public bool Write_ShopC_Items(NavigationButtons.Navigation xnav) { string Currency_Name = null; string Currency_Abbreviation = null; string Currency_Symbol = null; int Currency_Code = 0; int Currency_DecimalPlaces = 2; if (f_Currency.Get(myOrg.Default_Currency_ID, ref Currency_Abbreviation, ref Currency_Name, ref Currency_Symbol, ref Currency_Code, ref Currency_DecimalPlaces)) { xnav.ChildDialog = new Form_Items_Samples(xnav, lngRPM.s_Shop_C.s); xnav.bDoModal = false; xnav.ShowDialog(); if (xnav.eExitResult == NavigationButtons.Navigation.eEvent.NEXT) { if (((Form_Items_Samples)xnav.ChildDialog).bAutoGenerateDemoSampleItems) { int iNumberOfGroupsInLevel3 = ((Form_Items_Samples)xnav.ChildDialog).iNumberOfGroupsInLevel3; int iNumberOfGroupsInLevel2 = ((Form_Items_Samples)xnav.ChildDialog).iNumberOfGroupsInLevel2; int iNumberOfGroupsInLevel1 = ((Form_Items_Samples)xnav.ChildDialog).iNumberOfGroupsInLevel1; int iNumberOfItemsPerGroup = ((Form_Items_Samples)xnav.ChildDialog).iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; int iNumberOfAll = ((Form_Items_Samples)xnav.ChildDialog).iNumberOffAll(); SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item[] SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List = new SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item[iNumberOfAll]; int j = 0; string ShopC_Item_Abbreviation = null; string ShopC_Item_Name = null; string sl3 = null; string sl2 = null; string sl1 = null; int i1 = 0; int i2 = 0; int i3 = 0; int ig = 0; if (iNumberOfGroupsInLevel3 > 0) { for (i3 = 0; i3 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel3; i3++) { string sln3 = "L3g" + i3.ToString(); sl3 = "." + sln3; for (i2 = 0; i2 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel2; i2++) { string sln2 = sln3 + "L2g" + i2.ToString(); sl2 = "." + sln2; for (i1 = 0; i1 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel1; i1++) { string sln1 = sln3 + sln2 + "L1g" + i1.ToString(); sl1 = "." + sln1; for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopC_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sln1; ShopC_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sln1; SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item( ShopC_Item_Name, ShopC_Item_Abbreviation, new int_v(1), sl1, sl2, sl3, lngRPMS.s_Piece.s, lngRPMS.s_PieceAbr.s, 0, true, null, null, lngRPM.s_Description.s, 180, 60, 10, null, -1, -1, null, null, true, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), null, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 10M, new decimal_v(0) ); j++; } } for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopC_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sln2; ShopC_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sln2; SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item( ShopC_Item_Name, ShopC_Item_Abbreviation, new int_v(1), sl2, sl3, null, lngRPMS.s_Piece.s, lngRPMS.s_PieceAbr.s, 0, true, null, null, lngRPM.s_Description.s, 180, 60, 10, null, -1, -1, null, null, true, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), null, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 10M, new decimal_v(0) ); j++; } } for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopC_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sln3; ShopC_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sln3; SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item( ShopC_Item_Name, ShopC_Item_Abbreviation, new int_v(1), sl3, null, null, lngRPMS.s_Piece.s, lngRPMS.s_PieceAbr.s, 0, true, null, null, lngRPM.s_Description.s, 180, 60, 10, null, -1, -1, null, null, true, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), null, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 10M, new decimal_v(0) ); j++; } } for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopC_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + "noL1noL2noL3"; ShopC_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + "noL1noL2noL3"; SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item( ShopC_Item_Name, ShopC_Item_Abbreviation, new int_v(1), null, null, null, lngRPMS.s_Piece.s, lngRPMS.s_PieceAbr.s, 0, true, null, null, lngRPM.s_Description.s, 180, 60, 10, null, -1, -1, null, null, true, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), null, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 10M, new decimal_v(0) ); j++; } } else if (iNumberOfGroupsInLevel2 > 0) { for (i2 = 0; i2 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel2; i2++) { sl2 = ".L2g" + i2.ToString(); for (i1 = 0; i1 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel1; i1++) { sl1 = ".L1g" + i1.ToString(); for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopC_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sl2 + sl1; ShopC_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sl2 + sl1; SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item( ShopC_Item_Name, ShopC_Item_Abbreviation, new int_v(1), sl1, sl2, null, lngRPMS.s_Piece.s, lngRPMS.s_PieceAbr.s, 0, true, null, null, lngRPM.s_Description.s, 180, 60, 10, null, -1, -1, null, null, true, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), null, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 10M, new decimal_v(0) ); j++; } } } for (i2 = 0; i2 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel2; i2++) { sl2 = ".L2g" + i2.ToString() + "(...)"; for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopC_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sl2; ShopC_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sl2; SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item( ShopC_Item_Name, ShopC_Item_Abbreviation, new int_v(1), sl2, null, null, lngRPMS.s_Piece.s, lngRPMS.s_PieceAbr.s, 0, true, null, null, lngRPM.s_Description.s, 180, 60, 10, null, -1, -1, null, null, true, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), null, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 10M, new decimal_v(0) ); j++; } } sl2 = "(...)"; for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopC_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sl2; ShopC_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sl2; SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item( ShopC_Item_Name, ShopC_Item_Abbreviation, new int_v(1), null, null, null, lngRPMS.s_Piece.s, lngRPMS.s_PieceAbr.s, 0, true, null, null, lngRPM.s_Description.s, 180, 60, 10, null, -1, -1, null, null, true, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), null, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 10M, new decimal_v(0) ); j++; } } else if (iNumberOfGroupsInLevel1 > 0) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel1; i1++) { sl1 = ".L1g" + i1.ToString(); for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopC_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sl1; ShopC_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sl1; SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item( ShopC_Item_Name, ShopC_Item_Abbreviation, new int_v(1), sl1, null, null, lngRPMS.s_Piece.s, lngRPMS.s_PieceAbr.s, 0, true, null, null, lngRPM.s_Description.s, 180, 60, 10, null, -1, -1, null, null, true, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), null, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 10M, new decimal_v(0) ); j++; } } sl1 = "(...)"; for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopC_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sl1; ShopC_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sl1; SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item( ShopC_Item_Name, ShopC_Item_Abbreviation, new int_v(1), null, null, null, lngRPMS.s_Piece.s, lngRPMS.s_PieceAbr.s, 0, true, null, null, lngRPM.s_Description.s, 180, 60, 10, null, -1, -1, null, null, true, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), null, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 10M, new decimal_v(0) ); j++; } } else { sl1 = "(...)"; for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopC_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sl1; ShopC_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopC_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sl1; SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item( ShopC_Item_Name, ShopC_Item_Abbreviation, new int_v(1), null, null, null, lngRPMS.s_Piece.s, lngRPMS.s_PieceAbr.s, 0, true, null, null, lngRPM.s_Description.s, 180, 60, 10, null, -1, -1, null, null, true, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), null, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 10M, new decimal_v(0) ); j++; } } //{new if (j != iNumberOfAll) { LogFile.Error.Show("ERROR:SampleDB:Write_ShopB_Items:Calculated number of items " + iNumberOfAll.ToString() + " is not equal to iterating number j in loop:" + j.ToString()); } int k = 0; int SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List_Count = SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List.Count(); ProgressForm.Progress_Thread progress = new ProgressForm.Progress_Thread(); progress.sLabel1 = lngRPMS.s_WriteItemsToDatabase.s + SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List_Count.ToString(); progress.Start(); f_Expiry.Expiry_v expiry_v = new f_Expiry.Expiry_v(); f_Warranty.Warranty_v warranty_v = new f_Warranty.Warranty_v(); f_Expiry.Expiry_v xexpiry_v = null; f_Warranty.Warranty_v xwarranty_v = null; for (k = 0; k < SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List_Count; k++) { xexpiry_v = null; xwarranty_v = null; SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item sample_ShopC_Item = SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List[k]; if (sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_Expiry_ExpectedShelfLifeInDays >= 0) { expiry_v.ExpectedShelfLifeInDays = sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_Expiry_ExpectedShelfLifeInDays; expiry_v.DiscardBeforeExpiryDateInDays = sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_Expiry_DiscardBeforeExpiryDateInDays; expiry_v.SaleBeforeExpiryDateInDays = sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_Expiry_SaleBeforeExpiryDateInDays; expiry_v.ExpiryDescription = sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_Expiry_ExpiryDescription; xexpiry_v = expiry_v; } if (sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_Warranty_WarrantyDuration >= 0) { warranty_v.WarrantyDuration = sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_Warranty_WarrantyDuration; warranty_v.WarrantyDurationType = sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_Warranty_WarrantyDurationType; warranty_v.WarrantyConditions = sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_Warranty_WarrantyConditions; xwarranty_v = warranty_v; } if (f_Item.Get(sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_Name, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_UniqueName, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_ToOffer, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_Image, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_Code, "komad", "kom.", 0, true, "Artikli kot komadi.", null, null, xexpiry_v, xwarranty_v, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_ParentGroup1, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_ParentGroup2, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_ParentGroup3, ref sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Item_Unit_ID, ref sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_Item_ID )) { if (f_PriceList.Get(sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_PriceList_Name, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_PriceList_valid, myOrg.Default_Currency_ID, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_PriceList_ValidFrom_v, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_PriceList_ValidTo_v, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_PriceList_CreationDate_v, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_PriceList_Description, ref sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_PriceList_ID)) { if (f_Taxation.Get(sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_TaxationName, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_TaxationRate, ref sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_Taxation_ID)) { if (f_Price_Item.Get(sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_RetailPricePerUnit, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_Discount_v, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_Taxation_ID, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_Item_ID, sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_PriceList_ID, ref sample_ShopC_Item.ShopC_Price_Item_ID )) { if (k % 5 == 0) { GC.Collect(); int iPercent = ((int)(k * 100) / SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List_Count); progress.Message(null, lngRPMS.s_ItemsWrittenToDB.s + " " + k.ToString(), lngRPMS.s_JobInPercentDone.s + " " + iPercent.ToString() +"%", iPercent); } if (progress.bCancel || progress.bEnd) { return true; } } else { progress.End(); return false; } } else { progress.End(); return false; } } else { progress.End(); return false; } } else { progress.End(); return false; } SampleDB_Price_ShopC_Item_List[k] = null; sample_ShopC_Item = null; } progress.End(); } } return true; } else { return false; } }
public bool Write_ShopB_Items(NavigationButtons.Navigation xnav) { string Currency_Name = null; string Currency_Abbreviation = null; string Currency_Symbol = null; int Currency_Code = 0; int Currency_DecimalPlaces = 2; if (f_Currency.Get(myOrg.Default_Currency_ID, ref Currency_Abbreviation, ref Currency_Name, ref Currency_Symbol, ref Currency_Code, ref Currency_DecimalPlaces)) { xnav.ChildDialog = new Form_Items_Samples(xnav, lngRPM.s_Shop_B.s); xnav.bDoModal = false; xnav.ShowDialog(); if (xnav.eExitResult == NavigationButtons.Navigation.eEvent.NEXT) { if (((Form_Items_Samples)xnav.ChildDialog).bAutoGenerateDemoSampleItems) { int iNumberOfGroupsInLevel3 = ((Form_Items_Samples)xnav.ChildDialog).iNumberOfGroupsInLevel3; int