public void TestGetStoreLocationFromItem() { //Arrange var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test7") .Options; StoreLocation storeLocation = new StoreLocation() { Location = "Houston" }; StoreItem storeItem = new StoreItem() { itemName = "Chicken", itemPrice = 5 }; string checkLocation; int userOrderId = 1; //Act using (var db3 = new Project1Context(options)) { storeItem.StoreLocation = storeLocation; db3.AddRange(storeLocation, storeItem); db3.SaveChanges(); //retrieving the locational information from item checkLocation = db3.StoreItems.Include(x => x.StoreLocation) .First(x => x.StoreItemId == userOrderId).StoreLocation.Location; } //Assert using (var db3 = new Project1Context(options)) { //if relationship stands, the checkLocation should return Houston Assert.Equal("Houston", checkLocation); } }
public Users Get(int id) { using (Project1Context entities = new Project1Context()) { return(entities.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserID == id)); } }
public async Task <List <Accounts> > GetChecking(Project1Context c, string userId) { var _repo = new AccountsRepo(c); List <Accounts> all = await _repo.GetAll(userId); return(all.Where(a => a.Type.Id == _repo.GetTypeId("Checking")).ToList()); }
public void GetAllAddressWithNoAddressShouldReturnNull() { // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db_customer_test_create_address_2").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new CustomerRepository(db); Customers customer = new Customers { FirstName = "First Name", LastName = "Last Name" }; repo.Save(customer); repo.SaveChanges(); } // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { Customers customer = db.Customers.Include(m => m.Addresses).First(m => m.FirstName == "First Name" && m.LastName == "Last Name"); List <Addresses> addresses = customer.Addresses.ToList(); Assert.Empty(addresses); } }
public void GetAllAddress() { List <Addresses> listAddresses = new List <Addresses>(); // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db_customer_test_create_address").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new CustomerRepository(db); Customers customer = new Customers { FirstName = "First Name", LastName = "Last Name" }; Addresses address = new Addresses { CustomerId = customer.Id, Address1 = "Address 1", City = "City 1", State = "S1", Zipcode = 12345 }; customer.Addresses.Add(address); listAddresses.Add(address); address = new Addresses { CustomerId = customer.Id, Address1 = "Address 2", City = "City 2", State = "S2", Zipcode = 12345 }; customer.Addresses.Add(address); listAddresses.Add(address); address = new Addresses { CustomerId = customer.Id, Address1 = "Address 3", City = "City 3", State = "S3", Zipcode = 12345 }; customer.Addresses.Add(address); listAddresses.Add(address); repo.Save(customer); repo.SaveChanges(); } // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { Customers customer = db.Customers.Include(m => m.Addresses).First(m => m.FirstName == "First Name" && m.LastName == "Last Name"); List <Addresses> addresses = customer.Addresses.ToList(); Assert.Equal(listAddresses.Count, addresses.Count); for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Count; i++) { Assert.NotEqual(0, addresses[i].Id); Assert.Equal(customer.Id, addresses[i].CustomerId); Assert.Equal(listAddresses[i].Address1, addresses[i].Address1); Assert.Equal(listAddresses[i].Address2, addresses[i].Address2); Assert.Equal(listAddresses[i].City, addresses[i].City); Assert.Equal(listAddresses[i].State, addresses[i].State); Assert.Equal(listAddresses[i].Zipcode, addresses[i].Zipcode); } } }
public void GetByIdWorks() { int id = 0; // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db_customer_test_getById").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new CustomerRepository(db); Customers customer = new Customers { FirstName = "First Name", LastName = "Last Name" }; repo.Save(customer); repo.SaveChanges(); id = customer.Id; } // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new CustomerRepository(db); Customers customer = (Customers)repo.GetById(id); Assert.Equal("First Name", customer.FirstName); Assert.Equal("Last Name", customer.LastName); Assert.NotEqual(0, customer.Id); // should get some generated ID } }
