예제 #1
        public void Init()
            ServiceMock = new Mock <IService>();
            LoggerMock  = new Mock <ILogger <PropertiesController> >();

            sut = new PropertiesController(ServiceMock.Object, LoggerMock.Object);
예제 #2
        public void GetReturnsMultipleObjects()
            // Arrange
            List <Property> properties = new List <Property>();

            properties.Add(new Property {
                Id = 1, Place = "Place1"
            properties.Add(new Property {
                Id = 2, Place = "Place2"

            var mockRepository = new Mock <IPropertyRepository>();

            mockRepository.Setup(x => x.GetAll()).Returns(properties.AsEnumerable());
            var controller = new PropertiesController(mockRepository.Object);

            // Act
            IEnumerable <Property> result = controller.GetAll();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(properties.Count, result.ToList().Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(properties.ElementAt(0), result.ElementAt(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(properties.ElementAt(1), result.ElementAt(1));
예제 #3
        public void PostPropertyCreatesProperty()
            //Arrange: Instantiate PropertiesController so its methods can be called
            var propertyController = new PropertiesController();

            // Create a PropertyModel object populated with test data,
            //  and call PostProperty
            var newProperty = new PropertyModel
                Name     = "Huge Penthouse",
                Address1 = "Some address",
                City     = "New York",
                State    = "NY"
            IHttpActionResult result = propertyController.PostProperty(newProperty);

            // Verify that the HTTP result is CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult
            // Verify that the HTTP result body contains a nonzero property ID
                (result, typeof(CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel>));
            CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel> contentResult =
                (CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel>)result;

            Assert.IsTrue(contentResult.Content.PropertyId != 0);

            // Delete the test property
            result = propertyController.DeleteProperty(contentResult.Content.PropertyId);
예제 #4
        public void DeletePropertyDeletesProperty()
            // Instantiate PropertiesController so its methods can be called
            // Create a new property to be deleted, and get its property ID

            var propertyController = new PropertiesController();

            var property = new PropertyModel
                Name     = "Office Space",
                Address1 = "101 Broadway",
                City     = "San Francisco",
                State    = "CA"
            IHttpActionResult propertyResult = propertyController.PostProperty(property);
            CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel> contentResult =
                (CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel>)propertyResult;

            int propertyIdToDelete = contentResult.Content.PropertyId;

            // Add a lease corresponding to the property
            int createdLeaseId;

            using (var leaseController = new LeasesController())
                var lease = new LeaseModel
                    CreatedDate = new DateTime(2014, 9, 30),
                    PropertyId  = propertyIdToDelete,
                    TenantId    = 1,
                    StartDate   = new DateTime(2015, 1, 30),
                    Rent        = 800,
                    LeaseType   = Constants.RentPeriod.Monthly
                IHttpActionResult leaseResult = leaseController.PostLease(lease);
                CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult <LeaseModel> leaseContentResult =
                    (CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult <LeaseModel>)leaseResult;

                createdLeaseId = leaseContentResult.Content.LeaseId;

            //Act: Call DeleteProperty
            propertyResult = propertyController.DeleteProperty(propertyIdToDelete);

            // Verify that HTTP result is OK
            // Verify that reading deleted property returns result not found
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(propertyResult, typeof(OkNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel>));

            propertyResult = propertyController.GetProperty(propertyIdToDelete);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(propertyResult, typeof(NotFoundResult));

