예제 #1
        public void ProtectionTableConstructorTest()
            ProtectionTable target = new ProtectionTable(new ProtectionEntry(ProtectionMode.Super, EntryType.User, " ", " ", " ", false));
            ProtectionEntry Entry1 = new ProtectionEntry(ProtectionMode.Admin, EntryType.Group, "admin_user", "win-admin-host", "//...", false);
            ProtectionEntry Entry2 = new ProtectionEntry(ProtectionMode.Read, EntryType.User, "read_user", "win-user-host", "//depot/test/...", false);

            Assert.AreEqual(Entry1, target[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(Entry2, target[1]);
예제 #2
        public void HostTest()
            ProtectionMode  mode            = new ProtectionMode();                                                // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            EntryType       type            = EntryType.User;
            string          grouporusername = string.Empty;                                                        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string          host            = "win-user_bob";                                                      // only adding host
            string          path            = string.Empty;                                                        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            ProtectionEntry target          = new ProtectionEntry(mode, type, grouporusername, host, path, false); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string          expected        = string.Empty;                                                        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string          actual;

            target.Host = expected;
            actual      = target.Host;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
예제 #3
        public void PathTest()
            ProtectionMode  mode            = new ProtectionMode();                                                // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            EntryType       type            = new EntryType();
            string          grouporusername = string.Empty;                                                        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string          host            = string.Empty;                                                        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string          path            = string.Empty;                                                        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            ProtectionEntry target          = new ProtectionEntry(mode, type, grouporusername, host, path, false); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string          expected        = "//...";                                                             // only adding wide open path
            string          actual;

            target.Path = expected;
            actual      = target.Path;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
예제 #4
        public void ModeTest()
            ProtectionMode  mode            = new ProtectionMode();                                                // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            EntryType       type            = new EntryType();
            string          grouporusername = string.Empty;                                                        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string          host            = string.Empty;                                                        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string          path            = string.Empty;                                                        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            ProtectionEntry target          = new ProtectionEntry(mode, type, grouporusername, host, path, false); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            ProtectionMode  expected        = ProtectionMode.Super;                                                // only adding protection mode super
            ProtectionMode  actual;

            target.Mode = expected;
            actual      = target.Mode;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
예제 #5
        public void TypeTest()
            ProtectionMode  mode            = new ProtectionMode();                                                // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            EntryType       type            = EntryType.User;
            string          grouporusername = string.Empty;                                                        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string          host            = string.Empty;                                                        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string          path            = string.Empty;                                                        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            ProtectionEntry target          = new ProtectionEntry(mode, type, grouporusername, host, path, false); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            EntryType       expected        = EntryType.User;
            EntryType       actual;

            target.Type = expected;
            actual      = target.Type;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        private void PerformTrade(TSPlayer player, ProtectionEntry protection, Inventory chestInventory, Item sellItem, Item payItem)
            Inventory playerInventory = new Inventory(new PlayerItemsAdapter(player.Index, player.TPlayer.inventory, 0, 53), specificPrefixes: false);

              ItemData sellItemData = ItemData.FromItem(sellItem);
              ItemData payItemData = ItemData.FromItem(payItem);
              ItemData?[] playerInvUpdates;
              try {
            playerInvUpdates = playerInventory.Remove(payItemData);
            playerInventory.Add(playerInvUpdates, sellItemData);
              } catch (InvalidOperationException) {
            player.SendErrorMessage($"You either don't have the needed {TShock.Utils.ItemTag(payItem)} to purchase {TShock.Utils.ItemTag(sellItem)} or your inventory is full.");

              bool isRefillChest = (protection.RefillChestData != null);
              ItemData?[] chestInvUpdates;
              try {
            if (isRefillChest) {
              chestInvUpdates = chestInventory.Add(payItemData);
            } else {
              chestInvUpdates = chestInventory.Remove(sellItemData);
              chestInventory.Add(chestInvUpdates, payItemData);
              } catch (InvalidOperationException) {
            player.SendErrorMessage("The items in the trade chest are either sold out or there's no space in it to add your payment.");

              try {
              } catch (InvalidOperationException) {
            player.SendErrorMessage($"The vendor doesn't allow more than {protection.TradeChestData.LootLimitPerPlayer} purchases per player.");


              protection.TradeChestData.AddJournalEntry(player.Name, sellItem, payItem);
              player.SendSuccessMessage($"You've just purchased {TShock.Utils.ItemTag(sellItem)} for {TShock.Utils.ItemTag(payItem)} from {TShock.Utils.ColorTag(GetUserName(protection.Owner), Color.Red)}.");
        private void InitTrade(TSPlayer player, IChest chest, ProtectionEntry protection)
            TradeChestMetadata tradeChestData = protection.TradeChestData;
              Item sellItem = new Item();
              sellItem.stack = tradeChestData.ItemToSellAmount;
              Item payItem = new Item();
              payItem.stack = tradeChestData.ItemToPayAmount;

              player.SendMessage($"This is a trade chest owned by {TShock.Utils.ColorTag(GetUserName(protection.Owner), Color.Red)}.", Color.LightGray);

