예제 #1
        private void InitializeExistingPropertyValuesList()
            var sortedNames = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); // key is the property key string, value is the property name

            foreach (var key in _doc.GetAllPropertyNames())
                string keyName = PropertyKeyBase.GetPropertyName(key);
                if (null == keyName)
                    keyName = key;
                sortedNames.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(key, keyName));
            sortedNames.Sort(((entry1, entry2) => string.Compare(entry1.Value, entry2.Value))); // sort the entries not by the key, but by the keyname

            _propertyList = new SelectableListNodeList();

            foreach (var entry in sortedNames)
                if (_doc.TryGetValue <object>(entry.Key, !_showAllProperties, out var value, out var bag, out var bagInfo))
                    var node = new MyListNode(entry.Value, new Tuple <string, string, IPropertyBag>(entry.Key, entry.Value, bag))
                        Text1S = value == null ? "n.a." : value.GetType().Name,
                        Text2S = value == null ? "null" : value.ToString().Replace('\n', '_').Replace('\r', '_'),
                        Text3S = bagInfo.Name

예제 #2
        private void ShowPropertyValueDialog(string propertyKey, string propertyName, object propertyValue)
            IMVCAController controller = null;
            var             pk         = PropertyKeyBase.GetPropertyKey(propertyKey);

            if (null != pk && pk.CanCreateEditingController)
                controller = pk.CreateEditingController(propertyValue);

            if (null == controller)
                controller = (IMVCAController)Current.Gui.GetControllerAndControl(new object[] { propertyValue }, typeof(IMVCAController), UseDocument.Copy);

            if (null == controller)
                Current.Gui.ErrorMessageBox("Sorry! Didn't find a Gui controller to edit this property value!");

            if (Current.Gui.ShowDialog(controller, "Edit property " + propertyName, false))
                var newValue = controller.ModelObject;
                _doc.TopmostBag.SetValue(propertyKey, newValue);
                if (null != _view)
                    _view.PropertyValueList = _propertyList;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// filter according to the key type: string, TextCode or All
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name=""></param>
        /// <param name=""></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool FilterOnKeyType(PropertyKeyBase propertyKeyBase, SearchPropCriterionKeyTextWork propCritKeyTextWork)
            // match all key type: string and TextCode
            if (propCritKeyTextWork.PropKeyTextType == CritOptionPropKeyTextType.AllKeyType)

            // get the type of the prop key
            PropertyKeyString propKeyString = propertyKeyBase as PropertyKeyString;

            if (propKeyString != null)
                if (propCritKeyTextWork.PropKeyTextType == CritOptionPropKeyTextType.KeyStringOnly)


            // the prop key type is TextCode
            if (propCritKeyTextWork.PropKeyTextType == CritOptionPropKeyTextType.KeyTextCodeOnly)

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// The property key text can be a string or a textCode.
        /// If its a textCode, go in the repository to read the textCode by the id.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propCritKeyTextWork"></param>
        /// <param name="propertyKeyBase"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool GetKeyText(PropertyKeyBase propertyKeyBase, out string keyText)
            PropertyKeyString propKeyString = propertyKeyBase as PropertyKeyString;

            if (propKeyString != null)
                keyText = propKeyString.Key;
                // ok

            keyText = "";
            PropertyKeyTextCode propKeyTextCode = propertyKeyBase as PropertyKeyTextCode;

            if (propKeyTextCode == null)
                // error!

            // load the textCode
            TextCode textCode = _reposit.Finder.FindTextCodeById(propKeyTextCode.TextCodeId);

            if (textCode == null)
                // error!

            keyText = textCode.Code;
예제 #5
        private string GetPropKeyText(EtagairEngine engine, PropertyKeyBase propertyKeybase)
            PropertyKeyString propKeyString = propertyKeybase as PropertyKeyString;

            if (propKeyString != null)
                return("\"" + propKeyString.Key + "\"");

            PropertyKeyTextCode propKeyTextCode = propertyKeybase as PropertyKeyTextCode;
            string propKeyText = "\"" + "tc/" + engine.Searcher.FindTextCodeById(propKeyTextCode.TextCodeId).Code + "\"";

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the property key content as a string.
        /// can be a string or a textCodeId.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyKeyBase"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetPropertyKeyContent(PropertyKeyBase propertyKeyBase)
            PropertyKeyString propKeyString = propertyKeyBase as PropertyKeyString;

            if (propKeyString != null)

            PropertyKeyTextCode propKeyTextCode = propertyKeyBase as PropertyKeyTextCode;

            if (propKeyTextCode != null)

        //public IValue CreatePropValueFromTempl(IValue propTemplValue)
        //    ici();
        //    PropValueTemplString propValueTemplString = propTemplValue as PropValueTemplString;
        //    if (propValueTemplString != null)
        //    {
        //        PropertyValueString propValueString = new PropertyValueString();
        //        propValueString.Value = propValueTemplString.Value;
        //        return propValueString;
        //    }