            // Verify that the lease created above was deleted
            using (var leaseController = new LeasesController())
                IHttpActionResult leaseResult = leaseController.GetLease(createdLeaseId);
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(leaseResult, typeof(NotFoundResult));
        public async Task GetPropertyByIdAsync()
            var portfolio1 = new Portfolio {
                Name = "Portfolio1"
            var property = new Property
                Address = new Address
                    City            = "Exeter",
                    CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3),
                    IsActive        = true,
                    Line1           = "Line 1",
                    Line2           = "Line 2",
                    PostCode        = "Postcode",
                    Town            = "Town"
                Description     = "Description",
                IsActive        = true,
                NoOfBeds        = 2,
                PropertyValue   = 12345,
                PurchaseDate    = new DateTime(2008, 3, 1),
                PurchasePrice   = 12343,
                RentalPrice     = 431,
                CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
                Portfolio       = portfolio1,
                Tenants         = new List <Tenant> {
                    new Tenant {
                        FirstName = "FirstName1", LastName = "LastName1", EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", IsActive = true, Profession = "Window cleaner", TenancyStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)
                    new Tenant {
                        FirstName = "FirstName2", LastName = "LastName2", EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", IsActive = true, Profession = "Superstar DJ", TenancyStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)

            _propertyServiceMock.Setup(s => s.GetPropertyById(It.IsAny <Guid>(), It.IsAny <Guid>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult <Property>(property)).Verifiable();

            var controller = new PropertiesController(_propertyServiceMock.Object, _mapperMock);

            controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext()
                HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext()
                    User = _principle

            var results = await controller.GetPropertyById(It.IsAny <Guid>(), It.IsAny <Guid>());

            var okResult = results.Result as OkObjectResult;
            var okVal    = okResult.Value as PropertyDetailDto;

            Assert.AreEqual((int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, okResult.StatusCode);
            Assert.AreEqual("Description", okVal.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, okVal.Tenants.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, okVal.NoOfBeds);
            Assert.AreEqual("Exeter", okVal.Address.City);
        [TestMethod] //[2] | Update Property
        public void PutPropertyUpdatesProperty()
            var propertiesController = new PropertiesController();

            var newProp = new PropertyModel
                Name     = "Wonder Mansion",
                Address1 = "122 Wonka Way",
                Address2 = "",
                City     = "Golden Coast",
                Zip      = "23123",
                State    = "CA"

            //The result of the PostRequest
            IHttpActionResult result = propertiesController.PostProperty(newProp);

            //Cast result as the content result so I can gather information from Content Result
            CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel> contentResult = (CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel>)result;

            //REsult containts the property I had just created
            result = propertiesController.GetProperty(contentResult.Content.PropertyId);

            //GET PropertyModel from Result
            OkNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel> propertyResult = (OkNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel>)result;

            result = propertiesController.PutProperty(propertyResult.Content.PropertyId, newProp);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(StatusCodeResult));
        [TestMethod] //[3] | Create Property
        public void PostPropertyCreatesProperty()
            var propertiesController = new PropertiesController();

            var newProp = new PropertyModel
                Name     = "Wonder Mansion",
                Address1 = "122 Wonka Way",
                Address2 = "",
                City     = "Golden Coast",
                Zip      = "23123",
                State    = "CA"

            //Result of the Post Request
            IHttpActionResult result = propertiesController.PostProperty(newProp);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel>));

            CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel> contentResult = (CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel>)result;

            Assert.IsTrue(contentResult.Content.PropertyId != 0);
        public void Setup()

            _connection = new SqliteConnection("DataSource=:memory:");

            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <PropertyContext>()

            var inMemoryContext = new PropertyContext(options);


            // While working with a inMemoryDb there is no need for mocking IPropertyRepository
            // Instead working to implementation provides implementation test without affecting Db

            // var service = new Mock<IPropertyRepository>();
            // service.Setup(p => p.GetProperties()).Returns(inMemoryContext.Properties);
            var service = new PropertyRepository(inMemoryContext);

