public Schuss(int left, int top, Program.Direction direction) { this.direction = direction; switch (direction) { case Program.Direction.UP: this.left = left; = --top; break; case Program.Direction.DOWN: this.left = left; = ++top; break; case Program.Direction.LEFT: this.left = --left; = top; break; case Program.Direction.RIGHT: this.left = ++left; = top; break; } }
public void Move(string d, int a) { switch (d) { case "left": if (this.PosY - a <= 5) { SetPosition(this.PosX, this.PosY - a); Dir = Program.Direction.Left; } else { Console.WriteLine("Out Of Bounds"); } break; case "down": if (this.PosX + a <= 5) { SetPosition(this.PosX + a, this.PosY); Dir = Program.Direction.Down; } else { Console.WriteLine("Out Of Bounds"); } break; case "up": if (this.PosX - a <= 5) { SetPosition(this.PosX - a, this.PosY); Dir = Program.Direction.Up; } else { Console.WriteLine("Out Of Bounds"); } break; case "right": if (this.PosY + a <= 5) { SetPosition(this.PosX, this.PosY + a); Dir = Program.Direction.Right; } else { Console.WriteLine("Out Of Bounds"); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid Direction"); break; } }
public Player(int x, int y, Program.Direction d) : base(x, y) { Dir = d; PosX = x; PosY = y; AddObject(x, y); }
public static void Move(this Program.Direction direction) { var tmp = UserLocation; lock (LocationLock) { User.Direction = direction; UserLocation = UserLocation.Move(direction); if (Map.Things[UserLocation.X, UserLocation.Y].HasMass) { throw new Exception("Ya done crashed boi!"); } else { Map.Things[UserLocation.X, UserLocation.Y] = User; Map.Things[tmp.X, tmp.Y] = new Thing(); } } }
public static Location Move(this Location location, Program.Direction direction) { switch (direction) { case Program.Direction.Up: return(new Location(location.X, location.Y + 1)); case Program.Direction.Down: return(new Location(location.X, location.Y - 1)); case Program.Direction.Left: return(new Location(location.X - 1, location.Y)); case Program.Direction.Right: return(new Location(location.X + 1, location.Y)); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(direction), direction, null); } }
public Program.GameStatus UpdateSnake(Program.Direction?currentDirection, ref Program.Direction?previousDirection, Program.BlockType[,] gameGrid, int gameWidth, int gameHeight) { if (currentDirection == null) { return(Program.GameStatus.Playing); } Point snakeHeadOldPosition = Head; Head = DirectionTransofrmation[(int)currentDirection](Head); if (previousDirection != null && Body.Count > 0) { Program.Direction oppistieDirection = (Program.Direction)(3 - currentDirection); if (previousDirection == oppistieDirection && gameGrid[snakeHeadOldPosition.X, snakeHeadOldPosition.Y] == Program.BlockType.Snake) { currentDirection = previousDirection; Head = DirectionTransofrmation[(int)previousDirection](snakeHeadOldPosition); } } // Border check if (Head.X == -1 || Head.X == gameWidth || Head.Y == -1 || Head.Y == gameHeight) { return(Program.GameStatus.Lost); } // Check if the snake ate itself if (gameGrid[Head.X, Head.Y] == Program.BlockType.Snake) { return(Program.GameStatus.Lost); } if (Grow) { Body.Insert(0, Body.Count > 0 ? Body[0] : snakeHeadOldPosition); gameGrid[Body[0].X, Body[0].Y] = Program.BlockType.Snake; for (int i = 1; i < Body.Count; i++) { Body[i] = i + 1 == Body.Count ? snakeHeadOldPosition : Body[i + 1]; gameGrid[Body[i].X, Body[i].Y] = Program.BlockType.Snake; } Grow = false; } else if (Body.Count > 0) { gameGrid[Body[0].X, Body[0].Y] = Program.BlockType.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < Body.Count; i++) { Body[i] = i + 1 == Body.Count ? snakeHeadOldPosition : Body[i + 1]; gameGrid[Body[i].X, Body[i].Y] = Program.BlockType.Snake; } } else { gameGrid[snakeHeadOldPosition.X, snakeHeadOldPosition.Y] = Program.BlockType.Empty; } if (gameGrid[Head.X, Head.Y] == Program.BlockType.Apple) { Grow = true; if (PlaceRandomApple(gameGrid, gameWidth, gameHeight)) { gameGrid[Head.X, Head.Y] = Program.BlockType.Snake; return(Program.GameStatus.Won); } } gameGrid[Head.X, Head.Y] = Program.BlockType.Snake; previousDirection = (Program.Direction)currentDirection; return(Program.GameStatus.Playing); }
public void Move(Program.Direction DirectionOfMove) { CharacterDirection = DirectionOfMove; x += (int)CharacterDirection; }
public Bullet(int x, int y, Program.Direction bulletDirection) { X = x; Y = y; BulletDirection = bulletDirection; }