Vector3();

                        tempV.x = tempV3.x;
                        tempV.y = tempV3.y;
                        tempV.z = tempV3.z;

                    NavigParam np = new NavigParam();
                    np.path       = v3List;
                    np.timeLength = nHead.cycleTime;

                    navDict.Add(nHead.idUInt, np);

//					Debug.LogError("****************************************");
//					Debug.LogError("HeadDataType====="+nHead.type);
//					Debug.LogError("HeadDataIdStr===="+nHead.idStr);
//					Debug.LogError("HeadDateUint====="+nHead.idUInt);
//					Debug.LogError("HeadDataCyTime=============================================="+nHead.cycleTime);
//					Debug.LogWarning("BodayListCount="+nA.frame.Count);
//				    Debug.LogError("****************************************");