            Sut = new PropertiesController(service);
예제 #9
        private void PropertySave()
            PropertiesController pc = new PropertiesController();
            PropertiesInfo       pi = new PropertiesInfo();

            pi.PropertyId = -1;
            pi.PortalId   = PortalId;
            pi            = (PropertiesInfo)(Utilities.ConvertFromHashTableToObject(Params, pi));
            pi.Name       = Utilities.CleanName(pi.Name);
            if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(pi.ValidationExpression)))
                pi.ValidationExpression = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pi.ValidationExpression));
            if (pi.PropertyId == -1)
                string            lbl     = Params["Label"].ToString();
                LocalizationUtils lcUtils = new LocalizationUtils();
                lcUtils.SaveResource("[RESX:" + pi.Name + "].Text", lbl, PortalId);
                if (Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:" + pi.Name + "]").ToLowerInvariant().Trim() != Params["Label"].ToString().ToLowerInvariant().Trim())
                    LocalizationUtils lcUtils = new LocalizationUtils();
                    lcUtils.SaveResource("[RESX:" + pi.Name + "].Text", Params["Label"].ToString(), PortalId);
            ForumController fc = new ForumController();
            Forum           fi = fc.GetForum(PortalId, ModuleId, pi.ObjectOwnerId, true);

            fi.HasProperties = true;
            fc.Forums_Save(PortalId, fi, false, false);
예제 #10
 public void InitializeTests()
     this.dbContext            = MockDbContext.GetContext();
     this.mapper               = MockAutoMapper.GetAutoMapper();
     this.propertyService      = new PropertyService(dbContext, mapper);
     this.mockedConfig         = new Mock <IConfiguration>();
     this.propertiesController = new PropertiesController(propertyService, mapper);
    // Generate the properties for the persian turbine
    void GenerateProperties()
        controller = GetComponent <PropertiesController>();

        // Wall
        wallProperty = new BoolProperty(wallPropertyName, wallIsOn, GetType().GetMethod("WallPower"), GetType().GetMethod("CreateWall"), GetType().GetMethod("WallCost"), null, this);
예제 #12
        public void Initialize()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<PMContext>()
                               .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "PM-Demo-UnitTest")
            _context = new PMContext(options);
            _controller = new PropertiesController(_context);

예제 #13
        public void GetPropertyTest()
            using (var controller = new PropertiesController())
                var httpResult = controller.GetProperty(1) as OkNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel>;

        public async Task PostPropertyTestAsync()
            var portfolio3 = new Portfolio {
                Name = "Portfolio3"
            var property = new Property
                Address = new Address
                    City            = "Torquay",
                    CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3),
                    IsActive        = true,
                    Line1           = "Line 1",
                    Line2           = "Line 2",
                    PostCode        = "Postcode",
                    Town            = "Town"
                Description     = "Description",
                IsActive        = true,
                NoOfBeds        = 2,
                PropertyValue   = 12345,
                PurchaseDate    = new DateTime(2008, 3, 1),
                PurchasePrice   = 12343,
                RentalPrice     = 431,
                CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
                Portfolio       = portfolio3,
                Tenants         = new List <Tenant> {
                    new Tenant {
                        FirstName = "Jeff", LastName = "LastName1", EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", IsActive = true, Profession = "Window cleaner", TenancyStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)
                    new Tenant {
                        FirstName = "Mandy", LastName = "LastName2", EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", IsActive = true, Profession = "Superstar DJ", TenancyStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)

            _propertyServiceMock.Setup(s => s.CreateProperty(property, It.IsAny <Guid>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult <Property>(property)).Verifiable();

            var controller = new PropertiesController(_propertyServiceMock.Object, _mapperMock);

            controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext()
                HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext()
                    User = _principle

            var createProperty = _mapperMock.Map <PropertyCreateDto>(property);
            var results        = await controller.CreateProperty(It.IsAny <Guid>(), createProperty);

            var okResult = results.Result as CreatedAtActionResult;

            Assert.AreEqual((int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Created, okResult.StatusCode);
예제 #15
 public void InitializeTests()
     this.dbContext            = MockDbContext.GetContext();
     this.mapper               = MockAutoMapper.GetAutoMapper();
     this.propertyService      = new PropertyService(dbContext, mapper);
     this.userManager          = this.TestUserManager <User>();
     this.userService          = new UserService(dbContext, mapper, userManager);
     this.mockedConfig         = new Mock <IConfiguration>();
     this.propertiesController = new PropertiesController(propertyService, userService, mapper, userManager, mockedConfig.Object);
예제 #16
        public void PutPropertyUpdatesProperty()
            int    propertyIdForTest   = 1;
            string propertyNameForTest = "Lofts";
            string address1ForTest     = "234 Smith Street";

