private bool DeleteMyFile(int FileID, int EventID) { bool result = true; ProjectEventService pes = new ProjectEventService(); string dir = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PhysicalPath"]; string virpath = pes.GetProjectEventDocument(FileID).PhysicalVirtualPath; System.IO.File.Delete(dir + virpath); pes.DeleteDocument(FileID, EventID); return(result); }
public string WordAutoSave(int FileID, int EventID) { //depending on .ext it is either doc or excel. bool result = true; ProjectEventService pes = new ProjectEventService(); string dir = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PhysicalPath"]; string virpath = dir + pes.GetProjectEventDocument(FileID).PhysicalVirtualPath; try { object filename = virpath; //@"\\\Download\IT\TEST.docx"; Word.Application application = new Word.Application(); application.Visible = true; // int hello = application.Documents.Count(); Word.Document document = application.Documents.Open(filename); } catch (Exception e) { return("Exception caught. " + e); } return(virpath); }
public ActionResult UserAction(string useraction, ProjectEvent o, string SSPOrGrantee) { if (Session["ProposalID"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Search", "ProposalInfo")); } ProjectEventService pes = new ProjectEventService(); switch (useraction.ToLower()) { case "generate file from template": if (o.EventID > 0) { pes.Update(o); } return(RedirectToAction("SelectTemplate", new { ProjectID = o.ProjectID, EventID = o.EventID, EventTypeID = o.EventTypeID, ReportPeriodID = o.ReportPeriodID })); case "insert": // if (o.EventID > 0) pes.Insert(o); break; return(RedirectToAction("SelectTemplate", new { ProjectID = o.ProjectID, EventID = o.EventID, o.ReportPeriodID })); case "update": if (o.EventID > 0) //there must be eventID and user must be logged in. { pes.Update(o); if (Request.Files.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Files[i].FileName)) { string FileKey; FileKey = Request.Files.GetKey(i); string FileID; FileID = FileKey.Replace("files_", ""); string dir = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PhysicalPath"]; //string MyString=""; //int FileLen; //System.IO.Stream MyStream; //FileLen = Request.Files[i].ContentLength; //byte[] input = new byte[FileLen]; //// Initialize the stream. //MyStream = Request.Files[i].InputStream; //// Read the file into the byte array. //MyStream.Read(input, 0, FileLen); //// Copy the byte array into a string. //for (int Loop1 = 0; Loop1 < FileLen; Loop1++) // MyString = MyString + input[Loop1].ToString(); string fileOriginalName = Request.Files[i].FileName; string ExtenSion = Path.GetExtension(fileOriginalName); if (FileID == "0") { #region InsertNewDocument ProjectEventDocument myDoc = new ProjectEventDocument(); string virtdir = "files/" + o.ProjectID.ToString() + "/";//"files/A" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString().Substring(2) + o.ProjectID.ToString() + "/"; dir += virtdir.Replace("/", "\\"); if (!(Directory.Exists(dir))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } string fileformat = o.EventID.ToString() + "_" + o.ProjectID.ToString() + "_"; int fi; //checking other file names to come up with new file number. for (fi = 1; System.IO.File.Exists(dir + fileformat + fi.ToString() + ExtenSion); fi++) { } Request.Files[i].SaveAs(dir + fileformat + fi.ToString() + ExtenSion); myDoc.Author = session.CurrentUser.FirstName + " " + session.CurrentUser.LastName + " " + session.CurrentUser.MiddleName; myDoc.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; myDoc.fileextension = ExtenSion.Replace(".", ""); //needs "doc" myDoc.FileName = fileformat + fi.ToString() + ExtenSion; myDoc.PhysicalAbsolutePath = dir + fileformat + fi.ToString() + ExtenSion; myDoc.PhysicalVirtualPath = "\\" + virtdir.Replace("/", "\\") + fileformat + fi.ToString() + ExtenSion; myDoc.UpdatedDate = myDoc.CreatedDate; myDoc.WebVirtualPath = "/" + virtdir + fileformat + fi.ToString() + ExtenSion; pes.InsertDocument(myDoc, o.EventID); #endregion } else { #region Update Document //with different file extension it won't work. //get object by fileid //update object ProjectEventDocument myDoc = pes.GetProjectEventDocument(int.Parse(FileID)); //System.IO.File.WriteAllText(dir + myDoc.PhysicalVirtualPath, MyString); if (myDoc.fileextension == ExtenSion.Replace(".", "")) //if extensions are the same then Update allowed. { Request.Files[i].SaveAs(dir + myDoc.PhysicalVirtualPath); myDoc.Author = session.CurrentUser.FirstName + " " + session.CurrentUser.LastName + " " + session.CurrentUser.MiddleName;; myDoc.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; pes.UpdateProjectEventDocument(myDoc); } //get object by fileid //update object #endregion } } } } } break; case "delete": string mydir = Request.MapPath("~"); foreach (var item in o.ProjectEventDocs) { try { System.IO.File.Delete(mydir + item.ProjectEventDocument.PhysicalVirtualPath); } catch (Exception ex) { } DeleteMyFile(item.ProjectEventDocumentID, o.EventID); } pes.Delete(o.EventID); break; } return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { id = o.EventID })); }