static public string OpenApiOrderToString(ProtoOAOrder order)
            var _str = "Order{orderId:" + order.orderId.ToString() + ", accountId:" + order.accountId + ", orderType:" + OpenApiOrderTypeToString(order.orderType);

            _str += ", tradeSide:" + TradeSideToString(order.tradeSide);
            _str += ", symbolName:" + order.symbolName + ", requestedVolume:" + order.requestedVolume.ToString() + ", executedVolume:" + order.executedVolume.ToString() + ", closingOrder:" +
                    (order.closingOrder ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") +
                    (order.executionPriceSpecified ? ", executionPrice:" + order.executionPrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.limitPriceSpecified ? ", limitPrice:" + order.limitPrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.stopPriceSpecified ? ", stopPrice:" + order.stopPrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.stopLossPriceSpecified ? ", stopLossPrice:" + order.stopLossPrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.takeProfitPriceSpecified ? ", takeProfitPrice:" + order.takeProfitPrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.baseSlippagePriceSpecified ? ", baseSlippagePrice:" + order.baseSlippagePrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.slippageInPipsSpecified ? ", slippageInPips:" + order.slippageInPips.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.relativeStopLossInPipsSpecified ? ", relativeStopLossInPips:" + order.relativeStopLossInPips.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.relativeTakeProfitInPipsSpecified ? ", relativeTakeProfitInPips:" + order.relativeTakeProfitInPips.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.commissionSpecified ? ", commission:" + order.commission.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.openTimestampSpecified ? ", openTimestamp:" + order.openTimestamp.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.closeTimestampSpecified ? ", closeTimestamp:" + order.closeTimestamp.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.expirationTimestampSpecified ? ", expirationTimestamp:" + order.expirationTimestamp.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.channelSpecified ? ", channel:" + : "") +
                    (order.commentSpecified ? ", comment:" + order.comment : "") +
                    (order.closePositionDetails != null ? ", " + OpenApiClosePositionDetails(order.closePositionDetails) : "");

            return(_str + "}");
        static public string OpenApiOrderToString(ProtoOAOrder order)
            var _str = "Order{orderId:" + order.OrderId.ToString() + ", accountId:" + order.AccountId + ", orderType:" + OpenApiOrderTypeToString(order.OrderType);

            _str += ", tradeSide:" + TradeSideToString(order.TradeSide);
            _str += ", symbolName:" + order.SymbolName + ", requestedVolume:" + order.RequestedVolume.ToString() + ", executedVolume:" + order.ExecutedVolume.ToString() + ", closingOrder:" +
                    (order.ClosingOrder ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") +
                    (order.HasExecutionPrice ? ", executionPrice:" + order.ExecutionPrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasLimitPrice ? ", limitPrice:" + order.LimitPrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasStopPrice ? ", stopPrice:" + order.StopPrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasStopLossPrice ? ", stopLossPrice:" + order.StopLossPrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasTakeProfitPrice ? ", takeProfitPrice:" + order.TakeProfitPrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasBaseSlippagePrice ? ", baseSlippagePrice:" + order.BaseSlippagePrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasSlippageInPips ? ", slippageInPips:" + order.SlippageInPips.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasRelativeStopLossInPips ? ", relativeStopLossInPips:" + order.RelativeStopLossInPips.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasRelativeTakeProfitInPips ? ", relativeTakeProfitInPips:" + order.RelativeTakeProfitInPips.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasCommission ? ", commission:" + order.Commission.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasOpenTimestamp ? ", openTimestamp:" + order.OpenTimestamp.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasCloseTimestamp ? ", closeTimestamp:" + order.CloseTimestamp.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasExpirationTimestamp ? ", expirationTimestamp:" + order.ExpirationTimestamp.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasChannel ? ", channel:" + order.Channel : "") +
                    (order.HasComment ? ", comment:" + order.Comment : "") +
                    (order.HasClosePositionDetails ? ", " + OpenApiClosePositionDetails(order.ClosePositionDetails) : "");

            return(_str + "}");
        public ProtoMessage CreateExecutionEvent(ProtoOAExecutionType executionType, ProtoOAOrder order, ProtoOAPosition position = null, string reasonCode = null, string clientMsgId = null)
            var _msg = ProtoOAExecutionEvent.CreateBuilder();

            if (position != null)
            return(CreateMessage((uint)_msg.PayloadType, _msg.Build().ToByteString(), clientMsgId));
        public ProtoMessage CreateExecutionEvent(ProtoOAExecutionType executionType, ProtoOAOrder order, ProtoOAPosition position = null, string reasonCode = null, string clientMsgId = null)
            var _msg = new ProtoOAExecutionEvent();

            _msg.executionType = executionType;
            _msg.order         = order;
            if (position != null)
                _msg.position = position;
            if (reasonCode != null)
                _msg.reasonCode = reasonCode;
            return(CreateMessage((uint)_msg.payloadType, Utils.Serialize <ProtoOAExecutionEvent>(_msg), clientMsgId));
        static public string GetOrderText(ProtoOAOrder order)
            var _str = "Order{orderId:" + order.OrderId.ToString() + ", orderType:" + order.OrderType;