public void TestHomeControllerLocation() { //Arrange var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test17") .Options; StoreLocation storeLocation = new StoreLocation() { Location = "Houston" }; IEnumerable <StoreLocation> locations; using (var db1 = new Project1Context(options)) { db1.Add(storeLocation); db1.SaveChanges(); locations = db1.StoreLocations; } var mock = new Mock <IRepoStoreLocation>(); mock.Setup(x => x.GetAllStoreLocations()).Returns(locations); var controller = new HomeController(null, null, mock.Object, null, null, null); //Act var actual = controller.Location(); //Assert var viewResult = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ViewResult>(actual); var list = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <IEnumerable <StoreLocation> >(viewResult.Model); }
public void DeleteWithIdThatDoesntExistThrowsException() { int id = 1000; // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db__ingredient_test_delete").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) /*using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) * { * var repo = new IngredientRepository(db); * * Ingredients ingredient = new Ingredients { Name = "Test Delete", Stock = 10 }; * repo.Save(ingredient); * repo.SaveChanges(); * id = ingredient.Id; * }*/ // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new IngredientRepository(db); Ingredients ingredient = (Ingredients)repo.GetById(id); Assert.Null(ingredient); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => repo.Delete(id)); } }
public ActionResult Login(Users account, FormCollection form, int?id, bool rememberMe = false) { Session["degrees"] = id; //Session["userID"] = userid; using (Project1Context db = new Project1Context()) { //var usr = db.user.Single(u => u.userEmail = account.userEmail && u.uPassword == account.uPassword).FirstOrDefault; var usr = db.User.Where(Users => Users.Email == account.Email && Users.Password == account.Password).FirstOrDefault(); if (usr != null) { Session["UserID"] = usr.UserID.ToString(); Session["username"] = usr.Email.ToString(); FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(usr.Email, rememberMe); return(RedirectToAction("Degrees", "Home", new { id = Session["degrees"], userid = Session["UserID"] })); // return RedirectToAction("Index", "MissionQuestions", new { id = Session["mission"] }); } else { ModelState.AddModelError(" ", "Username or password is wrong. "); // return RedirectToAction("Index"); } } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Degrees(Project1Context filtercontext, string type) { ViewBag.Type = type; ViewBag.Form = "<div class=\"row\"> <div class=\"col-xs-2\">Post any questions here:</div><div class=\"col-xs-3\"><fieldset><div><textarea rows=\"6\" cols=\"50\">Enter Question...</textarea></div></fieldset></div><div class=\"col-xs-1\"><br><br><br><br><br><button>Post</button></div><div class=\"col-xs-2\">Post any answers here:</div><div class=\"col-xs-3\"><fieldset><div><textarea rows=\"6\" cols=\"50\">Enter Answer...</textarea></div></fieldset></div><div class=\"col-xs-1\"><br><br><br><br><br><button>Post</button></div>"; if (type.Equals("Masters")) { ViewBag.DegreeName = "Master's In Information Systems Management"; ViewBag.DegreeCoor = "Dr. Bonnie Anderson"; ViewBag.Title = "Doctor"; ViewBag.Office = "776 TNRB"; ViewBag.PhD = "Information Systems, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001"; ViewBag.Masters = "MAcc, Information Systems, Brigham Young University, 1995"; ViewBag.Bachelors = "BS, Accounting, Brigham Young University, 1995"; ViewBag.Admit = "60"; ViewBag.Img = Url.Content("../../Content/Images/Bonnie.jpg"); } else if (type.Equals("Bachelors")) { ViewBag.DegreeName = "Bachelor's in Information Systems"; ViewBag.DegreeCoor = "Dr. Conan Albrecht"; ViewBag.Title = "Doctor"; ViewBag.Office = "780 TNRB"; ViewBag.PhD = "HardKnox University"; ViewBag.Masters = "Brigham Young University"; ViewBag.Bachelors = "Brigham Young University"; ViewBag.Admit = "120"; ViewBag.Img = Url.Content("../../Content/Images/ConanAlbrect.jpg"); } return(View(db.Responses.ToList())); }
public void GetByNameThatDoesntExistsReturnsNull() { string name = "Not existing name"; // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db__ingredient_test_getByName").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new IngredientRepository(db); Ingredients ingredient = new Ingredients { Name = "Test By Name", Stock = 10 }; repo.Save(ingredient); repo.SaveChanges(); } // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new IngredientRepository(db); List <Ingredients> listIngredients = (List <Ingredients>)repo.GetByName(name); Assert.Empty(listIngredients); } }