              Inventory chestInventory = new Inventory(chest.Items, specificPrefixes: false);
              int stock = chestInventory.Amount(sellItem.netID);
              if (stock < sellItem.stack) {
            player.SendMessage($"It was trading {TShock.Utils.ItemTag(sellItem)} for {TShock.Utils.ItemTag(payItem)} but it is out of stock.", Color.LightGray);

              player.SendMessage($"Click again to purchase {TShock.Utils.ItemTag(sellItem)} for {TShock.Utils.ItemTag(payItem)}", Color.LightGray);

              CommandInteraction interaction = this.StartOrResetCommandInteraction(player);

              interaction.ChestOpenCallback += (playerLocal, chestLocation) => {
            bool complete;

            bool wasThisChestHit = (chestLocation == chest.Location);
            if (wasThisChestHit) {
              // this is important to check, otherwise players could use trade chests to easily duplicate items
              if (!this.IsChestInUse(playerLocal, chest))
            this.PerformTrade(player, protection, chestInventory, sellItem, payItem);
            player.SendErrorMessage("Another player is currently viewing the content of this chest.");

              complete = false;
            } else {
              this.HandleChestGetContents(playerLocal, chestLocation, skipInteractions: true);
              complete = true;

            return new CommandInteractionResult {IsHandled = true, IsInteractionCompleted = complete};
예제 #8
        public bool CheckBlockAccess(TSPlayer player, DPoint tileLocation, bool fullAccessRequired, out ProtectionEntry relatedProtection)
            foreach (ProtectionEntry protection in this.EnumerateProtectionEntries(tileLocation)) {
            relatedProtection = protection;

            if (!this.CheckProtectionAccess(protection, player, fullAccessRequired)) {
              relatedProtection = protection;
              return false;

            // If full access is not required, then there's no use in checking the adjacent blocks.
            if (!fullAccessRequired)
              return true;

              relatedProtection = null;
              return true;
예제 #9
        private void ProtectionSharePreValidation(
            TSPlayer player, DPoint tileLocation, bool shareOrUnshare, bool checkPermissions, out ProtectionEntry protection
            Tile tile = TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation];
              BlockType blockType = (BlockType)tile.type;
              if (!ProtectionManager.IsShareableBlockType(blockType))
            throw new InvalidBlockTypeException(blockType);

              if (checkPermissions) {
            if (
              (tile.type == (int)BlockType.Chest || tile.type == (int)BlockType.Dresser) &&
            ) {
              throw new MissingPermissionException(ProtectorPlugin.ChestSharing_Permission);

            if (
              TerrariaUtils.Tiles.IsSwitchableBlockType((BlockType)tile.type) &&
            ) {
              throw new MissingPermissionException(ProtectorPlugin.SwitchSharing_Permission);

            if (
            tile.type == (int)BlockType.Sign ||
            tile.type == (int)BlockType.Tombstone ||
            tile.type == (int)BlockType.Bed ||
            tile.type == (int)BlockType.DoorOpened ||
            tile.type == (int)BlockType.DoorClosed
              ) &&
            ) {
              throw new MissingPermissionException(ProtectorPlugin.OtherSharing_Permission);

              tileLocation = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.MeasureObject(tileLocation).OriginTileLocation;
              lock (this.WorldMetadata.Protections)
            if (!this.WorldMetadata.Protections.TryGetValue(tileLocation, out protection))
              throw new NoProtectionException(tileLocation);

              if (checkPermissions) {
            if (
              protection.BankChestKey != BankChestDataKey.Invalid &&
            ) {
              throw new MissingPermissionException(ProtectorPlugin.BankChestShare_Permission);

              if (protection.Owner != player.User.ID && !player.Group.HasPermission(ProtectorPlugin.ProtectionMaster_Permission)) {
            if (!protection.IsSharedWithPlayer(player))
              throw new TileProtectedException(tileLocation);

