예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate associated organizations based on Contact Id
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateOrgRptr()
            // Get DataSource for Organization Display List as well as Organization Grid
            ProjectManagementDa projDA       = new ProjectManagementDa();
            DataTable           displayTable = projDA.GetAllOrgsByContactId(contactId);
            // Get a list of unassociated organizations to determine how many blank rows
            // as well as bind CaisisSelects
            DataView view = projDA.GetAllUnassociatedOrgsByContact(contactId).DefaultView;

            OrgGrid2.BlankRows  = view.Count;
            OrgGrid2.DataSource = displayTable;

            // Bind View
            OrgViewList.DataSource = displayTable;

            // bind contact's documents
            DataView contactDocs = ContactRegulatoryDetail.GetByFieldsAsDataView <ContactRegulatoryDetail>(new Dictionary <string, object>
                { ContactRegulatoryDetail.ContactId, contactId }

            ContactDocumentsGrid.DataSource = contactDocs;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate associated organizations based on Contact Id
        /// <param name="contactId"></param>
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateOrgRptr(int contactId)
            // Get DataSource for Organization Display List as well as Organization Grid
            ProjectManagementDa projDA       = new ProjectManagementDa();
            DataTable           displayTable = projDA.GetAllOrgsByContactId(contactId);

            // Bind View
            OrgViewList.DataSource = displayTable;

            // bind contact's documents
            //DataView contactDocs = ContactRegulatoryDetail.GetByFieldsAsDataView<ContactRegulatoryDetail>(new Dictionary<string, object>
            //    {ContactRegulatoryDetail.ContactId,  ContactId}
            //ContactDocumentsGrid.DataSource = contactDocs;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// When grid is bound, bind organization select in footer row
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void HandleOrgBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ProjectManagementDa projDA = new ProjectManagementDa();
            //ProjectOrganization biz = new ProjectOrganization();
            DataView view          = projDA.GetAllOrgsByContactId(contactId).DefaultView;
            DataView notAssociates = projDA.GetAllUnassociatedOrgsByContact(contactId).DefaultView;

            // After Grid has been bound, locate OrgSelects and bind to unassociates organizations
            int blankStart = OrgGrid2.Rows.Count - notAssociates.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < OrgGrid2.Rows.Count; i++)
                GridViewRow  row    = OrgGrid2.Rows[i];
                CaisisSelect OrgSel = row.FindControl("OrgSel") as CaisisSelect;
                //CaisisComboBox OrgRoleBlank = row.FindControl("OrgRoleBlank") as CaisisComboBox;
                CaisisComboBox CaisisComboOrgRole = row.FindControl("CaisisComboOrgRole") as CaisisComboBox;
                ImageButton    OrgDelBtn          = row.FindControl("OrgDelBtn") as ImageButton;

                // Hide delete button from blank rows
                if (i >= blankStart)
                    OrgDelBtn.Visible = false;

                //OrgSel.DataSource = biz.DataSourceView;//view;
                OrgSel.DataSource = BusinessObject.GetAllAsDataView <ProjectOrganization>();
                // Extract organization ID from grid keys
                string orgId = OrgGrid2.DataKeys[i][ProjectOrganization_ProjectContact.OrganizationId].ToString();;
                OrgSel.Value = orgId;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orgId))
                    OrgSel.Enabled = false;