        //    PropValueTemplTextCode propValueTemplTextCode = propTemplValue as PropValueTemplTextCode;
        //    if (propValueTemplTextCode != null)
        //    {
        //        PropertyValueTextCode propValueTextCode = new PropertyValueTextCode();
        //        propValueTextCode.TextCodeId = propValueTemplTextCode.TextCodeId;
        //        return propValueTextCode;
        //    }

        //    throw new Exception("property Value type not yet implemented!");

        #region Private methods

        /// <summary>
        /// 1- Create the key by copy from the template
        /// 2- has no action -> exit, need action
        /// 3- has action
        ///   3.1- Create the value by provided in the action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propTempl"></param>
        /// <param name="ruleValueSetOnInst"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ExecPropTemplRuleValueSetOnInst(PropTempl propTempl, PropertyGroup propGroupParent, PropTemplRuleValueToSet ruleValueSetOnInst, List <PropTemplRuleActionBase> listAction, List <PropTemplRuleBase> listRulesNeedActions)
            Property property = new Property();

            property.PropGroupParentId = propGroupParent.Id;

            // 1- create the key by copy from the template
            PropertyKeyBase propKey = CreatePropKeyFromTempl(propTempl);

            property.SetKeyValue(propKey, null);

            // an action on this rule is provided?
            PropTemplRuleActionBase action = listAction.Find(a => a.RuleId.Equals(ruleValueSetOnInst.Id));

            if (action == null)
                // no action provided for this rule!, need an action on this rule
                // stops

            // check the type of the action, must match the rule type!
            PropTemplRuleActionValueToSet actionSetOnInst = action as PropTemplRuleActionValueToSet;

            if (actionSetOnInst == null)
                // error! action type is wrong

            // move the rule in the list of rules executed/done

            // execute the action: create the prop Value
            //PropertyValueBase propValue = CreatePropValueFromAction(actionSetOnInst, ruleValueSetOnInst);
            IValue value = CreatePropValueFromAction(actionSetOnInst, ruleValueSetOnInst);

            // set the prop value, the key is set before
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a property Template (final) from the template.
        /// process:
        ///   1- has no rule -> create the key and the value by copy from the template
        ///   2- has rule(s), scan rules:
        ///      2.1- is PropValueSetOnInstance
        ///         2.1.1- Create the key by copy from the template
        ///         2.1.2- has no action -> exit, need action
        ///         2.1.2- has action
        ///    Create the value by provided in the action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propTempl"></param>
        /// <param name="propGroupParent"></param>
        /// <param name="listAction"></param>
        /// <param name="listRulesNeedActions"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool CreatePropFromTempl(PropTempl propTempl, PropertyGroup propGroupParent, List <PropTemplRuleActionBase> listAction, List <PropTemplRuleBase> listRulesNeedActions)
            // 1- has no rule -> create the key and the value by copy from the template
            if (propTempl.ListRule.Count == 0)
                // create the key by copy from the template
                PropertyKeyBase propKey = _processEntPropTemplRules.CreatePropKeyFromTempl(propTempl);

                // create the value by copy from the template
                IValue   propValue = ValueToolCore.CreateValueFromTempl(propTempl.PropValueTempl);
                Property property  = new Property();
                property.PropGroupParentId = propGroupParent.Id;
                property.SetKeyValue(propKey, propValue);

            // 2- has rule(s), scan each one
            return(_processEntPropTemplRules.ExecRules(propTempl, propGroupParent, listAction, listRulesNeedActions));
        /// <summary>
        /// create the propGroup from the template, is empty (no child).
        /// Childs will be created after that.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propTempl"></param>
        /// <param name="propGroupParent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool CreatePropGroupFromTempl(PropGroupTempl propGroupTempl, PropertyGroup propGroupParent, List <PropTemplRuleActionBase> listAction, List <PropTemplRuleBase> listRulesNeedActions, out PropertyGroup propGroupChild)
            // create the propGroup based on the template, add it under the propGroupParent
            propGroupChild = new PropertyGroup();
            propGroupChild.PropGroupTemplId  = propGroupTempl.Id;
            propGroupChild.PropGroupParentId = propGroupParent.Id;

            // create the key by copy from the template
            PropertyKeyBase propKey = _processEntPropTemplRules.CreatePropKeyFromTempl(propGroupTempl);

            propGroupChild.Key = propKey;

            // save it (will create id)
            // TODO: besoin?

            // add it under the propGroupParent

예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// low-level method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="propertyParent"></param>
        /// <param name="propKey"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Property CreateProperty(Entity entity, PropertyGroup propertyParent, PropertyKeyBase propKey, IValue value)
            // check the entity parent
            if (entity == null)

            if (propertyParent == null)
                propertyParent = entity.PropertyRoot;

            if (propKey == null)

            // create the property, set the key and the value
            Property property = new Property();

            property.PropGroupParentId = propertyParent.Id;

            property.SetKeyValue(propKey, value);

            // add the property under the root properties
            entity.AddProperty(propertyParent, property);

            // save the entity modification
            if (!_reposit.Builder.UpdateEntity(entity))

예제 #11
        //public void SetKeyValue(PropertyKeyBase key, PropertyValueBase value)
        //    Key = key;
        //    Value = value;

        public void SetKeyValue(PropertyKeyBase key, IValue value)
            Key   = key;
            Value = value;