예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to check whether the value is Valid if needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="initialValue"></param>
        internal void CheckInitialValueValidity(object initialValue)
            if (ParentBinding.ValidatesOnExceptions && ParentBinding.ValidatesOnLoad)
                if (!PropertyPathWalker.IsPathBroken)
                    INTERNAL_ForceValidateOnNextSetValue = false;
                        PropertyPathNode node = (PropertyPathNode)PropertyPathWalker.FinalNode;
                        node.SetValue(node.Value); //we set the source property to its own value to check whether it causes an exception, in which case the value is not valid.
                    catch (Exception e)            //todo: put the content of this catch in a method which will be called here and in UpdateSourceObject (OR put the whole try/catch in the method and put the Value to set as parameter).
                        //We get the new Error (which is the innermost exception as far as I know):
                        Exception currentException = e;

                        if (Interop.IsRunningInTheSimulator) // Note: "InnerException" is only supported in the Simulator as of July 27, 2017.
                            while (currentException.InnerException != null)
                                currentException = currentException.InnerException;

                        Validation.MarkInvalid(this, new ValidationError(this)
                            Exception = currentException, ErrorContent = currentException.Message
예제 #2
        internal void UpdateSourceObject(object value)
            if (!PropertyPathWalker.IsPathBroken)
                PropertyPathNode node          = (PropertyPathNode)PropertyPathWalker.FinalNode;
                bool             oldIsUpdating = IsUpdating;

                    Type   expectedType   = null;
                    object convertedValue = value;
                    if (ParentBinding.Converter != null)
                        if (node.DependencyProperty != null)
                            convertedValue = ParentBinding.Converter.ConvertBack(value, node.DependencyProperty.PropertyType, ParentBinding.ConverterParameter, ParentBinding.ConverterCulture);
                            convertedValue = ParentBinding.Converter.ConvertBack(value, node.DependencyProperty.PropertyType, ParentBinding.ConverterParameter, ParentBinding.ConverterLanguage);
                            expectedType = node.DependencyProperty.PropertyType;
                        else if (node.PropertyInfo != null)
                            convertedValue = ParentBinding.Converter.ConvertBack(value, node.PropertyInfo.PropertyType, ParentBinding.ConverterParameter, ParentBinding.ConverterCulture);
                            convertedValue = ParentBinding.Converter.ConvertBack(value, node.PropertyInfo.PropertyType, ParentBinding.ConverterParameter, ParentBinding.ConverterLanguage);
                            expectedType = node.PropertyInfo.PropertyType;
                        else if (node.FieldInfo != null)
                            convertedValue = ParentBinding.Converter.ConvertBack(value, node.FieldInfo.FieldType, ParentBinding.ConverterParameter, ParentBinding.ConverterCulture);
                            convertedValue = ParentBinding.Converter.ConvertBack(value, node.FieldInfo.FieldType, ParentBinding.ConverterParameter, ParentBinding.ConverterLanguage);
                            expectedType = node.FieldInfo.FieldType;
                    else //we only need to set expectedType:
                        if (node.DependencyProperty != null)
                            expectedType = node.DependencyProperty.PropertyType;
                        else if (node.PropertyInfo != null)
                            expectedType = node.PropertyInfo.PropertyType;
                        else if (node.FieldInfo != null)
                            expectedType = node.FieldInfo.FieldType;

                    bool typeAcceptsNullAsValue    = !expectedType.IsValueType || expectedType.FullName.StartsWith("System.Nullable`1");
                    bool isNotNullOrIsNullAccepted = ((convertedValue != null) || typeAcceptsNullAsValue);
                    if (isNotNullOrIsNullAccepted) //Note: we put this test here to avoid making unneccessary tests but the point is that the new value is simply ignored since it doesn't fit the property (cannot set a non-nullable property to null).
                        //bool oldIsUpdating = IsUpdating;
                        IsUpdating = true;
                        Type[] AutoConvertTypes = { typeof(Int16), typeof(Int32), typeof(Int64), typeof(Double), typeof(Uri) };
                        bool   typeFound        = false;
                        if ((AutoConvertTypes.Contains(expectedType)) &&
                            convertedValue is string)    //todo: find a way to do this more efficiently (and maybe mode generic ?)
                            typeFound = true;
                            if (expectedType == typeof(Int16))
                                convertedValue = Int16.Parse((string)convertedValue);
                            else if (expectedType == typeof(Int32))
                                convertedValue = Int32.Parse((string)convertedValue);
                            else if (expectedType == typeof(Int64))
                                convertedValue = Int64.Parse((string)convertedValue);
                            else if (expectedType == typeof(Double))
                                convertedValue = Double.Parse((string)convertedValue);
                            else if (expectedType == typeof(Uri))
                                convertedValue = new Uri((string)convertedValue);

                        //todo: partially merge this "if" and the previous one.
                        if ((!typeFound && TypeFromStringConverters.CanTypeBeConverted(expectedType)) &&
                            convertedValue is string)
                            typeFound      = true;
                            convertedValue = TypeFromStringConverters.ConvertFromInvariantString(expectedType, (string)convertedValue);

                        if (!typeFound && convertedValue != null && (expectedType == typeof(string)))
                            convertedValue = convertedValue.ToString();

                catch (Exception e)
                    //If we have ValidatesOnExceptions set to true, we display a popup with the error close to the element.
                    if (ParentBinding.ValidatesOnExceptions)
                        //We get the new Error (which is the innermost exception as far as I know):
                        Exception currentException = e;

                        if (Interop.IsRunningInTheSimulator) // Note: "InnerException" is only supported in the Simulator as of July 27, 2017.
                            while (currentException.InnerException != null)
                                currentException = currentException.InnerException;

                        Validation.MarkInvalid(this, new ValidationError(this)
                            Exception = currentException, ErrorContent = currentException.Message
                    IsUpdating = oldIsUpdating;