            //Arrange: Instantiate PropertiesController so its methods can be called
            var propertyController = new PropertiesController();

            // Get an existing property, change it, and
            //  pass it to PutProperty

            IHttpActionResult result = propertyController.GetProperty(propertyIdForTest);
            OkNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel> contentResult =
                (OkNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel>)result;
            PropertyModel updatedProperty = (PropertyModel)contentResult.Content;

            string propertyNameBeforeUpdate     = updatedProperty.Name;
            string propertyAddress1BeforeUpdate = updatedProperty.Address1;

            updatedProperty.Name     = propertyNameForTest;
            updatedProperty.Address1 = address1ForTest;

            result = propertyController.PutProperty
                         (updatedProperty.PropertyId, updatedProperty);

            // Verify that HTTP status code is OK
            // Get the property and verify that it was updated

            var statusCode = (StatusCodeResult)result;

            Assert.IsTrue(statusCode.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NoContent);

            result = propertyController.GetProperty(propertyIdForTest);

                                    typeof(OkNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel>));

            OkNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel> readContentResult =
                (OkNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel>)result;

            updatedProperty = (PropertyModel)readContentResult.Content;

            Assert.IsTrue(updatedProperty.Name == propertyNameForTest);
            Assert.IsTrue(updatedProperty.Address1 == address1ForTest);

            updatedProperty.Name     = propertyNameBeforeUpdate;
            updatedProperty.Address1 = propertyAddress1BeforeUpdate;

            result = propertyController.PutProperty
                         (updatedProperty.PropertyId, updatedProperty);
예제 #17
        public void ConstructorShouldRegisterAllDependencies()
            // Arrange
            var apiResult = new Mock <IApiResult>().Object;

            // Act
            var result = new PropertiesController(apiResult);

            // Assert
예제 #18
        public void GetPropertiesReturnsProperties()
            //Arrange: Instantiate PropertiesController so its methods can be called
            using (var propertyController = new PropertiesController())
                //Act: Call the GetProperties method
                IEnumerable <PropertyModel> properties = propertyController.GetProperties();

                //Assert: Verify that an array was returned with at least one element
                Assert.IsTrue(properties.Count() > 0);
예제 #19
        public void DeleteReturnsNotFound()
            // Arrange
            var mockRepository = new Mock <IPropertyRepository>();
            var controller     = new PropertiesController(mockRepository.Object);

            // Act
            IHttpActionResult actionResult = controller.Delete(10);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actionResult, typeof(NotFoundResult));
예제 #20
        public void Mock_IndexContainsModelData_List() // Confirms model as list of properties
            // Arrange
            ViewResult indexView = new PropertiesController(mock.Object).Index() as ViewResult;

            // Act
            var result = indexView.ViewData.Model;

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(List <Property>));
예제 #21
        public void Mock_GetViewResultIndex_ActionResult() // Confirms route returns view
            PropertiesController controller = new PropertiesController(mock.Object);

            var result = controller.Index();

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ActionResult));
        [TestMethod] // [0] | Get Properties
        public void GetPropertiesReturnProperties()
            //Properties Go Here
            var PropertiesController = new PropertiesController();

            //Call the mthod in question that needs to be tested
            IEnumerable <PropertyModel> property = PropertiesController.GetProperties();

            Assert.IsTrue(property.Count() > 0);
        public void SetUp()
            _listAlertsUseCaseMock     = new Mock <IListAlertsUseCase>();
            _getPropertyUseCaseMock    = new Mock <IGetPropertyUseCase>();
            _housingSearchUseCaseMock  = new Mock <IHousingSearchUseCase>();
            _listPropertiesUseCaseMock = new Mock <IListPropertiesUseCase>();

