public static void Launch() { WinService service = new WinService(); //如果是运行的Windows操作系统,则设置控制台标题 if (ProgramUtils.IsRuningOnWindows()) { Console.Title = ProgramUtils.GetProgramVersion(); } service.Start(null); while (true) { Console.Write(">"); var line = Console.ReadLine(); switch (line) { case "": break; case "help": Console.WriteLine("help\t显示帮助"); Console.WriteLine("cls\t清空屏幕"); Console.WriteLine("exit\t退出程序"); break; case "cls": Console.Clear(); break; case "exit": if (ProgramUtils.IsRuningOnWindows()) { Environment.Exit(0); } else { Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } return; default: Console.WriteLine("未知命令,键入help查看帮助"); break; } if (!ProgramUtils.IsRuningOnWindows()) { Console.WriteLine("Unknown have to kill this process to terminal program."); Thread.CurrentThread.Join(); } } }
public CommonButtons() { _VersionLabel = new Label() { Text = ProgramUtils.GetProgramVersion() }; Action_Exit = () => { foreach (var form in Application.OpenForms .Cast <Form>() .ToArray()) { form.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; form.Close(); } Environment.Exit(0); }; Action_Setting = () => new Forms.SettingForm().ShowDialog(); Action_Debug = () => ProgramUtils.StartSelfProcess("-debug", false, false); }