public void GetLocationsWorks() { // arrange var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>().UseInMemoryDatabase("get_locations_test").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { db.Location.Add(new DataAccess.Location { Name = "a" }); db.Location.Add(new DataAccess.Location { Name = "b" }); db.SaveChanges(); } List <Library.Location> locations = new List <Library.Location>(); using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { //nothing var repo = new DataRepository(db); locations = repo.GetLocations(); } Assert.Equal("a", locations[0].Name); Assert.Equal("b", locations[1].Name); }
public void CreateIngredientsWorks() { // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db__ingredient_test_create").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new IngredientRepository(db); Ingredients ingredient = new Ingredients { Name = "Test", Stock = 10 }; repo.Save(ingredient); repo.SaveChanges(); } // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { Ingredients ingredient = db.Ingredients.First(m => m.Name == "Test"); Assert.Equal("Test", ingredient.Name); Assert.Equal(10, ingredient.Stock); Assert.NotEqual(0, ingredient.Id); // should get some generated ID } }
public void DeleteWithIdThatDoesntExistThrowsException() { int id = 1000; // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db_pizza_test_delete").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) //using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) //{ //var repo = new PizzaRepository(db); //Pizzas Pizza = new Pizzas { Name = "Test Delete", Stock = 10 }; //repo.Save(Pizza); //repo.SaveChanges(); //id = Pizza.Id; //} // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new PizzaRepository(db); Pizzas Pizza = (Pizzas)repo.GetById(id); Assert.Null(Pizza); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => repo.Delete(id)); } }
public void GetUsersWorks() { // arrange var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>().UseInMemoryDatabase("get_users_test").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { db.User.Add(new DataAccess.User { FirstName = "a", LastName = "b" }); db.User.Add(new DataAccess.User { FirstName = "c", LastName = "d" }); db.SaveChanges(); } List <Lib.User> users = new List <Lib.User>(); using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { //nothing var repo = new DataRepository(db); users = repo.GetUsers(); } Assert.Equal("a", users[0].FirstName); Assert.Equal("b", users[0].LastName); Assert.Equal("c", users[1].FirstName); Assert.Equal("d", users[1].LastName); }
public IEnumerable <Users> Get() { using (Project1Context entities = new Project1Context()) { return(entities.Users.ToList()); } }
public void CheckAddsLocationToDbTestPersist() { //Test1 //Arrange var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test1") .Options; //Act using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { // adds location to the table db.StoreLocations.Add(new StoreLocation { Location = "Houston" }); db.StoreLocations.Add(new StoreLocation { Location = "Dallas" }); db.SaveChanges(); } //Assert using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { //counts the total locations in the location table Assert.Equal(2, db.StoreLocations.Count()); //select the first location in table Assert.Equal("Houston", db.StoreLocations.First(x => x.StoreLocationId == 1).Location); } }
public void GetByIdWorks() { int id = 0; // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db__ingredient_test_getById").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new IngredientRepository(db); Ingredients ingredient = new Ingredients { Name = "Test By Id", Stock = 10 }; repo.Save(ingredient); repo.SaveChanges(); id = ingredient.Id; } // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new IngredientRepository(db); Ingredients ingredient = (Ingredients)repo.GetById(id); Assert.NotEqual(0, ingredient.Id); Assert.Equal("Test By Id", ingredient.Name); Assert.Equal(10, ingredient.Stock); } }
public AddressRepository(Project1Context db) { _db = db ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(db)); // code-first style, make sure the database exists by now. db.Database.EnsureCreated(); }
public void GetByIdThatDoesntExistReturnsNull() { int id = 100; // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db_address_test_getById").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) //using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) //{ //var repo = new AddressRepository(db); //Addresses Address = new Addresses { Name = "Test By Id", Stock = 10 }; //repo.Save(Address); //repo.SaveChanges(); //id = Address.Id; //} // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new AddressRepository(db); Addresses Address = (Addresses)repo.GetById(id); Assert.Null(Address); } }
public BaseController(Project1Context context = null) { if (context != null) { _context = new Project1Context(); } }