            _classUnderTest = new PropertiesController(
                new NullLogger <PropertiesController>());
예제 #24
        private string PropertyList()
            StringBuilder        sb = new StringBuilder();
            PropertiesController pc = new PropertiesController();

            if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Params["ObjectOwnerId"].ToString())))
                return(pc.ListPropertiesJSON(PortalId, Convert.ToInt32(Params["ObjectType"]), Convert.ToInt32(Params["ObjectOwnerId"])));
예제 #25
        public void PutReturnsBadRequest()
            // Arrange
            var mockRepository = new Mock <IPropertyRepository>();
            var controller     = new PropertiesController(mockRepository.Object);

            // Act
            IHttpActionResult actionResult = controller.Put(10, new Property {
                Id = 9, Place = "Place2"

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actionResult, typeof(BadRequestResult));
        [TestMethod] //[1] | Get Property from ID
        public void GetPropertyFromIdReturnProperty()
            var PropertiesController = new PropertiesController();

            IHttpActionResult result = PropertiesController.GetProperty(1);

            //If action returns: NotFound()
            Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(result, typeof(NotFoundResult));

            //if Acction returns: Ok();
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(OkNegotiatedContentResult <PropertyModel>));
예제 #27
        public void DB_CreatesNewProperties_Collection()
            // Arrange
            PropertiesController controller   = new PropertiesController(db);
            Property             testProperty = new Property();

            testProperty.Name        = "TestDb Property";
            testProperty.Cost        = 400;
            testProperty.Description = "Big";

            // Act
            var collection = (controller.Index() as ViewResult).ViewData.Model as List <Property>;

            // Assert
            CollectionAssert.Contains(collection, testProperty);
        public void GetRepositoriesReturnsEmptyListIfDbEmpty()
            // Arrange
            var service = new Mock <IPropertyRepository>();

            service.Setup(m => m.GetProperties()).Returns(new List <Property>());
            var sut = new PropertiesController(service.Object);

            // Act
            var result = sut.GetProperties() as OkObjectResult;

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(200));
            Assert.That(result.Value, Is.TypeOf <List <PropertyDto> >());
            Assert.That(result.Value, Is.Empty);
예제 #29
        internal void PropertyDelete()
            PropertiesController pc   = new PropertiesController();
            PropertiesInfo       prop = pc.GetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(Params["propertyid"]), PortalId);

            if (prop != null)
                pc.DeleteProperty(PortalId, Convert.ToInt32(Params["propertyid"]));
                if (!(pc.ListProperties(PortalId, prop.ObjectType, prop.ObjectOwnerId).Count > 0))
                    ForumController fc = new ForumController();
                    Forum           fi = fc.GetForum(PortalId, ModuleId, prop.ObjectOwnerId, true);
                    fi.HasProperties = false;
                    fc.Forums_Save(PortalId, fi, false, false);
        public void Setup()
            FakePropertyId         = Guid.Parse("8cc32b40-578d-47c1-bb9f-63240737243f");
            FakeNotFoundPropertyId = Guid.Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000");
            FakeExistPropertyId    = Guid.Parse("b5b1a0c6-efc7-43b4-91b1-024a0268a7cf");
            FakeProperty           = GetPropertyFake(FakePropertyId);
            FakeNotFoundProperty   = GetPropertyFake(FakeNotFoundPropertyId);
            FakeExistProperty      = GetPropertyFake(FakeExistPropertyId);

            _propertyRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.GetProperty(It.Is <Guid>(x => x == FakePropertyId)))
            _propertyRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.GetProperty(It.Is <Guid>(x => x == FakeExistPropertyId)))
            _propertyRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.GetProperties(It.IsAny <PropertiesParameters>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult(new List <Property>()
            _propertyRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.CreateProperty(It.Is <Property>(x => x.IdProperty == FakePropertyId)))
            _propertyRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.UpdateProperty(It.Is <Property>(x => x.IdProperty == FakePropertyId)))
            _propertyRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.DeleteProperty(It.Is <Property>(x => x.IdProperty == FakePropertyId)))

