public override ActionResult ApplyActionTo(StringBuilder sb)
            int    searchStart = PropertyToChange.TextRange.StartOffset;
            int    searchEnd   = PropertyToChange.TextRange.EndOffset;
            string text        = sb.ToString();

            // Find the opening brace.
            var endOfOpeningBraceIndex = text.IndexOf("{", searchStart, searchEnd - searchStart) + 1;

            int numTabs = InsertionHelpers.GetIndentationInFrontOf(text, searchStart) + 1;

            NewAccessor.Controller.IndentLevel = numTabs;

            string newAccessorText = Helper.RemoveTrailingLineBreaks(NewAccessor.ToString());

            // The "+ numTabs + 2" is account for the /r/n and the tabs that are at the start
            // of the new text. If we don't trim those off the text range, then it will
            // include the whitespace before the actual property, which the objects which have actually
            // been parsed will not have. If this number is wrong, the next object to be placed after it
            // will not be able to get the tabs correctly.
            NewAccessor.TextRange.StartOffset = endOfOpeningBraceIndex + numTabs + 2;
            NewAccessor.TextRange.EndOffset   = endOfOpeningBraceIndex + newAccessorText.Length - (numTabs + 2);
            NewAccessor.Index = endOfOpeningBraceIndex + numTabs + 2;

            sb.Insert(endOfOpeningBraceIndex, newAccessorText);

            // Add accessor to the property
            NewAccessor.Parent     = PropertyToChange;
            NewAccessor.Controller = PropertyToChange.Controller;

            //return new ActionResult(endOfOpeningBraceIndex, newAccessorText.Length, new[] { NewAccessor });
            return(new ActionResult(NewAccessor.TextRange.StartOffset, newAccessorText.Length, new[] { NewAccessor }));
예제 #2
        public override ActionResult ApplyActionTo(StringBuilder sb)
            int searchStart = AccessorToRemove.TextRange.StartOffset;
            int searchEnd   = AccessorToRemove.TextRange.EndOffset;
            var text        = sb.ToString();

            int startOfWhitespace = text.LastIndexOf("\n", searchStart, searchStart - 1);

            if (startOfWhitespace != -1)
                foreach (var c in text.Substring(startOfWhitespace, searchStart - startOfWhitespace).WithIndices().Reverse())
                    if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c.Value) == false)
                        // The +1 is so we jump one past the current character, which is the first non whitespace char
                        // in the substring
                        startOfWhitespace = c.Index + startOfWhitespace + 1;

                searchStart = startOfWhitespace;

            sb.Remove(searchStart, searchEnd - searchStart);


            return(new ActionResult(searchStart, searchStart - searchEnd, null));