private void BuildTCV() { double AvailableBalance = PTData.GetCurrentBalance(); foreach (Core.Main.DataObjects.PTMagicData.DCALogData dcaLogEntry in PTData.DCALog) { totalCurrentValue = totalCurrentValue + ((dcaLogEntry.Amount * dcaLogEntry.CurrentPrice) / dcaLogEntry.Leverage); } totalCurrentValue = totalCurrentValue + AvailableBalance; }
private void BuildAssetDistributionData() { // the per PT-Eelroy, the PT API doesn't provide these values when using leverage, so they are calculated here to cover either case. double PairsBalance = 0.0; double DCABalance = 0.0; double PendingBalance = 0.0; double AvailableBalance = PTData.GetCurrentBalance(); bool isSellStrategyTrue = false; bool isTrailingSellActive = false; foreach (Core.Main.DataObjects.PTMagicData.DCALogData dcaLogEntry in PTData.DCALog) { string sellStrategyText = Core.ProfitTrailer.StrategyHelper.GetStrategyText(Summary, dcaLogEntry.SellStrategies, dcaLogEntry.SellStrategy, isSellStrategyTrue, isTrailingSellActive); // Aggregate totals if (dcaLogEntry.Leverage == 0) { if (sellStrategyText.Contains("PENDING")) { PendingBalance = PendingBalance + (dcaLogEntry.Amount * dcaLogEntry.CurrentPrice); } else if (dcaLogEntry.BuyStrategies.Count > 0) { DCABalance = DCABalance + (dcaLogEntry.Amount * dcaLogEntry.CurrentPrice); } else { PairsBalance = PairsBalance + (dcaLogEntry.Amount * dcaLogEntry.CurrentPrice); } } else { if (sellStrategyText.Contains("PENDING")) { PendingBalance = PendingBalance + ((dcaLogEntry.Amount * dcaLogEntry.CurrentPrice) / dcaLogEntry.Leverage); } else if (dcaLogEntry.BuyStrategies.Count > 0) { DCABalance = DCABalance + ((dcaLogEntry.Amount * dcaLogEntry.CurrentPrice) / dcaLogEntry.Leverage); } else { PairsBalance = PairsBalance + ((dcaLogEntry.Amount * dcaLogEntry.CurrentPrice) / dcaLogEntry.Leverage); } } } totalCurrentValue = PendingBalance + DCABalance + PairsBalance + AvailableBalance; AssetDistributionData = "["; AssetDistributionData += "{label: 'Pairs',color: '#82E0AA',value: '" + PairsBalance.ToString("0.00", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + "'},"; AssetDistributionData += "{label: 'DCA',color: '#D98880',value: '" + DCABalance.ToString("0.00", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + "'},"; AssetDistributionData += "{label: 'Pending',color: '#F5B041',value: '" + PendingBalance.ToString("0.00", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + "'},"; AssetDistributionData += "{label: 'Balance',color: '#85C1E9',value: '" + AvailableBalance.ToString("0.00", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + "'}]"; }