예제 #1
        private void EmitLHSIdentifierListForBinaryExpr(AssociativeNode bnode, ref ProtoCore.Type inferedType, bool isBooleanOp = false, ProtoCore.AssociativeGraph.GraphNode graphNode = null, ProtoCore.CompilerDefinitions.Associative.SubCompilePass subPass = ProtoCore.CompilerDefinitions.Associative.SubCompilePass.kNone, bool isTempExpression = false)
            BinaryExpressionNode binaryExpr = bnode as BinaryExpressionNode;
            if (binaryExpr == null || !(binaryExpr.LeftNode is IdentifierListNode))

            if (ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex == graphNode.updateBlock.startpc)
                graphNode.updateBlock.startpc = pc;

            // This is a setter, so disable dependents
            graphNode.allowDependents = false;
            IdentifierListNode theLeftNode = binaryExpr.LeftNode as IdentifierListNode;
            bool isThisPtr = null != theLeftNode.LeftNode.Name && theLeftNode.LeftNode.Name.Equals(ProtoCore.DSDefinitions.Keyword.This);
            if (isThisPtr)
                graphNode.allowDependents = true;

            ProtoCore.AssociativeGraph.UpdateNodeRef leftNodeRef = AutoGenerateUpdateReference(binaryExpr.LeftNode, graphNode);
            ProtoCore.AssociativeGraph.UpdateNodeRef leftNodeArgRef = __To__Deprecate__AutoGenerateUpdateArgumentReference(binaryExpr.LeftNode, graphNode);

            ProtoCore.AST.Node lnode = binaryExpr.LeftNode;
            NodeUtils.CopyNodeLocation(lnode, binaryExpr);

            ProtoCore.AST.Node rnode = binaryExpr.RightNode;
            bool isCollapsed = false;
            EmitGetterSetterForIdentList(lnode, ref inferedType, graphNode, subPass, out isCollapsed, rnode);

            graphNode.allowDependents = true;

            // Dependency
            if (!isTempExpression)
                // Dependency graph top level symbol 
                graphNode.updateNodeRefList[0].nodeList[0].dimensionNodeList = graphNode.dimensionNodeList;

                // @keyu: foo.id = 42; will generate same leftNodeRef and leftNodeArgRef
                if (!isThisPtr && !leftNodeRef.Equals(leftNodeArgRef))

                // If the lhs of the expression is an identifier list, it could have been modified. 
                // It must then be a dependent of its own graphnode
                //      class C
                //      {
                //          x : int;
                //          constructor C(i:int)
                //          {
                //              x = i;
                //          }
                //      }
                //      i = 10;
                //      a = C.C(i);
                //      a.x = 15; -> re-execute this line ... as 'a' was redefined and its members now changed
                //      val = a.x;
                //      i = 7;

                // If inside a member function, and the lhs is a property, make sure it is not just:
                //      x = y (this.x = y)

                if (core.Options.LHSGraphNodeUpdate)
                    if (!isThisPtr || graphNode.updateNodeRefList[0].nodeList.Count > 1)
                        ProtoCore.AssociativeGraph.GraphNode dependentNode = new ProtoCore.AssociativeGraph.GraphNode();
                        dependentNode.isLHSNode = true;

                ProtoCore.DSASM.SymbolNode firstSymbol = leftNodeRef.nodeList[0].symbol;
                if (null != firstSymbol)
                    EmitDependency(binaryExpr.ExpressionUID, binaryExpr.modBlkUID, false);

                if (core.Options.GenerateSSA)
                    if (!graphNode.IsSSANode() && !ProtoCore.AssociativeEngine.Utils.IsTempVarLHS(graphNode))
                        // This is the last expression in the SSA'd expression
                        // Backtrack and assign the this last final assignment graphnode to its associated SSA graphnodes
                        for (int n = codeBlock.instrStream.dependencyGraph.GraphList.Count - 1; n >= 0; --n)
                            GraphNode currentNode = codeBlock.instrStream.dependencyGraph.GraphList[n];
                            bool isWithinSameScope = currentNode.classIndex == graphNode.classIndex
                                && currentNode.procIndex == graphNode.procIndex;
                            bool isWithinSameExpressionID = currentNode.exprUID == graphNode.exprUID;
                            if (isWithinSameScope && isWithinSameExpressionID)
                                graphNode.IsLastNodeInSSA = true;
                                codeBlock.instrStream.dependencyGraph.GraphList[n].lastGraphNode = graphNode;