public void GetByNameWorks() { List <Customers> inserted = new List <Customers>(); string name = "Test"; string nameWrong = "Name"; int id = 0; // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db_customer_test_getByName_List").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new CustomerRepository(db); Customers customer = new Customers { FirstName = "First Test", LastName = "Last" }; repo.Save(customer); inserted.Add(customer); customer = new Customers { FirstName = "First", LastName = "Last Test" }; repo.Save(customer); inserted.Add(customer); customer = new Customers { FirstName = "First Name", LastName = "Last Name" }; repo.Save(customer); inserted.Add(customer); repo.SaveChanges(); } // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new CustomerRepository(db); List <Customers> list = (List <Customers>)repo.GetByName(name); Assert.Equal(2, list.Count); foreach (Customers customer in list) { Assert.NotEqual(0, customer.Id); Assert.DoesNotContain(nameWrong, customer.FirstName); Assert.DoesNotContain(nameWrong, customer.LastName); //Assert if the string searched is contained in FirstName OR LastName bool contains = customer.FirstName.Contains(name) || customer.LastName.Contains(name); Assert.True(contains); } } }
public void UpdateWithWorngIdShouldReturnException() { int id = 0; int idWrong = 1000; // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db_address_test_delete").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var customerRepo = new CustomerRepository(db); var repo = new AddressRepository(db); //Create customer Customers customer = new Customers { FirstName = "First Name", LastName = "Last Name" }; customerRepo.Save(customer); customerRepo.SaveChanges(); Addresses address = new Addresses { CustomerId = customer.Id, Address1 = "Ad1 Test", City = "City", State = "ST", Zipcode = 12345 }; repo.Save(address); customerRepo.SaveChanges(); id = address.Id; } // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new AddressRepository(db); Addresses address = (Addresses)repo.GetById(id); Assert.Equal(id, address.Id); Assert.Equal("Ad1 Test", address.Address1); Assert.Equal("City", address.City); Assert.Equal("ST", address.State); Assert.Equal(12345, address.Zipcode); address.Address1 = "Ad1 Test alt"; address.City = "City alt"; address.State = "AL"; address.Zipcode = 98765; Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => repo.Save(address, idWrong)); } }
public AccountsController(Project1Context context, UserManager <YABUser> userManager, ILogger <AccountsController> logger) { _userManager = userManager; _logger = logger; _context = context; _arepo = new AccountsRepo(context); //TODO Remove _trepo = new TransactionsRepo(context); //TODO Remove _bl = new BL(context); }
public void TestServSearchUserByName() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test16") .Options; UserInfo newUser = new UserInfo() { fName = "david", lName = "leblanc", userName = "******", password = "******" }; UserInfo newUser1 = new UserInfo() { fName = "james", lName = "jones", userName = "******", password = "******" }; string firstName = "James"; string lastName = "Jones"; IEnumerable <UserInfo> name; SearchUserByNameModel userOrder = new SearchUserByNameModel(); //Act using (var db1 = new Project1Context(options)) { //adds user to the table db1.Add(newUser); db1.Add(newUser1); db1.SaveChanges(); name = db1.UserInfos; //if both first name and last name is empty display no name if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName)) { name = name.Where(x => x.fName.Contains("0")); userOrder.userInfos = name.ToList(); } //if something is entered into first name search any first name that contain that letter else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName)) { name = name.Where(x => x.fName.Contains(firstName.ToLower())); } //if something is entered into last name search any last name that contain that letter else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName)) { name = name.Where(x => x.lName.Contains(lastName.ToLower())); } //store the list of names that match into a list userOrder.userInfos = name.ToList(); } var selectedName = userOrder.userInfos.First().fName; //Assert Assert.Equal("james", selectedName); }