iNumberOfGroupsInLevel2 = ((Form_Items_Samples)xnav.ChildDialog).iNumberOfGroupsInLevel2; int iNumberOfGroupsInLevel1 = ((Form_Items_Samples)xnav.ChildDialog).iNumberOfGroupsInLevel1; int iNumberOfItemsPerGroup = ((Form_Items_Samples)xnav.ChildDialog).iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; int iNumberOfAll = ((Form_Items_Samples)xnav.ChildDialog).iNumberOffAll(); SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item[] SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List = new SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item[iNumberOfAll]; int j = 0; string ShopB_Item_Abbreviation = null; string ShopB_Item_Name = null; string sl3 = null; string sl2 = null; string sl1 = null; int i1 = 0; int i2 = 0; int i3 = 0; int ig = 0; if (iNumberOfGroupsInLevel3 > 0) { for (i3 = 0; i3 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel3; i3++) { string sln3 = "L3g" + i3.ToString(); sl3 = "." + sln3; for (i2 = 0; i2 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel2; i2++) { string sln2 = sln3+"L2g" + i2.ToString(); sl2 = "." + sln2; for (i1 = 0; i1 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel1; i1++) { string sln1 = sln3 + sln2+ "L1g" + i1.ToString(); sl1 = "."+ sln1; for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopB_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sln1; ShopB_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sln1; SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item(ShopB_Item_Name, ShopB_Item_Abbreviation, true, null, null, sl1, sl2, sl3, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), lngRPMS.PriceList_Description.s, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 2, null); j++; } } for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopB_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sln2; ShopB_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sln2; SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item(ShopB_Item_Name, ShopB_Item_Abbreviation, true, null, null, sl2, sl3, null, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), lngRPMS.PriceList_Description.s, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 2, null); j++; } } for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopB_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sln3; ShopB_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sln3; SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item(ShopB_Item_Name, ShopB_Item_Abbreviation, true, null, null, sl3, null, null, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), lngRPMS.PriceList_Description.s, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 2, null); j++; } } for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopB_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + "noL1noL2noL3"; ShopB_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + "noL1noL2noL3"; SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item(ShopB_Item_Name, ShopB_Item_Abbreviation, true, null, null, null, null, null, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), lngRPMS.PriceList_Description.s, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 2, null); j++; } } else if (iNumberOfGroupsInLevel2 > 0) { for (i2 = 0; i2 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel2; i2++) { sl2 = ".L2g" + i2.ToString(); for (i1 = 0; i1 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel1; i1++) { sl1 = ".L1g" + i1.ToString(); for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopB_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sl2 + sl1; ShopB_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sl2 + sl1; SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item(ShopB_Item_Name, ShopB_Item_Abbreviation, true, null, null, sl1, sl2, null, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), lngRPMS.PriceList_Description.s, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 2, null); j++; } } } for (i2 = 0; i2 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel2; i2++) { sl2 = ".L2g" + i2.ToString() + "(...)"; for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopB_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sl2; ShopB_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sl2; SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item(ShopB_Item_Name, ShopB_Item_Abbreviation, true, null, null, sl2, null, null, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), lngRPMS.PriceList_Description.s, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 2, null); j++; } } sl2 = "(...)"; for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopB_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sl2; ShopB_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sl2; SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item(ShopB_Item_Name, ShopB_Item_Abbreviation, true, null, null, null, null, null, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), lngRPMS.PriceList_Description.s, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 2, null); j++; } } else if (iNumberOfGroupsInLevel1 > 0) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < iNumberOfGroupsInLevel1; i1++) { sl1 = ".L1g" + i1.ToString(); for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopB_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sl1; ShopB_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sl1; SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item(ShopB_Item_Name, ShopB_Item_Abbreviation, true, null, null, sl1, null, null, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), lngRPMS.PriceList_Description.s, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 2, null); j++; } } sl1 = "(...)"; for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopB_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sl1; ShopB_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sl1; SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item(ShopB_Item_Name, ShopB_Item_Abbreviation, true, null, null, null, null, null, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), lngRPMS.PriceList_Description.s, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 2, null); j++; } } else { sl1 = "(...)"; for (ig = 0; ig < iNumberOfItemsPerGroup; ig++) { ShopB_Item_Abbreviation = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Abbreviation_SB.s + ig.ToString() + sl1; ShopB_Item_Name = lngRPMS.ShopB_Item_Name_Item.s + ig.ToString() + sl1; SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List[j] = new SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item(ShopB_Item_Name, ShopB_Item_Abbreviation, true, null, null, null, null, null, lngRPMS.PriceList_Name.s, true, null, null, new DateTime_v(DateTime.Now), lngRPMS.PriceList_Description.s, Currency_Abbreviation, Currency_Name, Currency_Symbol, Currency_Code, Currency_DecimalPlaces, "DDV 22%", 0.22M, 2, null); j++; } } //{new if (j!= iNumberOfAll) { LogFile.Error.Show("ERROR:SampleDB:Write_ShopB_Items:Calculated number of items " + iNumberOfAll.ToString() + " is not equal to iterating number j in loop:" + j.ToString()); } int k = 0; int SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List_Count = SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List.Count(); ProgressForm.Progress_Thread progress = new ProgressForm.Progress_Thread(); progress.sLabel1 = lngRPMS.s_WriteItemsToDatabase.s + SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List_Count.ToString(); progress.Start(); for (k=0;k<SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List_Count;k++) { SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item sample_ShopB_Item = SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List[k]; if (f_SimpleItem.Get(sample_ShopB_Item.ShopB_Item_Name, sample_ShopB_Item.ShopB_Item_Abbreviation, sample_ShopB_Item.ShopB_Item_bToOffer, sample_ShopB_Item.ShopB_Item_Image, sample_ShopB_Item.ShopB_Item_Code_v, sample_ShopB_Item.ShopB_Item_ParentGroup1, sample_ShopB_Item.ShopB_Item_ParentGroup2, sample_ShopB_Item.ShopB_Item_ParentGroup3, ref sample_ShopB_Item.ShopB_Item_ID)) { if (f_PriceList.Get(sample_ShopB_Item.PriceList_Name, sample_ShopB_Item.PriceList_valid, myOrg.Default_Currency_ID, sample_ShopB_Item.PriceList_ValidFrom_v, sample_ShopB_Item.PriceList_ValidTo_v, sample_ShopB_Item.PriceList_CreationDate_v, sample_ShopB_Item.PriceList_Description, ref sample_ShopB_Item.PriceList_ID)) { if (f_Taxation.Get(sample_ShopB_Item.TaxationName, sample_ShopB_Item.TaxationRate, ref sample_ShopB_Item.Taxation_ID)) { if (f_Price_SimpleItem.Get(sample_ShopB_Item.RetailShopB_ItemPrice, sample_ShopB_Item.Discount_v, sample_ShopB_Item.Taxation_ID, sample_ShopB_Item.ShopB_Item_ID, sample_ShopB_Item.PriceList_ID, ref sample_ShopB_Item.Price_ShopB_Item_ID )) { if (k % 5 == 0) { GC.Collect(); int iPercent = ((int)(k * 100) / SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List_Count); progress.Message(null, lngRPMS.s_ItemsWrittenToDB.s+" "+ k.ToString(),lngRPMS.s_JobInPercentDone.s + " " + iPercent.ToString()+"%", iPercent); } if (progress.bCancel|| progress.bEnd) { return true; } } else { progress.End(); return false; } } else { progress.End(); return false; } } else { progress.End(); return false; } } else { progress.End(); return false; } SampleDB_Price_ShopB_Item_List[k] = null; sample_ShopB_Item = null; } progress.End(); } } return true; } else { return false; } }