            _str += ", tradeSide:" + order.TradeData.TradeSide;
            _str += ", symbolName:" + order.TradeData.SymbolId + ", requestedVolume:" + order.TradeData.Volume.ToString() + ", executedVolume:" + order.ExecutedVolume.ToString() + ", closingOrder:" +
                    (order.ClosingOrder ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") +
                    (order.HasExecutionPrice ? ", executionPrice:" + order.ExecutionPrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasLimitPrice ? ", limitPrice:" + order.LimitPrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasStopPrice ? ", stopPrice:" + order.StopPrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasStopLoss ? ", stopLossPrice:" + order.StopLoss.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasTakeProfit ? ", takeProfitPrice:" + order.TakeProfit.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasBaseSlippagePrice ? ", baseSlippagePrice:" + order.BaseSlippagePrice.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasSlippageInPoints ? ", slippageInPoints:" + order.SlippageInPoints.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasRelativeStopLoss ? ", relativeStopLoss:" + order.RelativeStopLoss.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasRelativeTakeProfit ? ", relativeTakeProfit:" + order.RelativeTakeProfit.ToString() : "") +
                    (order.HasExpirationTimestamp ? ", expirationTimestamp:" + order.ExpirationTimestamp.ToString() : "");
            return(_str + "}");
예제 #6
        //public ProtoOASpotSubscription GetSpotSubscription(byte[] obj = null)
        //    return ProtoOASpotSubscription.CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(obj).Build();

        #region Creating new Proto Model objects with parameters specified
        public ProtoOAOrder.Builder CreateOrderBuilder(long orderId, long accountId, ProtoOAOrderType orderType, ProtoOATradeSide tradeSide, int symbolId, long requestedVolume, long executedVolume, bool closingOrder,
                                                       string channel = null, string comment = null)
            var _obj          = ProtoOAOrder.CreateBuilder();
            var _objTradeData = ProtoOATradeData.CreateBuilder();

            //   _obj.SetAccountId(accountId);
            //if (channel != null)
            //    _obj.SetChannel(channel);
            //if (comment != null)
            //    _obj.SetComment(comment);
        public ProtoOAOrder CreateOrder(long orderId, long accountId, ProtoOAOrderType orderType,
                                        ProtoTradeSide tradeSide, string symbolName, long requestedVolume, long executedVolume, bool closingOrder,
                                        string channel = null, string comment = null)
            var _obj = new ProtoOAOrder();

            _obj.orderId         = orderId;
            _obj.accountId       = accountId;
            _obj.orderType       = orderType;
            _obj.tradeSide       = tradeSide;
            _obj.symbolName      = symbolName;
            _obj.requestedVolume = requestedVolume;
            _obj.executedVolume  = executedVolume;
            _obj.closingOrder    = closingOrder;
            if (channel != null)
       = channel;
            if (comment != null)
                _obj.comment = comment;
 public ProtoOAOrder GetOrder(byte[] obj = null)
예제 #9
        public MainPage()
            this.plotView   = createChartPanel();
            this.buyButton  = new TradingButton("Buy");
            this.sellButton = new TradingButton("Sell");

            this.Content = new StackLayout {
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Vertical,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Children          =
            // Using messaging center to ensure that content only gets loaded once authentication is successful.
            // Once Xamarin.Forms adds more support for view life cycle events, this kind of thing won't be as necessary.
            // The OnAppearing() and OnDisappearing() overrides just don't quite cut the mustard yet, nor do the Appearing and Disappearing delegates.
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <App> (this, "Authenticated", (sender) => {
                accountsAPI = new AccountsAPI(App.ACCOUNTS_API_HOST_URL, App.Instance.Token);
                tradingAPI  = new TradingAPI(App.TRADING_API_HOST, App.TRADING_API_PORT, App.Instance.Token, App.CLIENT_ID, App.CLIENT_SECRET);


                tradingAPI.ExecutionEvent += (executionEvent) => {
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                        String filledTitle   = "Order Filled at {0}";
                        String filledMessage = "Your request to {0} {1} of {2} was filled at VWAP {3}";
                        if (executionEvent.executionType == ProtoOAExecutionType.OA_ORDER_FILLED)
                            ProtoOAOrder order = executionEvent.order;
                            string title       = String.Format(filledTitle, order.executionPrice);
                            string message     = String.Format(filledMessage, order.tradeSide, order.requestedVolume / 100, order.symbolName, order.executionPrice);
                            DisplayAlert(title, message, "Close");
                tradingAPI.SpotEvent += (spotEvent) => {
                    if (spotEvent.symbolName.Equals(currentSymbol.SymbolName))
                        if (spotEvent.askPriceSpecified)
                            LineAnnotation annotation = (LineAnnotation)plotView.Model.Annotations[0];
                            annotation.Y    = spotEvent.askPrice;
                            annotation.Text = spotEvent.askPrice.ToString();
                        Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                            if (spotEvent.askPriceSpecified)
                            if (spotEvent.bidPriceSpecified)
                tradingAPI.SendSubscribeForSpotsRequest(currentTradingAccount.AccountId, currentSymbol.SymbolName);
예제 #10
 public PendingOrderModel(ProtoOAOrder order, SymbolModel symbol) => Update(order, symbol);