            Property nullObj = null;

            _propertyRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.GetProperty(It.Is <Guid>(x => x == FakeNotFoundPropertyId)))
            _propertyRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.PropertyExists(It.Is <Guid>(x => x == FakeNotFoundPropertyId)))
            _propertyRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.PropertyExists(It.Is <Guid>(x => x == FakeExistPropertyId)))
            _propertyRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.CreateProperty(It.Is <Property>(x => x.IdProperty == FakeExistPropertyId)))
            .Throws(new DbUpdateException());
            _propertyRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.UpdateProperty(It.Is <Property>(x => x.IdProperty == FakeNotFoundPropertyId)))
            .Throws(new DbUpdateConcurrencyException());
            _propertyRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.DeleteProperty(It.Is <Property>(x => x.IdProperty == FakeExistPropertyId)))

            PropertyController = new PropertiesController(
예제 #31
		internal void PropertyDelete()
			PropertiesController pc = new PropertiesController();
			PropertiesInfo prop = pc.GetProperty(Convert.ToInt32(Params["propertyid"]), PortalId);
			if (prop != null)
				pc.DeleteProperty(PortalId, Convert.ToInt32(Params["propertyid"]));
				if (! (pc.ListProperties(PortalId, prop.ObjectType, prop.ObjectOwnerId).Count > 0))
					ForumController fc = new ForumController();
					Forum fi = fc.GetForum(PortalId, ModuleId, prop.ObjectOwnerId, true);
					fi.HasProperties = false;
					fc.Forums_Save(PortalId, fi, false, false);

예제 #32
		private void UpdateSort()

			int propertyId = -1;
			int sortOrder = -1;
			PropertiesController pc = new PropertiesController();
			string props = Params["props"].ToString();
			props = props.Remove(props.LastIndexOf("^"));
			foreach (string s in props.Split('^'))
				if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(props)))
					propertyId = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('|')[0]);
					sortOrder = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('|')[1]);
					PropertiesInfo pi = pc.GetProperty(propertyId, PortalId);
					if (pi != null)
						pi.SortOrder = sortOrder;
예제 #33
		private string PropertyList()

			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
			PropertiesController pc = new PropertiesController();
			if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Params["ObjectOwnerId"].ToString())))
				return pc.ListPropertiesJSON(PortalId, Convert.ToInt32(Params["ObjectType"]), Convert.ToInt32(Params["ObjectOwnerId"]));
				return string.Empty;

예제 #34
		private void PropertySave()

			PropertiesController pc = new PropertiesController();
			PropertiesInfo pi = new PropertiesInfo();
			pi.PropertyId = -1;
			pi.PortalId = PortalId;
			pi = (PropertiesInfo)(Utilities.ConvertFromHashTableToObject(Params, pi));
			pi.Name = Utilities.CleanName(pi.Name);
			if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pi.ValidationExpression)))
				pi.ValidationExpression = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(pi.ValidationExpression));
			if (pi.PropertyId == -1)
				string lbl = Params["Label"].ToString();
				LocalizationUtils lcUtils = new LocalizationUtils();
				lcUtils.SaveResource("[RESX:" + pi.Name + "].Text", lbl, PortalId);
				if (Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:" + pi.Name + "]").ToLowerInvariant().Trim() != Params["Label"].ToString().ToLowerInvariant().Trim())
					LocalizationUtils lcUtils = new LocalizationUtils();
					lcUtils.SaveResource("[RESX:" + pi.Name + "].Text", Params["Label"].ToString(), PortalId);

			ForumController fc = new ForumController();
			Forum fi = fc.GetForum(PortalId, ModuleId, pi.ObjectOwnerId, true);
			fi.HasProperties = true;
			fc.Forums_Save(PortalId, fi, false, false);
