public DocumentViewModel()
            WindowTitle   = new PropertyDelegateReadonlyModel <string>(() => ".NET Master Password - " + FilePathName.Value + " " + (HasChanges.Value ? "*" : ""));
            HasChanges    = new PropertyReadonlyModel <bool>();
            FilePathValid = new PropertyReadonlyModel <bool>();
            FilePathName  = new PropertyReadonlyModel <string>(FileNameNew);
            WindowTitle.MonitorForChanges(HasChanges, FilePathName);

            Open           = new DelegateCommand(() => DoOpen());
            ImportForMerge = new DelegateCommand(DoImportMerge);
            Save           = new DelegateCommand(() => DoSave());
            SaveAs         = new DelegateCommand(() => DoSaveAs());
            New            = new DelegateCommand(DoNew);

            // data
            Config = new ConfigurationViewModel();
            Config.DetectChanges.DataChanged += () => HasChanges.SetValue(true);

            // try to load last file
                if (Settings.Default.HasMostRecentFile)
                {   // we have an old path
            catch (Exception ex)

        public DocumentViewModel()
            WindowTitle = new PropertyDelegateReadonlyModel<string>(() => ".NET Master Password - " + FilePathName.Value + " " + (HasChanges.Value ? "*" : ""));
            HasChanges = new PropertyReadonlyModel<bool>();
            FilePathValid = new PropertyReadonlyModel<bool>();
            FilePathName = new PropertyReadonlyModel<string>(FileNameNew);
            WindowTitle.MonitorForChanges(HasChanges, FilePathName);

            Open = new DelegateCommand(() => DoOpen());
            Save = new DelegateCommand(() => DoSave());
            SaveAs = new DelegateCommand(() => DoSaveAs());
            New = new DelegateCommand(DoNew);

            // data
            Config = new ConfigurationViewModel();
            Config.DetectChanges.DataChanged += () => HasChanges.SetValue(true);

            // try to load last file
                if (Settings.Default.HasMostRecentFile)
                {   // we have an old path
            catch (Exception ex)

        public ConfigurationViewModel()
            // Data
            UserName = new PropertyModel<string>();
            Sites = new ObservableCollection<ConfigurationSiteViewModel>();

            SelectedItem = new PropertyModel<ConfigurationSiteViewModel>();
            SelectedItemScrollTo = new PropertyReadonlyModel<ConfigurationSiteViewModel>(); // helper to influence grid selection

            GeneratedForSite = new PropertyReadonlyModel<string>();
            GeneratedPassword = new PropertyReadonlyModel<string>();
            CurrentMasterPassword = new PropertyModel<SecureString>();
            ResetMasterPassword = new PropertyReadonlyModel<bool>();

            LastClipboardAction = new PropertyReadonlyModel<string>();

            CurrentMasterPassword.PropertyChanged += delegate { ResetMasterPassword.SetValue(false); };

            // Commands
            Add = new DelegateCommand(() => PerformAdd());
            RemoveSelected = new DelegateCommand(() => { if (CanRemove(SelectedItem.Value)) Sites.Remove(SelectedItem.Value); }, () => SelectedItem.Value != null);
            GeneratePassword = new DelegateCommand(DoGeneratePassword, () => CurrentMasterPassword.Value != null && SelectedItem.Value != null);
            CopyToClipBoard = new DelegateCommand(DoCopyPassToClipboard, () => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneratedPassword.Value) && CurrentMasterPassword.Value != null);
            CopyLoginToClipBoard = new DelegateCommand(DoCopyLoginToClipboard, () => SelectedItem.Value != null);

            // Change detection
            DetectChanges = new GenericChangeDetection();
            DetectChanges.AddCollectionOfIDetectChanges(Sites, item => item.DetectChanges);
        public ConfigurationViewModel()
            // Data
            UserName = new PropertyModel <string>();
            Sites    = new ObservableCollection <ConfigurationSiteViewModel>();

            SelectedItem         = new PropertyModel <ConfigurationSiteViewModel>();
            SelectedItemScrollTo = new PropertyReadonlyModel <ConfigurationSiteViewModel>(); // helper to influence grid selection

            GeneratedForSite      = new PropertyReadonlyModel <string>();
            GeneratedPassword     = new PropertyReadonlyModel <string>();
            CurrentMasterPassword = new PropertyModel <SecureString>();
            ResetMasterPassword   = new PropertyReadonlyModel <bool>();

            LastClipboardAction = new PropertyReadonlyModel <string>();

            CurrentMasterPassword.PropertyChanged += delegate { ResetMasterPassword.SetValue(false); };

            // Commands
            Add            = new DelegateCommand(() => PerformAdd());
            RemoveSelected = new DelegateCommand(() => { if (CanRemove(SelectedItem.Value))
                                                 }, () => SelectedItem.Value != null);
            GeneratePassword     = new DelegateCommand(DoGeneratePassword, () => CurrentMasterPassword.Value != null && SelectedItem.Value != null);
            CopyToClipBoard      = new DelegateCommand(DoCopyPassToClipboard, () => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneratedPassword.Value) && CurrentMasterPassword.Value != null);
            CopyLoginToClipBoard = new DelegateCommand(DoCopyLoginToClipboard, () => SelectedItem.Value != null);

            // Change detection
            DetectChanges = new GenericChangeDetection();
            DetectChanges.AddCollectionOfIDetectChanges(Sites, item => item.DetectChanges);