                // Assign the end pc to this graph node's update block
                // Dependency graph construction is complete for this expression
                graphNode.updateBlock.endpc = pc - 1;
예제 #2
        private void EmitLHSIdentifierListForBinaryExpr(AssociativeNode bnode, ref ProtoCore.Type inferedType, bool isBooleanOp = false, ProtoCore.AssociativeGraph.GraphNode graphNode = null, ProtoCore.CompilerDefinitions.SubCompilePass subPass = ProtoCore.CompilerDefinitions.SubCompilePass.None, bool isTempExpression = false)
            BinaryExpressionNode binaryExpr = bnode as BinaryExpressionNode;
            if (binaryExpr == null || !(binaryExpr.LeftNode is IdentifierListNode))

            if (ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex == graphNode.updateBlock.startpc)
                graphNode.updateBlock.startpc = pc;

            // This is a setter, so disable dependents
            graphNode.allowDependents = false;
            IdentifierListNode theLeftNode = binaryExpr.LeftNode as IdentifierListNode;
            bool isThisPtr = null != theLeftNode.LeftNode.Name && theLeftNode.LeftNode.Name.Equals(ProtoCore.DSDefinitions.Keyword.This);
            if (isThisPtr)
                graphNode.allowDependents = true;

            ProtoCore.AssociativeGraph.UpdateNodeRef leftNodeRef = AutoGenerateUpdateReference(binaryExpr.LeftNode, graphNode);

            ProtoCore.AST.Node lnode = binaryExpr.LeftNode;
            NodeUtils.CopyNodeLocation(lnode, binaryExpr);

            ProtoCore.AST.Node rnode = binaryExpr.RightNode;
            bool isCollapsed = false;
            EmitGetterSetterForIdentList(lnode, ref inferedType, graphNode, subPass, out isCollapsed, rnode);

            graphNode.allowDependents = true;

            // Dependency
            if (!isTempExpression)
                // Dependency graph top level symbol 
                graphNode.updateNodeRefList[0].nodeList[0].dimensionNodeList = graphNode.dimensionNodeList;

                ProtoCore.DSASM.SymbolNode firstSymbol = leftNodeRef.nodeList[0].symbol;
                if (null != firstSymbol)
                    EmitDependency(binaryExpr.ExpressionUID, false);

                if (core.Options.GenerateSSA)
                    if (!graphNode.IsSSANode() && !ProtoCore.AssociativeEngine.Utils.IsTempVarLHS(graphNode))
                        // This is the last expression in the SSA'd expression
                        // Backtrack and assign the this last final assignment graphnode to its associated SSA graphnodes
                        for (int n = codeBlock.instrStream.dependencyGraph.GraphList.Count - 1; n >= 0; --n)
                            GraphNode currentNode = codeBlock.instrStream.dependencyGraph.GraphList[n];
                            bool isWithinSameScope = currentNode.classIndex == graphNode.classIndex
                                && currentNode.procIndex == graphNode.procIndex;
                            bool isWithinSameExpressionID = currentNode.exprUID == graphNode.exprUID;
                            if (isWithinSameScope && isWithinSameExpressionID)
                                graphNode.IsLastNodeInSSA = true;
                                codeBlock.instrStream.dependencyGraph.GraphList[n].lastGraphNode = graphNode;

                // Assign the end pc to this graph node's update block
                // Dependency graph construction is complete for this expression
                graphNode.updateBlock.endpc = pc - 1;