            if (shareOrUnshare) {
              if (!this.Config.AllowChainedSharing)
            throw new TileProtectedException(tileLocation);
            } else if (!this.Config.AllowChainedShareAltering) {
              throw new TileProtectedException(tileLocation);
예제 #10
        public ProtectionEntry CreateProtection(
            TSPlayer player, DPoint tileLocation, bool checkIfBlockTypeProtectableByConfig = true,
            bool checkTShockBuildAndRegionAccess = true, bool checkLimits = true
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(player != null);
              Contract.Requires<ArgumentException>(TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation] != null, "tileLocation");
              Contract.Requires<ArgumentException>(TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation].active(), "tileLocation");

              Tile tile = TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation];
              BlockType blockType = (BlockType)tile.type;
              tileLocation = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.MeasureObject(tileLocation).OriginTileLocation;

              if (checkIfBlockTypeProtectableByConfig && !this.Config.ManuallyProtectableTiles[tile.type])
            throw new InvalidBlockTypeException(blockType);

              if (checkTShockBuildAndRegionAccess && TShock.CheckTilePermission(player, tileLocation.X, tileLocation.Y))
            throw new TileProtectedException(tileLocation);

              if (
            checkLimits &&
            !player.Group.HasPermission(ProtectorPlugin.NoProtectionLimits_Permission) &&
            this.WorldMetadata.CountUserProtections(player.User.ID) >= this.Config.MaxProtectionsPerPlayerPerWorld
              ) {
            throw new LimitEnforcementException();

              ProtectionEntry protection;
              lock (this.WorldMetadata.Protections) {
            if (this.WorldMetadata.Protections.TryGetValue(tileLocation, out protection)) {
              if (protection.Owner == player.User.ID)
            throw new AlreadyProtectedException();

              throw new TileProtectedException(tileLocation);

              protection = new ProtectionEntry(player.User.ID, tileLocation, (BlockType)tile.type);

              lock (this.WorldMetadata.Protections)
            this.WorldMetadata.Protections.Add(tileLocation, protection);

              return protection;
예제 #11
        public bool CheckProtectionAccess(ProtectionEntry protection, TSPlayer player, bool fullAccessRequired = false)
            bool hasAccess = (player.IsLoggedIn && protection.Owner == player.User.ID);
              if (!hasAccess && !fullAccessRequired) {
            hasAccess = player.Group.HasPermission(ProtectorPlugin.UseEverything_Permision);
            if (!hasAccess)
              hasAccess = protection.IsSharedWithPlayer(player);

              return hasAccess;
예제 #12
        public bool EnsureRefillChest(ProtectionEntry protection)
            if (protection.RefillChestData == null)
            return false;

              if (this.ChestFromLocation(protection.TileLocation) == null) {
            protection.RefillChestData = null;
            return false;

              protection.RefillChestData.RefillTimer.Data = protection.RefillChestData;
              protection.RefillChestData.RefillTimer.Callback = this.RefillTimerCallbackHandler;
              return true;
예제 #13
        public bool EnsureBankChest(ProtectionEntry protection, bool resetContent)
            if (protection.BankChestKey == BankChestDataKey.Invalid)
            return false;

              BankChestMetadata bankChest = this.ServerMetadataHandler.EnqueueGetBankChestMetadata(protection.BankChestKey).Result;
              if (bankChest == null) {
            protection.BankChestKey = BankChestDataKey.Invalid;
            return false;

              IChest chest = this.ChestFromLocation(protection.TileLocation);
              if (chest == null) {
            protection.BankChestKey = BankChestDataKey.Invalid;
            return false;

              User owner = TShock.Users.GetUserByID(protection.Owner);
              if (owner == null) {

            protection.BankChestKey = BankChestDataKey.Invalid;
            return false;

              Group ownerGroup = TShock.Groups.GetGroupByName(owner.Group);
              if (ownerGroup != null) {
            if (protection.SharedUsers != null && !ownerGroup.HasPermission(ProtectorPlugin.BankChestShare_Permission))
            if (protection.SharedGroups != null && !ownerGroup.HasPermission(ProtectorPlugin.BankChestShare_Permission))
            if (protection.IsSharedWithEveryone && !ownerGroup.HasPermission(ProtectorPlugin.BankChestShare_Permission))
              protection.IsSharedWithEveryone = false;

              if (resetContent) {
            for (int i = 0; i < Chest.maxItems; i++)
              chest.Items[i] = bankChest.Items[i];

              return true;