public void GetByNameWorks() { List <Ingredients> inserted = new List <Ingredients>(); string name = "Test"; string nameWrong = "Name 3"; int id = 0; // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db__ingredient_test_getByName_List").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new IngredientRepository(db); Ingredients ingredient = new Ingredients { Name = "Test By Name", Stock = 10 }; repo.Save(ingredient); inserted.Add(ingredient); ingredient = new Ingredients { Name = "Test By Name 2", Stock = 10 }; repo.Save(ingredient); inserted.Add(ingredient); ingredient = new Ingredients { Name = "Name 3", Stock = 10 }; repo.Save(ingredient); inserted.Add(ingredient); repo.SaveChanges(); } // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new IngredientRepository(db); List <Ingredients> list = (List <Ingredients>)repo.GetByName(name); Assert.Equal(2, list.Count); foreach (Ingredients ingredient in list) { Assert.NotEqual(0, ingredient.Id); Assert.NotEqual(nameWrong, ingredient.Name); Assert.Contains(name, ingredient.Name); Assert.Equal(10, ingredient.Stock); } } }
public void DeleteWorks() { int id = 0; // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db_address_test_delete").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var customerRepo = new CustomerRepository(db); var repo = new AddressRepository(db); //Create customer Customers customer = new Customers { FirstName = "First Name", LastName = "Last Name" }; customerRepo.Save(customer); customerRepo.SaveChanges(); Addresses address = new Addresses { CustomerId = customer.Id, Address1 = "Ad1 Test Delete", City = "City Delete", State = "ST", Zipcode = 12345 }; repo.Save(address); customerRepo.SaveChanges(); id = address.Id; } // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new AddressRepository(db); Addresses address = (Addresses)repo.GetById(id); Assert.Equal(id, address.Id); Assert.Equal("Ad1 Test Delete", address.Address1); Assert.Equal("City Delete", address.City); Assert.Equal("ST", address.State); Assert.Equal(12345, address.Zipcode); repo.Delete(id); repo.SaveChanges(); address = (Addresses)repo.GetById(id); Assert.Null(address); } }
public void TestAddUserOrderToDb() { //Arrange var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test10") .Options; UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo() { fName = "David", lName = "Leblanc", userName = "******", password = "******" }; StoreLocation storeLocation = new StoreLocation() { Location = "Houston" }; StoreItem storeItem = new StoreItem() { itemName = "Chicken", itemPrice = 5 }; storeItem.StoreLocation = storeLocation; int userOrderId; //Act using (var db3 = new Project1Context(options)) { db3.AddRange(userInfo, storeLocation, storeItem); db3.SaveChanges(); //retrieves user information from username var aUserInfo = db3.UserInfos.First(x => x.userName == userInfo.userName); //retrieves store location from store item id var location = db3.StoreLocations .First(x => x.StoreLocationId == db3.StoreItems.Include(x => x.StoreLocation) .First(x => x.StoreItemId == 1).StoreLocation.StoreLocationId); var newOrder = new UserOrder { UserInfo = aUserInfo, StoreLocation = location, timeStamp = DateTime.Now }; db3.Add(newOrder); db3.SaveChanges(); userOrderId = db3.UserOrders.First().UserOrderId; } //Assert using (var db3 = new Project1Context(options)) { //checks if an order exists within the database Assert.Equal(1, userOrderId); } }
public void UpdateWithWorngIdShouldReturnException() { int id = 0; int idWrong = 1000; // arrange (use the context directly - we assume that works) var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project1Context>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("db_pizza_test_delete").Options; using (var db = new Project1Context(options)); // act (for act, only use the repo, to test it) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new PizzaRepository(db); var ingredientRepository = new IngredientRepository(db); Ingredients ingredient = new Ingredients() { Name = "Ingredient", Stock = 10 }; ingredientRepository.Save(ingredient); ingredientRepository.SaveChanges(); Pizzas pizza = new Pizzas { Name = "Pizza 1", Price = 20, }; pizza.PizzasIngredients.Add(new PizzasIngredients() { IngredientId = ingredient.Id }); repo.Save(pizza); repo.SaveChanges(); id = pizza.Id; } // assert (for assert, once again use the context directly for verify.) using (var db = new Project1Context(options)) { var repo = new PizzaRepository(db); Pizzas pizza = (Pizzas)repo.GetById(id); Assert.NotEqual(0, pizza.Id); Assert.Equal("Pizza 1", pizza.Name); Assert.Equal(20, pizza.Price); pizza.Name = "Pizza 1 alt"; pizza.Price = 40; Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => repo.Save(pizza, idWrong)); } }
public DeletePersonalDataModel( UserManager <YABUser> userManager, SignInManager <YABUser> signInManager, Project1Context context, ILogger <DeletePersonalDataModel> logger) { _userManager = userManager; _signInManager = signInManager; _logger = logger; _custRepo = new CustomersRepo(context); }